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Pitman's measure of closeness and mean square error of prediction are two well-known criteria for comparison between estimators and also between predictors. In a stationary first order multiplicative spatial autoregressive model, interpolation and extrapolation are compared based on these two criteria. A wide class of different innovation types are also studied containing Gaussian, exponential, asymmetric Laplace and extended skew t distributions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with Bayesian estimation of a spatial regression model with skew non-Gaussian errors. The regression parameters are estimated by using a closed skew normal (CSN) distribution, which is closed under conditioning and linear combination. The proposed model captures skewness in the response variable. Sometimes, we may encounter missing observations in the response variable, accordingly we model and predict the missing observations by a Bayesian approach using Gibbs sampling methods. Next, a simulation study is performed to asses our model validity. Also, the proposed model in this work is applied to CO data from Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Then, the accuracy of the CSN and Gaussian models is compared by cross validation criterion.  相似文献   

Spatial generalised linear mixed models are used commonly for modelling non‐Gaussian discrete spatial responses. In these models, the spatial correlation structure of data is modelled by spatial latent variables. Most users are satisfied with using a normal distribution for these variables, but in many applications it is unclear whether or not the normal assumption holds. This assumption is relaxed in the present work, using a closed skew normal distribution for the spatial latent variables, which is more flexible and includes normal and skew normal distributions. The parameter estimates and spatial predictions are calculated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. Finally, the performance of the proposed model is analysed via two simulation studies, followed by a case study in which practical aspects are dealt with. The proposed model appears to give a smaller cross‐validation mean square error of the spatial prediction than the normal prior in modelling the temperature data set.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns in the frequency of extreme natural events, such as earthquakes, is important as it helps in the prediction of their future occurrence and hence provides better civil protection. Distributions describing these events are known to be heavy tailed and positive skew making standard distributions unsuitable for modelling the frequency of such events. The Birnbaum–Saunders distribution and its extreme value version have been widely studied and applied due to their attractive properties. We derive L-moment equations for these distributions and propose novel methods for parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit assessment and model selection. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the L-moment estimators, which is compared to that of the maximum likelihood estimators, demonstrating the superiority of the proposed methods. To illustrate these methods in a practical application, a data analysis of real-world earthquake magnitudes, obtained from the global centroid moment tensor catalogue during 1962–2015, is carried out. This application identifies the extreme value Birnbaum–Saunders distribution as a better model than classic extreme value distributions for describing seismic events.  相似文献   

We present a class of truncated non linear regression models for location and scale where the truncated nature of the data is incorporated into the statistical model by assuming that the response variable follows a truncated distribution. The location parameter of the response variable is assumed to be modeled by a continuous non linear function of covariates and unknown parameters. In addition, the proposed model also allows for the scale parameter of the responses to be characterized by a continuous function of the covariates and unknown parameters. Three particular cases of the proposed models are presented by considering the response variable to follow a truncated normal, truncated skew normal, and truncated beta distribution. These truncated non linear regression models are constructed assuming fixed known truncation limits and model parameters are estimated by direct maximization of the log-likelihood using a non linear optimization algorithm. Standardized residuals and diagnostic metrics based on the cases deletion are considered to verify the adequacy of the model and to detect outliers and influential observations. Results based on simulated data are presented to assess the frequentist properties of estimates, and a real data set on soil-water retention from the Buriti Vermelho River Basin database is analyzed using the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Multivariate stochastic volatility models with skew distributions are proposed. Exploiting Cholesky stochastic volatility modeling, univariate stochastic volatility processes with leverage effect and generalized hyperbolic skew t-distributions are embedded to multivariate analysis with time-varying correlations. Bayesian modeling allows this approach to provide parsimonious skew structure and to easily scale up for high-dimensional problem. Analyses of daily stock returns are illustrated. Empirical results show that the time-varying correlations and the sparse skew structure contribute to improved prediction performance and Value-at-Risk forecasts.  相似文献   

A typical model for geostatistical data when the observations are counts is the spatial generalised linear mixed model. We present a criterion for optimal sampling design under this framework which aims to minimise the error in the prediction of the underlying spatial random effects. The proposed criterion is derived by performing an asymptotic expansion to the conditional prediction variance. We argue that the mean of the spatial process needs to be taken into account in the construction of the predictive design, which we demonstrate through a simulation study where we compare the proposed criterion against the widely used space-filling design. Furthermore, our results are applied to the Norway precipitation data and the rhizoctonia disease data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of increasing air pollution monitoring stations in Tehran city for efficient spatial prediction. As the data are multivariate and skewed, we introduce two multivariate skew models through developing the univariate skew Gaussian random field proposed by Zareifard and Jafari Khaledi [21 H. Zareifard and M. Jafari Khaledi, Non-Gaussian modeling of spatial data using scale mixing of a unified skew Gaussian process, J. Multivariate Anal. 114 (2013), pp. 1628. doi: 10.1016/j.jmva.2012.07.003[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]. These models provide extensions of the linear model of coregionalization for non-Gaussian data. In the Bayesian framework, the optimal network design is found based on the maximum entropy criterion. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed to implement posterior inference. Finally, the applicability of two proposed models is demonstrated by analyzing an air pollution data set.  相似文献   

