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Necessary and sufficient conditions for equalities between the best linear unbiased estimator, the weighted least-squares estimator, and the simple least-squares estimator of the expectation vector in a general Gauss-Markoff model are given in some alternative formulations. The main result states, somewhat surprisingly, that the weighted least-squares estimator cannot be identical with the simple least-squares estimator unless they both coincide with the best linear unbiased estimator.  相似文献   

Recent small sample studies of estimators for the shape parameter a of the negative binomial distribution (NBD) tend to indicate that the choice of estimator can be reduced to a choice between the method of moments estimator, maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), maximum quasi-likelihood estimator and the conditional likelihood estimator (CLE). In this paper the results of a comprehensive simulation study are reported to assist with the choice from these four estimators. The study includes a traditional procedure for assessing estimators for the shape parameter of the NBD and in addition introduces an alternative assessment procedure. Based on the traditional approach the CLE is considered to perform the best overall for the range of parameter values and sample sizes considered. The alternative assessment procedure indicates that the MLE is the preferred estimator.  相似文献   

We extend the average derivatives estimator to the case of functionally dependent regressors. We show that the proposed estimator is consistent and has a limiting normal distribution. A consistent covariance matrix estimator for the proposed estimator is provided.  相似文献   

We derive the asymptotic distribution of the ordinary least squares estimator in a regression with cointegrated variables under misspecification and/or nonlinearity in the regressors. We show that, under some circumstances, the order of convergence of the estimator changes and the asymptotic distribution is non-standard. The t-statistic might also diverge. A simple case arises when the intercept is erroneously omitted from the estimated model or in nonlinear-in-variables models with endogenous regressors. In the latter case, a solution is to use an instrumental variable estimator. The core results in this paper also generalise to more complicated nonlinear models involving integrated time series.  相似文献   

The standard approach to non-parametric bivariate density estimation is to use a kernel density estimator. Practical performance of this estimator is hindered by the fact that the estimator is not adaptive (in the sense that the level of smoothing is not sensitive to local properties of the density). In this paper a simple, automatic and adaptive bivariate density estimator is proposed based on the estimation of marginal and conditional densities. Asymptotic properties of the estimator are examined, and guidance to practical application of the method is given. Application to two examples illustrates the usefulness of the estimator as an exploratory tool, particularly in situations where the local behaviour of the density varies widely. The proposed estimator is also appropriate for use as a pilot estimate for an adaptive kernel estimate, since it is relatively inexpensive to calculate.  相似文献   

We consider a partially linear model in which the vector of coefficients β in the linear part can be partitioned as ( β 1, β 2) , where β 1 is the coefficient vector for main effects (e.g. treatment effect, genetic effects) and β 2 is a vector for ‘nuisance’ effects (e.g. age, laboratory). In this situation, inference about β 1 may benefit from moving the least squares estimate for the full model in the direction of the least squares estimate without the nuisance variables (Steinian shrinkage), or from dropping the nuisance variables if there is evidence that they do not provide useful information (pretesting). We investigate the asymptotic properties of Stein‐type and pretest semiparametric estimators under quadratic loss and show that, under general conditions, a Stein‐type semiparametric estimator improves on the full model conventional semiparametric least squares estimator. The relative performance of the estimators is examined using asymptotic analysis of quadratic risk functions and it is found that the Stein‐type estimator outperforms the full model estimator uniformly. By contrast, the pretest estimator dominates the least squares estimator only in a small part of the parameter space, which is consistent with the theory. We also consider an absolute penalty‐type estimator for partially linear models and give a Monte Carlo simulation comparison of shrinkage, pretest and the absolute penalty‐type estimators. The comparison shows that the shrinkage method performs better than the absolute penalty‐type estimation method when the dimension of the β 2 parameter space is large.  相似文献   

We give a set of identifying conditions for p-dimensional (p ≥ 2) simultaneous equation systems (SES) with heteroscedasticity in the framework of Gaussian quasi-maximum likelihood (QML). Our conditions rely on the presence of heteroscedasticity in the data rather than identifying restrictions traditionally employed in the literature. The QML estimator is shown to be consistent for the true parameter point and asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo experiments indicate that the QML estimator performs well in comparison to the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator in finite samples, even when the conditional variance is mildly misspecified. We analyze the relationship between traded stock prices and volumes in the setting of SES. Based on a sample of the Russell 3000 stocks, our findings provide new evidence against perfectly elastic demand and supply schedules for equities.  相似文献   


