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In this article, we consider a linear signed rank test for non-nested distributions in the context of the model selection. Introducing a new test, we show that, it is asymptotically more efficient than the Vuong test and the test statistic based on B statistic introduced by Clarke. However, here, we let the magnitude of the data give a better performance to the test statistic. We have shown that this test is an unbiased one. The results of simulations show that the rank test has the greater statistical power than the Vuong test where the underline distributions is symmetric.  相似文献   

As researchers increasingly rely on linear mixed models to characterize longitudinal data, there is a need for improved techniques for selecting among this class of models which requires specification of both fixed and random effects via a mean model and variance-covariance structure. The process is further complicated when fixed and/or random effects are non nested between models. This paper explores the development of a hypothesis test to compare non nested linear mixed models based on extensions of the work begun by Sir David Cox. We assess the robustness of this approach for comparing models containing correlated measures of body fat for predicting longitudinal cardiometabolic risk.  相似文献   

In randomized complete block designs, a monotonic relationship among treatment groups may already be established from prior information, e.g., a study with different dose levels of a drug. The test statistic developed by Page and another from Jonckheere and Terpstra are two unweighted rank based tests used to detect ordered alternatives when the assumptions in the traditional two-way analysis of variance are not satisfied. We consider a new weighted rank based test by utilizing a weight for each subject based on the sample variance in computing the new test statistic. The new weighted rank based test is compared with the two commonly used unweighted tests with regard to power under various conditions. The weighted test is generally more powerful than the two unweighted tests when the number of treatment groups is small to moderate.  相似文献   

A small sample simultaneous testing method is proposed for nested linear regression model. The methodology is based on the generalized likelihood ratio test which is the large sample simultaneous testing method for general nested models. The proposed test is also used for model identification.  相似文献   

In statistical literature, the term ‘signed‐rank test’ (or ‘Wilcoxon signed‐rank test’) has been used to refer to two distinct tests: a test for symmetry of distribution and a test for the median of a symmetric distribution, sharing a common test statistic. To avoid potential ambiguity, we propose to refer to those two tests by different names, as ‘test for symmetry based on signed‐rank statistic’ and ‘test for median based on signed‐rank statistic’, respectively. The utility of such terminological differentiation should become evident through our discussion of how those tests connect and contrast with sign test and one‐sample t‐test. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

To assess the influence of single observations on the parameter estimates, case-deletion diagnostics are commonly used in linear regression models; one example is Cook's distance. For nested parametric models we consider a deletion diagnostic for evaluating the influence of a single observation on the likelihood ratio (LR) test. In order to have a common scale as reference, the asymptotic distribution of the diagnostic is derived and the values of the diagnostic are converted to percentiles. We focus on linear models and general linear models, and in these cases explicit results are derived. The performance of the diagnostic is explored in two small bench mark examples from linear regression and in a larger linear mixed model example.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the Wald test statistic for testing equality between the sets of regression coefficients in two linear regression models when the disturbance variances may possibly be unequal. This test can be also used as a test for a structural break. However, it is well known that the test based on the Wald test statistic suffers from severe size distortion in small sample when the disturbance variances of the two regression models are unequal. Our simulation results show that substantial improvements are made when the bootstrap methods are applied.  相似文献   

The Cusum Test for Parameter Change in Time Series Models   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract.  In this paper, we consider the problem of testing for parameter changes in time series models based on a cusum test. Although the test procedure is well established for the mean and variance in time series models, a general parameter case has not been discussed in the literature. Therefore, here we develop a cusum test for parameter change in a more general framework. As an example, we consider the change of the parameters in a random coeefficient autoregressive (1) model and that of the autocovariances of a linear process. Simulation results are reported for illustration.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing normality against the logistic distribution, based on a random sample of observations. Since the two families are separate (non nested), the ratio of maximized likelihoods (RML) statistic does not have the usual asymptotic chi-square distribution. We derive the saddlepoint approximation to the distribution of the RML statistic and show that this approximation is more accurate than the normal and Edgeworth approximations, especially for tail probabilities that are the main values of interest in hypothesis testing. It is also shown that this test is almost identical to the most powerful invariant test.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a bivariate sign test for the one-sample bivariate location model using a bivariate ranked set sample (BVRSS). We show that the proposed test is asymptotically more efficient than its counterpart sign test based on a bivariate simple random sample (BVSRS). The asymptotic null distribution and the non centrality parameter are derived. The asymptotic distribution of the vector of sample median as an estimator of the locations of the bivariate model is introduced. Theoretical and numerical comparisons of the asymptotic efficiency of the BVRSS sign test with respect to the BVSRS sign test are also given.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the class of censored exponential regression models which is very useful for modeling lifetime data. Under a sequence of Pitman alternatives, the asymptotic expansions up to order n? 1/2 of the non null distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, Rao score, and gradient statistics are derive in this class of models. The non null asymptotic distribution functions of these statistics are obtained for testing a composite null hypothesis in the presence of nuisance parameters. The power of all four tests, which are equivalent to first order, are compared based on these non null asymptotic expansions. Furthermore, in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests in this class of models, we consider Monte Carlo simulations. We also present an empirical application for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

