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Delhey and Kohler assume that the happiness distribution at the population level is essentially normal, but that this is distorted by the fact that happiness is measured in samples using scales that are discrete and two-sided bounded. This assumption is tested using the probit method and rejected.  相似文献   

荀子承续"孔颜之乐"所奠定的儒家德性幸福传统,始终坚持了德性至上原则。但与孔孟主要侧重于精神之"乐"的幸福观有所不同,荀子明显地提升了功利幸福在儒家幸福中的地位,进一步确认了功利幸福的合法性、合理性。荀子的幸福观无法摆脱德性幸福与功利幸福的内在紧张,但荀子致力于调解德性幸福与功利幸福的对峙状态,最终也实现了二者在一定意义上的融合,从而完成了儒家幸福观由"一枝独秀"到"双峰并峙"的折变。  相似文献   

Internal migration in China during the last three decades, the largest in human history, offers a rare opportunity to understand inequalities in the making. Using data spanning 10 years from China’s largest metropolis, Shanghai, this study assesses how enduring state institutions interplay with the spread of market forces to shape income inequality between migrants and native urban workers. Though the wages of both Chinese migrants and urban workers rose considerably, economic restructuring during the decade under study resulted in diminished privileges for urbanites and subsequently increased collision between migrants and urban workers in the private sectors. These shifts, rather than substantially reducing inequality, have led to an evolving form of inequality, from an initial general blatant discrimination against migrants across the board, to a new and more subtle form of inequality characterized by substantial segmented discrimination against migrants within economic sectors, with the degree of inequality varying from sector to sector. We discuss how this changing inequality reflects complementary rather than competing roles of the state and market institutions in inequality creation and maintenance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of racial inequality on black and white migration rates for a sample of metropolitan areas in the United States 1975–1980. A conceptual framework for migration that includes a measure of racial inequality is developed and evaluated. The results indicate that blacks are attracted to areas with lower levels of inequality, but contrary to our expectations, the rate of black out-migration is lower in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas with higher levels of racial inequality. In addition, whites seem to be attracted to labor markets where whites have the greatest advantage as measured by occupational inequality, and they are more likely to leave areas where the competition with blacks for jobs is greater. Implications for theory and further research for the comparative study of black and white migration are outlined.  相似文献   

在美的形而上学视域中,世界是以一即一切与一切即一的方式呈现出来的;而幸福感则源于对世界的这种审美观照。由于审美观照方式不同,个体的幸福感也就不同:它们分属于酒神型与日神型这两大类型。幸福的获取有待于幸福人格的重建,这意味着人从本质上要成为游戏的人。现实中对于幸福的追求是生命的一项冒险与挑战。人在追求幸福的过程中未必能获得幸福,反倒会遭遇痛苦;然而,这种痛苦的承担却成就了生命的崇高。  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年,我国经济社会呈现的两个典型特征是经济的持续快速增长和收入差距的不断拉大。在我国当前仍处于社会主义初级阶段和收入差距不断拉大、收入分配过程有失公正的背景下,需要并行不悖地大力推动经济增长和缩小收入差距,不可顾此失彼。从实现国民幸福的终极目标出发,结合行为经济学对人内在公平偏好的揭示以及幸福经济学关于幸福与绝对收入、参照收入和收入不平等的关系研究的新进展,弱化收入差距对居民幸福感负向影响的一个重要途径是加强制度建设,促进机会均等,提高社会和收入的流动性。  相似文献   

熊毅 《河北学刊》2012,32(2):131-136
快乐很重要,它是人类经济活动的重要目的。中外现实表明,经济增长却并未很好提升快乐。运用经济学审视,从宏观看,GDP指标专门性特点决定了其不能很好衡量快乐。从微观看,随着个人收入上升,劳动成本和欲望也在递增,而相对收入和偏好却不增,因而快乐净增也不多。增长与快乐关系疏离在中国尤为突出。因此,站在政治经济学角度,特别需要政府依据社会快乐最大化为标准,适当调整GDP指标,公平分配GDP蛋糕,运用公共政策调整资源配置和财富分配,让经济增长更好服务于快乐需要,这也是政府义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

