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从理论与实证角度分析了CEO开放性特征对战略惯性及组织绩效的作用机制,得到以下研究结论:第一,CEO开放性程度越高,组织越倾向于采取适应环境的动态资源配置战略,从而组织的战略惯性程度越低;第二,CEO的股权拥有程度和自主权高低程度对其开放性程度与组织惯性之间关系起到显著调节作用,即CEO持股水平越高则开放性CEO维持组织战略现状的动机越强,而 CEO所拥有的管理自主权越高则越倾向于去打破组织的战略现状;第三,组织制度环境对CEO开放性程度与战略惯性之间关系同样起到显著的调节作用,在国企任职的CEO相对于家族企业任职的CEO而言,其开放性程度对组织惯性的负向影响程度更小;第四,相比于线性关系,倒U型假设更有助于解释战略惯性与组织绩效之间的关系。  相似文献   

本文基于企业行为理论分析了业绩期望差距与战略调整之间的关系,并探讨了权力主体的特征,即控股股东身份、CEO个性和来源,以及所拥有的资源禀赋的调节作用。基于中国上市公司的数据,得到以下研究结论:(1)随着业绩期望落差的扩大,组织为解决困境和规避利益损失,实施战略调整的程度越大。(2)家族控股股东在业绩期望落差扩大时,因面临经济性和非经济性的损失更高,通过战略变革而规避损失的动机和需求更为强烈,实施战略调整的程度随之提高。(3)开放性和外部聘任的CEO拥有更高的决策能力和行为自由度,从而强化了在业绩期望落差状态下实施战略调整的程度。(4)权力主体所拥有的资源禀赋越多,意味着实施战略变革所需的基础条件越充足,进一步强化了在业绩期望落差扩大时的战略调整程度。本研究充分表明了期望水平与权力主体特征在战略调整过程中的重要性。  相似文献   

检验CEO权力强度如何影响企业战略风格,以及这种影响在不同的制度环境中是否存在差异.研究发现:CEO权力越大,战略风格越趋向于风险型;反之,CEO权力越小,战略风格越趋向于稳健型.制度环境负向调节CEO权力强度与企业战略风格之间的关系.即在其他条件相同的情况下,相对于地区制度环境约束性较强的公司,CEO权力强度对企业战略风格的影响在地区制度环境约束性较弱的公司中更为显著.进一步检验发现,企业战略风格越趋于风险型,企业绩效波动性越大;而企业战略风格在CEO权力与企业绩效波动性之间发挥中介作用.  相似文献   

CEO关联是影响企业内部决策效率和企业绩效的重要因素之一。已有研究大多集中于社会网络关系和人口统计特征相似性产生的关联,忽略了CEO雇佣高管或建议提名董事产生的关联。此外,已有研究过度关注对CEO关联结果的探讨,而忽略了内外部环境要素对CEO关联结果的影响。在此背景下,基于高层梯队理论、现代管家理论和代理理论,从管理者特质和权力的视角,探讨基于雇佣高管或建议提名董事产生的CEO关联的差异对企业绩效的影响机理。以2009年至2014年沪、深两市A股上市公司数据为研究样本,运用STATA 12.0和多元回归分析方法,系统分析并检验基于雇佣高管或建议提名董事产生的CEO关联与企业绩效之间的关系,并进一步考察企业内部治理对这种CEO关联与企业绩效之间关系的调节效应。研究结果表明,CEO与其他高管之间基于雇佣关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间呈现显著的倒U形关系,即随着CEO与其他高管之间关联的增强,企业业绩提升,但当CEO与高管之间的关联程度高于临界值0.400时,随着CEO与其他高管之间关联程度的增强,企业业绩开始下降;CEO与董事之间基于建议提名关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间没有显著的相关关系;股权集中度、董事会勤勉程度和监事会监督力度等企业内部治理机制对CEO和其他高管之间基于雇佣关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间的关系有显著的正向调节作用。民营控股上市企业中CEO和其他高管之间基于雇佣关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间的倒U形关系以及内部治理机制的正向调节作用均显著,而国有控股上市企业中CEO关联与企业绩效之间没有显著的相关关系。研究结果对深入认识CEO关联的价值效应及形成的内在逻辑、防范上市企业治理风险提供了有益启示。建议上市公司适度给予CEO聘任高管的权力,且在公司治理实践中注意运用和平衡企业内部正式机制与非正式机制之间的潜在替代关系,保障差异化情景下企业潜在收益的最大化。  相似文献   

