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Summary Population dynamics ofHeliothis virescens (F.) andHeliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs and larvae were studied for two years in a small plot of cotton,Gossypium hirsutum (L.). Due to morphological and ecological similarities, the pooledHeliothis population was considered for most of the analyses. Two generations ofHeliothis eggs and larvae were completed during each year. Stage recruitment was estimated for the eggs and larval instars 2–6, and recruitment variances were estimated by a Monte Carlo method. A modified form of the Weibull distribution was developed and used as a model to characterize survivorship curves for each of the fourHeliothis generations. A Type I survivorship curve (mortality rate increasing with age) was inferred for both Generation 1 (early season) data sets, whereas a Type II survivorship curve (mortality rate constant and thus independent of age) was inferred for both Generation 2 (late season) data sets. The shapes of the survivorship curves for the individualH. virescens andH. zea populations were inferred to be the same as those for the pooled populations. Analysis of the contributions of various factors toHeliothis stage-specific mortality indicated that natural enemies (predators and parasites) and the availability of food for larvae were responsible for between-generation differences in survivorship patterns.  相似文献   

Summary A mark-release-recapture experiment to estimate population survivorship and absolute size was performed with wild-caughtAn. subpictus adults at the village of Khano-Harni, Lahore District, Punjab Province, Pakistan during September 1978, the end of the monsoon rainy season, when temporal population abundance was maximized. Daily survival rate estimated from the recapture sequence of marked adults was low, males=0.192 and females=0.343. Survivorship for females estimated by several vertical age-grading procedures ranged from 0.347 to 0.628. Both stage- and age-specific life tables were calculated from vertical age-grading data determined by the dilatation method. Female and male population size was estimated byBailey’s modification of theLincoln Index and was found to average 4478.4 and 6106.8, respectively. The bionomics, survivorship and population size ofAn. subpictus in the Lahore are indicated that this species was probably not important in the transmission of human malaria.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersal, immigration and emigration rates, horizontal and vertical survivorship and absolute population size were estimated for micropopulations ofAn. culicifacies, An. stephensi andAn. subpictus at a series of cattle sheds in rural Punjab Province, Pakistan, during November 1979 and May 1980 using capture-mark-release-recapture and dissection methods. Dispersal was temperature-related, with populations more vagile during May. Mean dispersal distance per individual was low for all species. More than 70% of all recaptures were taken at the point of release and the longest detected flight was 1250 meters. Horizontal survivorship was greater during November and was always less than vertical survivorship calculated from dissection agegrading data. Survivorship during the nulliparous period was greater than survivorship throughout total life, indicating the survivorship curve may be slightly sigmoid. Daily population sizes of endemic and immigrating females and males were calculated usingBailey's (1952) modification of the Lincoln Index, with the daily captures adjusted for immigration which was highest in May. Daily additions to the indoor resting population exclusive of immigrants were estimated using the method ofManly andParr (1968). The relationship of the present findings to malaria transmission and genetic control were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on populations ofBrevicoryne brassicae (L.), its parasites and hyperparasites were carried out by actual counting in the sprouts field and by sticky and water traps.B. brassicae was found to be attacked by one primary parasite,Diaretiella rapae (McIntosh), which in turn is parasitized byAlloxysta brassicae (Ashm.),Asaphes vulgaris Walker,A. suspensus (Nees),Pachyneuron minutissimum (F?rster) andDendrocerus carpenterii (Curtis). The aphid population in the field was started by immigrant alates which were found flying too early to be synchronized with the sprouts plants. SimilarlyD. rapae was not synchronized with the aphids although many individuals could have been carried into a plot through parasitized immigrant alates, of which less than 30% were found parasitized. Because of high hyperparasitism (especially byA. brassicae)D. rapae was not able to maintain a high rate of parasitism to curb the aphid population growth. The maximum percentage mummies being 27.8%, while the maximum, percentage parasitism being 56.6% recorded only during the early 1974 season (mean=12.9%). The decline of aphid population from September onwards was largely due to the cold weather, Syrphid predation and occasionally fungal attack. The high rate of hyperparasitism byA. brassicae is attributed to its better synchronization withD. rapae. The mean percentage of parasite that emerged from mummies collected during 1973–74 wereD. rapae 31.3%,A. brassicae 64.3%,A. vulgaris andA. suspensus 4.3%,D. carpenterii 0.2% andP. minutissimum 0.1%.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with some aspects of the ecology of the southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula, in Hawaii. Dispersal studies on adults showed an asymetrical dispersal pattern. The rate of plant to plant to movement by the adults was 3.3–6.7 feet per day. Mortality studies showed that egg predation by ants,Pheidole megancephala, was as high as 80–90 per cent. Egg parasitism byTelenomus basalis was highest during February, 1965, and adult parasitism byTrichopoda pennipes was highest during July, 1964, to January of the following year. The population ofN. viridula declined during May, 1964, to May, 1965. This decline occurred simultaneously with the decline in the number of eggs produced per female. It has been speculated that this reduction in egg production was caused by parasitism byT. pennipes. Published with the approval of the Director of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station as Technical Paper No. 816. It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge with thanks the help that I received in various ways from the following: Dr. WallaceC. Mitchell, Dr. MervinKamran., Mr HarryKaya and Mr. HitoshiKamasaki.  相似文献   

