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The liberation model hypothesizes that school choice liberates students from underperforming schools by giving them the opportunity to seek academically superior schooling options outside of their neighborhoods. Subsequently, school choice is hypothesized to diminish stratification in schools. Data from one urban school district is analyzed to test these hypotheses. We specifically examine which factors influence the propensity for parents to participate in choice, and how school choice changes the racial/ethnic and economic composition of schools. We further examine how school choice influences similar changes within distinct sociogeographic areas within the district. We find that families who are zoned to more racially/ethnically and economically diverse schools in sociogeographically diverse areas are more likely to participate in school choice. We also find that intra-district choice is associated with a slight increase in social stratification throughout the district, with more substantial stratification occurring in the most demographically diverse areas and schools.  相似文献   

课程领导是一种不同于课程管理的新的管理观。在课程领导的背景下,传统课程管理模式使中小学校长角色陷入了困境,校长角色的转换已成必然之势。要走出困境,中小学校长必须明确办学理念,制定学校发展计划,健全学校的课程开发组织,组织合作、向上的教师团队以促进学校课程乃至整个课程体系的发展。  相似文献   

While many factors, such as unit- and item nonresponse, threaten data quality, we focus on data contamination that arises primarily from task simplification processes. We argue that such processes can occur at two levels. First, respondents themselves may engage in various response strategies that minimize their time and effort in completing the survey. Second, interviewers and other employees of the research institute might take various shortcuts to reduce their time and/or to fulfill the requirements of their contracts; in the simplest form this can be done via copy-and-paste procedures.This paper examines the cross-national quality of the reports from principals of schools participating in the 2009 PISA. We introduce two measures of data quality to document that extreme response simplification characterizes the behavior of substantial numbers of school principals in numerous countries. Additionally, we discovered strong evidence of data fabrication in several countries.  相似文献   

Educational scholars claim that teacher morale has suffered from accountability pressures and constrained professionalism, but exactly what is most diminished by these pressures remains unclear. Drawing on recent theoretical work on public school organizational culture, we hypothesize that accountability pressures hurt teacher morale and increase the risk of turnover by undermining the professional culture of the school and by diminishing teacher cooperation and trust. We find support for this hypothesis in a national sample of teachers in 2011–12, and a follow-up survey from 2012–13. The analyses test whether a collective pedagogical teacher culture, comprised of professional culture and teacher collaboration, buffers the impact of these pressures that diminish teacher morale. Counter to past research, we find that a strong collective pedagogical teacher culture does not buffer teachers from the ill effects of negative workplace conditions in the form of accountability pressures. We also find that accountability pressures in the form of district dismissals are associated with a higher likelihood of teachers leaving their school, and this relationship is not mitigated by strong professional culture. We conclude that accountability pressures partly undermine goals of improving performance and equity in public schools by sowing seeds of teacher dissatisfaction and contributing to teacher turnover, thus thwarting student achievement in struggling schools.  相似文献   

This paper applies theoretical frameworks from organizational sociology and sociolegal studies to examine factors associated with educators’ conceptions of students’ rights to due process in disciplinary actions. We analyze a unique representative data set of 402 teachers and 200 administrators in U.S. high schools to investigate how educators understand the rights to due process articulated in the Supreme Court case of Goss v. Lopez (1975). We then examine whether individual characteristics and participation in organizational processes are associated with educators’ understandings of students’ due process rights. Findings suggest that educators’ understandings of students’ entitlements to due process vary with educators’ level of education, experience of school-related legal threats, and participation in district or diocese in-service training programs on students’ rights. Results point to organizational climate as a key factor in shaping educators’ rights conceptions and the role of law in American schools.  相似文献   

近年来,我国职业技术教育事业蓬勃发展,但许多问题也随之出现,其中中等职业学校"问题学生"的心理及行为表现引起了众多教育工作者的广泛关注。本文对中等职业学校"问题学生"的心理特点及成因进行分析,提出改善"问题学生"心理及行为问题的有效策略,引导"问题学生"走出困境,使其能够正常地发展,健康地成长,是促进中职学校教育事业发展的重要方面。  相似文献   

The Washington State Achiever (WSA) program was a large-scale educational intervention of scholarships, mentoring, and school redesign designed to encourage students from moderate and low income families to attend college in Washington State. Using a quasi-experimental design based on pre- and post-intervention surveys of high school seniors in program and non-program schools, we find a significant WSA effect on educational outcomes, net of the demographic and socioeconomic composition of students across schools. Across the three intervention high schools, the program is strongly significant in one school, significant after a lag in another school, and not significant in a third. We speculate about the potential reasons for the differential program effect across high schools.  相似文献   

王衍军  李平 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(5):116-120
清初学校教育制度和科举制基本因袭明制,但由于时代和社会的原因,清初在教育和科举制度上又有许多改革和创新。中央官学方面,鼓励纳资入国子监,招收例贡、例监等各类监生;地方教育方面,清代书院、社学官学化程度很高,私塾教育成为科举应试的预备性教育。尤为突出的是这一时期的教育完全为科举服务,不论官学、私学,均以科举为核心,成为科举的附庸。《醒世姻缘传》所记载的文化史料,比较全面地反映了十七世纪中叶(即清初)的学校教育及科举制度的状况。  相似文献   

针对河北省县域经济发展落后,国家级贫困县较多的现状,运用主成分分析法,将39个县进行顺序排列,并对贫困县经济发展提出了解放思想、发展特色经济,注重可持续发展、优化产业结构、加大对国家贫困县资金的倾斜力度、推进小城镇建设的进程政策建议。  相似文献   

