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Focusing on macro-level processes, this article combines Decennial Census and Current Population Survey data to simultaneously test longitudinal and cross-sectional effects on ethnic intermarriage using structural and cultural explanations. Covering a 130 year period, the results of our multilevel analysis for 140 national-origin groups indicate that structural characteristics explain why some origin groups become more “open” over time while others remain relatively “closed”. Ethnic intermarriage is more likely to increase over time when the relative size of an immigrant group decreases, sex ratios grow more imbalanced, the origin group grows more diverse, the size of the third generation increases and social structural consolidation decreases. Cultural explanations also play a role suggesting that an origin group’s exogamous behavior in the past exerts long-term effects and exogamous practices increase over time when the prevalence of early marriage customs declines. For some of the discussed determinants of intermarriage, longitudinal and cross-sectional effects differ calling for a more careful theorizing and testing in terms of the level of analysis (e.g., longitudinal vs. cross-sectional).  相似文献   

I argue that the social implications of religious non-affiliation vary across cultural contexts, leading to differences across nations in both who is likely to be unaffiliated and the religious consequences of such non-affiliation. I test these propositions by examining cross-national variation in associations with non-affiliation using multilevel models and cross-sectional survey data from almost 70,000 respondents in 52 nations. The results indicate that: 1) both individual characteristics (gender, age, and marital status) and nation-level attributes (GDP, communism, and regulation of religion) strongly predict religious non-affiliation; 2) differences in non-affiliation by individual-level attributes—women vs. men, old vs. young, and married vs. single—are greatest in nations with low levels of religious regulation and high levels of economic development; and 3) the effect of religious non-affiliation on religiosity varies considerably by the political and religious context, and to a lesser extent by the level of economic development in each nation. These results highlight cultural variation in what it means to be religiously unaffiliated.  相似文献   

政策层面的生活质量指标体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究生活质量一般从两个层面入手 ,一是微观层面即个体层面 ;一是宏观层面即社会政策层面。本文正是从社会政策层面入手 ,希望通过介绍与分析当今国际上有关生活质量社会政策指标体系 ,以期对我国生活质量指标体系的构建 ,起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山区分布着信仰不一、文化各异的大小数十个民族,其共同地域生态催生并整合出山地民族宗教文化的相似性特征(如宗教认知中强烈的山地空间感,与山地环境相关联的神圣观念,热身色彩的仪式活动),从而形成独一无二的环喜马拉雅宗教文化圈。喜马拉雅山区范围内的地域性差异导致宗教文化的多样性分布。主要表现为原始宗教(万物有灵信仰等)、体系化宗教(藏传佛教等)及介于二者之间的过渡型宗教(如萨满教、本教)等三种类型的宗教生态分布。  相似文献   

没有文化的支撑,则没有翻译行为的真正运行与实质性实施,而不同的国家的民族活动多样性与观念的多元化使其文化内容和形式呈现出多样性,通过翻译行为的实施去缩小差异,达成语言间的妥协。奈达从生态文化、物质文化、社会文化、宗教文化、语言文化五个方面归纳出语言中的文化因素,这些文化因素实则为两种语言转换时必定碰到的文化障碍,这种文化障碍在翻译行为的实施中则可视为文化限制。翻译行为的文化创造可在归化策略(转换法)、异化策略(直译法)、文化调停策略(意译法)、译注法、音译法、转换与重写法这6种方法中得到体现。  相似文献   

网络舆论对大学生价值观的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
当前网络深入高校,青年学子成为网络文化生活主体。伴随网络而生的网络舆论携带着丰富的思想、教育、文化信息成为大学生成长成才的客观思想环境,对大学生价值观的作用更为直接,影响效力更强。根据大学生使用网络的基本情况,了解到网络舆论的类别、传播途径,着重分析了网络舆论对大学生价值观的双重影响,并针对其消极影响,从高校、互联网以及大学生自身提出了具体的应对措施。  相似文献   

We extend research on the effects of religious ecologies by examining the role of religious ecologies in intergenerational socioeconomic mobility. We do so first by providing a theoretical framework addressing the diverse cultural influences of religious traditions and their impact on intergenerational mobility. We argue that certain otherworldly orientations among conservative Protestants suppress mechanisms of upward mobility, and that there are meaningful distinctions between sub-groups of conservative Protestants (evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals). An analysis of county-level data from the recently released Equality of Opportunity Project and the Churches and Church Membership Survey is used to empirically examine the relationship between religious ecologies and intergenerational mobility. Findings suggest distinct effects of different religious groups on intergenerational mobility. These results demonstrate the importance of accounting for the ecological impact of religion on social mobility in the United States and challenge the conceptualization of conservative Protestants as a monolithic group.  相似文献   

