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Motivated by a breast cancer research program, this paper is concerned with the joint survivor function of multiple event times when their observations are subject to informative censoring caused by a terminating event. We formulate the correlation of the multiple event times together with the time to the terminating event by an Archimedean copula to account for the informative censoring. Adapting the widely used two-stage procedure under a copula model, we propose an easy-to-implement pseudo-likelihood based procedure for estimating the model parameters. The approach yields a new estimator for the marginal distribution of a single event time with semicompeting-risks data. We conduct both asymptotics and simulation studies to examine the proposed approach in consistency, efficiency, and robustness. Data from the breast cancer program are employed to illustrate this research.


This article introduces a novel non parametric penalized likelihood hazard estimation when the censoring time is dependent on the failure time for each subject under observation. More specifically, we model this dependence using a copula, and the method of maximum penalized likelihood (MPL) is adopted to estimate the hazard function. We do not consider covariates in this article. The non negatively constrained MPL hazard estimation is obtained using a multiplicative iterative algorithm. The consistency results and the asymptotic properties of the proposed hazard estimator are derived. The simulation studies show that our MPL estimator under dependent censoring with an assumed copula model provides a better accuracy than the MPL estimator under independent censoring if the sign of dependence is correctly specified in the copula function. The proposed method is applied to a real dataset, with a sensitivity analysis performed over various values of correlation between failure and censoring times.  相似文献   

A copula model for bivariate survival data with hybrid censoring is proposed to study the association between survival time of individuals infected with HIV and persistence time of infection with an additional virus. Survival with HIV is right censored and the persistence time of the additional virus is subject to interval censoring case 1. A pseudo-likelihood method is developed to study the association between the two event times under such hybrid censoring. Asymptotic consistency and normality of the pseudo-likelihood estimator are established based on empirical process theory. Simulation studies indicate good performance of the estimator with moderate sample size. The method is applied to a motivating HIV study which investigates the effect of GB virus type C (GBV-C) co-infection on survival time of HIV infected individuals.  相似文献   

The “semicompeting risks” include a terminal event and a non-terminal event. The terminal event may censor the non-terminal event but not vice versa. Because times to the two events are usually correlated, the non-terminal event is subject to dependent/informative censoring by the terminal event. We seek to conduct marginal regressions and joint association analyses for the two event times under semicompeting risks. The proposed method is based on the modeling setup where the semiparametric transformation models are assumed for marginal regressions, and a copula model is assumed for the joint distribution. We propose a nonparametric maximum likelihood approach for inferences, which provides a martingale representation for the score function and an analytical expression for the information matrix. Direct theoretical developments and computational implementation are allowed for the proposed approach. Simulations and a real data application demonstrate the utility of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Many methods have been developed in the literature for regression analysis of current status data with noninformative censoring and also some approaches have been proposed for semiparametric regression analysis of current status data with informative censoring. However, the existing approaches for the latter situation are mainly on specific models such as the proportional hazards model and the additive hazard model. Corresponding to this, in this paper, we consider a general class of semiparametric linear transformation models and develop a sieve maximum likelihood estimation approach for the inference. In the method, the copula model is employed to describe the informative censoring or relationship between the failure time of interest and the censoring time, and Bernstein polynomials are used to approximate the nonparametric functions involved. The asymptotic consistency and normality of the proposed estimators are established, and an extensive simulation study is conducted and indicates that the proposed approach works well for practical situations. In addition, an illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

Subgroup detection has received increasing attention recently in different fields such as clinical trials, public management and market segmentation analysis. In these fields, people often face time‐to‐event data, which are commonly subject to right censoring. This paper proposes a semiparametric Logistic‐Cox mixture model for subgroup analysis when the interested outcome is event time with right censoring. The proposed method mainly consists of a likelihood ratio‐based testing procedure for testing the existence of subgroups. The expectation–maximization iteration is applied to improve the testing power, and a model‐based bootstrap approach is developed to implement the testing procedure. When there exist subgroups, one can also use the proposed model to estimate the subgroup effect and construct predictive scores for the subgroup membership. The large sample properties of the proposed method are studied. The finite sample performance of the proposed method is assessed by simulation studies. A real data example is also provided for illustration.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies, the additive hazard model is often used to analyze covariate effects on the duration time, defined as the elapsed time between the first and the second event. In this article, we consider the situation when the first event suffers partly interval censoring and the second event suffers left truncation and right-censoring. We proposed a two-step estimation procedure for estimating the regression coefficients of the additive hazards model. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimator. The proposed method is applied to the Centers for Disease Control acquired immune deficiency syndrome blood transfusion data.  相似文献   

