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In this paper, the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators of the half-normal stochastic frontier production function are analyzed and compared through a Monte Carlo study. The results show that the Bayesian estimator should be used in preference to the maximum likelihood owing to the fact that the mean square error performance is substantially better in the Bayesian framework.  相似文献   

This paper compares methods of estimation for the parameters of a Pareto distribution of the first kind to determine which method provides the better estimates when the observations are censored, The unweighted least squares (LS) and the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) are presented for both censored and uncensored data. The MLE's are obtained using two methods, In the first, called the ML method, it is shown that log-likelihood is maximized when the scale parameter is the minimum sample value. In the second method, called the modified ML (MML) method, the estimates are found by utilizing the maximum likelihood value of the shape parameter in terms of the scale parameter and the equation for the mean of the first order statistic as a function of both parameters. Since censored data often occur in applications, we study two types of censoring for their effects on the methods of estimation: Type II censoring and multiple random censoring. In this study we consider different sample sizes and several values of the true shape and scale parameters.

Comparisons are made in terms of bias and the mean squared error of the estimates. We propose that the LS method be generally preferred over the ML and MML methods for estimating the Pareto parameter γ for all sample sizes, all values of the parameter and for both complete and censored samples. In many cases, however, the ML estimates are comparable in their efficiency, so that either estimator can effectively be used. For estimating the parameter α, the LS method is also generally preferred for smaller values of the parameter (α ≤4). For the larger values of the parameter, and for censored samples, the MML method appears superior to the other methods with a slight advantage over the LS method. For larger values of the parameter α, for censored samples and all methods, underestimation can be a problem.  相似文献   


The generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) is important in the analysis of extreme values, especially in modeling exceedances over thresholds. Most of the existing methods for estimating the scale and shape parameters of the GPD suffer from theoretical and/or computational problems. A new hybrid estimation method is proposed in this article, which minimizes a goodness-of-fit measure and incorporates some useful likelihood information. Compared with the maximum likelihood method and other leading methods, our new hybrid estimation method retains high efficiency, reduces the estimation bias, and is computation friendly.  相似文献   

This article addresses two methods of estimation of the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the Lindley distribution. Following estimation methods are considered: uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) and maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). Since the Lindley distribution is more flexible than the exponential distribution, the same estimators have been found out for the exponential distribution and compared. Monte Carlo simulations and a real data analysis are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation.  相似文献   

The Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) were introduced to overcome the constraint of a geometric sojourn time distribution for the different hidden states in the classical hidden Markov models. Several variations of HSMMs were proposed that model the sojourn times by a parametric or a nonparametric family of distributions. In this article, we concentrate our interest on the nonparametric case where the duration distributions are attached to transitions and not to states as in most of the published papers in HSMMs. Therefore, it is worth noticing that here we treat the underlying hidden semi-Markov chain in its general probabilistic structure. In that case, Barbu and Limnios (2008 Barbu , V. , Limnios , N. ( 2008 ). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models Toward Applications: Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis . New York : Springer . [Google Scholar]) proposed an Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm in order to estimate the semi-Markov kernel and the emission probabilities that characterize the dynamics of the model. In this article, we consider an improved version of Barbu and Limnios' EM algorithm which is faster than the original one. Moreover, we propose a stochastic version of the EM algorithm that achieves comparable estimates with the EM algorithm in less execution time. Some numerical examples are provided which illustrate the efficient performance of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the scale parameter of the generalized exponential (GE) distribution based on a random censoring model. We assume the censoring distribution also follows a GE distribution. Since the estimator does not provide an explicit solution, we propose a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function. In order to compare the performance of the estimators, Monte Carlo simulation is conducted. The results show that the MLE and the approximate MLE are almost identical in terms of bias and variance.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider a two-phase tandem queueing model with a second optional service and random feedback. The first phase of service is essential for all customers and after the completion of the first phase of service, any customer receives the second phase of service with probability α, feedback to the tail of the first queue with probability β if the service is not successful and leaves the system with probability 1 ? α ? β. In this model, our main purpose is to estimate the parameters of the model, traffic intensity, and mean system size, in the steady state, via maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Furthermore, we find asymptotic confidence intervals for mean system size. Finally, by a simulation study, we compute the confidence levels and mean length for asymptotic confidence intervals of mean system size with a nominal level 0.95.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of the stress–strength reliability of a multi-state component or of a multi-state system where its states depend on the ratio of the strength and stress variables through a kernel function. The article presents a Bayesian approach assuming the stress and strength as exponentially distributed with a common location parameter but different scale parameters. We show that the limits of the Bayes estimators of both location and scale parameters under suitable priors are the maximum likelihood estimators as given by Ghosh and Razmpour [15 M. Ghosh and A. Razmpour, Estimation of the common location parameter of several exponentials, Sankhyā, Ser. A 46 (1984), pp. 383394. [Google Scholar]]. We use the Bayes estimators to determine the multi-state stress–strength reliability of a system having states between 0 and 1. We derive the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators of the reliability function. Interval estimation using the bootstrap method is also considered. Under the squared error loss function and linex loss function, risk comparison of the reliability estimators is carried out using extensive simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an algorithm to compute the non-parametric maximum likelihood estimator of stochastically ordered survival functions from case 2 interval-censored data. The algorithm, simply denoted by SQP (sequential quadratic programming), re-parameterizes the likelihood function to make the order constraints as a set of linear constraints, approximates the log-likelihood function as a quadratic function, and updates the estimate by solving a quadratic programming. We particularly consider two stochastic orderings, simple and uniform orderings, although the algorithm can also be applied to many other stochastic orderings. We illustrate the algorithm using the breast cancer data reported in Finkelstein and Wolfe (1985 Finkelstein, D. M., and R. A. Wolfe. 1985. A semiparametric model for regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data. Biometrics 41:93345. [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Complex load-sharing systems are studied to incorporate dependencies among components through a load-sharing rule. As the load on the system increases, a series of cycles of Phase I/II failures occur where Phase I failure is a single component failure, which then causes a cascade of component failures (Phase II) due to the load transfer as these components fail. A threshold representation for the process of system failure is given. This representation is a gamma-type mixture representation when the component strengths are independent exponentials. In this case, for a given breaking pattern the mixture is over the gamma scale parameter and is based on a convolution of uniforms defined by the load-sharing parameters. Such convolutions can be approximated by normal densities which reduces the dimension of the parameter space. This representation can be generalized to independent component strengths with arbitrary distributions by transforming the strength and load-sharing to pseudo-strength and pseudo-load-sharing rules.  相似文献   

