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Several, multivariate, pairwise, multiple comparison procedures are proposed as follow-ups for a significant multivariate analysis of variance. The Peritz procedure is generalized from univariate to several multivariate applications. Procedures are evaluated using overall power, any-pair power and all-pairs power applied to mean vectors with common sample sizes of 4, 5, and 9. Monte Carlo simulation demonstrated greater power than previously proposed univariate procedures in many conditions especially for all-pairs power. The multivariate Peritz procedure based on the Lawley–Hotelling trace was found to be most powerful in many conditions.  相似文献   

Test statistics are developed for comparing vectors of proportions obtained from several independent two–stage cluster samples. It is assumed that clusters are selected with probability proportional to size for each sample. Wald's general method of constructing quadratic forms is used to obtain a large sample chi–square test. More easily evaluted chi–square tests are derived from the Dirichlet–multinnomial model. Corresponding goodness–of–fit test for the Dirichlet–multinomial model are also derived.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a dependent risk model in the presence of a multi-laydividend strategy. We construct the dependence structure between the claim size and interclaim time by a Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula. A piecewise integro-differential equations for the expected discounted penalty function with boundary conditions are established. A renewal equation satisfied by the expected discounted penalty function is obtained via the translation operator. Then, we provide a recursive approach to derive the analytical solution of the expected discounted penalty function. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the solution procedure.  相似文献   


In actuarial applications, mixed Poisson distributions are widely used for modelling claim counts as observed data on the number of claims often exhibit a variance noticeably exceeding the mean. In this study, a new claim number distribution is obtained by mixing negative binomial parameter p which is reparameterized as p?=?exp( ?λ) with Gamma distribution. Basic properties of this new distribution are given. Maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters are calculated using the Newton–Raphson and genetic algorithm (GA). We compared the performance of these methods in terms of efficiency by simulation. A numerical example is provided.  相似文献   

Traditionally, sphericity (i.e., independence and homoscedasticity for raw data) is put forward as the condition to be satisfied by the variance–covariance matrix of at least one of the two observation vectors analyzed for correlation, for the unmodified t test of significance to be valid under the Gaussian and constant population mean assumptions. In this article, the author proves that the sphericity condition is too strong and a weaker (i.e., more general) sufficient condition for valid unmodified t testing in correlation analysis is circularity (i.e., independence and homoscedasticity after linear transformation by orthonormal contrasts), to be satisfied by the variance–covariance matrix of one of the two observation vectors. Two other conditions (i.e., compound symmetry for one of the two observation vectors; absence of correlation between the components of one observation vector, combined with a particular pattern of joint heteroscedasticity in the two observation vectors) are also considered and discussed. When both observation vectors possess the same variance–covariance matrix up to a positive multiplicative constant, the circularity condition is shown to be necessary and sufficient. “Observation vectors” may designate partial realizations of temporal or spatial stochastic processes as well as profile vectors of repeated measures. From the proof, it follows that an effective sample size appropriately defined can measure the discrepancy from the more general sufficient condition for valid unmodified t testing in correlation analysis with autocorrelated and heteroscedastic sample data. The proof is complemented by a simulation study. Finally, the differences between the role of the circularity condition in the correlation analysis and its role in the repeated measures ANOVA (i.e., where it was first introduced) are scrutinized, and the link between the circular variance–covariance structure and the centering of observations with respect to the sample mean is emphasized.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of comparing several multivariate normal mean vectors when the covariance matrices are unknown and arbitrary positive definite matrices. We propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and develop an approximation to the distribution of the PB pivotal quantity for comparing two mean vectors. This approximate test is shown to be the same as the invariant test given in [Krishnamoorthy and Yu, Modified Nel and Van der Merwe test for the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem, Stat. Probab. Lett. 66 (2004), pp. 161–169] for the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem. Furthermore, we compare the PB test with two existing invariant tests via Monte Carlo simulation. Our simulation studies show that the PB test controls Type I error rates very satisfactorily, whereas other tests are liberal especially when the number of means to be compared is moderate and/or sample sizes are small. The tests are illustrated using an example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an extension to the continuous time risk model for which the occurrence of the claim may be delayed and the time of delay for the claim is assumed to be random. Two types of dependent claims, main claims and by-claims, are defined, where every by-claim is induced by the main claim. The time of occurrence of a by-claim is later than that of its associate main claim and the time of delay for the occurrence of a by-claim is random. An integro-differential equations system for the Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty function is established using the auxiliary risk models. Both the system of Laplace transforms of the Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty functions and the Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty functions with zero initial surplus are obtained. From Lagrange interpolating theorem, we prove that the Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty function satisfies a defective renewal equation. Exact representation for the solution of this equation is derived through an associated compound geometric distribution. Finally, examples are given with claim sizes that have exponential and a mixture of exponential distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a perturbed risk model where the claims arrive according to a Markovian arrival process (MAP) under a threshold dividend strategy. We derive the integro-differential equations for the Gerber–Shiu expected discounted penalty function and the moments of total dividend payments until ruin, obtain the analytical solutions to these equations, and give numerical examples to illustrate our main results. We also get a matrix renewal equation for the Gerber–Shiu function, and present some asymptotic formulas for the Gerber–Shiu function when the claim size distributions are heavy-tailed.  相似文献   

In this study, we define the Pólya–Aeppli process of order k as a compound Poisson process with truncated geometric compounding distribution with success probability 1 ? ρ > 0 and investigate some of its basic properties. Using simulation, we provide a comparison between the sample paths of the Pólya–Aeppli process of order k and the Poisson process. Also, we consider a risk model in which the claim counting process {N(t)} is a Pólya-Aeppli process of order k, and call it a Pólya—Aeppli of order k risk model. For the Pólya–Aeppli of order k risk model, we derive the ruin probability and the distribution of the deficit at the time of ruin. We discuss in detail the particular case of exponentially distributed claims and provide simulation results for more general cases.  相似文献   