Many chronic diseases feature recurring clinically important events. In addition, however, there often exists a random variable which is realized upon the occurrence of each event reflecting the severity of the event, a cost associated with it, or possibly a short term response indicating the effect of a therapeutic intervention. We describe a novel model for a marked point process which incorporates a dependence between continuous marks and the event process through the use of a copula function. The copula formulation ensures that event times can be modeled by any intensity function for point processes, and any multivariate model can be specified for the continuous marks. The relative efficiency of joint versus separate analyses of the event times and the marks is examined through simulation under random censoring. An application to data from a recent trial in transfusion medicine is given for illustration.  相似文献   

A new nonparametric estimator is proposed for the copula function of a bivariate survival function for data subject to random right-censoring. We consider two censoring models: univariate and copula censoring. We show strong consistency and we obtain an i.i.d. representation for the copula estimator. In a simulation study we compare the new estimator to the one of Gribkova and Lopez [Nonparametric copula estimation under bivariate censoring; doi:10.1111/sjos.12144].  相似文献   

In survival analysis, the classical Koziol-Green random censorship model is commonly used to describe informative censoring. Hereby, it is assumed that the distribution of the censoring time is a power of the distribution of the survival time. In this article, we extend this model by assuming a general function between these distributions. We determine this function from a relationship between the observable random variables which is described by a copula family that depends on an unknown parameter θ. For this setting, we develop a semi-parametric estimator for the distribution of the survival time in which we propose a pseudo-likelihood estimator for the copula parameter θ. As results, we show first the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator for θ. Afterwards, we prove the weak convergence of the process associated to the semi-parametric distribution estimator. Furthermore, we investigate the finite sample performance of these estimators through a simulation study and finally apply it to a practical data set on survival with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   


In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have had an initiate event at recruitment and may potentially experience two successive events (first and second) during the follow-up period. When disease registries or surveillance systems collect data based on incidence occurring within a specific calendar time interval, the initial event is usually subject to double truncation. Furthermore, since the second duration process is observable only if the first event has occurred, double truncation and dependent censoring arise. In this article, under the two sampling biases with an unspecified distribution of truncation variables, we propose a nonparametric estimator of the joint survival function of two successive duration times using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach. The consistency of the proposed estimator is established. Based on the estimated marginal survival functions, we also propose a two-stage estimation procedure for estimating the parameters of copula model. The bootstrap method is used to construct confidence interval. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed estimation approaches perform well with moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

We propose an alternative estimation method for the semiparametric accelerated failure time mixture cure model by incorporating the profile likelihood into the M-step of the EM algorithm. The proposed method performs as well as the existing methods when the censoring is light and better than the existing methods when the censoring is moderate from the simulation studies. Regarding to the computational time, the proposed method runs faster than the existing methods.  相似文献   

Clinical trials of experimental treatments must be designed with primary endpoints that directly measure clinical benefit for patients. In many disease areas, the recognised gold standard primary endpoint can take many years to mature, leading to challenges in the conduct and quality of clinical studies. There is increasing interest in using shorter‐term surrogate endpoints as substitutes for costly long‐term clinical trial endpoints; such surrogates need to be selected according to biological plausibility, as well as the ability to reliably predict the unobserved treatment effect on the long‐term endpoint. A number of statistical methods to evaluate this prediction have been proposed; this paper uses a simulation study to explore one such method in the context of time‐to‐event surrogates for a time‐to‐event true endpoint. This two‐stage meta‐analytic copula method has been extensively studied for time‐to‐event surrogate endpoints with one event of interest, but thus far has not been explored for the assessment of surrogates which have multiple events of interest, such as those incorporating information directly from the true clinical endpoint. We assess the sensitivity of the method to various factors including strength of association between endpoints, the quantity of data available, and the effect of censoring. In particular, we consider scenarios where there exist very little data on which to assess surrogacy. Results show that the two‐stage meta‐analytic copula method performs well under certain circumstances and could be considered useful in practice, but demonstrates limitations that may prevent universal use.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider non‐parametric copula inference under bivariate censoring. Based on an estimator of the joint cumulative distribution function, we define a discrete and two smooth estimators of the copula. The construction that we propose is valid for a large range of estimators of the distribution function and therefore for a large range of bivariate censoring frameworks. Under some conditions on the tails of the distributions, the weak convergence of the corresponding copula processes is obtained in l([0,1]2). We derive the uniform convergence rates of the copula density estimators deduced from our smooth copula estimators. Investigation of the practical behaviour of these estimators is performed through a simulation study and two real data applications, corresponding to different censoring settings. We use our non‐parametric estimators to define a goodness‐of‐fit procedure for parametric copula models. A new bootstrap scheme is proposed to compute the critical values.  相似文献   