For those who have not recognized the disparate natures of tests of statistical hypotheses and tests of scientific hypotheses, one‐tailed statistical tests of null hypotheses such as ?≤ 0 or ?≥ 0 have often seemed a reasonable procedure. We earlier reviewed the many grounds for not regarding them as such. To have at least some power for detection of effects in the unpredicted direction, several authors have independently proposed the use of lopsided (also termed split‐tailed, directed or one‐and‐a‐half‐tailed) tests, two‐tailed tests with α partitioned unequally between the two tails of the test statistic distribution. We review the history of these proposals and conclude that lopsided tests are never justified. They are based on the same misunderstandings that have led to massive misuse of one‐tailed tests as well as to much needless worry, for more than half a century, over the various so‐called ‘multiplicity problems’. We discuss from a neo‐Fisherian point of view the undesirable properties of multiple comparison procedures based on either (i) maximum potential set‐wise (or family‐wise) type I error rates (SWERs), or (ii) the increasingly fashionable, maximum potential false discovery rates (FDRs). Neither the classical nor the newer multiple comparison procedures based on fixed maximum potential set‐wise error rates are helpful to the cogent analysis and interpretation of scientific data.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for regression and dependence analysis when addressing spatial data with possibly heavy tails and an asymmetric marginal distribution. We first propose a stationary process with t marginals obtained through scale mixing of a Gaussian process with an inverse square root process with Gamma marginals. We then generalize this construction by considering a skew‐Gaussian process, thus obtaining a process with skew‐t marginal distributions. For the proposed (skew) t process, we study the second‐order and geometrical properties and in the t case, we provide analytic expressions for the bivariate distribution. In an extensive simulation study, we investigate the use of the weighted pairwise likelihood as a method of estimation for the t process. Moreover we compare the performance of the optimal linear predictor of the t process versus the optimal Gaussian predictor. Finally, the effectiveness of our methodology is illustrated by analyzing a georeferenced dataset on maximum temperatures in Australia.  相似文献   

Parametric inference for spatial max-stable processes is difficult since the related likelihoods are unavailable. A composite likelihood approach based on the bivariate distribution of block maxima has been recently proposed. However modeling block maxima is a wasteful approach provided that other information is available. Moreover an approach based on block maxima, typically annual, is unable to take into account the fact that maxima occur or not simultaneously. If time series of, say, daily data are available, then estimation procedures based on exceedances of a high threshold could mitigate such problems. We focus on two approaches for composing likelihoods based on pairs of exceedances. The first one comes from the tail approximation for bivariate distribution proposed by Ledford and Tawn (Biometrika 83:169–187, 1996) when both pairs of observations exceed the fixed threshold. The second one uses the bivariate extension (Rootzén and Tajvidi in Bernoulli 12:917–930, 2006) of the generalized Pareto distribution which allows to model exceedances when at least one of the components is over the threshold. The two approaches are compared through a simulation study where both processes in a domain of attraction of a max-stable process and max-stable processes are successively considered as time replications, according to different degrees of spatial dependency. Results put forward how the nature of the time replications influences the bias of estimations and highlight the choice of each approach regarding to the strength of the spatial dependencies and the threshold choice.  相似文献   

The application of correspondence analysis to square asymmetric tables is often unsuccessful because of the strong role played by the diagonal entries of the matrix, obscuring the data off the diagonal. A simple modification of the centring of the matrix, coupled with the corresponding change in row and column masses and row and column metrics, allows the table to be decomposed into symmetric and skew symmetric components, which can then be analysed separately. The symmetric and skew symmetric analyses can be performed by using a simple correspondence analysis program if the data are set up in a special block format. The methodology is demonstrated on a social mobility table from the first democratically elected Parliament in Germany, the Frankfurter Nationalversammlung . The table cross-tabulates the jobs of parliamentarians when first entering the labour market and their jobs in May 1848 when the Parliament started its first session.  相似文献   

