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The wrap-around (WD) L2-discrepancy has been commonly used in experimental designs. In this paper, some lower bounds of the WD L2-discrepancy for asymmetrical U-type designs are given and the expectation and variance of midpoint Latin hypercube designs (LHD) are also obtained. Relationships between midpoint LHD and uniform designs for symmetrical and asymmetrical cases are discussed in the sense of comparing the lower bound and the expectation of squared wrap-around L2-discrepancy of U-type designs. Some comparisons between simple random sampling and the lower bounds of U-type designs are given.  相似文献   

We describe a method of determining upper bounds on the variances of linear combinations of the kth records values from i.i.d. sequences, expressed in terms of variances of parent distributions. We also present conditions for which the bounds are sharp, and those for which the respective lower ones are equal to zero. A special attention is paid to the case of the kth record spacings, i.e. the differences of consecutive kth record values.  相似文献   

Uniform designs are widely used in various scientific investigations and industrial applications. By considering all possible level permutation of the factors, a connection between average centered L2-discrepancy and generalized wordlength pattern for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs is derived. Moreover, we present new lower bounds to the average centered L2-discrepancy for symmetrical and asymmetrical U-type designs. For illustration of the theoretical results, the lower bounds for symmetrical and asymmetrical U-type designs are tabulated, and numerical results indicate that our lower bounds behave well and can be recommended for use in practice.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of determining sharp upper bounds on the expected values of non-extreme order statistics based on i.i.d. random variables taking on N values at most. We show that the bound problem is equivalent to the problem of establishing the best approximation of the projection of the density function of the respective order statistic based on the standard uniform i.i.d. sample onto the family of non-decreasing functions by arbitrary N  -valued functions in the norm of L2(0,1)L2(0,1) space. We also present an algorithm converging to the local minima of the approximation problems.  相似文献   

We consider the properties of the trimmed mean, as regards minimax-variance L-estimation of a location parameter in a Kolmogorov neighbourhood K() of the normal distribution: We first review some results on the search for an L-minimax estimator in this neighbourhood, i.e. a linear combination of order statistics whose maximum variance in Kt() is a minimum in the class of L-estimators. The natural candidate – the L-estimate which is efficient for that member of Kt,() with minimum Fisher information – is known not to be a saddlepoint solution to the minimax problem. We show here that it is not a solution at all. We do this by showing that a smaller maximum variance is attained by an appropriately trimmed mean. We argue that this trimmed mean, as well as being computationally simple – much simpler than the efficient L-estimate referred to above, and simpler than the minimax M- and R-estimators – is at least “nearly” minimax.  相似文献   


Sharp bounds on expected values of L-statistics based on a sample of possibly dependent, identically distributed random variables are given in the case when the sample size is a random variable with values in the set {0, 1, 2,…}. The dependence among observations is modeled by copulas and mixing. The bounds are attainable and provide characterizations of some non trivial distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a mixed compound Poisson process, that is, a random sum of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables where the number of terms is a Poisson process with random intensity. We study nonparametric estimators of the jump density by specific deconvolution methods. Firstly, assuming that the random intensity has exponential distribution with unknown expectation, we propose two types of estimators based on the observation of an i.i.d. sample. Risks bounds and adaptive procedures are provided. Then, with no assumption on the distribution of the random intensity, we propose two non‐parametric estimators of the jump density based on the joint observation of the number of jumps and the random sum of jumps. Risks bounds are provided, leading to unusual rates for one of the two estimators. The methods are implemented and compared via simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a new mechanism for finding the optimal foldover plans (OFPs) which is based on the uniformity criteria measured by Lee discrepancy, wrap-around L2-discrepancy, and centered L2-discrepancy. For three-level fractional factorials as the original designs, general foldover plans and combined designs are defined, and lower bounds of these three discrepancies of combined designs under general foldover plans are also obtained, which can be used as benchmarks for searching OFPs. Illustrative examples with a comparison study between the foldover plans under these discrepancies are provided. Our results provide a theoretical justification for OFPs of three-level designs in terms of uniformity criteria.  相似文献   

The role of uniformity measured by the symmetric L 2-discrepancy given in Hickernell (1998 Hickernell , F. J. (1998). A generalized discrepancy and quadrature error bound. Math. Computat. 67:299322.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) has been studied in fractional factorial designs. The issue of lower bounds on the symmetric L 2-discrepancy is crucial in the construction of uniform designs. This article reports some new lower bounds on the symmetric L 2-discrepancy for symmetric fractional factorials and for a set of asymmetric fractional factorials. It is valuable to use these lower bounds to measure uniformity of given designs.  相似文献   

In this article we suggest a definition for the notion of L1-distance that combines probability density functions and prior probabilities. We also obtain the upper and lower bounds for this distance as well as its relation to other measures. Besides, the relationship between the proposed distance and quantities involved in classification problem by Bayesian method will be established. In practice, calculations are performed by Matlab procedures. As an illustration for applications of the obtained results, the article gives here an estimation for the ability to repay bank debt of some companies in Can Tho City, Vietnam.  相似文献   

