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In this article, we propose an empirical likelihood-based method of inference for decomposable poverty measures utilizing poverty lines which are some fraction of the median of the underlying income distribution. Specifically, we focus on making poverty comparisons between two subgroups of the population which share the same poverty line. Our proposed method is assessed using a Monte Carlo simulation and is applied to some Canadian household income data.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a methodology for the study of multi-dimensional aspects of poverty and deprivation. The conventional poor/non-poor dichotomy is replaced by defining poverty as a matter of degree, determined by the place of the individual in the income distribution. The fuzzy poverty measure proposed is in fact also expressible in terms of the generalised Gini measure. The same methodology facilitates the inclusion of other dimensions of deprivation into the analysis: by appropriately weighting indicators of deprivation to reflect their dispersion and correlation, we can construct measures of non-monetary deprivation in its various dimensions. These indicators illuminate the extent to which purely monetary indicators are insufficient in themselves in capturing the prevalence of deprivation. An important contribution of the paper is to identify rules for the aggregation of fuzzy sets appropriate for the study of poverty and deprivation. In particular, we define a ‘composite’ fuzzy set operator which takes into account whether the sets being aggregated are of a ‘similar’ or a ‘dissimilar’ type. These rules allow us to meaningfully combine income and the diverse non-income deprivation indices at the micro-level and construct what we have termed ‘intensive’ and ‘extensive’ indicators of deprivation. We note that mathematically the same approach can be carried over to the study of persistence of poverty and deprivation over time.  相似文献   

韩秀兰 《统计研究》2015,32(2):44-50
本文结合国际前沿收入分配测度方法,基于贫困增长曲线(poverty growth curve,PGC)和收入增长相对益贫性(Relative pro-poorness of Growth,RPG)测度指标,应用2013年发布的新一轮中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)微观数据,从居民收入增长的相对益贫性这一新视角分析个人所得税的减贫效应及其对中国城乡居民收入分配的影响,由此阐释个人所得税对居民收入增长相对益贫性的影响机理,并得到更具针对性的个人所得税政策启示。  相似文献   


Asymptotic and bootstrap tests for inequality measures are known to perform poorly in finite samples when the underlying distribution is heavy-tailed. We propose Monte Carlo permutation and bootstrap methods for the problem of testing the equality of inequality measures between two samples. Results cover the Generalized Entropy class, which includes Theil’s index, the Atkinson class of indices, and the Gini index. We analyze finite-sample and asymptotic conditions for the validity of the proposed methods, and we introduce a convenient rescaling to improve finite-sample performance. Simulation results show that size correct inference can be obtained with our proposed methods despite heavy tails if the underlying distributions are sufficiently close in the upper tails. Substantial reduction in size distortion is achieved more generally. Studentized rescaled Monte Carlo permutation tests outperform the competing methods we consider in terms of power.  相似文献   

We propose a unified approach that is flexibly applicable to various types of grouped data for estimating and testing parametric income distributions. To simplify the use of our approach, we also provide a parametric bootstrap method and show its asymptotic validity. We also compare this approach with existing methods for grouped income data, and assess their finite-sample performance by a Monte Carlo simulation. For empirical demonstrations, we apply our approach to recovering China's income/consumption distributions from a sequence of income/consumption share tables and the U.S. income distributions from a combination of income shares and sample quantiles. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

范晓静  张欣 《统计研究》2010,27(6):63-70
 本文使用社会核算矩阵(SAM)收入分配乘数及其分解方法,对中国2000年细分SAM进行了分析,研究了经济系统中产业部门、居民部门相对收入的变化,以及政府部门在收入分配过程中的作用,并分析了引起相对收入变化的构成。通过分析我们得出,从相对收入角度来说,大部分产业之间是非相互促进的;产业对居民相对收入的提高与居民的初始收入水平有较高的相关性;政府部门的投入会提高城镇居民的相对收入,但却会降低农村居民的相对收入。  相似文献   