We present a new estimator of the restricted mean survival time in randomized trials where there is right censoring that may depend on treatment and baseline variables. The proposed estimator leverages prognostic baseline variables to obtain equal or better asymptotic precision compared to traditional estimators. Under regularity conditions and random censoring within strata of treatment and baseline variables, the proposed estimator has the following features: (i) it is interpretable under violations of the proportional hazards assumption; (ii) it is consistent and at least as precise as the Kaplan–Meier and inverse probability weighted estimators, under identifiability conditions; (iii) it remains consistent under violations of independent censoring (unlike the Kaplan–Meier estimator) when either the censoring or survival distributions, conditional on covariates, are estimated consistently; and (iv) it achieves the nonparametric efficiency bound when both of these distributions are consistently estimated. We illustrate the performance of our method using simulations based on resampling data from a completed, phase 3 randomized clinical trial of a new surgical treatment for stroke; the proposed estimator achieves a 12% gain in relative efficiency compared to the Kaplan–Meier estimator. The proposed estimator has potential advantages over existing approaches for randomized trials with time-to-event outcomes, since existing methods either rely on model assumptions that are untenable in many applications, or lack some of the efficiency and consistency properties (i)–(iv). We focus on estimation of the restricted mean survival time, but our methods may be adapted to estimate any treatment effect measure defined as a smooth contrast between the survival curves for each study arm. We provide R code to implement the estimator.


An asymptotic theory for the improved estimation of kurtosis parameter vector is developed for multi-sample case using uncertain prior information (UPI) that several kurtosis parameters are the same. Meta-analysis is performed to obtain pooled estimator, as it is a statistical methodology for pooling quantitative evidence. Pooled estimator is a good choice when assumption of homogeneity holds but it becomes inconsistent as assumption violates, therefore pretest and Stein-type shrinkage estimators are proposed as they combine sample and nonsample information in a superior way. Asymptotic properties of suggested estimators are discussed and their risk comparisons are also mentioned.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new estimator for bivariate distribution functions under random truncation and random censoring. The new method is based on a polar coordinate transformation, which enables us to transform a bivariate survival function to a univariate survival function. A consistent estimator for the transformed univariate function is proposed. Then the univariate estimator is transformed back to a bivariate estimator. The estimator converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process with an easily estimated covariance function. Consistent truncation probability estimate is also provided. Numerical studies show that the distribution estimator and truncation probability estimator perform remarkably well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the risk behavior of a pre-test estimator for normal variance with the Stein-type estimator. The one-sided pre-test is conducted for the null hypothesis that the population variance is equal to a specific value, and the Stein-type estimator is used if the null hypothesis is rejected. A sufficient condition for the pre-test estimator to dominate the Stein-type estimator is shown.  相似文献   

Suppose we observe an ergodic Markov chain on the real line, with a parametric model for the autoregression function, i.e. the conditional mean of the transition distribution. If one specifies, in addition, a parametric model for the conditional variance, one can define a simple estimator for the parameter, the maximum quasi-likelihood estimator. It is robust against misspecification of the conditional variance, but not efficient. We construct an estimator which is adaptive in the sense that it is efficient if the conditional variance is misspecified, and asymptotically as good as the maximum quasi-likelihood estimator if the conditional variance is correctly specified. The adaptive estimator is a weighted nonlinear least-squares estimator, with weights given by predictors for the conditional variance.  相似文献   

We reveal that the minimum Anderson–Darling (MAD) estimator is a variant of the maximum likelihood method. Furthermore, it is shown that the MAD estimator offers excellent opportunities for parameter estimation if there is no explicit formulation for the distribution model. The computation time for the MAD estimator with approximated cumulative distribution function is much shorter than that of the classical maximum likelihood method with approximated probability density function. Additionally, we research the performance of the MAD estimator for the generalized Pareto distribution and demonstrate a further advantage of the MAD estimator with an issue of seismic hazard analysis.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the problem of estimating missing observations in an infinite realization of a linear, possibly nonstationary, stochastic processes when the model is known. The general case of any possible distribution of missing observations in the time series is considered, and analytical expressions for the optimal estimators and their associated mean squared errors are obtained. These expressions involve solely the elements of the inverse or dual autocorrelation function of the series.