亲缘关系、创新能力与企业绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,CEO与控制性股东之间的亲缘关系会影响企业的创新能力,是解释家族企业治理效率的重要理论依据之一.通过构建有中介的调节变量模型,本文以2001-2005年沪深两市上市的家族企业为样本,实证检验了家族上市公司CEO与控制性股东之间的亲缘关系对企业绩效的影响,以及创新能力在此关系中的中介作用和股权结构的调节作用.结果显示:(1)家族上市公司CEO与控制性股东之间的亲缘关系与企业创新能力和企业绩效之间均存在显著的正相关关系;(2)创新能力与企业绩效之间存在显著的正相关关系,且创新能力在亲缘关系对企业绩效的影响路径中起部分中介作用;(3)股权结构形式对亲缘关系与创新能力和企业绩效之间的关系起显著的调节作用.即相对于直接持股式股权结构.金字塔式股权结构下亲缘关系对企业创新能力和企业绩效的影响更强.  相似文献   

数字化时代,组织惯例更新是企业数字化转型,获取竞争优势的基础,也是组织惯例理论和管理实践关注的焦点。基于社会认同理论,本文以中高层管理者为研究对象,探讨CEO变革型领导行为影响组织惯例更新的机制和情境。通过统计软件SPSS和AMOS对203份高管团队及中层管理者匹配的数据分析发现:CEO变革型领导行为对中层管理者组织认同和组织惯例更新具有正向影响作用,中层管理者组织认同在CEO变革型领导行为与组织惯例更新的关系间起到中介作用。中层管理者集体主义倾向不仅调节了组织认同与组织惯例更新之间的关系,还进一步调节了组织认同在CEO变革型领导行为与组织惯例更新之间关系中的中介效用,即中层管理者集体主义倾向越低,CEO变革型领导行为通过组织认同对组织惯例更新的间接影响作用越强。研究结论有利于深入探讨CEO变革型领导行为影响组织惯例更新的中介机制和情境,并有效指导企业的组织惯例更新实践。  相似文献   

赵海峰  何青  Edison TSE 《管理科学》2017,20(5):102-110
CEO关联是影响企业内部决策效率和企业绩效的重要因素之一。已有研究大多集中于社会网络关系和人口统计特征相似性产生的关联,忽略了CEO雇佣高管或建议提名董事产生的关联。此外,已有研究过度关注对CEO关联结果的探讨,而忽略了内外部环境要素对CEO关联结果的影响。 在此背景下,基于高层梯队理论、现代管家理论和代理理论,从管理者特质和权力的视角,探讨基于雇佣高管或建议提名董事产生的CEO关联的差异对企业绩效的影响机理。以2009年至2014年沪、深两市A股上市公司数据为研究样本,运用STATA 12.0和多元回归分析方法,系统分析并检验基于雇佣高管或建议提名董事产生的CEO关联与企业绩效之间的关系,并进一步考察企业内部治理对这种CEO关联与企业绩效之间关系的调节效应。 研究结果表明,CEO与其他高管之间基于雇佣关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间呈现显著的倒U形关系,即随着CEO与其他高管之间关联的增强,企业业绩提升,但当CEO与高管之间的关联程度高于临界值0.400时,随着CEO与其他高管之间关联程度的增强,企业业绩开始下降;CEO与董事之间基于建议提名关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间没有显著的相关关系;股权集中度、董事会勤勉程度和监事会监督力度等企业内部治理机制对CEO和其他高管之间基于雇佣关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间的关系有显著的正向调节作用。民营控股上市企业中CEO和其他高管之间基于雇佣关系产生的关联与企业绩效之间的倒U形关系以及内部治理机制的正向调节作用均显著,而国有控股上市企业中CEO关联与企业绩效之间没有显著的相关关系。 研究结果对深入认识CEO关联的价值效应及形成的内在逻辑、防范上市企业治理风险提供了有益启示。建议上市公司适度给予CEO聘任高管的权力,且在公司治理实践中注意运用和平衡企业内部正式机制与非正式机制之间的潜在替代关系,保障差异化情景下企业潜在收益的最大化。  相似文献   

期望落差导致决策者倾向于冒险创新还是规避风险, 这仍旧是没有解决的重要问题.创新是决策者的冒险动机与冒险能力共同作用的结果, 并且这种作用还将受到企业内部冗余资源以及外部竞争威胁的制约.基于中国民营上市公司数据, 主要得到以下几方面的结论:期望落差所引致的冒险动机与可感知冒险能力的动态变化, 最终导致了企业决策者随着企业期望落差的递增而提升创新投入, 但拐点之后其冒险创新的动力则逐渐减弱;组织冗余在期望落差与企业创新之间起到显著的正向调节作用, 即充足的冗余资源提高了落差状态下的企业创新投入;竞争威胁则在期望落差与企业创新之间起到显著的负向调节作用, 即企业面临的竞争威胁程度越高则越有可能降低它在期望落差状态下的创新投入;最后, 冗余资源与竞争威胁还显著地影响到企业创新投入的曲率及斜率的动态变化.  相似文献   