杜鑫 《晋阳学刊》2009,(5):45-49
在失业理论的发展过程中,不同的理论派别从不同的假设前提和理论视角考察了失业的不同方面,形成了既相互区别而又相互补充的关系。失业理论的发展大致呈现出从宏观到微观、从总量分析到个体分析的趋势,日益注重从劳动力市场的运行之中深度发掘失业的产生原因。不同的理论派别对于政府干预的立场不尽相同,但在消除市场的不完全性、加强和改善劳动力市场的调节功能上是基本一致的。各种失业理论观点及其政策主张为治理我国当前失业问题提供了有益的启示和指导。  相似文献   

段晶晶 《理论界》2014,(12):68-71
价值观是文化的核心,社会主义核心价值观是衡量国家文化软实力的重要指标,国家文化软实力是社会主义核心价值观的外在体现。要提升国家文化软实力,增强中国特色社会主义文化的凝聚力和竞争力,关键在构建社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

This study investigates the contributions of pre-college selection factors that may partially lead to the college degree – health link by using longitudinal data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1979) cohort. Propensity score matching method finds that the effects of college degree on various health outcomes (self-rated health, physical component summary index, health limitations, CESD scale) are reduced by 51% on average (range: 37%–70%) in the matched sample. Among these observed factors, cognitive skill is the biggest confounder, followed by pre-college health and socioeconomic characteristics (marital aspiration, years of schooling, marriage, fertility, poverty status) and non-cognitive skills (e.g., self-esteem). Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control scale is not significantly associated with all four health measures. The effects of most indicators of family background (parental education, family stability, family size, religious background) on the health of adult children are not direct but through offspring's early adulthood health and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

李芳 《阴山学刊》2014,(6):62-65
蒙古族民间怪孩子型故事非常多,最为丰富的应属神力儿、蛤蟆儿和拇指儿三种类型,其独特的文化特性表现为:动物崇拜、尚力美学追求和神秘宗教色彩。对这些文化特性进行研究,一方面可以丰富世界民间怪孩子型故事的整体研究,另一方面也可以在比较研究中发现民族与地域对于怪孩子故事传播的影响。  相似文献   

The ecological, political, religious and economic constraints and opportunities characterizing a nation crystallize to set the agenda for socializing children, its future citizens. Parented accordingly, members of those nations would come to adopt the values, beliefs, skills and attitudes that constitute the requisite human capital to sustain that nation. This study reports on the profiling of 55 nations by two dimensions of the socialization goals for children extracted from the World Values Survey, viz., Self-directedness versus Other-directedness, and Civility versus Practicality. An affluent, less corrupt and more gender-equal society is associated with greater focus on Self-directedness and Civility. Both dimensions show convergent and discriminant validities in their correlation with nation-level psychosocial variables such as citizen subjective well-being, values, beliefs, pace of life and trust of out-groups. These dimensions are also shown to connect a nation’s ecological construct to the outcomes of its citizens, adding a psychological–developmental perspective to examine nation-building and cultural transmission.  相似文献   

自古以来,哈萨克斯坦就是一个多民族、多宗教的国家,世界三大宗教在这里都有自己的组织和信众。独立后,哈国的宗教气氛异常活跃,宗教团体和信教人数迅速增加,宗教的社会功能不断扩大。文章论述了哈国的多元宗教现状、国家的宗教政策及宗教生活的某些特点,并通过社会调查资料分析了社会群体对不同宗教的宽容程度和政府对宗教信仰权利的保障情况。文章认为,虽然近年来哈萨克斯坦信仰伊斯兰教的人数在逐年增加,但人们对待不同宗教的态度普遍较宽容,这为减少因宗教而起的民族冲突提供了可能。  相似文献   