Summary The population dynamics ofPryeria sinica was investigated in an undisturbed area in 1976–1979. We analyzed the process stabilizing the local population by the life table approach for immature stages and the mark-recapture method for the adult stage. Females usually layed about 130 eggs in an egg-mass. The shape of the survivorship curve was convex and was characterized by a relatively low mortality in the egg and larval stages and by a relatively high mortality in the prepupal and pupal stages. The low mortality in the early stage seemed to be not only due to the peculiar life cycle of this species (larvae develop in early spring when natural enemies are not active) but due to their protective nest-webs, larval warning coloration and repellent smell. The high mortality after cocooning was caused by severe parasitization byAgrothereutes minousubae. The number of adult in the population varied by 2.10-fold, which was less than that of other gregarious moths. The life table data and field observations suggest that adult female dispersal would have acted as a stabilizing factor, andA. minousubae as a conditioning factor on the dynamics of the moth population.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical function describing the various kinds of survivorship curve is formulated with the useful parameter, environmental capacity. Three types of the survivorship curve illlustrated byDeevey can be obtained from changing the value of this function. When a cohort is large and the competition occurs in the scramble type, this function shows the third type ofDeevy's and this to the first type in the case of low density and the contest type of competition. But the second type would rather be obtained by the action of density independent agencies. Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto Univeristy. No. 400.  相似文献   

Summary An iterative procedure for correcting stage-frequency data is described to allow for situations where the period during which a population is sampled begins after some individuals have entered stage 2 or ends before all individuals are dead. The reason for correcting data in this way is to enableKiritani andNakasuji's method for estimating stage-specific survival rates, with extensions proposed byManly (1976, 1977), to be used to analyse the data. The proposed procedure is illustrated on data obtained by sampling a population of the grasshopperChorthippus brunneus passing through four instar stages to reach the adult stage.  相似文献   