基于企业行为理论的洞见,本文选取2007—2018年中国民营上市企业为研究样本,分析了相对绩效表现(即业绩期望差距)对企业竞争战略的影响,以及管理自主权对上述关系的调节作用。研究结果表明:业绩期望落差对企业差异化战略具有正向影响。业绩期望顺差对企业低成本战略具有正向影响。进一步研究表明,随着组织冗余的增加,业绩期望落差对企业差异化战略的正向影响将增强,而业绩期望顺差对企业低成本战略的正向影响将减弱。随着组织惯性的增加,业绩期望落差对企业差异化战略的正向影响以及业绩期望顺差对企业低成本战略的正向影响都将减弱。本文充分表明,企业竞争战略不仅受制于业绩期望差距的方向与大小,还将进一步受制于组织冗余与组织惯性。  相似文献   

孙秀丽  郭宁  郑方  赵曙明 《管理学报》2024,(2):223-231+277
基于高阶理论和社会信息加工理论,通过138家企业的多源多时点数据,探讨了CEO谦卑与企业绩效的非线性关系、作用机制及边界条件。研究结果表明,CEO谦卑与企业绩效之间存在倒U形曲线关系;容错氛围与企业绩效之间存在倒U形曲线关系,容错氛围中介了CEO谦卑和企业绩效之间的倒U形关系;高绩效要求负向调节CEO谦卑和容错氛围与企业绩效的倒U形关系,当企业高绩效要求越低时,倒U形关系越强。  相似文献   

In the broad sociopolitical discussion on education quality within the last decade, it has become apparent that education is gaining importance for urban development, as well as space and the urban context are important dimensions of education. This becomes particularly evident in concepts for local educational landscapes (Ger. Bildungslandschaften). The young field of research on educational landscapes is currently lacking empirical research from spatial and planning sciences. In the paper, the current state of scientific research on educational landscapes in Germany and Europe and first insights to contextual and spatial interfaces and linkages between education and urban development in general are presented.  相似文献   

We develop a new, unified approach to treating continuous‐time stochastic inventory problems with both the average and discounted cost criteria. The approach involves the development of an adjusted discounted cycle cost formula, which has an appealing intuitive interpretation. We show for the first time that an (s, S) policy is optimal in the case of demand having a compound Poisson component as well as a constant rate component. Our demand structure simultaneously generalizes the classical EOQ model and the inventory models with Poisson demand, and we indicate the reasons why this task has been a difficult one. We do not require the surplus cost function to be convex or quasi‐convex as has been assumed in the literature. Finally, we show that the optimal s is unique, but we do not know if optimal S is unique.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey of 400 respondents in Ethiopia about factors generating corruption and the potential of e-Governance to mitigate corruption. It is suggested that e-Governance can help not only in weeding out corruption but also in the establishment of sounder government citizen relationships in Ethiopia. While e-Governance cannot cure all the structural factors that breed corruption in the society, strategic implementation of e-Governance can help improve the critical variable in combating corruption-government citizen relationships. It is argued that while e-Governance initiatives can make important contributions to improving public services they can best do so by helping improve overall relationships between governments and citizens.
R. F. I. SmithEmail:

This article discusses political and economic changes in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe emerging since the demise of the ‘closed system’ in 1989. The presentation explores the range of change, the method and the sequence of change. General lessons in economic transition as identified by Polish Finance Minister Lezak Balcerowicz are discussed. The challenges involved in macroeconomic stabilization, radical liberalization, currency convertibility, subsidy reduction and conversion of state-owned enterprises are reviewed. Despite their complexity, economic and political reforms proved necessary and inevitable. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Contemporary individuals are forced to deal with excessive stimulation, which causes an overload in the cognitive and emotional areas. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possible factors differentiating the perceived level of work and shopping overflow experienced by individuals and consequences of these states. Two psychological variables: cognitive control and sensation seeking, are chosen as potential factors differentiating the perceived levels of overflow. We assume that individuals with high cognitive control and sensation seeking will report lower levels of both types of examined overflows. Experiencing low overflow levels may manifest in the search for additional stimuli, rather than in the desire to limit them. Two indexes of behavior connected to seeking extra stimulation are selected: one belonging to the area of consumer behavior (readiness to participate in the experience economy) and one belonging to vocational behavior (choosing a boundaryless career). The quantitative study is conducted on a sample of 297 management students who are currently employed. The research results support the relation between cognitive control and perceived level of work and shopping overflow. Individuals who can cognitively control the situation and the incoming stimuli report lower levels of overflow. No significant relationship between sensation seeking and the level of overflow is found. The demographic variables that influence the perceived overflow are age and salary for work overflow and age for shopping overflow. As far as consequences of overflow are concerned, a low level of shopping overflow is related to readiness to participate in the experience economy. However, there is no link between work overflow and preferred career pattern. The managerial implications for human resource management and marketing strategy design are discussed.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, productivity research and applications have not been given adequate importance when trying to attain excellence in the management of manufacturing enterprises. Recent developments in managerial philosophies Total Quality Management and Business Process Re-engineering , manufacturing technologies Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, etc. and Information Technology innovations have made the traditional productivity improvement techniques obsolete. This article presents a review consisting of analyses of literature on productivity and a survey of manufacturing enterprises. A five-step preview strategy on productivity is enumerated which provides a meaningful direction towards future productivity research and application. The article is concluded by briefly describing the current research that is being carried out based on the preview strategy evolved.  相似文献   