The foldover is a useful technique in the construction of two-level factorial designs for follow-up experiments. To search an optimal foldover plans is an important issue. In this paper, for a set of asymmetric fractional factorials such as the original designs, a lower bound for centred L 2-discrepancy of combined designs under a general foldover plan is obtained, which can be used as a benchmark for searching optimal foldover plans. All of our results are the extended ones of Ou et al. [Lower bounds of various discrepancies on combined designs, Metrika 74 (2011), pp. 109–119] for symmetric designs to asymmetric designs. Moreover, it also provides a theoretical justification for optimal foldover plans in terms of uniformity criterion.  相似文献   

This paper provides upper bounds of wavelet estimations on Lp (1≤p<∞) risk for a density function in Besov spaces based on negatively associated stratified size-biased random samples. It turns out that the classical theorem of Donoho, Johnstone, Kerkyacharian and Picard is completely extended to more general cases. More precisely, we consider the model with multiplication noise and allow the sample negatively associated. Our theory is illustrated with a simulation study.  相似文献   

It is an elementary fact that the size of an orthogonal array of strength t on k factors must be a multiple of a certain number, say Lt, that depends on the orders of the factors. Thus Lt is a lower bound on the size of arrays of strength t on those factors, and is no larger than Lk, the size of the complete factorial design. We investigate the relationship between the numbers Lt, and two questions in particular: For what t is Lt < Lk? And when Lt = Lk, is the complete factorial design the only array of that size and strength t? Arrays are assumed to be mixed-level.

We refer to an array of size less than Lk as a proper fraction. Guided by our main result, we construct a variety of mixed-level proper fractions of strength k ? 1 that also satisfy a certain group-theoretic condition.  相似文献   

Estimation of a regression function from independent and identical distributed data is considered. The L2 error with integration with respect to the design measure is used as error criterion. Upper bounds on the L2 error of least squares regression estimates are presented, which bound the error of the estimate in case that in the sample given to the estimate the values of the independent and the dependent variables are pertubated by some arbitrary procedure. The bounds are applied to analyze regression-based Monte Carlo methods for pricing American options in case of errors in modelling the price process.  相似文献   

We study two of the classical bounds for the Bayes error P e , Lissack and Fu’s separability bounds and Bhattacharyya’s bounds, in the classification of an observation into one of the two determined distributions, under the hypothesis that the prior probability χ itself has a probability distribution. The effectiveness of this distribution can be measured in terms of the ratio of two mean values. On the other hand, a discriminant analysis-based optimal classification rule allows us to derive the posterior distribution of χ, together with the related posterior bounds of P e . Research partially supported by NSERC grant A 9249 (Canada). The authors wish to thank two referees, for their very pertinent comments and suggestions, that have helped to improve the quality and the presentation of the paper, and we have, whenever possible, addressed their concerns.  相似文献   

We establish best upper bounds on the expected differences of records and sample maxima, and kth records and kth maxima based on sequences of independent random variables with identical continuous distribution and finite variance. The bounds are expressed in terms of the standard deviation units of the parent distribution. We also provide conditions for attaining the bounds.  相似文献   

We propose the L1 distance between the distribution of a binned data sample and a probability distribution from which it is hypothetically drawn as a statistic for testing agreement between the data and a model. We study the distribution of this distance for N-element samples drawn from k bins of equal probability and derive asymptotic formulae for the mean and dispersion of L1 in the large-N limit. We argue that the L1 distance is asymptotically normally distributed, with the mean and dispersion being accurately reproduced by asymptotic formulae even for moderately large values of N and k.  相似文献   

Rychlik [Metrika 77, 539–557, 2014] described sharp upper negative bounds for the expectations of low-rank order statistics, centered about the population mean and measured in the mean absolute deviation from the mean units, for the i.i.d. sequences with common distribution possessing decreasing density function on the average. The bounds coincide with the negatives of maximal values of complicated functions on the unit interval. Here, we provide more precise solutions to the maximization problems.  相似文献   

Nonparametric regression techniques such as spline smoothing and local fitting depend implicitly on a parametric model. For instance, the cubic smoothing spline estimate of a regression function ∫ μ based on observations ti, Yi is the minimizer of Σ{Yi ‐ μ(ti)}2 + λ∫(μ′′)2. Since ∫(μ″)2 is zero when μ is a line, the cubic smoothing spline estimate favors the parametric model μ(t) = αo + α1t. Here the authors consider replacing ∫(μ″)2 with the more general expression ∫(Lμ)2 where L is a linear differential operator with possibly nonconstant coefficients. The resulting estimate of μ performs well, particularly if Lμ is small. They present an O(n) algorithm for the computation of μ. This algorithm is applicable to a wide class of L's. They also suggest a method for the estimation of L. They study their estimates via simulation and apply them to several data sets.  相似文献   

Let H(x, y) be a continuous bivariate distribution function with known marginal distribution functions F(x) and G(y). Suppose the values of H are given at several points, H(x i , y i ) = θ i , i = 1, 2,…, n. We first discuss conditions for the existence of a distribution satisfying these conditions, and present a procedure for checking if such a distribution exists. We then consider finding lower and upper bounds for such distributions. These bounds may be used to establish bounds on the values of Spearman's ρ and Kendall's τ. For n = 2, we present necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of such a distribution function and derive best-possible upper and lower bounds for H(x, y). As shown by a counter-example, these bounds need not be proper distribution functions, and we find conditions for these bounds to be (proper) distribution functions. We also present some results for the general case, where the values of H(x, y) are known at more than two points. In view of the simplification in notation, our results are presented in terms of copulas, but they may easily be expressed in terms of distribution functions.  相似文献   

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