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Comparison of Two Methods for Calculating the Partition Functions of Various Spatial Statistical Models 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Likelihood computation in spatial statistics requires accurate and efficient calculation of the normalizing constant (i.e. partition function) of the Gibbs distribution of the model. Two available methods to calculate the normalizing constant by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are compared by simulation experiments for an Ising model, a Gaussian Markov field model and a pairwise interaction point field model. 相似文献
Pao-sheng Shen 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2020,49(18):4571-4586
AbstractBased on the approach of Pan and Zhou, we demonstrate that empirical likelihood ratios in terms of cumulative hazard function for left-truncated and right-censored (LTRC) data can be used to form confidence intervals for the parameters that are linear functionals of the cumulative hazard function. Simulation studies indicate that the empirical likelihood ratio based confidence intervals work well in finite samples. 相似文献
B. Apolloni 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(9):1950-1968
We provide an estimation procedure of the two-parameter Gamma distribution based on the Algorithmic Inference approach. As a key feature of this approach, we compute the joint probability distribution of these parameters without assuming any prior. To this end, we propose a numerical algorithm which is often beneficial of a highly efficient speed up based on an approximate analytical expression of the probability distribution. We contrast our interval and point estimates with those recently obtained in Son and Oh (2006) for the same problem. From this benchmark we realize that our estimates are both unbiased and more accurate, albeit more dispersed, in some cases, than the competitors' methods, where the dispersion drawback is notably mitigated w.r.t. Bayesian methods by a greater estimate decorrelation. We also briefly discuss the theoretical novelty of the adopted inference paradigm which actually represents a brush up on a Fisher perspective dating to almost a century, made feasible today by the available computational tools. 相似文献
Lang Wu 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2004,32(1):27-37
Nonlinear mixed‐effect models are often used in the analysis of longitudinal data. However, it sometimes happens that missing values for some of the model covariates are not purely random. Motivated by an application to HTV viral dynamics, where this situation occurs, the author considers likelihood inference for this type of problem. His approach involves a Monte Carlo EM algorithm, along with a Gibbs sampler and rejection/importance sampling methods. A concrete application is provided. 相似文献
In this article, we present and discuss an original price index being a special case of a general formula for price indices. We show that the discussed formula satisfies most postulates coming from the axiomatic price index theory. We compare this index to other known and popular price indices in a simulation study. 相似文献
G. Ronning 《Statistical Papers》1990,31(1):291-294
This short note drows attention to an obvious although so far only partly noted relation between an inequality involving the
hazard rate of the normal distribution and maximum likelihood estimation in the binary probit and in the Tobit model. Global
concavity of the likelihood function for both the binary probit and the Tobit model can be proved by means of an inequality
concerning the hazard rate of the standard normal distribution. As not yet noted in the literature this inequality may also
be used to show that the hazard rate is monotonically increasing.
Results of this paper are related to research which is financially supported by Thyssen-Stiftung. Comments on an earlier version
by an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged. 相似文献
Bar-Lev SK 《Lifetime data analysis》2004,10(3):293-308
Based on a Type 2 censored sample, we use the likelihood-based approach to draw likelihood inference on the shape parameter gamma of a two-parameter Weibull distribution. In particular, we derive the profile, conditional and marginal likelihoods of gamma. Numerical results along with some concluding remarks regarding the use of likelihood-based methods for inference are provided. 相似文献
G. M. Raab & C. A. Donnelly 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics》1999,48(2):117-133
When tables contain missing values, statistical models that allow the non-response probability to be a function of the intended response have been proposed by several researchers. We investigate the properties of these methods in the context of a survey of the sexual behaviour of university students. Profile likelihoods can be computed, even when models are not identified and saturated profile likelihoods (making no assumptions about the non-response mechanism) are derived. Bayesian approaches are investigated and it is shown that their results may be highly sensitive to the prior specification. The proportion of responders answering 'yes' to the question 'have you ever had sexual intercourse?' was 73%. However, different assumptions about the non-responders gave proportions as low as 46% or as high as 83%. Our preferred estimate, derived from the response-saturated profile likelihood, is 67% with a 95% confidence interval of 58–74%. This is in line with other studies on response bias in the reports of young people's sexual behaviour that suggest that the respondents overrepresent the sexually active. 相似文献
Jong-Il Baek 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2017,46(12):6000-6016
In this paper, we studied the uniform convergence with rates for the kernel estimator of the conditional mode function for a left truncated and right censored model. It is assumed that the lifetime observations with multivariate covariates form a stationary α-mixing sequence. Also, the asymptotic normality of the estimator is established. 相似文献
Carlos Aparecido dos Santos Jorge Alberto Achcar 《Journal of applied statistics》2011,38(10):2213-2223
In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian Analysis for the Block and Basu bivariate exponential distribution using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and considering lifetimes in presence of covariates and censored data. Posterior summaries of interest are obtained using the popular WinBUGS software. Numerical illustrations are introduced considering a medical data set related to the recurrence times of infection for kidney patients and a medical data set related to bone marrow transplantation for leukemia. 相似文献