Does a racial earnings gap exist among individuals who come from similar childhood socioeconomic backgrounds? Is the racial earnings gap larger or smaller for those from higher or lower socioeconomic origins? This research addresses these questions by taking a counterfactual approach to estimating the residual racial pay gap between non-Hispanic black and white men from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. The findings indicate that the racial earnings gap is larger among those from lower-middle class and working class childhood backgrounds than among those from upper-middle class backgrounds, for whom the racial pay gap is indistinguishable from zero. Compared to their more advantaged counterparts, black men from lower-middle and working class backgrounds have more difficulty rising above their socioeconomic origins relative to white men from similar social class backgrounds. Racial earnings equality among those from upper-middle class backgrounds suggests that the high levels of racial inequality often observed among those with college and professional degrees may in fact reflect heterogeneous childhood socioeconomic backgrounds among the college educated—backgrounds that continue to have an effect on earnings despite individual academic achievements.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that when there is a high level of inequality, there is a low rate of participation. Two arguments are generally offered: First, inequality depresses participation because people from different status groups have fewer opportunities to share common goals. Second, people may participate more in civic and social life when they have more resources. However, until now, these explanations have not been separated empirically. Using EU-SILC data for 24 European countries, we analyze how income inequality is related to civic and social participation. Our results indicate that the main effects of inequality manifest via resources at the individual and societal level. However, independent of these resources, higher inequality is associated with lower civic participation. Furthermore, inequality magnifies the relationship between income and participation. This finding is in line with the view that inter-individual processes explain why inequality diminishes participation.  相似文献   

冯光 《南京社会科学》2008,8(6):117-121
培养幸福感实质上是幸福教育,是增强高校德育实效性的一项基础性教育,它为增强德育的有效性提供了内在动力,为德育的生活化开辟了基本路径,为大学生形成正确的人生观、价值观奠定了基础,也为大学生精神信仰、心理素质和道德品质的良性发展创造了良好的心理和情感条件.  相似文献   

幸福感:指标与测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
幸福感指标是构建和谐社会的重要指标,早期研究主要有认知与情感两种取向,在四十年研究历程中,幸福感评估已经整合成为一个动态的整体框架,并从人格、社会,以及其他情景之间的交互关系来思考与了解、测量与评估幸福感。现代走向表现为认知与情感的综合、主观幸福感与心理幸福感的综合、理论与数据的综合。  相似文献   

美德伦理自其萌芽伊始便是一种幸福伦理,以追求并实现一种属人的幸福为其鹄的。在西方伦理思想史上,伦理思想家们在美德与幸福关系上的探讨,可以归纳为"有益论"、"阻碍论"和"同一论"三种形态。其中,"阻碍论"存在较大的偏颇,"同一论"则只是一种片面的、形而上的探讨,它们二者都可以说是一种极端。"有益论"是比较合理的看法。虽然我们的探讨主要还只是学理性的,但它至少表明,人们以美德来求得幸福有其必然性的一面。  相似文献   

儿童幸福感主要体现于对生活的满意度及积极与消极感受方面。当今儿童总体上对生活的满意度比较高,其中家庭满意度最高,自我满意度较低,对学习满意度最低;在生活感受中,积极感受占主导,同时存在一定比例的消极感受。在影响儿童幸福感的因素中,人口学方面表现显著的是城乡、户籍、是否独生子女及学校级别等;社会学因素中"健康、家庭和学校"三个领域都有显著体现。  相似文献   

