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An important source of neighborhood change occurs when there is a turnover in the housing unit due to residential mobility and the new residents differ from the prior residents based on socio-demographic characteristics (what we term social distance). Nonetheless, research has typically not asked which characteristics explain transitions with higher social distance based on a number of demographic dimensions. We explore this question using American Housing Survey data from 1985 to 2007, and focus on instances in which the prior household moved out and is replaced by a new household. We focus on four key characteristics for explaining this social distance: the type of housing unit, the age of the housing unit, the length of residence of the exiting household, and the crime and social disorder in the neighborhood. We find that transitions in the oldest housing units and for the longest tenured residents result in the greatest amount of social distance between new and prior residents, implying that these transitions are particularly important for fostering neighborhood socio-demographic change. The results imply micro-mechanisms at the household level that might help explain net change at the neighborhood level.  相似文献   

The degree to which children grow up in crowded housing is a neglected but potentially important aspect of social inequality. Poor living conditions can serve as a mechanism of social stratification, affecting children’s wellbeing and resulting in the intergenerational transmission of social inequality. This paper reports an investigation of housing crowding on children’s academic achievement, behavior, and health in the US and Los Angeles, a city with atypically high levels of crowding. We use data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ Child Development Supplement and the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey to explore the effect of living in a crowded home on an array of child wellbeing indicators. We find that several dimensions of children’s wellbeing suffer when exposed to crowded living conditions, particularly in Los Angeles, even after controlling for socioeconomic status. The negative effects on children raised in crowded homes can persist throughout life, affecting their future socioeconomic status and adult wellbeing.  相似文献   

Most major urban areas remain segregated by race, especially in terms of black segregation from whites. We replicate and extend the innovative approach developed by Farley and colleagues for understanding processes of racial residential segregation with data collected in Los Angeles. Using a large (N = 4025) multiracial sample of adults, we examine (1) actual and perceived differences in economic status, (2) mutual preference for same race neighbors, and (3) racial prejudice and discrimination as hypotheses for the persistence of residential segregation. With a systematic experimental design we gauge respondent openness to living in areas with varying proportions of black, white, Latino, or Asian neighbors. We find no support for actual or perceived cost of housing as a barrier to integration. Although all groups exhibit some degree of ethnocentric preference for same race neighbors, this tendency is strongest among whites rather than blacks and plays only a small role in perpetuating segregation. Blacks face the greatest hostility in the search for housing and are consensually recognized as most likely to face discrimination in the housing market. Racial minorities are more open to sharing residential space with whites than with other minorities. We find generally higher rates of openness to integration than Farley and colleagues found in their recent Detroit survey.  相似文献   

While individuals returning from prison face many barriers to successful re-entry, among the most serious are the challenges they face in securing housing. Housing has long been recognized as a prerequisite for stable employment, access to social services, and other aspects of individual and family functioning. The formerly incarcerated face several administrative and de facto restrictions on their housing options; however, little is known about the unique instabilities that they face. We use a longitudinal survey of urban families to examine housing insecurity among nearly 3000 urban men, including over 1000 with incarceration histories. We find that men recently incarcerated face greater housing insecurity, including both serious hardships such as homelessness, and precursors to homelessness such as residential turnover and relying on others for housing expenses. Their increased risk is tied both to diminished annual earnings and other factors, including, potentially, evictions from public housing supported by Federal “one-strike” policies.  相似文献   

房地产业是国民经济的重要部门,其兴衰直接关系着国民经济的兴衰。近年来,我国房地产领域出现了一系列问题:房价上涨较快,商品房空置量增加,政府每一轮的调控只能短时间抑制房价,随后又会出现不同程度的上涨。为此,文章基于灰色关联度模型对北京市房地产需求影响因素以及影响程度进行了分析,得出各需求影响因素相对重要性依次是:北京市人口总数、城镇人均居住面积、经济适用房竣工面积、消费价格指数、人均可支配收入、商品房销售价格、GDP,从而为房地产的良性发展提供参考。  相似文献   

在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控期间,全国各地对城乡道路交通实施管控,对居民住宅小区实行封闭管理。居民生活物资的保障成为一项突出的问题。在此期间,各地积极采取了不同措施应对生活物资保障问题,努力做到米、面、果蔬等群众生活必需品的供应及储备,确保人民群众基本生活不受影响。通过对居民自行采购、物业代购、电商配送等不同类型的生活物资采购方式进行分析,并给出不同采购方式在实际操作中的可行性和弊端,最后提出疫情防控下居民生活物资采购及供应对策建议。  相似文献   

"生活环境主义"主张在解决环境问题时,不简单地推行自然环境主义,让居民彻底远离环境,这是不切实际的。尊重当地居民的意愿,挖掘当地居民的生活智慧解决环境问题不失为一种折衷的办法。环境实在论和环境建构论在环境问题演化的不同时期解决了环境问题如何产生和呈现机制问题,但并未在解决路径上引入范式研究。生活环境主义在解决路径上提供了可供参考的范式。  相似文献   