We present new tests of marginal independence for ?d-valued random vectors. Our tests rely upon weighted Cramér–von Mises-type statistics, which are functionals of the empirical copula process based upon a random sample of size n. We establish a decomposition of this process into asymptotically independent components, and describe the tests which follow from these arguments.  相似文献   

Coalescence processes have received a lot of attention in the context of conditional branching processes with fixed population size and non-overlapping generations. Here, we focus on similar problems in the context of the standard unconditional Bienaymé–Galton–Watson branching processes, either (sub)-critical or supercritical. Using an analytical tool, we derive the structure of some counting aspects of the ancestral genealogy of such processes, including: the transition matrix of the ancestral count process and an integral representation of various coalescence times distributions, such as the time to most recent common ancestor of a random sample of arbitrary size, including full size. We illustrate our results on two important examples of branching mechanisms displaying either finite or infinite reproduction mean, their main interest being to offer a closed form expression for their probability generating functions at all times. Large time behaviors are investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, a jump–diffusion Omega model with a two-step premium rate is studied. In this model, the surplus process is a perturbation of a compound Poisson process by a Brown motion. Firstly, using the strong Markov property, the integro-differential equations for the Gerber–Shiu expected discounted penalty function and the bankruptcy probability are derived. Secondly, for a constant bankruptcy rate function, the renewal equations satisfied by the Gerber–Shiu expected discounted penalty function are obtained, and by iteration, the closed-form solutions of the function are also given. Further, the explicit solutions of the Gerber–Shiu expected discounted penalty function are obtained when the individual claim size is subject to exponential distribution. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate some properties of the model.  相似文献   


A common method for estimating the time-domain parameters of an autoregressive process is to use the Yule–Walker equations. Tapering has been shown intuitively and proven theoretically to reduce the bias of the periodogram in the frequency domain, but the intuition for the similar bias reduction in the time-domain estimates has been lacking. We provide insightful reasoning for why tapering reduces the bias in the Yule–Walker estimates by showing them to be equivalent to a weighted least-squares problem. This leads to the derivation of an optimal taper which behaves similarly to commonly used tapers.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider some nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests for right censored samples, viz., the modified Kolmogorov, Cramer–von Mises–Smirnov, Anderson–Darling, and Nikulin–Rao–Robson χ2 tests. We also consider an approach based on a transformation of the original censored sample to a complete one and the subsequent application of classical goodness-of-fit tests to the pseudo-complete sample. We then compare these tests in terms of power in the case of Type II censored data along with the power of the Neyman–Pearson test, and draw some conclusions. Finally, we present an illustrative example.  相似文献   

Non-normality and heteroscedasticity are common in applications. For the comparison of two samples in the non-parametric Behrens–Fisher problem, different tests have been proposed, but no single test can be recommended for all situations. Here, we propose combining two tests, the Welch t test based on ranks and the Brunner–Munzel test, within a maximum test. Simulation studies indicate that this maximum test, performed as a permutation test, controls the type I error rate and stabilizes the power. That is, it has good power characteristics for a variety of distributions, and also for unbalanced sample sizes. Compared to the single tests, the maximum test shows acceptable type I error control.  相似文献   

In this work, we discuss some stochastic comparisons of two aggregate claim amounts. Applications of our results to the value-at-risk and tail-value-at-risk are also mentioned. It is also shown that the aggregate claim amounts of risks exhibiting a weak form of dependence known as positive cumulative dependence (negatively associated) is larger (smaller) in convex order than the corresponding aggregate claim amounts under the theoretical independence assumption. The obtained results show that the correlations between individual risks increase stop-loss premiums corresponding to aggregate claim amounts. The results established here complete and extend the results of Barmalzan, Payandeh Najafabadi, and Balakrishnan (2017 Barmalzan, G., A. T. Payandeh Najafabadi, and N. Balakrishnan. 2017. Ordering results for aggregate claim amounts from two heterogeneous Marshall–Olkin extended exponential portfolios and their applications in insurance analysis. Theory of Probability and its Applications(to appear). [Google Scholar], Theory of Probability and its Applications, to appear).  相似文献   

Survey sampling textbooks often refer to the Sen–Yates–Grundy variance estimator for use with without-replacement unequal probability designs. This estimator is rarely implemented because of the complexity of determining joint inclusion probabilities. In practice, the variance is usually estimated by simpler variance estimators such as the Hansen–Hurwitz with replacement variance estimator; which often leads to overestimation of the variance for large sampling fractions that are common in business surveys. We will consider an alternative estimator: the Hájek (1964 Hájek J 1981 Sampling from a Finite Population New York: Marcel Dekker  [Google Scholar]) variance estimator that depends on the first-order inclusion probabilities only and is usually more accurate than the Hansen–Hurwitz estimator. We review this estimator and show its practical value. We propose a simple alternative expression; which is as simple as the Hansen–Hurwitz estimator. We also show how the Hájek estimator can be easily implemented with standard statistical packages.  相似文献   

P. Ghosh (1981) has claimed that the convolution of two symmetric multimodal distributions is symmetric and unimodal. A simple counterexample to this claim is constructed by considering the convolution f?f, where f is an appropriate mixture of two normal densities.


We show by example that the Fisher information in an imperfect ranked-set sample may be higher than the Fisher information in a perfect ranked-set sample. This corrects certain misconceptions in the literature. The example also provides an additional counterexample to a common claim about the relationship between imperfect rankings and perfect rankings.  相似文献   

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