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《Social science research》2013,42(4):989-1005
In this article, we analyze gender differences in college major selection for respondents to the Education Longitudinal Study (2002–2006), focusing on educational pathways through college that lead to science, engineering, or doctoral-track medicine occupations and to non-doctoral track clinical and health sciences occupations. We show that gender differences in college major selection remain substantial, even for a cohort in which rates of enrollment in postsecondary education are more than ten percent higher for young women than for young men. Consistent with other recent research, we demonstrate that neither gender differences in work–family goals nor in academic preparation explain a substantial portion of these differences. However, the occupational plans of high school seniors are strong predictors of initial college major selection, a finding that is revealed only when occupational plans are measured with sufficient detail, here by using the verbatim responses of students. We also find that the association between occupational plans and college major selection is not attributable to work–family orientation or academic preparation. Finally, we find gender differences in the associations between occupational plans and college major selection that are consistent with prior research on STEM attrition, as well as with the claim that attrition also affects the selection of majors that are gateways into doctoral-track medicine. We discuss the implications of the predictive power of occupational plans formed in adolescence for understanding sex segregation and for policies intended to create a gender-balanced STEM and doctoral-level medical workforce.  相似文献   

Earlier research has indicated a negative relationship between ethnic diversity and trust. Whereas previous analyses have been carried out at the country, city or neighbourhood level, this paper adds to the literature by analyzing the impact of ethnic diversity on generalized trust in others and out-group trust in the primary school context. The question of the impact of ethnic diversity in school on the trust of schoolchildren is addressed by drawing on a unique survey of children with immigrant and native Danish backgrounds, respectively, in the last three grades of primary school in Denmark. The survey design holds several qualities strengthening the potential for drawing inference about the impact of ethnic diversity in school on trust. The results of the analysis do not confirm the negative relationship between ethnic diversity and trust found in earlier research. In the primary school setting, ethnic diversity does not affect generalized trust and even has a positive impact on out-group trust of native Danish pupils (i.e., their trust in immigrants).  相似文献   

This article examines the role of family structure in the financial support parents provide for their children’s college education. Data are from the Health and Retirement Study. We focus on aspects of family structure that affect parental support and estimate shared family variance in investments as well as within-family variation using a multilevel model. Family membership accounts for about 60% of the variance in payment of college costs. Small family size, living with both biological parents (compared to one biological parent and a stepparent), higher parental education, and having older parents are associated with greater parental expenditures.  相似文献   

高校形象建设理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校形象是高校宝贵的无形资产 ,是体现大学竞争实力的重要因素之一。本文借助“CIS”模式 ,提出高校进行形象建设的基本框架 -“UIS” ,认为高校形象建设的本质是大学精神的追求、凝练和弘扬 ,并提出新形势下高校应从自身实际出发 ,依照形象建设的若干原则 ,塑造良好的学校形象 ,以利于学校的长远发展 ,不断提高办学效益。  相似文献   

In recent decades, school suspensions have increased dramatically in the United States. To date, researchers have assessed the consequences of suspensions on adolescents' academic achievement, self-esteem, and psychological well-being. However, few studies have investigated the relationship between school discipline and youths' engagement on in-school and out-of-school activities. In this study, we investigate the relationship between suspension (i.e., in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or both) and youth participation in extracurricular activities, both in-school and outside of school, using data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002. Results suggest students who are suspended are less likely to participate in school clubs (e.g., student government, yearbook, band/choir), and are also less likely to participate in volunteer work/community service. This suggests the impact of school discipline extends beyond the schooling context. These results provide insight into how suspensions may function as a ‘pushout’ mechanism for youth by compromising their attachment to school.  相似文献   

针对高等院校水利类专业性特点,简述了水利类相关专业大学生科技创新基地建设和管理体制现状,剖析了其存在的问题和不足,提出了基地建设新模式与管理新体制,为提升人才培养质量,增强水利院校教育的自主创新能力提供依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

以可持续发展观指导现阶段地理教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理课是渗透可持续发展观念的核心科目之一.地理教育改革对可持续发展教育来说是一个契机.在地理教育中应进一步用可持续发展思想指导地理教学改革,协调人地关系,关注人类社会发展.  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治工作进社团具有重要的现实意义,也面临新的问题和挑战,本文对高校学生思想政治工作进社团的关键因素进行了分析,就高校学生思想政治工作进社团基本对策与有效途径进行了探讨.  相似文献   

大学生志愿服务活动是践行社会主义核心价值观的有效载体和重要途径。本文通过对大学生参加社会志愿服务活动和践行社会主义核心价值观的情况及存在问题的分析,探索了建立大学生志愿服务活动践行社会主义核心价值观的运行机制,提出了创新大学生社会志愿服务活动形式,更好践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

中、美、日国家信息政策比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国在对信息政策的认识上,在信息政策的目标上,在信息管理体制上,在信息政策的内容上,都相对落后于美国和日本.为此,我们要借鉴美、日的成功经验,并结合我国国情,尽快在提高认识的基础上,制定具有中国特色的国家信息政策.  相似文献   

