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Identification is one of the most important stages of a time series analysis. This paper develops a direct Bayesian technique to identify the order of multivariate autoregressive processes. By employing the conditional likelihood function and a matrix normal-Wishart prior density, or Jeffrey' vague prior, the proposed identification technique is based on deriving the exact posterior probability mass function of the model order in a convenient form. Then one may easily evaluate the posterior probabilities of the model order and choose the order that maximizes the posterior mass function to be the suitable order of the time series data being analyzed. Assuming the bivariate autoregressive processes, a numerical study, with different prior mass functions, is carried out to assess the efficiency of the proposed technique. The analysis of the numerical results supports the adequacy of the proposed technique in identifying the orders of multivariate autoregressive processes.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop an exact Bayesian technique that can be used to assign a multivariate time series realization to one of several autoregressive sources, with unknown coefficients and precision, that might have different orders. The foundation of the proposed technique is to develop the posterior mass function of a classification vector, in an easy form, using the conditional likelihood function. A multivariate time series realization is assigned to the multivariate autoregressive source with the largest posterior probability. A simulation study, with uniform prior mass function, is carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed technique and to test its adequacy in handling the multivariate classification problems. The analysis of the numerical results supports the adequacy of the proposed technique in solving the classification problems with multivariate autoregressive sources.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a comprehensive Bayesian posterior analysis of trend determination in general autoregressive models. Multiple lag autoregressive models with fitted drifts and time trends as well as models that allow for certain types of structural change in the deterministic components are considered. We utilize a modified information matrix-based prior that accommodates stochastic nonstationarity, takes into account the interactions between long-run and short-run dynamics and controls the degree of stochastic nonstationarity permitted. We derive analytic posterior densities for all of the trend determining parameters via the Laplace approximation to multivariate integrals. We also address the sampling properties of our posteriors under alternative data generating processes by simulation methods. We apply our Bayesian techniques to the Nelson-Plosser macroeconomic data and various stock price and dividend data. Contrary to DeJong and Whiteman (1989a,b,c), we do not find that the data overwhelmingly favor the existence of deterministic trends over stochastic trends. In addition, we find evidence supporting Perron's (1989) view that some of the Nelson and Plosser data are best construed as trend stationary with a change in the trend function occurring at 1929.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a comprehensive Bayesian posterior analysis of trend determination in general autoregressive models. Multiple lag autoregressive models with fitted drifts and time trends as well as models that allow for certain types of structural change in the deterministic components are considered. We utilize a modified information matrix-based prior that accommodates stochastic nonstationarity, takes into account the interactions between long-run and short-run dynamics and controls the degree of stochastic nonstationarity permitted. We derive analytic posterior densities for all of the trend determining parameters via the Laplace approximation to multivariate integrals. We also address the sampling properties of our posteriors under alternative data generating processes by simulation methods. We apply our Bayesian techniques to the Nelson-Plosser macroeconomic data and various stock price and dividend data. Contrary to DeJong and Whiteman (1989a,b,c), we do not find that the data overwhelmingly favor the existence of deterministic trends over stochastic trends. In addition, we find evidence supporting Perron's (1989) view that some of the Nelson and Plosser data are best construed as trend stationary with a change in the trend function occurring at 1929.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a Bayesian analysis of double seasonal autoregressive moving average models. We first consider the problem of estimating unknown lagged errors in the moving average part using non linear least squares method, and then using natural conjugate and Jeffreys’ priors we approximate the marginal posterior distributions to be multivariate t and gamma distributions for the model coefficients and precision, respectively. We evaluate the proposed Bayesian methodology using simulation study, and apply to real-world hourly electricity load data sets.  相似文献   

Periodic autoregressive (PAR) models with symmetric innovations are widely used on time series analysis, whereas its asymmetric counterpart inference remains a challenge, because of a number of problems related to the existing computational methods. In this paper, we use an interesting relationship between periodic autoregressive and vector autoregressive (VAR) models to study maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to the inference of a PAR model with normal and skew-normal innovations, where different kinds of estimation methods for the unknown parameters are examined. Several technical difficulties which are usually complicated to handle are reported. Results are compared with the existing classical solutions and the practical implementations of the proposed algorithms are illustrated via comprehensive simulation studies. The methods developed in the study are applied and illustrate a real-time series. The Bayes factor is also used to compare the multivariate normal model versus the multivariate skew-normal model.  相似文献   