The recurrent-event setting, where the subjects experience multiple occurrences of the event of interest, are encountered in many biomedical applications. In analyzing recurrent event data, non informative censoring is often assumed for the implementation of statistical methods. However, when a terminating event such as death serves as part of the censoring mechanism, validity of the censoring assumption may be violated because recurrence can be a powerful risk factor for death. We consider joint modeling of recurrent event process and terminating event under a Bayesian framework in which a shared frailty is used to model the association between the intensity of the recurrent event process and the hazard of the terminating event. Our proposed model is implemented on data from a well-known cancer study.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the conditional Koziol–Green model of Braekers and Veraverbeke [2008. A conditional Koziol–Green model under dependent censoring. Statist. Probab. Lett., accepted for publication] in which they generalized the Koziol–Green model of Veraverbeke and Cadarso Suárez [2000. Estimation of the conditional distribution in a conditional Koziol–Green model. Test 9, 97–122] by assuming that the association between a censoring time and a time until an event is described by a known Archimedean copula function. They got in this way, an informative censoring model with two different types of informative censoring. Braekers and Veraverbeke [2008. A conditional Koziol–Green model under dependent censoring. Statist. Probab. Lett., accepted for publication] derived in this model a non-parametric Koziol–Green estimator for the conditional distribution function of the time until an event, for which they showed the uniform consistency and the asymptotic normality. In this paper we extend their results and prove the weak convergence of the process associated to this estimator. Furthermore we show that the conditional Koziol–Green estimator is asymptotically more efficient in this model than the general copula-graphic estimator of Braekers and Veraverbeke [2005. A copula-graphic estimator for the conditional survival function under dependent censoring. Canad. J. Statist. 33, 429–447]. As last result, we construct an asymptotic confidence band for the conditional Koziol–Green estimator. Through a simulation study, we investigate the small sample properties of this asymptotic confidence band. Afterwards we apply this estimator and its confidence band on a practical data set.  相似文献   

For many forms of cancer, patients will receive the initial regimen of treatments, then experience cancer progression and eventually die of the disease. Understanding the disease process in patients with cancer is essential in clinical, epidemiological and translational research. One challenge in analyzing such data is that death dependently censors cancer progression (e.g., recurrence), whereas progression does not censor death. We deal with the informative censoring by first selecting a suitable copula model through an exploratory diagnostic approach and then developing an inference procedure to simultaneously estimate the marginal survival function of cancer relapse and an association parameter in the copula model. We show that the proposed estimators possess consistency and weak convergence. We use simulation studies to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed method, and illustrate it through an application to data from a study of early stage breast cancer.  相似文献   

Interval censoring appears when the event of interest is only known to have occurred within a random time interval. Estimation and hypothesis testing procedures for interval-censored data are surveyed. We distinguish between frequentist and Bayesian approaches. Computational aspects for every proposed method are described and solutions with S-Plus, whenever are feasible, are mentioned. Three real data sets are analyzed.  相似文献   

Summary.  Recurrent events models have had considerable attention recently. The majority of approaches show the consistency of parameter estimates under the assumption that censoring is independent of the recurrent events process of interest conditional on the covariates that are included in the model. We provide an overview of available recurrent events analysis methods and present an inverse probability of censoring weighted estimator for the regression parameters in the Andersen–Gill model that is commonly used for recurrent event analysis. This estimator remains consistent under informative censoring if the censoring mechanism is estimated consistently, and it generally improves on the naïve estimator for the Andersen–Gill model in the case of independent censoring. We illustrate the bias of ad hoc estimators in the presence of informative censoring with a simulation study and provide a data analysis of recurrent lung exacerbations in cystic fibrosis patients when some patients are lost to follow-up.  相似文献   

Variable screening for censored survival data is most challenging when both survival and censoring times are correlated with an ultrahigh-dimensional vector of covariates. Existing approaches to handling censoring often make use of inverse probability weighting by assuming independent censoring with both survival time and covariates. This is a convenient but rather restrictive assumption which may be unmet in real applications, especially when the censoring mechanism is complex and the number of covariates is large. To accommodate heterogeneous (covariate-dependent) censoring that is often present in high-dimensional survival data, we propose a Gehan-type rank screening method to select features that are relevant to the survival time. The method is invariant to monotone transformations of the response and of the predictors, and works robustly for a general class of survival models. We establish the sure screening property of the proposed methodology. Simulation studies and a lymphoma data analysis demonstrate its favorable performance and practical utility.  相似文献   

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