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Where is the other cake?There were two cakes in the cupboard,but nowthe mother could only find one.Mother:Where is the other cake,do you know?Son:I could only find one because it was verydark in it.在橱柜里有两块蛋糕,而现在妈妈只找到一个。妈妈:你知道另一块蛋糕在哪儿吗?儿子:因为太黑了,我只找到一块。  相似文献   

今天天气怎么样?A How's the weathertoday?晴天。B It's sunny.A It's fine today.今天天气真好。B Yes,itsure is.是啊。A Is that enough?够了吗?B Yes,it is.是的,够了。A Is it yours?这是你的吗?B Oh,No,it isn't.哦,不是。A Thank you verymuch.非常感谢!B You're welcome.没什么。英语读吧  相似文献   

<正>亲爱的同学们,两只好奇的小鱼突然来到了新的环境里,它们会想些什么呢?快来看看今天的漫画故事吧!看图说话考考你How are the fish in“the new house”in the end?A.They are worried. B.They are excited.我来告诉你:A是正确的。两只可爱的小鱼从来没见过如此干净的房子,  相似文献   

A May I take a message?我可以留个口信吗?B Yes.Say it,Please.可以,请说。A May I come in?我可以进来吗?B Come in please.请进。A One moment,please.请等一下。B OK.好的。A My telephonenumber is6543297.我的电话号码是6543297。B I got it.我记下了。A Hello.This isAlice.你好,我是艾丽丝。B Hello.This isDan.你好,我是丹。英语读吧…  相似文献   

In this paper we consider nonlinear control sysfemdx/dt=A(t)x+B(t)f(x),(1)Where x(t)∈R~n is the state vector,A(t)=(a_(ij)(t))_(n×n)is the System matrix,B(t),an nxr time-varying matrix,is the input matrix;f(x)∈R~r is nonlinearvector function,and A(t),B(t)∈c[t_0,∞),f(x)∈c[x_0,∞)Here we are to discuss thc boundedness of system(1)in various cases ofmatrix A(t),and the following results shall be obtained.In this paper,weshall use the results of Bihari and other authors.  相似文献   

一一一一一一一一一,二~~ L00k!Wll之It’S A:What are 这些是什么? B:They are 这些是梨。A:Where’5 the tree? 树在哪? B:It’5 over there. 树在那边。A What are 那些是什么? They are 那些是苹果。those? B aPP 1 e 5. A:I’m very haPPy today. 我今天很开心。  相似文献   

Is this your application form? 匘o you understand it?Have you signed it?这是你的申请表吗?你看懂了吗?签字了吗?What is the maximum time you wish you to stay (study) in _______?你准备在_______国呆(学习)多长时间?Are you traveling along or with someone else?你自己去还是和别人一齐去?Do you know anyone at all in ________?你在_______国有认识的人吗?Is any of your family outside China now? if so, who and where are they?你在海外有亲属吗?如果有,他们在哪儿?Do you have any relative in _______?…  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,你了解蹦极(Bungee)这个运动项目吗?我们一起来看看准备蹦极的Ben经历了什么吧!看图说话考考你Ben在蹦极之前说的"I’ve got butterflies!",请你猜猜这是什么意思呢?A.我有蝴蝶。B.我在发抖。我来告诉你:B是正确的。这是一个在美语口语中经常使用的句子。  相似文献   

A:Hello,Modern English,Drew speaking.你好,洋话连篇,我是Drew。B:Hello,Drew,It's Marco again.I have some ques-tions to ask you.你好,我是Marco,我有几个问题要问你。A:Yes,goahead.说吧。B:How do you say that when you have a large bill,but you need some change?当你想破钱时用英语怎么说?A:Well,that'seasy,Wesay Can you break a large bill?ie:If you havea$100bill,you just say:Can you breaka$100bill?很简单,你就说你能打开这张大票吗?比如说,你有一张一百的大票要破,你就说您能打开一百的吗?B:And what do y…  相似文献   

A:H认厂n、holne. 啦,我回来一了。B:Hi. 11海。尺愁.姗闷曰U.‘如劲翻创引翻A:How are you?你好吗?B:工’m一f ine,thankyou.我很好,谢谢你。能110.你178爬jsL初由盼ar’s尸u厂刀召刃己夕 A:Hello.Myname1 5 L 1 n da.What’syour name? 你好。我叫琳达,你呢? B:Myname 15Jack. 我叫杰克。一 洲姗溯儡姗碱锄︽欲︺﹂一匕10吧加咒组盯口,卜卜‘、们二︺月刁.涵,、十七A:I’m Chinese. 我是~中国万人浪B:I’m Amereean.我是美国人。瑞禁李澳盔{A:N icemeetyOU, .见到你很高兴。 B:N 1 e e t 0 meetyou,too, 见到你我也很高兴。看…  相似文献   