M-quantile models with application to poverty mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last decade there has been growing demand for estimates of population characteristics at small area level. Unfortunately, cost constraints in the design of sample surveys lead to small sample sizes within these areas and as a result direct estimation, using only the survey data, is inappropriate since it yields estimates with unacceptable levels of precision. Small area models are designed to tackle the small sample size problem. The most popular class of models for small area estimation is random effects models that include random area effects to account for between area variations. However, such models also depend on strong distributional assumptions, require a formal specification of the random part of the model and do not easily allow for outlier robust inference. An alternative approach to small area estimation that is based on the use of M-quantile models was recently proposed by Chambers and Tzavidis (Biometrika 93(2):255–268, 2006) and Tzavidis and Chambers (Robust prediction of small area means and distributions. Working paper, 2007). Unlike traditional random effects models, M-quantile models do not depend on strong distributional assumption and automatically provide outlier robust inference. In this paper we illustrate for the first time how M-quantile models can be practically employed for deriving small area estimates of poverty and inequality. The methodology we propose improves the traditional poverty mapping methods in the following ways: (a) it enables the estimation of the distribution function of the study variable within the small area of interest both under an M-quantile and a random effects model, (b) it provides analytical, instead of empirical, estimation of the mean squared error of the M-quantile small area mean estimates and (c) it employs a robust to outliers estimation method. The methodology is applied to data from the 2002 Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) in Albania for estimating (a) district level estimates of the incidence of poverty in Albania, (b) district level inequality measures and (c) the distribution function of household per-capita consumption expenditure in each district. Small area estimates of poverty and inequality show that the poorest Albanian districts are in the mountainous regions (north and north east) with the wealthiest districts, which are also linked with high levels of inequality, in the coastal (south west) and southern part of country. We discuss the practical advantages of our methodology and note the consistency of our results with results from previous studies. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the M-quantile estimation framework through design-based simulations based on two realistic survey data sets containing small area information and show that the M-quantile approach may be preferable when the aim is to estimate the small area distribution function.  相似文献   

We consider the issue of performing accurate small sample inference in beta autoregressive moving average model, which is useful for modeling and forecasting continuous variables that assume values in the interval (0,?1). The inferences based on conditional maximum likelihood estimation have good asymptotic properties, but their performances in small samples may be poor. This way, we propose bootstrap bias corrections of the point estimators and different bootstrap strategies for confidence interval improvements. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that finite sample inference based on bootstrap corrections is much more reliable than the usual inferences. We also presented an empirical application.  相似文献   


Multiple comparisons for two or more mean vectors are considered when the dimension of the vectors may exceed the sample size, the design may be unbalanced, populations need not be normal, and the true covariance matrices may be unequal. Pairwise comparisons, including comparisons with a control, and their linear combinations are considered. Under fairly general conditions, the asymptotic multivariate distribution of the vector of test statistics is derived whose quantiles can be used in multiple testing. Simulations are used to show the accuracy of the tests. Real data applications are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

This article introduces and discusses a new measure of the relative economic affluence (REA) between income distributions with different means. The REA measure D is applied to the U.S. white and black household income distributions of 1967 and 1979. The measure D shows that the REA of the white households with respect to the black households decreased from 1967 to 1979. This conclusion contrasts with those obtained by applications of distance or quasi-distance functions. It is shown in this study that REA measures and distance functions address different and relevant issues. An REA measure deals with the relation “more affluent than” and defines a partial strict ordering over the set of pairs of income distributions—that is, the relation is asymmetric and transitive—whereas a distance function accounts for the dissimilarity between distributions without imposing an ordering relation and hence fulfills the symmetry property.  相似文献   

The main object of Bayesian statistical inference is the determination of posterior distributions. Sometimes these laws are given for quantities devoid of empirical value. This serious drawback vanishes when one confines oneself to considering a finite horizon framework. However, assuming infinite exchangeability gives rise to fairly tractable a posteriori quantities, which is very attractive in applications. Hence, with a view to a reconciliation between these two aspects of the Bayesian way of reasoning, in this paper we provide quantitative comparisons between posterior distributions of finitary parameters and posterior distributions of allied parameters appearing in usual statistical models.  相似文献   

In this paper, when a jointly Type-II censored sample arising from k independent exponential populations is available, the conditional MLEs of the k exponential mean parameters are derived. The moment generating functions and the exact densities of these MLEs are obtained using which exact confidence intervals are developed for the parameters. Moreover, approximate confidence intervals based on the asymptotic normality of the MLEs and credible confidence regions from a Bayesian viewpoint are also discussed. An empirical comparison of the exact, approximate, bootstrap, and Bayesian intervals is also made in terms of coverage probabilities. Finally, an example is presented in order to illustrate all the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