周芸芸 《阴山学刊》2012,(1):102-107
春游、体育和其他大规模集体教学活动在我国现行的学校侵权法律责任承担模式下容易因为安全问题取消或者减少。虽然学生安全保险制度能解决学校的赔偿责任,却不能预防风险发生。怎么整合符合现实国情的学校侵权法律责任系统?重构监护人权利与责任,建立家校联合会制度,保障学校应有的教育功能,真正实现学生的全面发展是合理可行的解决途径。  相似文献   

Students’ social psychological adjustment to school is an important determinant of achievement growth as well as school continuation and post-secondary educational attainment. Yet many students begin high school with low levels of efficacy and self-worth, and low levels of identification with and liking of school. In this study, we investigate the hypothesis that vocational education in high school provides disengaged students with an educational clean slate, leading to a recovery of engagement for at-risk students. Using propensity score models, we assess the relationship between vocational course taking and changes in effort, extracurricular participation, sense of belonging, interest in school, attitudes toward school and teachers, educational expectations, career aspirations, locus of control, and self-concept with the NELS:88 database.  相似文献   

文章采用中学生孤独感问卷对自贡、乐山地区四所中学共278名留守中学生进行了调查,结果发现:①农村留守中学生在纯孤独感因子上分值均高于非留守中学生,呈现显著差异:②农村留守中学生的孤独感水平存在性别差异,留守女生在对重要关系未满足程度的知觉因子上的分值均显著高于留守男生;③农村留守学生孤独感水平存在年级差异,在对自己社交能力的知觉的纬度上却存在显著性差异,且留守高中生高于留守初中生:④父母是否双方外出打工、外出时间长短与监护人类别、教养方式是影响农村留守中学生孤独感水平的重要因素。本文在对留守中学生孤独感现状调查研究的基础上,阐明了影响留守中学生孤独感的主要家庭因素,并从家庭、学校、社会的角度提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Information deficits are considered an important source of why students from less-privileged families do not enroll in college, even when they are college-eligible and intend to go to college. In this paper, we examine whether correct and detailed information on the costs of and returns to higher education increases the likelihood of college applications of less-privileged high school graduates who expressed college intentions in their junior high school year. We employ an experimental design with a randomly assigned 25-minute information treatment about funding opportunities for, and returns to, higher education given at Berlin schools awarding university entrance qualifications. Our analyses show that our information treatment indeed substantially increases the likelihood of treated less-privileged students to apply to college. Our study indicates that our low-cost provision of financial information not only increased their college knowledge but also substantially changed their college application behavior, despite other existing barriers, like economic constraints.  相似文献   

职业学校学生的心理危机及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尚毅 《河南社会科学》2004,12(4):138-139
青少年学生在成长中出现了较明显的心理问题。尤其是职业学校的学生,心理问题更为突出。归纳起来有四种类型:有目标无动力的可发展型、易紧张无活力的神经质型、能力受压抑的厌学型和无素养难自适的厌世型。要解决这些学生的心理问题,可采取建立纵横交织的立体心理健康教育网络、建立健全正确适度的舆论导向体系、对教师家长进行持续性心理教育、在各级各类学校广泛普及艺术教育等措施。  相似文献   

作为大学生中的一个特殊群体,医学生有着跟其他专业大学生不同的学习生活方式和特点。在现代医疗条件下,人民群众需要越来越多的高素质医生,对医学生的培养也提出了更高的要求。作为医学生全面发展的一个重要方面,休闲素质显得越来越重要。目前,大部分医学院校在培养医学生休闲素质方面还做得远远不够。  相似文献   

区县中小学校长培训理论与实践脱节问题,可以从目标定位、内容设置、课程资源和方式方法等方面查找原因,借鉴"行动教育"理念,建立校长互助、指导的研修"共同体",建立"一事一议""一例一研"的课程架构,建立全过程行为跟进的反思型校长培训模式。  相似文献   

Retrospective questions on educational attainment in national surveys and censuses tend to over-estimate high school graduation rates by 15-20% points relative to administrative records. Administrative data on educational enrollment are, however, only available at the aggregate level (state, school district, and school levels) and the recording of inter-school transfers are generally incomplete. With access to linked individual-level administrative records from a very large “West Coast metropolitan school district” we track patterns of high school attrition and on-time high school graduation of individual students. Even with adjustments for the omission of out-of-district transfers (estimates of omission are presented), the results of this study show that failure in high school, as indexed by retention and attrition, are almost as common as on-time high school graduation. In addition to the usual risk factors of disadvantaged background, we find that the “9th grade shock”—an unpredicted decline in academic performance upon entering high school—is a key mechanism behind the continuing crisis of high school attrition.  相似文献   

高素质、高质量教师队伍的建设,可为学生的学习提供专业的教师队伍,所以,为加快各校师资力量的培养,可参考历史名校师资培养的策略,找到培养优秀教师的渠道,从而提高青年教师的教学水平,丰富其经验,为学生提供高质量的教学服务。  相似文献   

The current paper focuses on White British students in lower secondary education and investigates the effect of school ethnic diversity on their levels of trust and inclusive attitudes towards immigrants. Use is made of panel data of the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (CELS) to explore these relationships. Ethnic diversity is measured with the proportion of students in a grade identifying with a minority. In agreement with contact theory, the paper initially finds a positive relation between diversity and inclusive attitudes on immigrants. However, this link disappears once controls for social background, gender and prior levels of the outcome are included in the model. This indicates that students with particular pre-enrolment characteristics have self-selected in diverse schools and that inclusive attitudes have stabilized before secondary education. Diversity further appears to have a negative impact on trust, irrespective of the number of controls added to the model.  相似文献   

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