面试之中有奥秘 [Interview]A:Hello, Modern English. Drewhere.你好,洋话连篇, 我是Drew。B:Hi, buddy, it's Marco。嘿,哥们儿,我是Marco.A:How can I help you today?今天想聊些什么?B:Well. I am going for an interview tomorrow. Can you giveme an idea of what the inter-viewer will ask?明天我要参加面试。你能帮我想想他们都会问什么问题吗?A:well, they may ask you to tellthem about your educationalbackground and your workingbackground.他们会问你关于你的教育背景和工作背景的问题。B:But they can see my re…  相似文献   

一只鸟被关在一个非常好的小笼中。它总在晚上唱歌。一天晚上,一只蝙蝠飞来了。他问",你为什么在白天一声也不吭却在晚上唱歌呢?""当我白天唱歌的时候,一个男人听到我的声音,我就被关在这里了。因此,我再也不在白天歌唱了。"这只鸟回答。"但是你现在已经在笼中了,你应该在那个男人捉住你之前这样做。"蝙蝠说道。A bird is in a very nice small cage.It sings atnight.One night a bat comes.He ask“s,Why you aresilent by day and sing only at night?”“When I'm singing in the daytime,a man hearsme,and I'm here now.So I don'…  相似文献   

A I'm sorry to be late.很报歉,我迟到了。B No problem.没关系。A How does it taste?味道如何?B Very good.很好。A That looks good.看上去不错。B It sure does.的确如此。A He is very strong.他很强壮。B Yes.是的。A She is pretty,isn't she?她真漂亮,不是吗?B Yes,sh  相似文献   

(和Kristy吵完架后,Ben离开了她的家。当他沿着车道走向自己的车时,他看见了Jim,一个他觉得自己可能认识的人。因此Ben上前去打招呼。)Ben:你好!Jim:你好!Ben:我们认识吗?你看起来很面熟。Jim:我不觉得,你一定认错人了。Ben:不,不会的。Jim:抱歉,我记不得了。Ben:我们以前在哪儿见过吗?Jim:抱歉,你认错人了。Ben:我想你是对的,抱歉,打搅了。Jim:没关系。Ben:我一定是在哪儿见过你,但就是想不起来了。Jim:你一定把我错当成别人了。Ben:我想是吧。你不会是从中国来的吧?Jim:事实上,我是的,我前天才回来。Ben:真的?你从中国什么地方来?…  相似文献   

TIME AND DATE时间和日期Asking about the time and date.询问时间和日期Can you tell me what time it is?你能告诉我现在几点了吗?Could you give me the time?你能告诉我现在几点了吗?What day of the week is it?今天星期几?What was the date yesterday?昨天是几号?What's the time?几点了?What's today?今天是几号?  相似文献   

第一部分:Riddles(英语谜语)1、 What is there in your house that ought to be looked into、2、 What is that which you have never seen,heard or felt,which never existed and still has a name、3、 What changes a pear into a pearl、4、 What question can never be answered by'Yes'、5、 What ship has two mates but no captain、6、 What is the most difficult key to turn、7、 Where can you always find money、8、 What is the surest way to double your money、9、 Where does afternoon come before morning in…  相似文献   

SECTION 2: READING TEST (30 minutes) Directions:In this section you will read several passages.Each one is followed by several questions about it.You are to choose ONE best answer,(A),(B),(C) or (D),to each question.Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.  相似文献   

Charaterization, in literature, is the presentation of the hero or heroine in order to make them credible to the readers. A book with welldrawn characters is sure to touch its readers. Atticus Finch, an elaboratelyportrayed character in Miss Lee′s book To Kill A Mockingbird is a fineexample. Mainly because of its successful and adroit characterization, the  相似文献   

What is the best teaching method? The answer: The one that is most effective in accomplishing the lesson aim. Every carpenter's tool has its proper use. A carpenter does not use a saw to drive a nail,level a beam,or measure a board. In the same way, a teacher does not use the same teaching method for every teaching situation. There are probably at least two reasons why any one method is overused. First,many teachers tend to teach in the same manner they were taught. If they were  相似文献   

电话练口语Unit 5 户外运动好潇洒——Outdoor activitiesPaul:Hello, how can I help you?你好,您有什么事儿?Allan:Hey, is that Paul? It's Allan here.是Paul 吗?我是Allan。Paul:Yeah, Paul speaking. What's up, Allan?是的,我是Paul,什么事儿?Allan:I have some questions about outdoor ac-tivities for you.我想问你几个关于户外运动的问题。Paul:No problem, ask away!没问题,说吧!Allan:My first question for you is, what do youcall it when you go and sleep in t…  相似文献   

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