This optimal estimator -the conditional expectation of the missing observations given the available ones- is equal to the estimator that results from filling the missing values in the series with arbitrary numbers, treating these numbers as additive outliers, and removing with intervention analysis the outlier effects from the invented numbers.  相似文献   

Summary: In a recent work (Paris Scholz, 2002), a new robust estimator for convex bodies has been proposed, based on the estimation of a zonoid of a distribution. This so–called minimum volume zonoid estimator (MZE) is similar in type to the well–known robust approaches of the minimum volume ellipsoid (MVE) and the minimum covariance determinant (MCD), all three seeking for a subset of given data for which some criteria are minimized. We investigate the similarity between these three concepts by comparing which subsets are chosen to be the optimal ones.  相似文献   

Kalucha et al. (Kalucha G., Gupta S., Dass B. K. (accepted). Ratio estimation of finite population mean using optional randomized response models. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice) introduced an additive ratio estimator for finite population mean of a sensitive variable in simple random sampling without replacement and showed that this estimator performs better than the ordinary mean estimator based on an optional randomized response technique (RRT). In this paper, we introduce a regression estimator that performs better than the ratio estimator even for the modest correlation between the study and the auxiliary variables. A comparison of the proposed estimator with the corresponding ratio estimator and the ordinary RRT mean estimator is carried out theoretically, and is also illustrated with a simulation study.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ratio estimator in a finite population setting in a ranked set sampling (RSS) design, where the sample is constructed either with or without replacement policies. It is shown that the proposed ratio estimator is slightly biased, but the amount of bias is smaller than the amount of bias of a simple random sample (SRS) ratio estimator. For the proposed ratio estimator, the paper provides explicit expressions for its mean square error and precision relative to the other competing estimators. It is shown that the new estimator has a substantial amount of improvement in efficiency with respect to SRS estimator. The proposed estimator is applied to two different finite population settings to estimate population mean.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive the exact formula of the risk function of a pre-test estimator for normal variance with the Stein-variance (PTSV) estimator when the asymmetric LINEX loss function is used. Fixing the critical value of the pre-test to unity which is a suggested critical value in some sense, we examine numerically the risk performance of the PTSV estimator based on the risk function derived. Our numerical results show that although the PTSV estimator does not dominate the usual variance estimator when under-estimation is more severe than over-estimation, the PTSV estimator dominates the usual variance estimator when over-estimation is more severe. It is also shown that the dominance of the PTSV estimator over the original Stein-variance estimator is robust to the extension from the quadratic loss function to the LINEX loss function.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating the width of a symmetric uniform distribution on the line together with the error variance, when data are measured with normal additive error, is considered. The main purpose is to analyse the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator and to compare it with the moment-method estimator. It is shown that this two-parameter model is regular so that the ML estimator is asymptotically efficient. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of the ML estimator. As numerical problems are known to frequently occur while computing the ML estimator in this model, useful suggestions for computing the ML estimator are also given.  相似文献   

It is shown how the usual two-step estimator for the standard sample selection model can be seen as a method of moments estimator. Standard GMM theory can be brought to bear on this model, greatly simplifying the derivation of the asymptotic properties of this model. Using this setup, the asymptotic variance is derived in detail and a consistent estimator of it is obtained that is guaranteed to be positive definite, in contrast with the estimator given in the literature. It is demonstrated how the MM approach easily accommodates variations on the estimator, like the two-step IV estimator that handles endogenous regressors, and a two-step GLS estimator. Furthermore, it is shown that from the MM formulation, it is straightforward to derive various specification tests, in particular tests for selection bias, equivalence with the censored regression model, normality, homoskedasticity, and exogeneity.  相似文献   

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