西南地区城市保障性住房运行机制及其改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国西南地区保障性住房在缓解地区住房供需矛盾、改善城镇居民居住条件及推动城镇化建设等方面发挥着重大作用。同时,在其发展过程中也出现了中低收入者权益得不到切实保障、保障面过窄等问题。鉴于此.应进一步建立和完善管理机制、运作机制、房源保障机制、房源控制制度和运营机制,加快城乡二元体制改革步伐,大力发展住房二级市场,构建以政府为主体的住房保障金融体系。  相似文献   

《Social science research》1987,16(2):185-210
Studies of ethnic conflict and protest find patterns of systematic “cycles of protest” in which minorities become the targets of concentrated attack or instigate protests against discrimination and prejudice. Such cycles have been linked to the persistence of economic exploitation and the occurrence of economic contractions, which exacerbate ethnic tensions. Proponents of competition theory claim that rising levels of ethnic competition over jobs, housing, and other resources increases the likelihood of ethnic collective action. This paper extends competition theory by specifying the effects of changes in immigration flows and economics on ethnic competition. It uses data on collective actions in 80 large cities in the United States from 1877 through 1889 to test propositions about competition and contagion. Analyses reported here support the contention that (a) high levels and rapid rates of immigration, (b) increases in the wages of common laborers, (c) increases in business failures, and (d) contagion, indicated by the recency of prior waves of events, all raise rates of ethnic collective action.  相似文献   

I examine whether the effect of parents’ education on children’s educational achievement and attainment varies by family structure and, if so, whether this can be explained by differential parenting practices. Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, I find that as parents’ education increases, children in single mother families experience a lower boost in their achievement test scores, likelihood of attending any post-secondary schooling, likelihood of completing a 4-year college degree, and years of completed schooling relative to children living with both biological parents. Differences in parents’ educational expectations, intergenerational closure, and children’s involvement in structured leisure activities partially explain these status transmission differences by family structure. The findings imply that, among children with highly educated parents, children of single mothers are less likely to be highly educated themselves relative to children who grow up with both biological parents.  相似文献   

Although abortion became legal over 40 years ago, Americans remain staunchly divided over its acceptability. Personal religious beliefs and behaviors have emerged as some of the most important factors shaping disapproval. Despite religion's importance, very little attention has been given to how the local religious context may shape views and abortion access. Using data from the General Social Survey (N = 6922) that has geographical identifiers, we examine the role of the local religious context for shaping attitudes and the presence of a county abortion clinic. We find that as the level of county religious engagement rises, religious and secular residents alike develop more conservative attitudes. Conversely, as the county Catholic rate increases, moderate and liberal Protestants become more prochoice. While the county conservative Protestant rate has no influence on residents' attitudes, it is the only religious contextual measure that shapes the likelihood that a county has an abortion clinic.  相似文献   

Studies that examine the relationship between neighborhood characteristics and weight are limited because residents are not randomly distributed into neighborhoods. If associations are found between neighborhood characteristics and weight in observational studies, one cannot confidently draw conclusions about causality. We use data from the Utah Population Database (UPDB) that contain body mass index (BMI) information from all drivers holding a Utah driver license to undertake a cross-sectional analysis that compares the neighborhood determinants of BMI for youth and young adults. This analysis assumes that youth have little choice in their residential location while young adults have more choice. Our analysis makes use of data on 53,476 males and 47,069 females living in Salt Lake County in 2000. We find evidence of residential selection among both males and females when BMI is the outcome. The evidence is weaker when the outcomes are overweight or obesity. We conclude that studies that ignore the role of residential selection may be overstating the causal influence of neighborhood features in altering residents’ BMI.  相似文献   

In a departure from most studies of the causes of racial residential segregation that focus on the three main factors of economics, preferences, and discrimination, this paper examines one of the mechanisms through which segregation may be perpetuated: the housing search process itself. Data come from a 2004 face-to-face survey of an area probability sample of African American and white householders living in the three counties of the Detroit metropolitan area (n = 734). These data are used to address three research questions: (1) What are the strategies people use to find housing, and are there racial differences in those strategies? (2) Do whites and African Americans report similar or different experiences in the search for housing? (3) Do the locations in which people search for housing vary by race? Results show that once controlling for the type of search and background characteristics, the search strategies are generally similar for whites and blacks, though more so for buyers than renters: for example, black renters use more informal strategies and networks than do white renters. Analyses that look at the features of these strategies, however, reveal some significant racial differences. Search experiences are similar in terms of length and number of homes inspected, but other objective and subjective questions about the search show blacks at a disadvantage compared to whites: African Americans submit more offers/applications for homes, report more difficulties, and are much more likely to feel they were taken advantage of during the search. The racial characteristics of the communities in which blacks and whites search are quite different: whites mainly search in white communities, while African Americans search in communities with a variety of racial compositions. The paper concludes with a call for further research on housing search strategies, with particular attention to the role of social networks.  相似文献   