This paper concludes our comprehensive study on point estimation of model parameters of a gamma distribution from a second-order decision theoretic point of view. It should be noted that efficient estimation of gamma model parameters for samples ‘not large’ is a challenging task since the exact sampling distributions of the maximum likelihood estimators and its variants are not known. Estimation of a gamma scale parameter has received less attention from the earlier researchers compared to shape parameter estimation. What we have observed here is that improved estimation of the shape parameter does not necessarily lead to improved scale estimation if a natural moment condition (which is also the maximum likelihood restriction) is satisfied. Therefore, this work deals with the gamma scale parameter estimation as a separate new problem, not as a by-product of the shape parameter estimation, and studies several estimators in terms of second-order risk.  相似文献   


When a distribution function is in the max domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution, its tail can be well approximated by a generalized Pareto distribution. Based on this fact we use a moment estimation idea to propose an adapted maximum likelihood estimator for the extreme value index, which can be understood as a combination of the maximum likelihood estimation and moment estimation. Under certain regularity conditions, we derive the asymptotic normality of the new estimator and investigate its finite sample behavior by comparing with several classical or competitive estimators. A simulation study shows that the new estimator is competitive with other estimators in view of average bias, average MSE, and coefficient of variance of the new device for the optimal selection of the threshold.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a two-phase tandem queueing model with a second optional service. In this model, the service is done by two phases. The first phase of service is essential for all customers and after the completion of the first phase of service, any customer receives the second phase of service with probability α, or leaves the system with probability 1 ? α. Also, there are two heterogeneous servers which work independently, one of them providing the first phase of service and the other a second phase of service. In this model, our main purpose is to estimate the parameters of the model, traffic intensity, and mean system size, in the steady state, via maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Furthermore, we find asymptotic confidence intervals for mean system size. Finally, by a simulation study, we compute the confidence levels and mean length for asymptotic confidence intervals of mean system size with a nominal level 0.95.  相似文献   

Conditionally autoregressive (CAR) models are often used to analyze a spatial process observed over a lattice or a set of irregular regions. The neighborhoods within a CAR model are generally formed deterministically using the inter-distances or boundaries between the regions. To accommodate directional and inherent anisotropy variation, a new class of spatial models is proposed that adaptively determines neighbors based on a bivariate kernel using the distances and angles between the centroid of the regions. The newly proposed model generalizes the usual CAR model in a sense of accounting for adaptively determined weights. Maximum likelihood estimators are derived and simulation studies are presented for the sampling properties of the estimates on the new model, which is compared to the CAR model. Finally the method is illustrated using a data set on the elevated blood lead levels of children under the age of 72 months observed in Virginia in the year of 2000.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating the Pearson correlation coefficient when one variable is subject to left or right censoring. In parallel to the classical results on the Pearson correlation coefficient, we derive a workable formula, through tedious computation and intensive simplification, of the asymptotic variances of the maximum likelihood estimators in two cases: (1) known means and variances and (2) unknown means and variances. We illustrate the usefulness of the asymptotic results in experimental designs.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of the sample median, and of the maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter of the Laplace distribution is derived. Tables of Teans, variances and the distribution functions of the corresponding dislributions are evaluacted. Exact ,solutions to the problem of confidence interval and hypothesrs testing for the scale paramrter are provided. The minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) of the p.d.f. of the Laplace distribution when the location parameter is known is also given.  相似文献   

A class of goodness-of-fit estimators is found to provide a useful alternative in certain situations to the standard maximum likelihood method which has some undesirable estimation characteristics for estimation from the three-parameter lognormal distribution. The class of goodness-of-fit tests considered include the Shapiro-Wilk and Filliben tests which reduce to a weighted linear combination of the order statistics that can be maximized in estimation problems. The weighted order statistic estimators are compared to the standard procedures in Monte Carlo simulations. Robustness of the procedures are examined and example data sets analyzed.  相似文献   

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