We use a Bayesian multivariate time series model for the analysis of the dynamics of carbon monoxide atmospheric concentrations. The data are observed at four sites. It is assumed that the logarithm of the observed process can be represented as the sum of unobservable components: a trend, a daily periodicity, a stationary autoregressive signal and an erratic term. Bayesian analysis is performed via Gibbs sampling. In particular, we consider the problem of joint temporal prediction when data are observed at a few sites and it is not possible to fit a complex space–time model. A retrospective analysis of the trend component is also given, which is important in that it explains the evolution of the variability in the observed process.  相似文献   

A nonasymptotic Bayesian approach is developed for analysis of data from threshold autoregressive processes with two regimes. Using the conditional likelihood function, the marginal posterior distribution for each of the parameters is derived along with posterior means and variances. A test for linear functions of the autoregressive coefficients is presented. The approach presented uses a posterior p-value averaged over the values of the threshold. The one-step ahead predictive distribution is derived along with the predictive mean and variance. In addition, equivalent results are derived conditional upon a value of the threshold. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

Dealing with incomplete data is a pervasive problem in statistical surveys. Bayesian networks have been recently used in missing data imputation. In this research, we propose a new methodology for the multivariate imputation of missing data using discrete Bayesian networks and conditional Gaussian Bayesian networks. Results from imputing missing values in coronary artery disease data set and milk composition data set as well as a simulation study from cancer-neapolitan network are presented to demonstrate and compare the performance of three Bayesian network-based imputation methods with those of multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE) and the classical hot-deck imputation method. To assess the effect of the structure learning algorithm on the performance of the Bayesian network-based methods, two methods called Peter-Clark algorithm and greedy search-and-score have been applied. Bayesian network-based methods are: first, the method introduced by Di Zio et al. [Bayesian networks for imputation, J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. A 167 (2004), 309–322] in which, each missing item of a variable is imputed using the information given in the parents of that variable; second, the method of Di Zio et al. [Multivariate techniques for imputation based on Bayesian networks, Neural Netw. World 15 (2005), 303–310] which uses the information in the Markov blanket set of the variable to be imputed and finally, our new proposed method which applies the whole available knowledge of all variables of interest, consisting the Markov blanket and so the parent set, to impute a missing item. Results indicate the high quality of our new proposed method especially in the presence of high missingness percentages and more connected networks. Also the new method have shown to be more efficient than the MICE method for small sample sizes with high missing rates.  相似文献   

Compositional time series are multivariate time series which at each time point are proportions that sum to a constant. Accurate inference for such series which occur in several disciplines such as geology, economics and ecology is important in practice. Usual multivariate statistical procedures ignore the inherent constrained nature of these observations as parts of a whole and may lead to inaccurate estimation and prediction. In this article, a regression model with vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) errors is fit to the compositional time series after an additive log ratio (ALR) transformation. Inference is carried out in a hierarchical Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. The approach is illustrated on compositional time series of mortality events in Los Angeles in order to investigate dependence of different categories of mortality on air quality.  相似文献   

Inequality-restricted hypotheses testing methods containing multivariate one-sided testing methods are useful in practice, especially in multiple comparison problems. In practice, multivariate and longitudinal data often contain missing values since it may be difficult to observe all values for each variable. However, although missing values are common for multivariate data, statistical methods for multivariate one-sided tests with missing values are quite limited. In this article, motivated by a dataset in a recent collaborative project, we develop two likelihood-based methods for multivariate one-sided tests with missing values, where the missing data patterns can be arbitrary and the missing data mechanisms may be non-ignorable. Although non-ignorable missing data are not testable based on observed data, statistical methods addressing this issue can be used for sensitivity analysis and might lead to more reliable results, since ignoring informative missingness may lead to biased analysis. We analyse the real dataset in details under various possible missing data mechanisms and report interesting findings which are previously unavailable. We also derive some asymptotic results and evaluate our new tests using simulations.  相似文献   