贾淑军 《河北学刊》2012,32(3):188-191
保障性住房建设是一项重大的民生工程。随着中国住房保障工作的深入推进,保障性住房建设规模大与资金短缺的矛盾日益凸显。本文在分析中国保障性住房投融资现状的基础上,构建了保障性住房多元化投融资机制,并在对不同类型保障性住房投融资建设模式进行分析的基础上,从政策层面提出了促进保障性住房可持续发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

新型城镇化不仅要防止城市病,而且要让农村居民特别是重点生态功能区的居民享受城市文明而又不破坏生态,实现城乡统筹发展。我国重点生态功能区集中在中西部山区,多数是国家级贫困县。重点生态功能区的新农村建设是新型城镇化的重要组织部分。海南省白沙县的美丽乡村建设为推进国家重点生态功能区的新农村建设做了有益探索。白沙个案表明:要实现新型城镇化的目标,国家必须完善生态补偿机制,加强国家重点生态功能区的新农村建设,优先安排资金,按生态文明的理念改造贫困村庄的住房和完善公共服务体系,使当地居民既能享受与城镇居民同等的基本公共服务和居住条件,又能提高生态文明水平特别是生态产品的生产能力。  相似文献   

With the recent housing crisis, studying abandoned buildings has once again become important. However, it has been some time since abandoned buildings were the subject of direct study, leaving scholars with scant knowledge about the characteristics of abandoned buildings, how they change, and their relationship to neighborhood processes. To fill this gap, we employed longitudinal photographic and SSO evaluations of 36 abandoned buildings and their immediate surroundings in Chicago for one year (n = 587). Results demonstrate the presence and severity of social disorder cues vary across time points and the time of day of observation. There is a relationship between abandoned buildings and social disorder, though the relationship is not a trend. Also, social disorder is diminished around extremely decayed buildings. Lastly, we find that our results are driven by the measurement of places ignored by most SSO studies, including alleys and the rear side of buildings.  相似文献   

This paper uses the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to investigate the impact of housing instability in adolescence on the likelihood of subsequent graduation from high school. Combining census data, self-reports, and information about respondents’ residential changes, we use the variation in households’ number of moves and neighborhood quality to predict whether participants obtain a high school diploma. Controlling for major predictors of housing mobility, students experiencing at least one move over a 12-month period have a roughly 50% decreased likelihood of obtaining a high school diploma by the age of 25. These associations are identified regardless of whether students move to a poorer or less-poor neighborhood. Our results carry implications for the development of housing policies and interventions designed for disadvantaged populations.  相似文献   

Social disorganization theories position neighborhood social capital and collective efficacy as key social processes that should facilitate community resilience in the aftermath of disaster. Yet limited evidence demonstrates that these social processes are themselves resilient with some studies showing that disaster can fracture even once cohesive neighborhoods. In this paper we assess the stability of neighborhood level collective efficacy and social capital before and after a disaster. We use multilevel structural equation modeling and draw on census and longitudinal survey data collected from over 4000 residents living in 148 neighborhoods in Brisbane, Australia before and after a significant flood event. We examine what happens to social capital and collective efficacy in flooded and non-flooded neighborhoods and assess whether demographic shifts are associated with change and/or stability in these processes. We find strong evidence that these processes operate similarly across flooded and not flooded communities. Our findings also reveal significant stability for our measures of social capital across time, while collective efficacy increases post flood across all neighborhoods, but more so in flooded neighborhoods. Neighborhood demographics have limited effect on patterns of stability or change in these social processes. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings for our understanding of neighborhood resilience in the wake of disaster.  相似文献   

Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) was a landmark civil rights ruling, in which the Supreme Court held that private racial covenants could not be enforced by the state to evict black buyers of “restricted” homes. Fair housing scholars have generally dismissed or downplayed the practical effects of Shelley, since other forms of housing discrimination remained very powerful. Using spatial lag models and detailed geographic data on the location of covenants and patterns of intra-urban black migration, we compare the role of Shelley with other forces shaping mid-century neighborhood change. We find that Shelley precipitated white-to-black neighborhood transitions after 1948 and changed the nature of the dual housing market in important ways. We also show that increased black mobility produced a sharp increase in intra-black economic segregation during the 1950s and 1960s.  相似文献   

杨哲  ;王茂福 《兰州学刊》2014,(7):104-110
文章基于CHIPS2007流动人口数据,对农民工城市居住质量与婚姻稳定性关系进行研究。研究发现:在其他条件不变的条件下,相对于在城市独立租房的农民工而言,合租和居住单位宿舍农民工婚姻不稳定系数变动增大;与居住非城区的农民工相比,居住在城区农民工婚姻更加稳定;与居住在平房的农民工相比,居住在楼房的农民工婚姻更加和谐。随着城市住房使用面积增大、饮水条件改善、卫生设备提高以及取暖设备完善,婚姻稳定性也显著增强。同时也发现农民工城市住房使用面积存在边际递减效应;农民工城市住房产权不显著影响该群体的婚姻稳定性。  相似文献   

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