明清之际,中国绅士的条件和地位得以逐步地固定下来,随之,在政治体制中也形成了一种隐性的绅衿支配。随着幕友阶层队伍的扩大和游幕制度化,在清代各级地方政府逐渐形成了一个轮廓较清晰的官僚、幕友、胥吏既相互依赖,又相互牵制的三维体系。在“异族”统治下,这种隐性的绅衿支配体系虽然伴随着许多弊害,但在使中国封建社会保持相对稳定方面发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

高校校园文化低俗化倾向的根源、危害及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校校园文化低俗化倾向严重影响了学生的价值观及其正常的学习和生活,对学生的身心健康发展造成了十分不良的影响,还淡化了学校的学术氛围。高校校园文化低俗化倾向的产生的根源涉及方方面面,主要跟社会大环境中消极因素的影响、学校教育自身存在的一些不足以及大学生身心特点等有关。高校校园文化低俗化倾向对高校校园文化的先进性提出了严峻的挑战,高校需采取有效措施,坚决抵制有害文化和腐朽生活方式对大学生的影响。  相似文献   

张惠 《浙江社会科学》2012,(5):105-110,158
中国社会科学各学科的专业化程度明显低于国际同类学科,而且,与国家政治越密切的学科,其专业化程度可能越低。导致中国社会科学的专业化程度较低的一个重要原因是,各个学科都需要向政府提供治理国家所需要的知识,即"治国知识"。在学科的发展上,提供治国知识与学科的专业化这两者之间可能是有冲突的,越是要求一个学科提供治国的知识,这个学科可能就越难以实现专业化。通过分析和比较国家社科基金各学科的《课题指南》所列条目,发现与国家政治联系越密切的学科,其面临的提供治国知识的压力也越大,因此,其专业化程度可能也越低。  相似文献   

Researchers have established that individual religiosity influences abortion attitudes, and that abortion attitudes, in turn, shape abortion restrictions and access. Less clear is whether religion and abortion structural constraints influence abortion decisions. This study examines the several individual, contextual, and structural factors that could shape the abortion decisions of women who conceive before marriage. Special attention is given to the importance of academic aspirations and structural constraints, in contrast to religious beliefs and county religious context, for making an abortion decision. Hierarchical modeling techniques and two waves of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) are employed. Neither generic religiosity nor conservative Protestant religious context appear to influence women’s abortion decisions. Conversely, young women’s abortion decisions are shaped by academic ambition, identification with a conservative Protestant denomination, proximity to an abortion clinic and the level of public abortion funding in their county of residence.  相似文献   

基于手机载体的大学生思想政治教育研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在3G背景下,手机媒体的迅猛发展使大学生思想政治教育呼唤观念和载体的更新。梳理和总结基于手机载体的思想政治教育的研究成果,可以开拓大学生思想政治教育新的载体思维空间,从而更好地指导实践。  相似文献   

叶坦 《文史哲》2007,1(4):83-95
日本江户时代的"石门心学"与中国宋代浙东学派的商品经济观,共同具有典型的近世特征,也都对后世有很大影响。但由于社会结构、制度基础与思想文化等诸多差异,在两国近代化的历史转型与社会发展过程中,二者所发挥的作用也大有不同。对中日近世商品经济观进行系统性的比较研究,不仅有利于弥补世界经济学说史迄今大抵无东亚等缺憾,而且可以提供观察传统经济观之现代价值的一个新视角。  相似文献   

杨金梅 《河北学刊》2007,27(2):143-146
南朝文人大多来自于世家大族或宫廷贵胄,与政治有着天然的联系。文人与政治的特殊关系对当时的诗文创作产生了深远影响一方面,家族的兴衰直接关系到文学的规模;另一方面,士族文人的审美趣味强化了南朝文学“阴柔”的审美风格,“离别”、“伤悼”题材广受青睐。  相似文献   

大学生就业意识的强弱及能力准备充分与否,直接关系到大学生对找到的职业的满意程度。当前我国大学生就业意识有待加强,能力准备应更为充分。就目前来看,不少大学生的能力准备状况与用人单位的要求之间存在着差异。期望值过高、能力准备不足是导致大学生就业满意程度不高的重要因素。  相似文献   

“生态省”是生态环境与社会经济实现了协调发展、各个领域达到了当代可持续发展目标要求的省份,是一个有明确边界的自然、经济和社会的复合系统,其子系统可以分为环境经济发展系统、生态资源支持系统和社会文化保障系统。在生态省建设过程中需要始终不移地把经济建设放在第一位,要有系统的战略发展思想,要大力发展生态产业和生态经济,要对环境与发展进行整合性思考,着力营造最适合人居的环境。  相似文献   

唐宋之际,道教的神仙思想和炼养方式发生的重大变化对文人的创作产生了深远影响。以李白和苏轼为例,分析了这种影响是怎样具体发生作用的。  相似文献   

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