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随着互联网时代的到来,网络语境下当代青年的爱国主义教育缺失日渐凸显,在部分青年群体中存在潜在的网络极端化爱国主义舆论倾向。分析发现:从问题的出现或偶然性事件的刺激到多数个体发表的评价性意见,再到"群体极化"现象的出现,最终极端化爱国主义舆论在互联网上广泛传播是网络极端化爱国主义舆论的基本形成机制。如此网络极端化爱国主义舆论不可避免地对国家、社会、制度和青年自身产生一系列的危害。网络语境下当代青年的爱国主义引导是新时期爱国主义教育的重要课题:应该正视青年的爱国情感,加强爱国主义教育;立足祖国长远利益,培养青年的理性爱国情感;增强舆论引导,减少青年非理性情绪的蔓延,对青年的网络极端化爱国主义舆论进行积极有效的引导。  相似文献   

程许 《公关世界》2023,(5):61-63
当前,随着互联网科技崛起,新媒体技术不断发展,一些事件很容易形成网络舆论,如果没有正确引导则有可能生成突发网络舆情危机事件,产生破坏力量。目前我国地方政府在处理突发事件网络舆情危机的工作中面临着预警研判工作不到位、处置方式不恰当等问题。为了解决困境,本文分析产生网络舆情危机问题的现象与原因,提出地方政府需健全危机管理体系、提高引导舆情能力等建议,在管理实践中不断完善应对突发事件网络舆情危机的策略。  相似文献   

在当今的新媒体环境下,大众通常凭借手机、电脑等网络手段来分散自己的言语以此表达自己的观点。为了保证社会中的一些信息能够文明传播并且构建文明和谐的社会,政府和媒体作为舆论引导的主体必须采取有效的舆论引导策略。本文分析了新媒体环境下舆论引导的难点及舆论引导主体的价值取向与原则,重点研究了新媒体环境下宣传工作舆论引导的策略。  相似文献   

互联网技术快速发展,信息爆炸时代产生海量数据,改变了传统的舆论环境。网络舆论成为党和政府联系群众的重要纽带,成为思想文化信息的集散地和社会舆论的放大器,在政府了解社情民意、联系群众和开展工作方面有举足轻重的作用。然而,网络的两面性也表现在网络舆论上,网络舆论形成的舆论导向并不一定都是正面的,网络舆论的负面效能使谣言、虚假信息盛行,不利于社会的和谐稳定发展。因势利导,保持正确的舆论导向,营造一个有利于社会发展的网络舆论场迫在眉睫。这就需要政府通过各方面的引导,使网络舆论最大限度地发挥正面效能,促进和谐社会的稳定发展。  相似文献   

时至今日,网络已渗透至社会各个行业,给传统行业带来诸多机遇与挑战。网络作为大众传播载体之一,也为我国公民参与政治讨论提供了平台,网络平台承载着诸多政府决策及重大事件信息,往往引起公民广泛关注,并形成强大的舆论效果,影响颇大。基于网络信息的复杂性,需认真分析网络舆情的产生,减少网络公共事件中公民被错误引导倾向,营造理性客观的舆论环境,形成良好讨论风气,加强主流意识形态在网络政治化背景下的传播,加强对网络舆论的良性引导。  相似文献   

聚焦权利和权力这对政治学的核心概念,将大学生对权利和权力的认识于网络舆情中予以考察,并集中对10个舆论案例的文本进行了实证研究。分析了大学生在网络舆论表达中的话语特征,指出互联网已在一定程度上改变了大学生政治认同的固有机制,即政治认知的媒介化、政治情感的宣泄化和政治行为的虚拟化。思想政治教育工作者要重视网络舆论对大学生政治认同的影响,及时做好网上和网下的引导工作。  相似文献   