We consider Bayesian analysis of threshold autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs (TARMAX). In order to obtain the desired marginal posterior distributions of all parameters including the threshold value of the two-regime TARMAX model, we use two different Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to apply Gibbs sampler with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The first one is used to obtain iterative least squares estimates of the parameters. The second one includes two MCMC stages for estimate the desired marginal posterior distributions and the parameters. Simulation experiments and a real data example show support to our approaches.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new hybrid model of vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) models and Bayesian networks is proposed to improve the forecasting performance of multivariate time series. In the proposed model, the VARMA model, which is a popular linear model in time series forecasting, is specified to capture the linear characteristics. Then the errors of the VARMA model are clustered into some trends by K-means algorithm with Krzanowski–Lai cluster validity index determining the number of trends, and a Bayesian network is built to learn the relationship between the data and the trend of its corresponding VARMA error. Finally, the estimated values of the VARMA model are compensated by the probabilities of their corresponding VARMA errors belonging to each trend, which are obtained from the Bayesian network. Compared with VARMA models, the experimental results with a simulation study and two multivariate real-world data sets indicate that the proposed model can effectively improve the prediction performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a Bayesian approach to detecting unit roots in autoregressive panel data models. Our method is based on the comparison of stationary autoregressive models with and without individual deterministic trends, to their counterpart models with a unit autoregressive root. This is done under cross-sectional dependence among the error terms of the panel units. Simulation experiments are conducted with the aim to assess the performance of the suggested inferential procedure, as well as to investigate if the Bayesian model comparison approach can distinguish unit root models from stationary autoregressive models under cross-sectional dependence. The approach is applied to real exchange rate series for a panel of the G7 countries and to a panel of US nominal interest rates data.  相似文献   

The multivariate t linear mixed model (MtLMM) has been recently proposed as a robust tool for analysing multivariate longitudinal data with atypical observations. Missing outcomes frequently occur in longitudinal research even in well controlled situations. As a powerful alternative to the traditional expectation maximization based algorithm employing single imputation, we consider a Bayesian analysis of the MtLMM to account for the uncertainties of model parameters and missing outcomes through multiple imputation. An inverse Bayes formulas sampler coupled with Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme is used to effectively draw the posterior distributions of latent data and model parameters. The techniques for multiple imputation of missing values, estimation of random effects, prediction of future responses, and diagnostics of potential outliers are investigated as well. The proposed methodology is illustrated through a simulation study and an application to AIDS/HIV data.  相似文献   

Bayesian analyses frequently employ two-stage hierarchical models involving two-variance parameters: one controlling measurement error and the other controlling the degree of smoothing implied by the model's higher level. These analyses can be hampered by poorly identified variances which may lead to difficulty in computing and in choosing reference priors for these parameters. In this paper, we introduce the class of two-variance hierarchical linear models and characterize the aspects of these models that lead to well-identified or poorly identified variances. These ideas are illustrated with a spatial analysis of a periodontal data set and examined in some generality for specific two-variance models including the conditionally autoregressive (CAR) and one-way random effect models. We also connect this theory with other constrained regression methods and suggest a diagnostic that can be used to search for missing spatially varying fixed effects in the CAR model.  相似文献   

A Bayesian estimation procedure is developed for estimating multiple-regime (multiple-threshold) error-correction models appropriate for deviations from financial arbitrage relationships. This approach has clear advantages over classical stepwise threshold autoregressive analysis. Unlike many other applications of threshold models, the knowledge of some costs involved in setting up arbitrage positions allows us to specify an informative prior. To illustrate the Bayesian procedure, we estimate a no-arbitrage band within which index futures arbitrage is not profitable despite (persistent) deviations from parity.  相似文献   

Quantile regression (QR) is a natural alternative for depicting the impact of covariates on the conditional distributions of a outcome variable instead of the mean. In this paper, we investigate Bayesian regularized QR for the linear models with autoregressive errors. LASSO-penalized type priors are forced on regression coefficients and autoregressive parameters of the model. Gibbs sampler algorithm is employed to draw the full posterior distributions of unknown parameters. Finally, the proposed procedures are illustrated by some simulation studies and applied to a real data analysis of the electricity consumption.  相似文献   

Data collected before the routine application of prenatal screening are of unique value in estimating the natural live-birth prevalence of Down syndrome. However, much of these data are from births from over 20 years ago and they are of uncertain quality. In particular, they are subject to varying degrees of underascertainment. Published approaches have used ad hoc corrections to deal with this problem or have been restricted to data sets in which ascertainment is assumed to be complete. In this paper we adopt a Bayesian approach to modelling ascertainment and live-birth prevalence. We consider three prior specifications concerning ascertainment and compare predicted maternal-age-specific prevalence under these three different prior specifications. The computations are carried out by using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in which model parameters and missing data are sampled.  相似文献   

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