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For a normal distribution with known variance, the standard confidence interval of the location parameter is derived from the classical Neyman procedure. When the parameter space is known to be restricted, the standard confidence interval is arguably unsatisfactory. Recent articles have addressed this problem and proposed confidence intervals for the mean of a normal distribution where the parameter space is not less than zero. In this article, we propose a new confidence interval, rp interval, and derive the Bayesian credible interval and likelihood ratio interval for general restricted parameter space. We compare these intervals with the standard interval and the minimax interval. Simulation studies are undertaken to assess the performances of these confidence intervals.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The paper develops empirical Bayes (EB) confidence intervals for population means with distributions belonging to the natural exponential family-quadratic variance function (NEF-QVF) family when the sample size for a particular population is moderate or large. The basis for such development is to find an interval centred around the posterior mean which meets the target coverage probability asymptotically, and then show that the difference between the coverage probabilities of the Bayes and EB intervals is negligible up to a certain order. The approach taken is Edgeworth expansion so that the sample sizes from the different populations need not be significantly large. The proposed intervals meet the target coverage probabilities asymptotically, and are easy to construct. We illustrate use of these intervals in the context of small area estimation both through real and simulated data. The proposed intervals are different from the bootstrap intervals. The latter can be applied quite generally, but the order of accuracy of these intervals in meeting the desired coverage probability is unknown.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish several recurrence relations for the single and product moments of progressively Type-II right-censored order statistics from a generalized half-logistic distribution. The use of these relations in a systematic recursive manner enables the computation of all the means, variances, and covariances of progressively Type-II right-censored order statistics from the generalized half-logistic distribution for all sample sizes n, effective sample sizes m, and all progressive censoring schemes (R 1, …, R m ). The results established here generalize the corresponding results for the usual order statistics due to Balakrishnan and Sandhu [Recurrence relations for single and product moments of order statistics from a generalized half-logistic distribution with applications to inference, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 52 (1995), pp. 385–398.]. The moments so determined are then utilized to derive the best linear unbiased estimators of the scale and location–scale parameters of the generalized half-logistic distribution. The best linear unbiased predictors of censored failure times are discussed briefly. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the inferential method developed here.  相似文献   

The nearest neighbour analysis method has been developed to determine whether a disease case may be regarded as being unusually close to other neighbouring cases of the same disease. Using this method, each disease case is classified as spatially 'clustered' or 'non-clustered'. The method is also used to provide a test for global clustering. 'Clusters' are constructed by amalgamating geographically neighbouring clustered cases into one contiguous 'cluster area'. This paper describes a method for studying differences between clustered and non-clustered cases, in terms of case 'attributes'. These attributes may be person related, such as age and sex, or area based, such as geographical isolation. The area-based variables are subject to geographical correlation. The comparison of clustered and non-clustered cases may reveal similarities or differences, which may, in turn, give clues to disease aetiology. A method for studying 'linkage' or similarities in attributes between cases that occur in the same clusters is also described. The methods are illustrated by application to incidence data for leukaemias and lymphomas.  相似文献   

This paper examines strategies for simulating exactly from large Gaussian linear models conditional on some Gaussian observations. Local computation strategies based on the conditional independence structure of the model are developed in order to reduce costs associated with storage and computation. Application of these algorithms to simulation from nested hierarchical linear models is considered, and the construction of efficient MCMC schemes for Bayesian inference in high-dimensional linear models is outlined.  相似文献   

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