For the recapture debugging design introduced by Nayak (1988) we consider the problem of estimating the hitting rates of the faults remaining in a system. In the context of a conditional likelihood, moment estimators are derived and are shown to be asymptotically normal and fully efficient. Fixed sample properties of the moment estimators are compared, through simulation, with those of the conditional maximum likelihood estimators. Also considered is a procedure for testing the assumption that faults have identical hitting rates; this provides a test of fit of the Jelinski-Moranda (1972) model. It is assumed that the residual hitting rates follow a log linear rate model and that the testing process is truncated when the gaps between the detection of new errors exceed a fixed amount of time. 相似文献
AbstractIn this paper, we focus on the left-truncated and right-censored model, and construct the local linear and Nadaraya-Watson type estimators of the conditional density. Under suitable conditions, we establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators when the observations are assumed to be a stationary α-mixing sequence. Finite sample behavior of the estimators is investigated via simulations too. 相似文献
Muhammad Yameen Danish Irshad Ahmad Arshad Muhammad Aslam 《Journal of applied statistics》2018,45(2):270-283
The article presents the Bayesian inference for the parameters of randomly censored Burr-type XII distribution with proportional hazards. The joint conjugate prior of the proposed model parameters does not exist; we consider two different systems of priors for Bayesian estimation. The explicit forms of the Bayes estimators are not possible; we use Lindley's method to obtain the Bayes estimates. However, it is not possible to obtain the Bayesian credible intervals with Lindley's method; we suggest the Gibbs sampling procedure for this purpose. Numerical experiments are performed to check the properties of the different estimators. The proposed methodology is applied to a real-life data for illustrative purposes. The Bayes estimators are compared with the Maximum likelihood estimators via numerical experiments and real data analysis. The model is validated using posterior predictive simulation in order to ascertain its appropriateness. 相似文献
《Journal of nonparametric statistics》2012,24(2):241-259
One of the most frequently used methods to model the autocovariance function of a second-order stationary time series is to use the parametric framework of autoregressive and moving average models developed by Box and Jenkins. However, such parametric models, though very flexible, may not always be adequate to model autocovariance functions with sharp changes. Furthermore, if the data do not follow the parametric model and are censored at a certain value, the estimation results may not be reliable. We develop a Gaussian imputation method to estimate an autocovariance structure via nonparametric estimation of the autocovariance function in order to address both censoring and incorrect model specification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique in terms of bias and efficiency with simulations under various rates of censoring and underlying models. We describe its application to a time series of silicon concentrations in the Arctic. 相似文献
The Two-interval Line-segment Problem 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mark J. van der Laan 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》1998,25(1):163-186
In this paper we define and study the non-parametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) in the one-dimensional line-segment problem, where we observe line-segments on the real line through an interval with a gap which is smaller than the two remaining intervals. We define the self-consistency equations for the NPMLE and provide a quick algorithm for solving them. We prove supremum norm weak convergence to a Gaussian process and efficiency of the NPMLE. The problem has a geological application in the study of the lifespan of species 相似文献
In this paper, the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is used to estimate the parameters of a modified Weibull distribution based on a complete sample. While maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) is the most used method for parameter estimation, MCMC has recently emerged as a good alternative. When applied to parameter estimation, MCMC methods have been shown to be easy to implement computationally, the estimates always exist and are statistically consistent, and their probability intervals are convenient to construct. Details of applying MCMC to parameter estimation for the modified Weibull model are elaborated and a numerical example is presented to illustrate the methods of inference discussed in this paper. To compare MCMC with MLE, a simulation study is provided, and the differences between the estimates obtained by the two algorithms are examined. 相似文献
Tatsuya Kubota 《Journal of applied statistics》2017,44(7):1165-1180
In this paper, we consider posterior predictive distributions of Type-II censored data for an inverse Weibull distribution. These functions are given by using conditional density functions and conditional survival functions. Although the conditional survival functions were expressed by integral forms in previous studies, we derive the conditional survival functions in closed forms and thereby reduce the computation cost. In addition, we calculate the predictive confidence intervals of unobserved values and coverage probabilities of unobserved values by using the posterior predictive survival functions. 相似文献
Petros Dellaportas 《Statistics and Computing》1995,5(2):133-140
In the non-conjugate Gibbs sampler, the required sampling from the full conditional densities needs the adoption of black-box sampling methods. Recent suggestions include rejection sampling, adaptive rejection sampling, generalized ratio of uniforms, and the Griddy-Gibbs sampler. This paper describes a general idea based on variate transformations which can be tailored in all the above methods and increase the Gibbs sampler efficiency. Moreover, a simple technique to assess convergence is suggested and illustrative examples are presented. 相似文献
PURUSHOTTAM W. LAUD PAUL DAMIEN STEPHEN G. WALKER 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2006,33(2):219-226
Abstract. A new simulation method, auxiliary random functions is introduced. When used within a Gibbs sampler, this method enables a unified treatment of exact, right-censored, left-censored, left-truncated and interval censored data, with and without covariates in survival models. The models and methods are exemplified via illustrative analysis. 相似文献
Phillips and Sweeting [J. R. Statist. Soc. B 58 (1996) 775–783.] considered estimation of the parameter of the exponential distribution with censored failure time data when there is incomplete knowledge of the censoring times. It was shown that, under particular models for the censoring mechanism and censoring errors, it will usually be safe to ignore such errors provided they are not expected to be too large. A flexible model is introduced which includes the extreme cases of no censoring errors and no information on the censoring values. The effect of alternative assumptions about knowledge of the censoring values on the estimation of failure rate is investigated. 相似文献