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A random effects model for analyzing mixed longitudinal count and ordinal data is presented where the count response is inflated in two points (k and l) and an (k,l)-Inflated Power series distribution is used as its distribution. A full likelihood-based approach is used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of parameters of the model. For data with non-ignorable missing values models with probit model for missing mechanism are used.The dependence between longitudinal sequences of responses and inflation parameters are investigated using a random effects approach. Also, to investigate the correlation between mixed ordinal and count responses of each individuals at each time, a shared random effect is used. In order to assess the performance of the model, a simulation study is performed for a case that the count response has (k,l)-Inflated Binomial distribution. Performance comparisons of count-ordinal random effect model, Zero-Inflated ordinal random effects model and (k,l)-Inflated ordinal random effects model are also given. The model is applied to a real social data set from the first two waves of the national longitudinal study of adolescent to adult health (Add Health study). In this data set, the joint responses are the number of days in a month that each individual smoked as the count response and the general health condition of each individual as the ordinal response. For the count response there is incidence of excess values of 0 and 30.  相似文献   

A general framework is proposed for joint modelling of mixed correlated ordinal and continuous responses with missing values for responses, where the missing mechanism for both kinds of responses is also considered. Considering the posterior distribution of unknowns given all available information, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm via winBUGS is used for estimating the posterior distribution of the parameters. For sensitivity analysis to investigate the perturbation from missing at random to not missing at random, it is shown how one can use some elements of covariance structure. These elements associate responses and their missing mechanisms. Influence of small perturbation of these elements on posterior displacement and posterior estimates is also studied. The model is illustrated using data from a foreign language achievement study.  相似文献   

Missing values are common in longitudinal data studies. The missing data mechanism is termed non-ignorable (NI) if the probability of missingness depends on the non-response (missing) observations. This paper presents a model for the ordinal categorical longitudinal data with NI non-monotone missing values. We assumed two separate models for the response and missing procedure. The response is modeled as ordinal logistic, whereas the logistic binary model is considered for the missing process. We employ these models in the context of so-called shared-parameter models, where the outcome and missing data models are connected by a common set of random effects. It is commonly assumed that the random effect follows the normal distribution in longitudinal data with or without missing data. This can be extremely restrictive in practice, and it may result in misleading statistical inferences. In this paper, we instead adopt a more flexible alternative distribution which is called the skew-normal distribution. The methodology is illustrated through an application to Schizophrenia Collaborative Study data [19 D. Hedeker, Generalized linear mixed models, in Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science, B. Everitt and D. Howell, eds., John Wiley, London, 2005, pp. 729738. [Google Scholar]] and a simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the indentifiability of a latent random effect model for the mixed correlated continuous and ordinal longitudinal responses. We derive conditions for the identifiability of the covariance parameters of the responses. Also, we proposed sensitivity analysis to investigate the perturbation from the non-identifiability of the covariance parameters, it is shown how one can use some elements of covariance structure. These elements associate conditions for identifiability of the covariance parameters of the responses. Influence of small perturbation of these elements on maximal normal curvature is also studied. The model is illustrated using medical data.  相似文献   

Regression models with random effects are proposed for joint analysis of negative binomial and ordinal longitudinal data with nonignorable missing values under fully parametric framework. The presented model simultaneously considers a multivariate probit regression model for the missing mechanisms, which provides the ability of examining the missing data assumptions and a multivariate mixed model for the responses. Random effects are used to take into account the correlation between longitudinal responses of the same individual. A full likelihood-based approach that allows yielding maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters is used. The model is applied to a medical data, obtained from an observational study on women, where the correlated responses are the ordinal response of osteoporosis of the spine and negative binomial response is the number of joint damage. A sensitivity of the results to the assumptions is also investigated. The effect of some covariates on all responses are investigated simultaneously.  相似文献   

Using a multivariate latent variable approach, this article proposes some new general models to analyze the correlated bounded continuous and categorical (nominal or/and ordinal) responses with and without non-ignorable missing values. First, we discuss regression methods for jointly analyzing continuous, nominal, and ordinal responses that we motivated by analyzing data from studies of toxicity development. Second, using the beta and Dirichlet distributions, we extend the models so that some bounded continuous responses are replaced for continuous responses. The joint distribution of the bounded continuous, nominal and ordinal variables is decomposed into a marginal multinomial distribution for the nominal variable and a conditional multivariate joint distribution for the bounded continuous and ordinal variables given the nominal variable. We estimate the regression parameters under the new general location models using the maximum-likelihood method. Sensitivity analysis is also performed to study the influence of small perturbations of the parameters of the missing mechanisms of the model on the maximal normal curvature. The proposed models are applied to two data sets: BMI, Steatosis and Osteoporosis data and Tehran household expenditure budgets.  相似文献   

A random effects model for analyzing mixed longitudinal normal and count outcomes with and without the possibility of non ignorable missing outcomes is presented. The count response is inflated in two points (k and l) and the (k, l)-Hurdle power series is used as its distribution. The new distribution contains, as special submodels, several important distributions which are discussed, such as (k, l)-Hurdle Poisson and (k, l)-Hurdle negative binomial and (k, l)-Hurdle binomial distributions among others. Random effects are used to take into account the correlation between longitudinal outcomes and inflation parameters. A full likelihood-based approach is used to yield maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters. A simulation study is performed in which for count outcome (k, l)-Hurdle Poisson, (k, l)-Hurdle negative binomial and (k, l)-Hurdle binomial distributions are considered. To illustrate the application of such modelling the longitudinal data of body mass index and the number of joint damage are analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a conditional model for analyzing mixed bivariate continuous and ordinal longitudinal responses. We propose a quantile regression model with random effects for analyzing continuous responses. For this purpose, an Asymmetric Laplace Distribution (ALD) is allocated for continuous response given random effects. For modeling ordinal responses, a cumulative logit model is used, via specifying a latent variable model, with considering other random effects. Therefore, the intra-association between continuous and ordinal responses is taken into account using their own exclusive random effects. But, the inter-association between two mixed responses is taken into account by adding a continuous response term in the ordinal model. We use a Bayesian approach via Markov chain Monte Carlo method for analyzing the proposed conditional model and to estimate unknown parameters, a Gibbs sampler algorithm is used. Moreover, we illustrate an application of the proposed model using a part of the British Household Panel Survey data set. The results of data analysis show that gender, age, marital status, educational level and the amount of money spent on leisure have significant effects on annual income. Also, the associated parameter is significant in using the best fitting proposed conditional model, thus it should be employed rather than analyzing separate models.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study commonly follows a set of variables, measured for each individual repeatedly over time, and usually suffers from incomplete data problem. A common approach for dealing with longitudinal categorical responses is to use the Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM). This model induces the potential relation between response variables over time via a vector of random effects, assumed to be shared parameters in the non-ignorable missing mechanism. Most GLMMs assume that the random-effects parameters follow a normal or symmetric distribution and this leads to serious problems in real applications. In this paper, we propose GLMMs for the analysis of incomplete multivariate longitudinal categorical responses with a non-ignorable missing mechanism based on a shared parameter framework with the less restrictive assumption of skew-normality for the random effects. These models may contain incomplete data with monotone and non-monotone missing patterns. The performance of the model is evaluated using simulation studies and a well-known longitudinal data set extracted from a fluvoxamine trial is analyzed to determine the profile of fluvoxamine in ambulatory clinical psychiatric practice.  相似文献   

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