高校的稳定对于社会的稳定具有重要意义。从国际和国内经验来看,移动互联网改变了高校的网络舆情环境,因而给突发群体事件的预防及高校的稳定带来了新的挑战。移动互联网下的高校网络舆情影响力、参与积极性、突发性及冲击力都大大提升,针对其进行的管理呈现有效处置周期更短、官方舆论引导能力更弱、管控复杂程度增加且容易出现群体极化行为等特点,高校应从组织管理体系、线下沟通机制、舆情信息处理机制、危机应急处理机制、网络舆情管理队伍、网络道德文化等多个方面进行综合治理,从而改善高校网络舆情管理,更好地预防突发群体事件的发生。  相似文献   

网络传播环境下,每个人都能够通过网络向世界发出自己的声音。信息在国与国之间、人与人之间高速"流通"。信息消费成为大众生活的一部分,互联网以其信息海量的特点,利弊均现。国际环境,风云变幻,如何传播中国故事、如何讲好中国故事,成为当下的重要课题。这是我们的时代,这是我们的国度。在互联网传播环境下,重构舆论话语权,抒中国情。  相似文献   

随着互联网在全球范围的快速普及和飞速发展,越来越多的人开始融入网络,利用网络平台发声。网络大大拓展了舆情表达和传播的渠道和场所,成为反映社情民意的新的表现形式。建立健全高校网络舆情引导机制对高校网络舆情引导工作的顺利进行具有重要意义。为此,高校网络舆情引导工作需大力完善以社会主义核心价值体系为中心的价值引领机制、建立健全网络舆论疏导机制、优化网络舆情管理保障机制。  相似文献   

21世纪标榜的是网络迅猛发展及科技日新月异,以网络为有效载体的多媒体技术蓬勃发展,催生了巨大的舆论探讨,推动着社会民主化进程。而网络舆论是柄双刃剑,既存的负面效应也引发了社会各界的持续关注,特别是其对大学生成长培养的负面效应一度成为高校教育改革的重点研究内容。本文主要针对多媒体背景下大学生网络舆论的引导与教育进行分析,发现问题并提出对应的解决策略,以期做好多媒体背景下大学生的网络舆论引导。  相似文献   

新媒体对社会舆情具有双重影响:一方面,公众可以借此学习各种知识,关注社会发展,推动社会进步;另一方面,新媒体使日常舆论引导难度逐渐增大,政府公信力受到影响,网络信息安全面临挑战。面对此种情况,针对新媒体认识不足等突出问题,廊坊市应采取有效措施,优化社会舆论环境,建立新媒体舆情监测预警系统,科学调解控制社会舆情,拓宽公众表达渠道,促进社会政治经济健康发展。  相似文献   

朱磊  方媛 《城市观察》2011,(5):22-28
在城市社会管理的语境中,网络舆情就是公众通过互联网就城市相关的公共问题和社会管理者所表达的意见、态度的总和。本文分析了城市社会管理中网络舆情的特点,并结合实际案例,提出网络舆情与城市社会管理具有刺激、沟通和邀约三种关系模式。在此基础上笔者认为城市社会管理应在平台、主体和制度三方面进行创新。  相似文献   

In recent years, public opinion towards gambling has become a more important factor in shaping public policy. Using a national public opinion survey conducted in Australia in 2011, this paper examines public opinion towards gambling in general and towards the government regulation of gambling in particular. Australia is an important case study because of the internationally high prevalence of gambling among the public, combined with a strong regulatory framework. Public opinion is measured by a reduced form of a scale first developed in Britain. The results confirm the generally negative views that the public holds towards gambling, which have been found internationally. In addition, the Australian public is open to the introduction of further restrictions on gambling. Overall, the public views the liberalization of gambling as having moved as far as most citizens find acceptable; to meet public expectations, future policies need to address more adequately the negative social consequences associated with problem gambling.  相似文献   

