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要素相对价格左右着要素配置效率,是影响TFP的重要因素,本文将劳动要素细分为普通劳动与人力资本的基础上,运用随机前沿超越对数生产函数模型估计31个省市TFP变动,据以观察要素配置效率对TFP的影响,模拟要素价格在其中的作用。主要结论如下:(1)2003年以来要素配置效率呈负增长,是TFP增长率下降的最主要原因;(2)东部TFP增长率高于中西部且差距趋于扩大,与此相伴随的是东西部之间要素配置效率差异以更快的速度趋于扩大,进一步表明要素配置效率对TFP增长的制约;(3)要素价格是影响要素配置效率的直接原因,要素价格的扭曲在现阶段总体上表现为物质资本要素价格相对偏高;(4)分别模拟物质资本价格下降、人力资本和普通劳动价格上升,结果显示均改善了要素配置效率并相应地实现TFP增长,其中物质资本价格下降起着最显著的改善作用。为此,要重视市场环境建设并让市场在资源配置中起决定作用,从要素配置效率上推动TFP增长。  相似文献   

为了测算和分析我国核心通货膨胀指数,本文在动态因子模型分析框架下引入了时变因子载荷系数、随机扰动和异常值调整,构建了基于我国城市环比CPI的UCSVO模型和基于八大类城市环比CPI及消费支出权重的MUCSVO模型。研究发现:①UCSVO模型识别出的CPI异常变动时间点符合经济现实,由其测算得出的核心通货膨胀指数适用于我国通货膨胀的实时监测;②MUCSVO模型中共同的趋势成份因子及其载荷系数能体现宏观冲击与价格粘性的现实经济含义,价格粘性的差异是各大类核心通货膨胀指数对宏观冲击产生异质性响应的重要原因;③MUCSVO模型所测算的核心通货膨胀指数的分类权重与消费支出成正比、与波动性成反比,在测算分类以及总体核心通货膨胀指数的同时,还能准确反映各大类CPI的变化特征。  相似文献   

In this article, two new powerful tests for cointegration are proposed. The general idea is based on an intuitively appealing extension of the traditional, rather restrictive cointegration concept. In this article, we allow for a nonlinear, but most importantly a different, asymmetric convergence process to account for negative and positive changes in our cointegration approach. Using Monte Carlo simulations we verify, that the estimated size of the first test depends on the unknown value of a signal-to-noise ratio q. However, our second test—which is based on the original ideas of Kanioura and Turner—is more successful and robust in the sense that it works in all of the different evaluated situations. Furthermore it is shown to be more powerful than the traditional residual based Enders and Siklos method. The new optimal test is also applied in an empirical example in order to test for potential nonlinear asymmetric price transmission effects on the Swedish power market. We find that there is a higher propensity for power retailers to rapidly and systematically increase their retail electricity prices subsequent to increases in Nordpool's wholesale prices, than there is for them to reduce their prices subsequent to a drop in wholesale spot prices.  相似文献   

The Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) are used in current economic systems to measure inflation. When constructing CPIs, however, official institutions have systematically overlooked the spatial dimension of elementary prices. Ignoring the fact that prices are collected at geographical locations implicitly implies considering prices as spatially independent, when in fact they are not. To solve this problem, this article proposes to weight basic price data by taking into account the spatial correlation they display. The weighted geometric and arithmetic means suggested generalize and improve the simple geometric and arithmetic means currently in use.  相似文献   

陈学胜 《统计研究》2019,36(4):84-94
本文从事后激励的角度,构建了一个关于房地产个人贷款违约与银行反应策略的博弈模型,对中国房地产价格下跌的诱发机制以及家庭和银行的最优决策进行了理论分析。在此基础上选择35个大中城市作为研究样本,利用面板数据回归模型对相关理论推论进行了实证检验。理论推演和实证研究表明,家庭收入下降和房地产贷款违约是诱发房地产价格下跌的关键因素。提高购房首付比,降低房地产贷款价值比以及保持房地产贷款市场结构的适度集中,既可以抑制房地产价格过快上涨,也可以预防房地产价格发生暴跌风险。当房地产贷款出现违约时,为了避免房地产价格进入下降螺旋,银行的最优策略不是取消房地产抵押品的赎回权,而是采取积极的信贷刺激措施以稳住房地产价格。贷款市场份额占比越高的银行越有激励这样做。  相似文献   