Summary A model is described for investigating the interactions of age-specific birth and death rates, age distribution and density-governing factors determining the growth form of single-species populations. It employs Monte Carlo techniques to simulate the births and deaths of individuals while density-governing factors are represented by simple algebraic equations relating survival and fecundity to population density. In all respects the model’s behavior agrees with the results of more conventional mathematical approaches, including the logistic model andLotka’s Law, which predicts a relationship betwen age-specific rates, rate of increase and age distribution. Situations involving exponential growth, three different age-independent density functions affecting survival, three affecting fecundity and their nine combinations were tested. The one function meeting the assumptions of the logistic model produced a logistic growth curve embodying the correct values orr m andK. The others generated sigmoid curves to which arbitrary logistic curves could be fitted with varying success. Because of populational time lags, two of the functions affecting fecundity produced overshoots and damped oscillations during the initial approach to the steady state. The general behavior of age-dependent density functions is briefly explored and a complex example is described that produces population fluctuations by an egg cannibalism mechanism similar to that found in the flour beetleTribolium. The model is free of inherent time lags found in other discrete time models yet these may be easily introduced. Because it manipulates separate individuals, the model may be combined readily with the Monte Carlo simulation models of population genetics to study eco-genetic phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary The functional response ofPseudogonatopus flavifemur E & H (Hym., Dryinidae) was investigated by offering hosts (brown planthopper) at densities ranging from 8 to 160 per cage. The response curve was found to be sigmoid, i. e.Holling's (1959) Type III curve. In experiments involving 310 hosts per cage distributed unevenly in 5 densities (10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 per hill), and a different female parasite density each time (viz. 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 per cage), the behavioral response was described well by the “random predator equation” ofRoyama (1971) andRoger (1972), which is a convex exponential curve. The area of discovery (a) decreased with an increase in female parasite density (P), and the relationship was described by the equation: loga=−1.0099−0.3638 logP. There was an apparent increase in handling time per host as the number of female parasites increased. Superparasitism, a rare phenomenon under natural conditions, was often observed in the laboratory. The potential ofP. flavifemur as a biocontrol agent of the brown planthopper is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper has examined the effect of within-stage mortality on the estimation of stage-specific survival rates bySouthwood's (1978, p. 358) method. As pointed out bySouthwood, both the severity and timing of mortality affect the mean duration of a life stage, and consequently the estimate of the number of individuals entering that stage. Knowledge of the form of the survivorship curve permits correction of the estimate under certain circumstances. The use ofSouthwood's method with two overlapping stages having different rates and patterns of mortality leads to complex errors in the estimation of survival for the first stage. The nature of these errors is examined analytically and via a simulation model.Southwood's method is fairly robust, with moderate differences in mortality rates leading to acceptable errors in estimating survival for the first stage. When both the rate and pattern of mortality in both life stages are the same, then the survival estimate is made without error. Precise estimates of stage-specific survival will not usually be possible withSouthwood's method because of the errors introduced by the very parameters being measured. Direct measurement of mortality rates and survivorship patterns (seeSouthwood, 1978, p. 309) is strongly advised, at least in preliminary work.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical model is proposed to describe the relationship between the abundance and the rank of species in order from the most abundant to the least in a community in an open habitat. This model is derived as a corollary of a species-area equation (Kobayashi, 1975) which could be expected in the case where the individuals of each species are uniformly distributed over a habitat area. Numerical simulation reveals that a rank-abundance curve for a universe results in different species-area or species-individual curves according to the spatial distribution of individuals, and that the relative abundance of each species in a sample varies with sample size unless the spatial distribution of individuals is uniform. A species-individual curve obtained bySanders’s (1968) rarefaction method agrees with that observed actually only for the spatially uniform distribution. Change in the pattern of rank-abundance curve with species diversity and with sample size is discussed in relation to the present model.  相似文献   