Although some point to the large effects of schooling on civic engagement (usually measured in terms of volunteering and participation in civic organizations) and social cohesion (usually measured in terms of social networks and relationship quality), the effects of schooling on social outcomes have not been estimated with the same rigor as the effects of schooling on labor-market outcomes, such as earnings. In particular, previous research has failed to consider (i) the many potential and often unobserved confounding factors (“endowments”) influencing both schooling and social outcomes, including family upbringing, innate characteristics, and personality, and (ii) the ways in which schooling pushes individuals in multiple directions simultaneously, including toward greater social engagement, but also toward more independent and market-driven pursuits. Using samples of unrelated persons, ordinary siblings, and identical twins, this study explores the effects of schooling on measures of civic engagement and social relationships, as well as labor-force earnings and labor-force participation. The siblings models reveal a more complex picture than typically suggested by standard individual estimates. On one hand, the results reveal a robust positive effect of schooling on earnings: well-schooled persons work more and earn more, albeit not as much as associations without control for endowments suggest. On the other hand, the results reveal more tenuous and occasionally negative effects of schooling on social outcomes. The effects of schooling on volunteering and membership in civic organizations, for example, disappear almost entirely with control for endowments. Also, within-identical-twins models reverse the positive effects of schooling on reports of support from friends, family, and coworkers. These results may reflect the tension schooling creates between market and non-market commitments, as well as between independence and interpersonal reliability. Schooling may, indeed, induce some pro-social behaviors, but schooling allows individuals choices of whether to pursue more personal interests as well.  相似文献   

论16世纪前中外文化交流的发展进程和基本特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
16世纪以前的中外文化交流,是在亚欧旧大陆范围内进行的,实现文化交流的主要途径包括使节、商人、宗教徒、游牧民族、战争等五个方面,其发展进程表现出偶然性、缓慢性、周邻性、在东亚邻国单向性辐射传播、接受以佛教为基本内容的外来文化和华夷观主导性等特点。虽然如此,16世纪以前的中外文化交流对于中国社会发展进程和世界发展进程仍产生了重要的历史影响。  相似文献   

人类学三路向:原始审美意识何以发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内学界关于原始审美意识何以发生问题的研究,有“神话”说、“图腾”说与“巫术”说三大人类学研究路向。由于原始巫术是中国原古文化的主导文化形态,因此运用文化人类学关于巫学的观点、方法来研究中国美学之文化根性与原始审美意识何以发生,是一条最为可行而有效的学术之途。  相似文献   

Research indicates that conservative Protestants are highly supportive of corporal punishment. Yet, Americans’ support for this practice has waned during the past several decades. This study aggregates repeated cross-sectional data from the General Social Surveys (GSS) to consider three models that address whether attitudes toward spanking among conservative Protestants shifted relative to those of other Americans from 1986 to 2014. Although initial results reveal a growing gap between conservative Protestants and the broader American public, we find that average levels of support have remained most robust among less educated conservative Protestants, with some erosion among more highly educated conservative Protestants. Moreover, trends in variability suggest that conservative Protestants exhibit more cohesive support for this practice than do others. These results provide a window into the cultural contours of religious change and the social factors that facilitate such change.  相似文献   

新加坡共同价值观教育评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡是一个十分重视价值观教育的国家。其共同价值观教育的内容是"国家至上,社会为先;家庭为根,社会为本;社会关怀,尊重个人;协商共识,避免冲突;种族和谐,宗教宽容"。教育实施的途径主要有学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育和社会管理等,其中学校教育是共同价值观教育实施的主渠道,家庭教育是教育实施的重要基础,社会教育是教育实施的重要途径,社会管理是教育的有力补充。重视社会主义核心价值体系教育,并将它落到实处;加强社会主义核心价值体系教育的教材与课程建设,切实抓好学校教育环节;将社会主义核心价值体系教育贯穿到家庭和社区,切实抓好家庭教育环节和社区教育环节是新加坡共同价值观教育带给我们的重要启示。  相似文献   

高校培育和践行社会主义核心价值观要注重实效性,要探索各种有效方式传播和践行社会主义核心价值观。地方特色文化资源丰富而厚重,是涵养社会主义核心价值观的重要源泉,各地高校可以因地制宜、因势利导,以地方特色文化资源为载体培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

黄健 《学术探索》2014,(6):142-146
依据文化人类学理论,文化的核心是价值观念,因此,价值观是形成作家文化人格的根基,作家的精神信仰则是形成其文化人格的核心要素。进一步说,作家的文化人格是由以下两个方面的精神特征整合而成的,一是人生经历和人生体验中逐渐形成并发展演变而成的精神图式,二是文化知识体系的建构中逐渐形成并发展演变而成的精神图式。这两个方面的精神图式又分别由血脉人伦情结、社会道德情感、宗教意识、哲学观念这四个层面的精神内蕴建构而成,鲁迅文化人格精神结构的形成也是如此。在文化人类学视阈中探究和建构鲁迅文化人格的精神结构,能够充分体现出中西方价值观的交融以及传统性与现代性的和谐发展。  相似文献   

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