The stable distribution, in its many parametrizations, is central to many stochastic processes. Many random variables that occur in the study of Lévy processes are related to it. Good progress has been made recently for simulating various quantities related to the stable law. In this note, we survey exact random variate generators for these distributions. Many distributional identities are also reviewed.  相似文献   

陈卓  陈杰 《统计研究》2018,35(7):28-37
近年来政府大力推动“租购并举”以缓解大城市不断上涨的房价压力,但住房租赁体系发展是否能达到抑制房价的效果,这种效应与租房供应主体的关系又是什么样的,在国内外都还并没有直接的相关实证研究。本文综合国家统计局城镇住户调查大样本微观数据及城市层面统计数据组成的面板数据,在地级市层面实证考察了住房租赁部门发展对房价的影响效应,重点考察租房供应主体在这种效应中的作用。包含纠正内生性偏误在内的系列计量分析结果都一致性显示,我国城市居民家庭中的租住家庭占比与当地房价之间存在显著的负向关联。进一步从住房租赁供应主体结构来看,一个城市租赁供应中市场化比重越高,则该城市租住家庭占比与房价的负向关联越强。本文的研究发现具有较强的政策含义,表明推行“租购并举”,不仅应关注租售结构本身,还应加强租房供应主体的多元化,尤其要注意充分发挥市场机制在租赁住房供应中的主导性作用。  相似文献   

赵凯  刘成坤 《统计研究》2018,35(10):15-27
本文基于中国35个大中城市2005至2015年的面板数据,通过构建具有“空间依赖”性质的房价地价空间面板联立方程模型,深入研究房价与地价关系、地方政府行为对房价和地价的作用机制以及城际间的相互作用。研究表明,临近城市间的房价相互“模仿”并一同推动地价上涨,房价对地价的影响呈现“模仿促进”的作用特征;各城市通过尽可能抬高本地地价来拉大与临近城市地价水平的差距,进而推高房价,实现“以地生财”。此外,研究还证实地方政府通过“价格途径”和“政策途径”均能对房价进行有效调控,且“价格途径”具有一定的传染性;而“数量途径”和“结构途径”作为地方政府控制地价的有效手段,具有较强的溢出效应。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the pricing of derivatives written on several underlying assets or factors satisfying a multivariate model with Wishart stochastic volatility matrix. This multivariate stochastic volatility model leads to a closed-form solution for the conditional Laplace transform, and quasi-explicit solutions for derivative prices written on more than one asset or underlying factor. Two examples are presented: (i) a multiasset extension of the stochastic volatility model introduced by Heston (1993), and (ii) a model for credit risk analysis that extends the model of Merton (1974) to a framework with stochastic firm liability, stochastic volatility, and several firms. A bivariate version of the stochastic volatility model is estimated using stock prices and moment conditions derived from the joint unconditional Laplace transform of the stock returns.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of continuous-time stochastic volatility models of option pricing. We argue that option prices are much more informative about the parameters than are asset prices. This is confirmed in a Monte Carlo experiment that compares two very simple strategies based on the different information sets. Both approaches are based on indirect inference and avoid any discretization bias by simulating the continuous-time model. We assume an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for the log of the volatility, a zero-volatility risk premium, and no leverage effect. We do not pursue asymptotic efficiency or specification issues; rather, we stick to a framework with no overidentifying restrictions and show that, given our option-pricing model, estimation based on option prices is much more precise in samples of typical size, without increasing the computational burden.  相似文献   

An alternative option pricing model under a forward measure is proposed, in which asset prices follow a stochastic volatility Lévy model with stochastic interest rate. The stochastic interest rate is driven by the Hull–White process. By using an approximate method, we find a formulation for the European option in term of the characteristic function of the tail probabilities.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Clements and Izan (1987) used the stochastic approach to index-number theory to estimate the rate of inflation and its standard error. Selvanathan (1988) extended their approach to the prices of groups of goods and to prices within groups. In this note, I apply the within-group results to the U.K. alcohol data. Simulation results show that the estimates are unbiased, but the asymptotic standard errors understate the true sampling variability of the estimates. To overcome this problem, I applied the bootstrap technique to obtain alternate standard errors.  相似文献   

