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In this paper the second order asymptotics of the tail probabilities of randomly weighted sums and their maxima are established in the case that the underlying primary random variables are subexponential. No any assumption is made on the dependence structure between the random weights, but we assume these weights are bounded away from zero and infinity.  相似文献   

Consider the randomly weighted sums Sm(θ) = ∑mi = 1θiXi, 1 ? m ? n, and their maxima Mn(θ) = max?1 ? m ? nSm(θ), where Xi, 1 ? i ? n, are real-valued and dependent according to a wide type of dependence structure, and θi, 1 ? i ? n, are non negative and arbitrarily dependent, but independent of Xi, 1 ? i ? n. Under some mild conditions on the right tails of the weights θi, 1 ? i ? n, we establish some asymptotic equivalence formulas for the tail probabilities of Sn(θ) and Mn(θ) in the case where Xi, 1 ? i ? n, are dominatedly varying, long-tailed and subexponential distributions, respectively.  相似文献   

Conditions are given for a randomly indexed sequence of random variables to converge weakly. The key concept employed is the so-called generalized Anscombe condition. The results give a method of determining sequential stopping rules, which have the required accuracy of estimation of an unknown parameter in the case when the observations are not necessarily independent and identically distributed.  相似文献   

We give an affirmative answer to the conjecture raised in Soltani and Roozegar [On distribution of randomly ordered uniform incremental weighted averages: divided difference approach. Statist Probab Lett. 2012;82(5):1012–1020] that a certain class of power semicircle distributions, parameterized by n, gives the distributions of the average of n independent and identically Arcsine random variables weighted by the cuts of (0,1) by the order statistics of a uniform (0, 1) sample of size n?1, for each n. Then we establish the central limit theorem for this class of distributions. We also use the Demni [On generalized Cauchy–Stieltjes transforms of some beta distributions. Comm Stoch Anal. 2009;3:197–210] results on the connection between the ordinary and generalized Cauchy or Stieltjes transforms, and introduce new classes of randomly weighted average distributions.  相似文献   

Recently, authors have studied the weighted version of Kerridgeinaccuracy measure for left/right truncated distributions. In the present communication we introduce the notion of weighted interval inaccuracy measure and study it in the context of two-sided truncated random variables. In reliability theory and survival analysis, this measure may help to study the various characteristics of a system/component when it fails between two time points. We study various properties of this measure, including the effect of monotone transformations, and obtain its upper and lower bounds. It is shown that the proposed measure can uniquely determine the distribution function and characterizations of some important life distributions have been provided. This new measure is a generalization of recent weighted residual (past) inaccuracy measure.  相似文献   

This paper investigates tail behavior of the randomly weighted sum ∑nk = 1θkXk and reaches an asymptotic formula, where Xk, 1 ? k ? n, are real-valued linearly wide quadrant-dependent (LWQD) random variables with a common heavy-tailed distribution, and θk, 1 ? k ? n, independent of Xk, 1 ? k ? n, are n non-negative random variables without any dependence assumptions. The LWQD structure includes the linearly negative quadrant-dependent structure, the negatively associated structure, and hence the independence structure. On the other hand, it also includes some positively dependent random variables and some other random variables. The obtained result coincides with the existing ones.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study moderate deviations for random weighted sums of extended negative dependent (END) random variables, which are consistently-varying tailed and not necessarily identically distributed. When these END random variables are independent of their weights, and the weights are positive random variables with two-sided bounds, the results shows END structure and the dependence between the weights have no effects on the asymptotic behavior of moderate deviations of partial sums and random sums.  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate the moderate deviations for random weighted sums of widely upper orthant dependent (WUOD) random variables with consistently varying tails, which are not necessarily identically distributed. In the end, we obtain the asymptotic relations for random weighted sums of random variables.  相似文献   

On the distribution of the sum of independent uniform random variables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motivated by an application in change point analysis, we derive a closed form for the density function of the sum of n independent, non-identically distributed, uniform random variables.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the complete convergence for weighted sums of negatively superadditive-dependent (NSD) random variables without assumptions of identical distribution. Some sufficient and necessary conditions to prove the complete convergence for weighted sums of NSD random variables are presented, which extend and improve the corresponding ones of Naderi et al. As an application of the main results, the Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund type strong law of large numbers for weighted sums of NSD random variables is also achieved.  相似文献   

In this paper we present analogues of Balakrishnan's (1989) relations that relate the triple and quadruple moments of order statistics from independent and nonidentically distributed (I.NI.D.) random variables from a symmetric distribution to those of the folded distribution. We then apply these results, along with the corresponding recurrence relations for the exponential distribution derived recently by Childs (2003), to study the robustness of the Winsorized variance.  相似文献   

In this paper, the strong laws of large numbers for maximum value of weighted sums of extended negatively dependent random variables are obtained, which improve and extend the corresponding ones for independent random variables and some dependent random variables.  相似文献   

In 2013, Döbler used Stein’s method to obtain the uniform bounds in half-normal approximation for three statistics of a symmetric simple random walk; the maximum value, the number of returns to the origin and the number of sign changes up to a given time n. In this paper, we give the non-uniform bounds for these statistics by using Stein’s method and the concentration inequality approach.  相似文献   

For the first time, the matrix-variate quaternion normal and quaternion Wishart distributions are derived from first principles, that is, from their real counterparts, exposing the relations between their respective densities and characteristic functions. Applications of this theory in hypothesis testing are presented, and the density function of Wilks’ statistic is derived for quaternion Wishart matrices.  相似文献   

In this note, we derive the exact distribution of S by using the method of generating function and BELL polynomials, where S = X1 + X2 + ??? + Xn, and each Xi follows the negative binomial distribution with arbitrary parameters. As a particular case, we also obtain the exact distribution of the convolution of geometric random variables.  相似文献   

In this article, some results on almost sure convergence for weighted sums of widely negative orthant dependent (WNOD) random variables are presented. The results obtained in the article generalize and improve the corresponding one of J. Lita Da Silva. [(2015), “Almost sure convergence for weighted sums of extended negatively dependent random variables.” Acta Math. Hungar. 146 (1), 56–70]. As applications, the strong convergence for the estimator of non parametric regression model are established.  相似文献   

This paper provides a fortran algorithm that can be used to compute the cdf of the product of two normal distribution random variables. We also give references that provide mathematical properties, tables, and applications of this distribution  相似文献   

The distributions of the product and ratio of independent random variables arise in many applied problems. These have been extensively studied by many researchers. In this paper, the distributions of the product | XY | and ratio have been derived, when X and Y are Maxwell and Rayleigh random variables and are distributed independently of each other. The associated cdfs, pdfs, kth moments, entropies, etc., have been given. To describe the possible shapes of the associated pdfs and entropies, the respective plots are provided. The percentage points associated with the cdfs of the product and ratio have been tabulated.  相似文献   

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