Changes in survival rates during 1940–1992 for patients with Hodgkin's disease are studied by using population-based data. The aim of the analysis is to identify when the breakthrough in clinical trials of chemotherapy treatments started to increase population survival rates, and to find how long it took for the increase to level off, indicating that the full population effect of the breakthrough had been realized. A Weibull relative survival model is used because the model parameters are easily interpretable when assessing the effect of advances in clinical trials. However, the methods apply to any relative survival model that falls within the generalized linear models framework. The model is fitted by using modifications of existing software (SAS, GLIM) and profile likelihood methods. The results are similar to those from a cause-specific analysis of the data by Feuer and co-workers. Survival started to improve around the time that a major chemotherapy breakthrough (nitrogen mustard, Oncovin, prednisone and procarbazine) was publicized in the mid 1960s but did not level off for 11 years. For the analysis of data where the cause of death is obtained from death certificates, the relative survival approach has the advantage of providing the necessary adjustment for expected mortality from causes other than the disease without requiring information on the causes of death.  相似文献   

A simple adaptation of a distribution-free method due to Scholz (1978) and Sievers (1978) for inference in a single regression setting is proposed for inference about the difference in slopes of two regression lines. We assume that the data are obtained from a designed experiment with common regression constants. A comparison of the proposed method to its competitors-one due to Hollander and the other due to Rao and Gore-indicates superiority of the new method.  相似文献   

Many inference problems lead naturally to a marginal or conditional measure of departure that depends on a nuisance parameter. As a device for first-order elimination of the nuisance parameter, we suggest averaging with respect to an exact or approximate confidence distribution function. It is shown that for many standard problems where an exact answer is available by other methods, the averaging method reproduces the exact answer. Moreover, for the gamma-mean problem, where the exact answer is not explicitly available, the averaging method gives results that agree closely with those obtained from higher-order asymptotic methods. Examples are discussed; detailed asymptotic calculations will be examined elsewhere.  相似文献   

k normal populations having common variance are used to construct two-sided and one-sided simultaneous prediction intervals for the differences between the future means of independent random sample from each of these populations compared to a standard. These prediction intervals are particularly useful if one has sampled the performance of several products and wishes to simultaneously predict the differences between future sample mean performance of these products and a standard with a predetermined joint probability. Methods on sample size determination are also given. The procedures are illustrated with a numerical example. Received: February 25, 2000; revised version: February 6, 2001  相似文献   

Comparative lifetime experiments are of great importance when the interest is in ascertaining the relative merits of two competing products with regard to their reliability. In this article, we consider two exponential populations and when joint progressive Type-II censoring is implemented on the two samples. We then derive the moment generating functions and the exact distributions of the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the mean lifetimes of the two exponential populations under such a joint progressive Type-II censoring. We then discuss the exact lower confidence bounds, exact confidence intervals, and simultaneous confidence regions. Next, we discuss the corresponding approximate results based on the asymptotic normality of the MLEs as well as those based on the Bayesian method. All these confidence intervals and regions are then compared by means of Monte Carlo simulations with those obtained from bootstrap methods. Finally, an illustrative example is presented in order to illustrate all the methods of inference discussed here.  相似文献   

This article proposes computing sensitivities of upper tail probabilities of random sums by the saddlepoint approximation. The considered sensitivity is the derivative of the upper tail probability with respect to the parameter of the summation index distribution. Random sums with Poisson or Geometric distributed summation indices and Gamma or Weibull distributed summands are considered. The score method with importance sampling is considered as an alternative approximation. Numerical studies show that the saddlepoint approximation and the method of score with importance sampling are very accurate. But the saddlepoint approximation is substantially faster than the score method with importance sampling. Thus, the suggested saddlepoint approximation can be conveniently used in various scientific problems.  相似文献   

A new class of approximately unbiased tests based on bootstrap probabilities is obtained for the multivariate normal model with unknown expectation parameter vector. The null hypothesis is represented as an arbitrary-shaped region with possibly nonsmooth boundary surfaces such as cones, which appear in, for example, multiple comparisons and hierarchical clustering. The size nn of bootstrap samples is intentionally altered from the size n of the data. A scaling-law of the bootstrap probability leads to our bias corrected p  -values which are calculated by extrapolating the bootstrap probability back to n=-nn=-n. The new method approximates the bootstrap iteration applied to the bootstrap probability.  相似文献   

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