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由于高校在组织管理和运行的过程方面与企业类同,一些企业管理的先进理念和方法也同样适合高等院校.本文试就BPR在高校经济管理中运用的理论和实践设计进行探讨,兼论JIT等管理方法在高校经济管理中的运用.  相似文献   

目前ERP技术在很多企业中都得到应用,它是一种先进的管理理念与信息管理系统。物资管理是电力企业管理的重要方面,但是物资管理中存在多变性和复杂性,其中包括物资的采购、供应与运输等。ERP技术的运用能够有效的解决电力物资管理中的一部分问题,好、进而使电力物资的管理更加的便捷。  相似文献   

项目管理作为管理学分支的学科,最早起源于美国,是第二次世界大战后期发展起来的重大新管理技术之一.其定义是:在项目活动中运用专门的知识、技能、工具和方法,使项目能够在有限资源限定条件下,实现或超过设定的需求和期望的过程.  相似文献   

ERP是指企业资源计划系统,强调运用信息技术将企业内的物流、资金流和信息流集成,使其协调工作,从而实现整个系统工作绩效最优.ERP作为一种面向供应链管理的现代企业管理思想和方法,有助于优化企业内部资源,提高管理绩效,有助于工作方式的自动化和管理效率的提高.推进企业ERP应用,是一种手段、工具和方法,目的是努力促使企业管理水平和生产力水平实现跨越式发展,提高企业竞争力.  相似文献   

HSE管理是当今石油石化行业所运用的一种先进科学的管理方法。如何将其科学有效的应用在基层工作实践中,指导着企业的安全管理,一套科学的培训方法会对HSE管理体系在基层的深入、员工观念的转变、企业的安全生产提供一定的保障。  相似文献   

数字电视在我国也已经走过了4个春秋,但是其发展进程却并不像想象中那么顺利。究其原因,关键就是数字电视网络行业发展滞后,使整个数字电视行业陷入了一个恶性循环。本文从数字电视网络运营商出发,运用角色管理思想,对数字电视产业所涉及的环节进行角色分类,继而进行不同的角色分析和阐述,最后提出基于不同角色管理的数字电视网络运营新模式。  相似文献   

作业成本法是一种先进的成本计算方法,也是一种实现成本前馈控制与反馈控制相结合,成本计算与成本管理相结合的全面成本管理体系。运用作业成本法对环境成本进行分配,能更好地使环境成本与产生这些成本作业相联系。本文对作业成本法应用的意义、方法进行了介绍,提出作业成本法是比较适合环境成本核算的方法。  相似文献   

黄瑞 《经营管理者》2013,(21):47-47
随着我国市场经济的快速发展和电子通信技术的日益先进,我国的通信公司在市场的不断过程中已经形成公司化动作,目前,纵观我国的通信市场,已经形成了移动公司、电信公司、联通公司三足鼎立的局面,三大通信运营商都以各自独特的经营管理方式不断前进着,但是在其各自的内部运营管理中仍不可避免的存在着一系列的问题,这需要它们结合自身的特点和市场需求找到有效的途径来解决这些问题。如今,各个大型的通信企业正积极尝试内部改革,重新调整运营管理方式,实行差异化竞争,使企业自身的核心竞争力得到不断地巩固和加强。本文简要分析了我国通信运营商在管理模式上存在的几个问题,并提出了几点具有实际意义的对策,希望能给读者一些帮助。  相似文献   

基于科学管理思想上的精细化管理作为一种先进的管理理念和方法系统,最早在企业管理中得到广泛运用并取得显著成效.本文通过剖析精细化管理的基本内涵,探讨了在高职院校实行精细化管理的必要性,继而提出了高职院校实现精细化管理的主要途径.  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学(CAI)作为一种先进的教学手段,已受到教育界的广泛关注.教师运用现代多媒体信息技术对教学活动进行创造性设计,可以使教学的表现形式更加形象化、多样化,利于充分揭示数学概念的形成与发展,使中师数学教学收到事半功倍的效果.  相似文献   

在单资源约束项目中的关键链管理   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
Dr.Goldratt于1986年提出了Theory of Constraint(TOC),强调以系统的观点来进行项目管理。TOC在项目中的运用被称为关键链管理(CCPM),它着眼于项目的关键链,并利用缓冲器来控制项目进程。本文在单资源约束下,以TOC为核心思想,提出了一个进行关键链管理的方法,从而改进了TOC在项目管理中的可操作性。  相似文献   

The Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP) is a software tool developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that is widely used inside and outside of EPA to produce quantitative estimates of public health risks from fine particulate matter (PM2.5). This article discusses the purpose and appropriate role of a risk analysis tool to support risk management deliberations, and evaluates the functions of BenMAP in this context. It highlights the importance in quantitative risk analyses of characterization of epistemic uncertainty, or outright lack of knowledge, about the true risk relationships being quantified. This article describes and quantitatively illustrates sensitivities of PM2.5 risk estimates to several key forms of epistemic uncertainty that pervade those calculations: the risk coefficient, shape of the risk function, and the relative toxicity of individual PM2.5 constituents. It also summarizes findings from a review of U.S.‐based epidemiological evidence regarding the PM2.5 risk coefficient for mortality from long‐term exposure. That review shows that the set of risk coefficients embedded in BenMAP substantially understates the range in the literature. We conclude that BenMAP would more usefully fulfill its role as a risk analysis support tool if its functions were extended to better enable and prompt its users to characterize the epistemic uncertainties in their risk calculations. This requires expanded automatic sensitivity analysis functions and more recognition of the full range of uncertainty in risk coefficients.  相似文献   