Summary The population dynamics of an epilachnine beetle, which is closely related toEpilachna sparsa Dieke (henceforth called “sp. C”) and feeds on bitter cucumberMomordica charantia, was studied by mark-recapture of adults and the construction of life tables. The study was repeated three times, i.e., March–May, July–September and October–December in 1982, in Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia. After the establishment of the host plants, adults of “sp. C” soon colonized, and each study period ended in the death of the plants due to defoliation by the larvae and adults. The estimated mean length of residence of adults ranged from 6–11 days, but this was probably much shorter than the actual longevity, because the adults were so active that they flew away, or dropped off the plants, when they were approached or slightly disturbed. Life tables indicated that egg mortality ranged from 17.8–53.9%, and a parasitic waspTetrastichus sp. B made up 41.1–64.2% of egg mortality. Two wasps,Tetrastichus sp. C andPediobius foveolatus killed 1.2–19.4% (7.6–100%)* of 4th instars and only the latter species attacked the pupae, killing 24.6–59.1% (45.1–72.4%). Parasitism and starvation by overcrowding contributed most to the total mortality from egg to adult emergence, which ranged from 89.4–99.5%. “Sp. C” had a higher diversity and level of parasitism than the Japanese species,E. vigintioctopunctata. The high dispersal power of “sp. C”, coupled with the prolongedl x−mx schedules shown under laboratory conditions, was advantageous for exploiting the food plant which was available throughout the year, but was rather patchily distributed in space.  相似文献   

Summary ‘Predator-foolhardiness’ (Lloyd andDybas, 1966b) in an epidemic population of the sugarcane cicada,Mogannia minuta was tested by counting the number of successful and failed trials of hand-capturing of adults in the centre and periphery of a heavily infested area. Males frequently failed to escape from capture in the outbreak area but they did not in the peripheral zone. Females could escape well irrespective of the density. It was considered that the ‘predator-foolhardiness’ of males is not due to genetic differentiation through the process of outbreak but to the effect of massive chorus on the escape behaviour. The work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid No. 439017 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a series of experiments conducted to determine whySitophilus zeamais Mots. andSitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) could not survive together in maize cultures in the laboratory. The effect ofS. zeamais on different developmental stages ofS. cerealella was investigated. The presence of adultS. zeamais slightly affected moth copulation, egg laying and moth eggs in a mixed culture, but large numbers of developing moths inside maize grains were killed by the adult weevil through feeding on the grains. The major cause of elimination ofS. cerealella byS. zeamais from mixed cultures was therefore found to be damage to the immature moths in grain and such moth mortality increased as the developing moths became bigger in the grains. A weevil: grain ratio of approximately 1.4∶1 was found to be the critical weevil density at which the moth disappeared from the mixed cultures.  相似文献   

Summary A marking-and-recapture study of a population of overwintered adults ofEpilachna sparsa orientalis was carried out in a small farm containing potatoes and egg-plants. The experiment involved a single release and five recapture samplings during May–June. The data were analysed byLeslie's re-recapture method. Assumption of randomness of sampling proved to be well satisfied. Survival rate of the overwintered adult population was maintained as high as 90 per cent per week or more until early June, and then it declined rapidly towards the end of June. Initially overwintered adults exclusively lived on potato plants, but half of the population alive in mid June migrated to nearby egg-plants. Emigration out of the experimental field, however, seemed not to be occurring. Recapture data of marked individuals in the potato field indicate that majority of the individuals stayed within a radius of 3 m, at least for 2 weeks. Similar data taken from another field also suggest that their mobility was far restricted as compared with random movement within the field. Some comparisons were made between the population behaviours of overwintered adults ofE. sparsa orientalis andE. vigintioctomaculata. Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Kyoto University, No. 371.  相似文献   

1.  The effects of larval rearing density and species relative proportions on life-history parameters of two necrophagous Diptera,Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann) (Calliphoridae) andBoettcherisca formosensis Kirner and Lopes (Sarcophagidae), were investigated in mixed cultures. Larval rearing density had a significant effect on larval to adult survivorship, duration of immature development, adult size and relative performance (measured by the composite index of performance,r′) of both species. However, species relative proportions affected adult size of both flies and the duration of immature development ofB. formosensis only.
2.  B. formosensis had a higher survivorship thanH. ligurriens in all mixed cultures and showed a similar survivorship pattern to that in pure cultures. By contrast, survivorship ofH. ligurriens was lower in mixed than in pure cultures.
3.  H. ligurriens adults reared from mixed cultures were smaller than those from pure cultures of comparable density, butB. formosensis adults from pure and mixed cultures were of similar size.
4.  The results suggest that competition betweenB. formosensis andH. ligurriens larvae was asymmetric and the former was the superior competior.
5.  At low larval densities in mixed cultures, the presence ofH. ligurriens enhanced the performance (as measured byr′) ofB. formosensis, a consequence of suspected interspecific facilitation of larval growth.