The current prices and interest rate sensitivities of interest rate derivatives depend on the stochastic behaviour of future term structures of interest rates. In this paper we present an arbitrage-free trinomial model to characterize possible changes of interest rates. This model is used to estimate the transition behaviour of term structures of interest rates in the German bond market. Research support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under the project Bu 671-2 within the Schwerpunktprogramm “Empirische Kapitalmarktforschung” is gratefully acknowledged. Comments by the editor, G. Bamberg, on an earlier version of this paper are very much appreciated.  相似文献   

Summary. The availability of intraday data on the prices of speculative assets means that we can use quadratic variation-like measures of activity in financial markets, called realized volatility, to study the stochastic properties of returns. Here, under the assumption of a rather general stochastic volatility model, we derive the moments and the asymptotic distribution of the realized volatility error—the difference between realized volatility and the discretized integrated volatility (which we call actual volatility). These properties can be used to allow us to estimate the parameters of stochastic volatility models without recourse to the use of simulation-intensive methods.  相似文献   

国债利率期限结构是固定收益产品定价和投资组合管理的核心问题。本文利用NARX(Nonlinear AutoRegressive network with eXogenous inputs)神经网络模型研究利率曲线的运动机制,拟合并预测利率期限结构,在此基础上利用Hermite插值方法构造平滑的利率曲线并计算得到国债理论价格及其预测值。实证分析发现我国国债定价效率不足,交易价格显著偏离理论价格,但国债的理论价格的实际值和预测值均对交易价格具有显著的预测能力。基于上述发现本文提出了主动国债组合管理策略,通过预测的期限结构得到国债理论价格的预测值构建的多空对冲组合和单边多头组合均能获得显著的收益。本文的研究丰富了利率期限结构的研究方法,提出的主动国债组合管理策略对通过交易提高国债定价有效性具有参考价值。  相似文献   

地区收入、食品价格与恩格尔系数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈梦根 《统计研究》2019,36(6):28-41
本文以2016年我国31个省级地区截面数据为样本,构建扩展模型考察恩格尔系数与收入、食品价格之间的关系。研究发现,恩格尔系数与地区收入存在显著的负相关性,纳入食品价格后收入对恩格尔系数的影响变得更为显著,二者关系满足恩格尔定律。恩格尔系数和以地区食品价格平价代表的食品价格之间显著正相关,若再考虑其他因素,则食品价格对恩格尔系数的影响会稍有减弱。进一步将食品区分为生活必需型食品与非生活必需型食品,测算得到的基本恩格尔系数、高阶恩格尔系数与收入之间仍呈负相关关系,但与基本恩格尔系数相比,高阶恩格尔系数与收入之间的负相关性更弱。恩格尔系数受生活必需型食品价格的影响强于非生活必需型食品价格的影响,基本恩格尔系数主要受生活必需型食品价格的影响,而高阶恩格尔系数同时受到两类食品价格的影响。  相似文献   


In this article, we consider the optimal investment problem for a defined contribution (DC) pension plan with mispricing. We assume that the pension funds are allowed to invest in a risk-free asset, a market index, and a risky asset with mispricing, i.e. the prices are inconsistent in different financial markets. Assuming that the price process of the risky asset follows the Heston model, the manager of the pension fund aims to maximize the expected utility for the power utility function of terminal wealth. By applying stochastic control theory, we establish the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. And the optimal investment strategy is obtained for the power utility function explicitly. Finally, numerical examples are provided to analyze effects of parameters on the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the stochastic approach to Laspeyres price index number with the assumption of serial correlation of orders 1 and 2. The first round of estimation provides the estimates of Laspeyres index numbers in the presence of serial correlation assuming that variance is independent of time. In the second round of estimation, we use the weighted least square approach to derive the standard errors of Laspeyres index number assuming variance is dependent on time. These standard errors are linked to the variability of relative prices and are simple to evaluate. It shows that the larger index numbers are expected to estimate with less degree of precision. The results are illustrated with price data of Pakistan.  相似文献   

The relation between inflation and RPV plays a prominent role in explaining the costs of inflation. This study investigates whether the CPI subcategories drift apart more over a period of high inflation rates than during one of low inflation. The wider dispersion of the subcategories is reflected in an increasing number of common stochastic trends in the system of sub price indices. The results for US data as well as for cross-country comparisons indicate that the influence of inflation on the dispersion of relative prices cannot be revealed by counting cointegrating relations. Thus, the number of stochastic trends or cointegrating relations is not a reliable indicator for the distorting effect of inflation on the dispersion of relative prices.  相似文献   

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