We compare Bayesian and sample theory model specification criteria. For the Bayesian criteria we use the deviance information criterion and the cumulative density of the mean squared errors of forecast. For the sample theory criterion we use the conditional Kolmogorov test. We use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to obtain the Bayesian criteria and bootstrap sampling to obtain the conditional Kolmogorov test. Two non nested models we consider are the CIR and Vasicek models for spot asset prices. Monte Carlo experiments show that the DIC performs better than the cumulative density of the mean squared errors of forecast and the CKT. According to the DIC and the mean squared errors of forecast, the CIR model explains the daily data on uncollateralized Japanese call rate from January 1, 1990 to April 18, 1996; but according to the CKT, neither the CIR nor Vasicek models explains the daily data.  相似文献   

In this note, a hypothesis test based on relevant statistical differences is proposed for multivariate linear regression models whose design matrix rank does not equal the number of regression variables. A statistical example is also provided to illustrate the proposed hypothesis test.  相似文献   

This article develops a new test based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients for total independence in high dimensions. The test is robust to the non normality and heavy tails of the data, which is a merit that is not shared by the existing tests in literature. Simulation results suggest that the new test performs well under several typical null and alternative hypotheses. Besides, we employ a real data set to illustrate the use of the new test.  相似文献   

The generalized signed rank (GSR) and generalized sign (GS) tests were recently proposed for matched pair studies with censored observations (Woolson and Lechenbruch, 1980). The results provided in that paper were asymptotic, and no indicatin of small sample behavior was given. In this paper we report on simulation studied of these statistics for a variety of distributions. We find that the GSR is more powerful than the GS, and that censoring does not affect power greatly. In the original paper, we assumed each member of the pair has the same censoring time. We consider a variant of this in which each member of the pair has a censoring time chosen from a uniform distribution, and the minimum of these times is selected as the censoring time for the pair. It is found that the power of the test is slightly reduced because the number of doubly censored pairs is increased.  相似文献   

Data Driven Rank Test for Two-Sample Problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditional linear rank tests are known to possess low power for large spectrum of alternatives. In this paper we introduce a new rank test possessing a considerably larger range of sensitivity than linear rank tests. The new test statistic is a sum of squares of some linear rank statistics while the number of summands is chosen via a data-based selection rule. Simulations show that the new test possesses high and stable power in situations when linear rank tests completely break down, while simultaneously it has almost the same power under alternatives which can be detected by standard linear rank tests. Our approach is illustrated by some practical examples. Theoretical support is given by deriving asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic and proving consistency of the new test under essentially any alternative.  相似文献   

A class of matched-pairs permutation techniques based on distances between each pair of observed signed values is considered. Although many commonly-used inference techniques for matched pairs are members of this class, some of the more appealing inference techniques among this class have received very little attention. Two new simple rank tests of this class jointly possess both intuitive properties and location-alternative power characteristics which appear more appealing than the corresponding characteristics of either the sign test or the Wllcoxon signed-ranks test. In particular, power comparisons based on slmula-tions indicate that these new rank tests are jointly as good or even vastly superior to the sign test or the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test for location alternatives involving five symmetric distributions. The five distributions selected for these com-parisons include the Laplace, logistic, normal, uniform and a U-shaped distribution  相似文献   

Bivariate rank set sample (BVRSS) matched pair sign test is introduced and investigated for different ranking based schemes. We show that this test is asymptotically more efficient and more powerful than its counterpart sign test based on a bivariate simple random sample (BVSRS) for different ranking schemes. The asymptotic null distribution and the efficiency of the test are derived. Pitman’s asymptotic relative efficiency is used to compare the asymptotic performance of the matched pair sign test using BVRSS versus using BVSRS in all ranking cases. For small sample sizes, the bootstrap method is used to estimate P-values. Numerical comparisons are used to gain insight about the efficiency of the BVRSS sign test compared to the BVSRS sign test. Our numerical and theoretical results indicate that using any ranking scheme of BVRSS for the matched pair sign test is more efficient than using BVSRS.  相似文献   

Starting from a smooth test for goodness of fit we develop a method to alter this test to a reweighted smooth test, which has greater power to a certain directional alternative. Whereas the original smooth test gives equal weight to the different directions in the space of alternatives, the reweighted smooth test makes a distinction in importance of the directions. The advantage of this test, as opposed to directional tests, is that the smooth character is largely maintained. We discuss both nested and non nested directional alternatives.  相似文献   

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