为缓解城市道路拥堵与交通污染问题,全国多地陆续实施机动车限行政策,但针对不同城市不同限行政策对大气污染的影响却鲜有文献研究。根据政策特征,本文将限行政策分为一般限行和特殊限行两类。基于双重差分模型,采用2001-2017年我国各省会城市及直辖市的面板数据,本文分别研究了不同类型的限行政策对城市PM2.5污染的改善作用。研究发现:首先,机动车PM2.5排放已经成为了城市PM2.5排放的主要来源之一,机动车限行措施也越来越多地被运用到治理城市空气污染的过程中;第二,一般限行政策和特殊限行政策均不同程度地缓解了大气污染,但相对而言,特殊限行政策的减排效果更明显;第三,限行政策的力度,如限行区域的相对大小和限制机动车的相对数量均能影响政策效果,一般来说,限行区域越大,限行的车辆越多,减排效果越显著;第四,在剔除特殊样本"北京"和"限购"政策的影响后,限行政策依然有效。本文从机动车PM2.5排放的角度实证检验了限行政策对大气污染的影响和效果,为政府进一步制定更高效合理的道路交通污染防治措施提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

已有研究证明职业承诺和组织承诺是决定员工工作行为的关键因素.本研究以项目经理为研究对象,通过问卷调查来了解他们的职业承诺、组织承诺以及其他相关变量的水平.调查数据用sPss软件进行分析,结果显示,具有项目管理硕士学位的项目经理职业承诺水平显著高于其他人员.项目经理的职业承诺和组织承诺积极相关,其交互作用对工作满意度有积极影响.这些研究结论对实现项目管理人员的职业化和制定组织的管理策略有应用意义.  相似文献   

Ground‐level ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are associated with increased risk of mortality. We quantify the burden of modeled 2005 concentrations of O3 and PM2.5 on health in the United States. We use the photochemical Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model in conjunction with ambient monitored data to create fused surfaces of summer season average 8‐hour ozone and annual mean PM2.5 levels at a 12 km grid resolution across the continental United States. Employing spatially resolved demographic and concentration data, we assess the spatial and age distribution of air‐pollution‐related mortality and morbidity. For both PM2.5 and O3 we also estimate: the percentage of total deaths due to each pollutant; the reduction in life years and life expectancy; and the deaths avoided according to hypothetical air quality improvements. Using PM2.5 and O3 mortality risk coefficients drawn from the long‐term American Cancer Society (ACS) cohort study and National Mortality and Morbidity Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS), respectively, we estimate 130,000 PM2.5‐related deaths and 4,700 ozone‐related deaths to result from 2005 air quality levels. Among populations aged 65–99, we estimate nearly 1.1 million life years lost from PM2.5 exposure and approximately 36,000 life years lost from ozone exposure. Among the 10 most populous counties, the percentage of deaths attributable to PM2.5 and ozone ranges from 3.5% in San Jose to 10% in Los Angeles. These results show that despite significant improvements in air quality in recent decades, recent levels of PM2.5 and ozone still pose a nontrivial risk to public health.  相似文献   

To quantify the on‐road PM2.5‐related premature mortality at a national scale, previous approaches to estimate concentrations at a 12‐km × 12‐km or larger grid cell resolution may not fully characterize concentration hotspots that occur near roadways and thus the areas of highest risk. Spatially resolved concentration estimates from on‐road emissions to capture these hotspots may improve characterization of the associated risk, but are rarely used for estimating premature mortality. In this study, we compared the on‐road PM2.5‐related premature mortality in central North Carolina with two different concentration estimation approaches—(i) using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to model concentration at a coarser resolution of a 36‐km × 36‐km grid resolution, and (ii) using a hybrid of a Gaussian dispersion model, CMAQ, and a space–time interpolation technique to provide annual average PM2.5 concentrations at a Census‐block level (~105,000 Census blocks). The hybrid modeling approach estimated 24% more on‐road PM2.5‐related premature mortality than CMAQ. The major difference is from the primary on‐road PM2.5 where the hybrid approach estimated 2.5 times more primary on‐road PM2.5‐related premature mortality than CMAQ due to predicted exposure hotspots near roadways that coincide with high population areas. The results show that 72% of primary on‐road PM2.5 premature mortality occurs within 1,000 m from roadways where 50% of the total population resides, highlighting the importance to characterize near‐road primary PM2.5 and suggesting that previous studies may have underestimated premature mortality due to PM2.5 from traffic‐related emissions.  相似文献   

Recent linear regression analyses have concluded that decreasing levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution have increased life expectancy in the United States. These findings have left unresolved questions about the causal relation between reductions in PM2.5 levels and changes in cause‐specific (especially, cardiovascular disease, CVD) mortality risks. Their robustness (e.g., sensitivity to deletion of a single data point) has also been questioned. We investigate these issues in the National Mortality and Morbidity Air Pollution Study database. Comparing changes in PM2.5 levels and cause‐specific mortality rates for elderly people in 24 cities between two periods separated by a decade (1987–1989 and 1999–2000) shows that reductions in PM2.5 were significantly associated with increases in respiratory mortality rates and with decreases in CVD mortality rates. CVD and all‐cause mortality risks fell equally for all months of the year over this period, but average PM2.5 levels increased significantly for winter months. This casts doubts on the causal interpretation that declines in PM2.5 over the decade caused reduced short‐term mortality risks. Nonlinear regression suggests that reduced or negative marginal health benefits are associated with reductions of PM2.5 below 1999–2000 levels (about 15 μg/m3). Such nonlinear relations imply that risk communication statements that project a constant incremental reduction in mortality risks per unit reduction in PM2.5 do not adequately reflect the realistic possibility of nonlinear exposure‐response relations and diminishing returns to further exposure reductions.  相似文献   

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