The objective is to test if religiosity affects environmental opinion in Europe. Using data from European Social Survey (ESS) 2002/2003, the study answers three questions. At the societal level: Is public opinion about the environment different in political systems with different Christian traditions? Is environmental concern less or higher in the public opinion depending on the degree of secularization in the political systems? At the individual level: Is the environmental opinion of the individual affected by the personal confession of faith, religious involvement, and the dominant religious context? At the societal level, the findings show stronger concern for the environment in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox countries than in Protestant countries. The tendency also shows a weakened concern for the environment in countries with a rather secular population. At the individual level, there are significant positive effects on environmental care from Catholic culture, negative effect from Protestant culture, and no effect from religious involvement.  相似文献   

The current study seeks to extend the network paradigm in public relations research by exploring the role of online opinion leaders in Twitter conversations around anthem protests by prominent athletes. The aim of the study is twofold: (1) identify opinion leaders involved in Twitter conversations related to anthem protests by Colin Kaepernick and Megan Rapinoe, and (2) further understand how and why social media users participate in conversations online about controversial subjects. The study combines social network analysis with in-depth interviews to adopt a more holistic framework for studying online opinion leadership in the context of public relations research. Ultimately, results from this study extend the network paradigm in public relations by examining the role of individual users in the construction of the discursive landscape around issue networks. Additionally, findings suggest that online opinion leaders should be differentiated from social media influencers in public relations scholarship as they reflect the movement away from Homo Economicus toward Homo Dialogicus (Kent & Taylor, 2016) and their capacity to facilitate the formation of publics and counterpublics around particular issues.  相似文献   

This study looks at the effect of China's political freedom, economic development and public relations efforts on the US media's coverage of China, and on Americans' opinions of China in the past 30 years. China's political freedom was found to be significant in predicting US media coverage of China and Americans' opinion of China, with more freedom leading to more positive coverage and more favorable opinions. More positive news coverage is related to more favorable American opinions of China when controlling for political and economic development and for public relations efforts. The number of public relations contracts China has signed with the US is also related to the increase in positive US media coverage of China.  相似文献   

The current study examines how the op-ed section of two prominent international newspapers were used for the articulation of public diplomacy issue stands by international experts who made an attempt to influence both government policy and public opinion abroad.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of low-wage work in America as presented in the political science literature with the goal of developing a theoretical framework. Based on traditional political theory, contemporary political perspectives, and public opinion, a modern political conceptualization of low-wage work represents a balance between policies that promote work as virtuous and those that present it as a form of social control. This balance is informed by historical notions of work, contemporary issues of racism, the economic realities of single mothers, and public perceptions of welfare and income support measures, such as the federal Earned Income Tax Credit.  相似文献   

How do urban Americans regard the problem of homelessness? Recent surveys by pollsters and social scientists seem to document a “backlash” during the 1980s, with public sentiment shifting from sympathy to resentment. The U.S. Supreme Court, for example, recently upheld a controversial 1990 New York City law forbidding poor people from panhandling in the city's subways. This study was designed to develop a brief, reliable, valid scale to more precisely assess public attitudes toward homelessness (acronym PATH), which future researchers can use to more exactly chart changes and correlates of public opinion toward homelessness. Here, a cross section of 222 adults in New York City responded to a 38- item survey containing PATH and five other brief scales. Analysis of responses found general support for four initial hypotheses: (1) There was indeed a remarkable diversity of public opinion, from 3 to 20 points on the 0– 20- point PA TH Scale, ranging from profound sympathy to anger and disgust. (2) A short- form of MacDonald's Poverty Scale correlated only modestly with one's PATH score (r=+0.49) that, along with respondents' comments, suggests these two forms of social distress may now be viewed quite separately in the American psyche. (3) Psychometrically, the 5- item PATH proved to be high in internal reliability (α=0.74), and in construct validity, with significant correlations with 4 other items. (4) Results so far indicate at least some personality basis for PATH. As expected, those most sympathetic to the homeless were significantly lower in authoritarian personality (r=?0.24) and in belief in a just world (r=?0.13). Unexpectedly, PATH correlated negatively with Social Desirability (r=? 0.15, p < 0.05). Potential uses of this PATH scale are explored, along with the notion of important distinctions in poverty and homelessness as two increasingly separate forms of social distress.  相似文献   

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