Summary Females of an odonate species in which oviposition sites overlap with mating sites may adopt one or more of the following strategies when they lay eggs except when they ‘trade’ mating for access to suitable oviposition sites or for services (guarding, etc.) provided by males: (1) ovipositing at hidden places; (2) ovipositing at a time when males are neither patrolling nor watching; (3) indicating non-receptivity by a behavioral display. The density of ovipositing females of the dragonfly,Cordulia aenea amurensis Selys which was studied between 1970 and 1983 at a pond (H?rai-numa, Sapporo, Hokkaido) had a high negative correlation with the distance from ‘entrance’ (a part of shore at which the arrival of most adults seems to have occurred). On the other hand, oviposition was rarely observed at a sector being distant from entrance in spite of the inference that larval survivorship was probably high at this sector. Most females oviposited among emergent vegetation in which approach of males to them was difficult, and they scarcely traveled across the open water in search of oviposition sites. Therefore, most females of the population studied were considered to adopt the first strategy. The second and third strategy were not adopted by the population studied. Finally, the influences of some environmental factors and traits possessed by a species on the adoption of these tactics or on the execution of the ‘trades’ were discussed. Ecological studies ofCordulia aenea amurensis Selys, VII. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research on Biological Aspects of Optimal Strategy and Social Structure from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical and graphic study is presented of the wastage of eggs byVenturia (=Nemeritis) canescens when searching singly and in groups of 10 among hosts at four different host densities in laboratory universes as described byHuffaker andMatsumoto (preceding paper of this journal). The host insect was the fluour mothAnagasta kühniella and the host densities used were 10, 30, 100 and 200 per universe. Intensity of egg wastage due to superparasitim varied significantly according to host density, and between the two parasite densities employed, 1 and 10, using bothF-tests and chi-square tests. Plots ofk-factor analysis on this egg wastage showed high negative correlations with host density, and the raw data for single parasites was well represented by a parabola while that for the grouped parasites departed from this relationship only at the lowest host density. These studies were conducted as a part of a general investigation into the processes operating in the population dynamics of arthropods under grants from the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service (#A10-1611), and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency (NSF DEB7504223) to the University of California. The findings, opinions and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the University of California, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation or the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

The Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands are oceanic islands located in the northwest Pacific, and have ten native (nine endemic) bee species, all of which are nonsocial. The European honeybee (Apis mellifera), which was introduced to the islands for apiculture in the 1880s, became naturalized in a few islands shortly after introduction. To detect the impact of the honeybees upon native bee diversity, we analyzed pollen harvest by honeybees and surveyed the relative abundance of honeybees and native bees on flowers on several islands. Both hived and feral honeybee colonies were active throughout the year, harvesting pollen of both native and alien flowers and from both entomophilous and anemophilous flowers. Honeybees strongly depended on the alien plants, especially during winter to spring when native melittophilous flowers were rare. From June to November, honeybees exhaustively utilized native flowers, which had originally been utilized and pollinated by native bees. On Chichi and Haha Islands, where human disturbance of forests has been severe, both native and alien flowers were dominated by honeybees, and native bees were rare or extinct even in well-conserved forests. In contrast, on Ani Island and Haha's satellite islands where primary forests were well conserved and honeybees were still uncommon or absent, native bees remained dominant. These results suggest that competition for nectar and pollen of the native flowers between honeybees and native bees favors honeybees on the disturbed islands, which are thoroughly invaded by alien nectariferous, sometimes aggressive, weedy plants. Received: May 8, 1998 / Accepted: May 6, 1999  相似文献   

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