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This paper addresses the problem of the probability density estimation in the presence of covariates when data are missing at random (MAR). The inverse probability weighted method is used to define a nonparametric and a semiparametric weighted probability density estimators. A regression calibration technique is also used to define an imputed estimator. It is shown that all the estimators are asymptotically normal with the same asymptotic variance as that of the inverse probability weighted estimator with known selection probability function and weights. Also, we establish the mean squared error (MSE) bounds and obtain the MSE convergence rates. A simulation is carried out to assess the proposed estimators in terms of the bias and standard error.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a class of lack-of-fit tests for fitting a linear regression model when some response variables are missing at random. These tests are based on a class of minimum integrated square distances between a kernel type estimator of a regression function and the parametric regression function being fitted. These tests are shown to be consistent against a large class of fixed alternatives. The corresponding test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal distributions under null hypothesis and a class of nonparametric local alternatives. Some simulation results are also presented.  相似文献   

Yu-Ye Zou 《Statistics》2017,51(6):1214-1237
In this paper, we define the nonlinear wavelet estimator of density for the right censoring model with the censoring indicator missing at random (MAR), and develop its asymptotic expression for mean integrated squared error (MISE). Unlike for kernel estimator, the MISE expression of the estimator is not affected by the presence of discontinuities in the curve. Meanwhile, asymptotic normality of the estimator is established. The proposed estimator can reduce to the estimator defined by Li [Non-linear wavelet-based density estimators under random censorship. J Statist Plann Inference. 2003;117(1):35–58] when the censoring indicator MAR does not occur and a bandwidth in non-parametric estimation is close to zero. Also, we define another two nonlinear wavelet estimators of the density. A simulation is done to show the performance of the three proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the adaptation of the non linear wavelet-based estimator of the regression function for the biased data setup under strong mixing. We provide an asymptotic sharp bound for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of the estimator, that is nearly optimal in the minimax sense over a large range of Besov function classes.  相似文献   

Methods for linear regression with multivariate response variables are well described in statistical literature. In this study we conduct a theoretical evaluation of the expected squared prediction error in bivariate linear regression where one of the response variables contains missing data. We make the assumption of known covariance structure for the error terms. On this basis, we evaluate three well-known estimators: standard ordinary least squares, generalized least squares, and a James–Stein inspired estimator. Theoretical risk functions are worked out for all three estimators to evaluate under which circumstances it is advantageous to take the error covariance structure into account.  相似文献   

The performance of nine different nonparametric regression estimates is empirically compared on ten different real datasets. The number of data points in the real datasets varies between 7, 900 and 18, 000, where each real dataset contains between 5 and 20 variables. The nonparametric regression estimates include kernel, partitioning, nearest neighbor, additive spline, neural network, penalized smoothing splines, local linear kernel, regression trees, and random forests estimates. The main result is a table containing the empirical L2 risks of all nine nonparametric regression estimates on the evaluation part of the different datasets. The neural networks and random forests are the two estimates performing best. The datasets are publicly available, so that any new regression estimate can be easily compared with all nine estimates considered in this article by just applying it to the publicly available data and by computing its empirical L2 risks on the evaluation part of the datasets.  相似文献   

Risk estimation is an important statistical question for the purposes of selecting a good estimator (i.e., model selection) and assessing its performance (i.e., estimating generalization error). This article introduces a general framework for cross-validation and derives distributional properties of cross-validated risk estimators in the context of estimator selection and performance assessment. Arbitrary classes of estimators are considered, including density estimators and predictors for both continuous and polychotomous outcomes. Results are provided for general full data loss functions (e.g., absolute and squared error, indicator, negative log density). A broad definition of cross-validation is used in order to cover leave-one-out cross-validation, V-fold cross-validation, Monte Carlo cross-validation, and bootstrap procedures. For estimator selection, finite sample risk bounds are derived and applied to establish the asymptotic optimality of cross-validation, in the sense that a selector based on a cross-validated risk estimator performs asymptotically as well as an optimal oracle selector based on the risk under the true, unknown data generating distribution. The asymptotic results are derived under the assumption that the size of the validation sets converges to infinity and hence do not cover leave-one-out cross-validation. For performance assessment, cross-validated risk estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically linear for the risk under the true data generating distribution and confidence intervals are derived for this unknown risk. Unlike previously published results, the theorems derived in this and our related articles apply to general data generating distributions, loss functions (i.e., parameters), estimators, and cross-validation procedures.  相似文献   

Several models for longitudinal data with nonrandom missingness are available. The selection model of Diggle and Kenward is one of these models. It has been mentioned by many authors that this model depends on untested modelling assumptions, such as the response distribution, from the observed data. So, a sensitivity analysis of the study’s conclusions for such assumptions is needed. The stochastic EM algorithm is proposed and developed to handle continuous longitudinal data with nonrandom intermittent missing values when the responses have non-normal distribution. This is a step in investigating the sensitivity of the parameter estimates to the change of the response distribution. The proposed technique is applied to real data from the International Breast Cancer Study Group.  相似文献   

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