Anatomic pathology (AP) laboratories provide critical diagnostic information that help determine patient treatments and outcomes, but the risks of AP operations and their impact on patient safety and quality of care remain poorly recognized and undermanaged. Hospital-based laboratories face an operational and risk management challenge because clinical work of unknown quantity and complexity arrives with little advance notice, which results in fluctuations in workload that can push operations beyond planned capacity, leading to diagnostic delays and potential errors. Modeling the dynamics of workload and complexity in AP offers the opportunity to better use available information to manage risks. We developed a stock-and-flow model of a typical AP laboratory operation and identified key exogenous inputs that drive AP work. To test the model, we generated training and validations data sets by combining data from the electronic medical records and laboratory information systems over multiple years. We demonstrate the implementation of 10-day AP work forecast generated on a daily basis, and show its performance in comparison with actual work. Although the model somewhat underpredicts work as currently implemented, it provides a framework for prospective management of resources to ensure quality during workload surges. Although full implementation requires additional model development, we show that AP workload largely depends on few and accessible clinical inputs. Recognizing that level loading of work in a hospital is not practical, predictive modeling of work can empower laboratories to triage, schedule, or mobilize resources more effectively and better manage risks that reduce the quality or timeliness of diagnostic information.  相似文献   

Definitions and linkages between operational and strategic flexibilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alberto  Stefano   《Omega》2005,33(6):525-540
This paper aims at clarifying the concept of strategic flexibility, starting from that much more common of manufacturing flexibility (or operational one). After characterizing the dimensions of the latter, a classification of strategic flexibility is presented which distinguishes four categories. The measures of strategic flexibility are also investigated. Then two analogies are pointed out with the operational flexibility. The first, of the cause-effect type, is on two levels: at the business level, the operational flexibility estimates the variation of practices, while the strategic flexibility measures the effect obtained on performances; at the corporate level, the operational flexibility estimates the variation of competences, while the strategic flexibility evaluates the change in business. The second analogy, related to the classification variables, permits the main types of operational and strategic flexibilities to be placed in a single framework. So this study seeks to provide a framework—which has not been proposed in prior literature—for analyzing and evaluating the correlated concepts of operational and strategic flexibilities, to create a theoretical foundation for future research and empirical testing.  相似文献   


The concept of mental workload has long been recognized as an important factor in individual performance within complex systems. It is documented that either overload or underload may degrade performance, and further affect the efficiency of the whole system. Therefore, systems designers need some explicit models to predict the mental workload imposed on individuals by the system at an early design phase so that alternative system designs can be evaluated. In examining mental-workload literature, it is found that few predictive mental-workload models have considered factors specific to individuals. This research aims to develop a practical framework for predicting mental workload in both single- and multi-task environments considering such individual factors. In order to describe mental workload more precisely and more completely, a framework for mentalworkload definitions, which contains instantaneous workload, average workload, accumulated workload, peak workload and overall workload, is proposed. In order to model individual factors, two new variables, i.e. effective workload and ineffective workload, are introduced to model the taskgenerated workload and individual-generated workload. The extension of the model to multi-task environments is also discussed. The proposed conceptual models are domain-independent and could be used to guide the development of operational models for different specific tasks.  相似文献   

In light of the Armitage-Doll multistage carcinogenesis theory, this paper examines the assumption that an additive relative risk relationship is indicative of two carcinogens that affect the same stage in the cancer process. We present formulas to compute excess cancer risks for a variety of patterns for limited exposure durations to two carcinogens that affect the first and penultimate stages; and using an index of synergy proposed by Thomas (1982), we find a number of these patterns to produce additive, or nearly additive, relative risk relationships. The consistent feature of these patterns is that the two exposure periods are of short duration and occur close together.  相似文献   

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