A ranked sampling procedure with random subsamples is proposed to estimate the population mean. Four methods of obtaining random subsamples are described. Several estimators of the mean of the population based on random subsamples in ranked set sampling are proposed. These estimators are compared with the mean of a simple random sample for estimating the mean of symmetric and skew distributions. Extensive simulation under several subsampling distributions, sample sizes, and symmetric and skew distributions shows that the estimators of the mean based on random subsamples are more accurate than existing methods.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the estimation of population mean of a sensitive variable in stratified random sampling based on randomized response technique (RRT) when the observations are contaminated by measurement errors (ME). A generalized estimator of population mean is proposed by using additively scrambled responses for the sensitive variable. The expressions for the bias and mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimator are derived. The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated both theoretically and empirically. Results are also applied to a real data set.  相似文献   

We propose data generating structures which can be represented as the nonlinear autoregressive models with single and finite mixtures of scale mixtures of skew normal innovations. This class of models covers symmetric/asymmetric and light/heavy-tailed distributions, so provide a useful generalization of the symmetrical nonlinear autoregressive models. As semiparametric and nonparametric curve estimation are the approaches for exploring the structure of a nonlinear time series data set, in this article the semiparametric estimator for estimating the nonlinear function of the model is investigated based on the conditional least square method and nonparametric kernel approach. Also, an Expectation–Maximization-type algorithm to perform the maximum likelihood (ML) inference of unknown parameters of the model is proposed. Furthermore, some strong and weak consistency of the semiparametric estimator in this class of models are presented. Finally, to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model, some simulation studies and an application to real data set are considered.  相似文献   

Estimation of the correlation coefficient between two variates (p) in the presence of correlated observations from a bivar iate normal population is considered The estimated maximum likelihood estimator (EMLE), an estimate based on the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), is proposed and studied for the estimation of p For the large sample case , approximate expressions foi the variance and the bias of the Pearson estimate of the correlation coefficient are derived. These expressions suggests that the Pearson’s estimator possesses high mean square error (MSE) in estimating ρ in comparison to the MLE The MSE is particularly high when the observations within clusters aie highly correlated. The Pearson’s estimate, the MLE, and the EMLE aie evaluated in a simulation study This study shows that the proposed EMLE pefoims bettei than the Pearson’s correlation coefficient except when the number of clusters is small.  相似文献   

Factor analysis of multivariate spatial data is considered. A systematic approach for modeling the underlying structure of potentially irregularly spaced, geo-referenced vector observations is proposed. Statistical inference procedures for selecting the number of factors and for model building are discussed. We derive a condition under which a simple and practical inference procedure is valid without specifying the form of distributions and factor covariance functions. The multivariate prediction problem is also discussed, and a procedure combining the latent variable modeling and a measurement-error-free kriging technique is introduced. Simulation results and an example using agricultural data are presented.  相似文献   

In multivariate location problems, the sample mean is most widely used, having various advantages. It is, however, very sensitive to outlying observations and inefficient for data from heavy tailed distributions. In this situation, the spatial median is more robust than the sample mean and could be a reasonable alternative. We reviewed several spatial median based testing methods for multivariate location and compared their significance level and power through Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that bootstrap method is efficient for the estimation of the covariance matrix of the sample spatial median. We also proposed bootstrap simultaneous confidence intervals based on the spatial median for multiple comparisons in the multi-sample case.  相似文献   

In a linear regression model of the type y= θ X+e, it is often assumed that the random error eis normally distributed. In numerous situations, e.g., when ymeasures life times or reaction times, etypically has a skew distribution. We consider two important families of skew distributions, (a) Weibull with support IR: (0, ∞) on the real line, and (b) generalised logistic with support IR: (?∞, ∞). Since the maximum likelihood estimators are intractable in these situations, we derive modified likelihood estimators which have explicit algebraic forms and are, therefore, easy to compute. We show that these estimators are remarkably efficient, and robust. We develop hypothesis testing procedures and give a real life example. Symmetric families of distributions, both long and short tailed, will be considered in a future paper.  相似文献   

In this article, we assume that the distribution of the error terms is skew t in two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Skew t distribution is very flexible for modeling the symmetric and the skew datasets, since it reduces to the well-known normal, skew normal, and Student's t distributions. We obtain the estimators of the model parameters by using the maximum likelihood (ML) and the modified maximum likelihood (MML) methodologies. We also propose new test statistics based on these estimators for testing the equality of the treatment and the block means and also the interaction effect. The efficiencies of the ML and the MML estimators and the power values of the test statistics based on them are compared with the corresponding normal theory results via Monte Carlo simulation study. Simulation results show that the proposed methodologies are more preferable. We also show that the test statistics based on the ML estimators are more powerful than the test statistics based on the MML estimators as expected. However, power values of the test statistics based on the MML estimators are very close to the corresponding test statistics based on the ML estimators. At the end of the study, a real life example is given to show the implementation of the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

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