文章对幸福的内涵作了新颖的探索,认为幸福是外在幸福与内在幸福的统一体,外在幸福是指主体所欲求的对象或目标的满足,从满足内容上可分为生理的幸福、安全的幸福、爱与归属的幸福、尊重的幸福和自我实现的幸福,从实现满足的途径上可分为事业、爱情、亲情、友情、闲暇和自我六个方面的幸福。内在幸福则是因这种满足状况而产生的良好的精神状态,分情绪、认知和境界三个层次的幸福。最终决定内在幸福的是主体的自我,自我分肉体自我与精神自我,精神自我在追求外在幸福时,反映为外向性自我;在主导内在幸福时,反映为内向性自我。自我幸福是外在幸福与内在幸福的交汇点,是人生幸福的根本。  相似文献   

许地山的"安乐"观将精神因素放在首位,对"安乐"的内涵有着独特的阐释,是他的悲剧意识与博爱思想之间的桥梁,在其人生哲学中占极为重要的位置,是理解他的人生哲学与整个思想的关键.  相似文献   

历史不了情:阿Q精神话题的“当代性”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在百年中国新文学的行进途中 ,阿Q作为被改造的“国民性”的一种文化原型 ,被不断地读解、模仿、再创造 ,透发着延绵不断的“当代性”信息。第一个十年中以文学研究会乡土作家群的作品为代表 ,其阿Q相多系对阿Q原型的不断补充和反复昭示。 3 0年代的老舍、巴金、张天翼等塑造的多系市民阿Q ,为阿Q精神话题开拓了新的疆域。抗战时期在姚雪垠、老舍、路翎笔下出现的阿Q多有觉醒的契机 ,但深入骨髓的文化惰性仍然扼住了他们的新的人格的形成。高晓声、林礼明、刘震云等新时期作家笔下的阿Q则多带有“阔起来”和“爬上去”的特点 ,为国民性改造提出了新的课题  相似文献   

幸福感:研究取向与未来趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
苗元江 《社会科学》2002,6(2):51-56
在幸福感的研究进程中 ,形成了两种研究取向 ,一种是探讨影响幸福的客观因素 ,主要包括生活质量和各种人口统计学变量两类因素的影响 ,另一种是着手从个体的主观内在角度加以解释。幸福感未来研究 ,显示出从外在到内在、从笼统到精细、从描述到解释、从偏狭到全面的趋势。  相似文献   

Military expenditures have escalated over the last three decades in both developed and less developed countries, without a corresponding expansion of military personnel. Spending has instead been directed towards hi-tech weaponry, what we refer to as the “new” military. We hypothesize that this new, increasingly capital-intensive military is no longer a pathway of upward mobility or employer of last resort for many uneducated, unskilled, or unemployed people, with significant consequences for those individuals and society as a whole. One such consequence, we argue, is an increase in income inequality. We test this hypothesis with cross-national panel models, estimated for 82 developed and less developed countries from 1970 to 2000. Findings indicate that military capital-intensiveness, as measured by military expenditures per soldier, exacerbates income inequality net of control variables. Neither total military expenditures/GDP nor military participation has a significant effect. It appears from these findings that today’s “new” military establishment is abrogating its historical role as an equalizing force in society, with important policy implications.  相似文献   

2015年度中国综合社会调查数据显示:观看电视满足了民众的休闲和社交需求从而提升了幸福感。电视使用影响幸福感的一个深层机制在于电视能够培育民众的家国情怀进而提高民众的幸福感。在中国现代化转型过程中,家国情怀正逐渐被消解,充分发挥电视弘扬主流价值观和凝聚社会共识的功能,对培育民众家国情怀进而助力幸福中国建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

幸福经济学在中国:研究现状和未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任海燕  傅红春 《江海学刊》2012,(1):105-109,239
幸福经济学是一个新兴的研究领域,中国幸福经济学研究起源于20世纪80年代。经过二十多年的发展,这一学科取得了丰硕的研究成果,其中幸福的影响因素和幸福的测量是当前中国幸福经济学研究的核心内容。当前中国幸福经济学研究在基础理论的建构、研究视域的拓展、研究方法的丰富和完善以及研究队伍的整合等方面还存在诸多问题。但是,良好的发展环境和多学科的积极参与,使未来中国幸福经济学具有美好的发展前景。  相似文献   

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