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Consider two (n ? r + 1)-out-of-n systems, one with independent and non-identically distributed components and another with independent and identically distributed components. When the lifetimes of components follow the proportional hazard rates model, we establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the usual stochastic order to hold between the lifetimes of these two systems. For the special case of r = 2, some generalized forms of this result to the hazard rate, dispersive and likelihood ratio orders are also obtained. Moreover, for the case when the lifetimes of components follow the proportional reversed hazard rates model, we derive some similar results for comparing the lifetimes of two systems . Applications of the established results to different situations are finally illustrated.  相似文献   

The probability density function (pdf) of a two parameter exponential distribution is given by f(x; p, s?) =s?-1 exp {-(x - ρ)/s?} for x≥ρ and 0 elsewhere, where 0 < ρ < ∞ and 0 < s?∞. Suppose we have k independent random samples where the ith sample is drawn from the ith population having the pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), 0 < ρi < ∞, 0 < s?i < s?i < and f(x; ρ, s?) is as given above. Let Xi1 < Xi2 <… < Xiri denote the first ri order statistics in a random sample of size ni, drawn from the ith population with pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), i = 1, 2,…, k. In this paper we show that the well known tests of hypotheses about the parameters ρi, s?i, i = 1, 2,…, k based on the above observations are asymptotically optimal in the sense of Bahadur efficiency. Our results are similar to those for normal distributions.  相似文献   

The study of the reliability properties of (n ? k + 1)-out-of-n systems has gained a great deal of attention, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. In this article, we consider (n ? k + 1)-out-of-n systems with exchangeable components and study the stochastic properties of two forms of residual lifetimes of such systems under the following conditions: n ? r + 1 (r ? k) components of the system are operating at time t > 0, and/or the rth (r < k) component has failed, but the system is working at time t. In addition, some results relating to the functions of the mean general residual lifetimes (MGRL) are derived for these systems. Finally, in accordance with the generalized Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern model, we present the reliability properties of the general residual lifetime of (n ? k + 1)-out-of-n systems and investigate the asymptotic behavior of the proposed MGRL functions with exponential marginals.  相似文献   

Dale's necessary and sufficient conditions for an array to contain the joint moments for some probability distribution on the unit simplex in R2 are extended to the unit simplex in R d . These conditions are then used in a computational method, based on linear programming, to evaluate the stationary distribution for the diffusion approximation of the Wright–Fisher model in population genetics. The computational method uses a characterization of the diffusion through an adjoint relation between the diffusion operator and its stationary distribution. Application of this adjoint relation to a set of functions in the domain of the generator leads to one set of constraints for the linear program involving the moments of the stationary distribution. The extension of Dale's conditions on the moments add another set of linear conditions and the linear program is solved to obtain bounds on numerical quantities of interest. Numerical illustrations are given to illustrate the accuracy of the method.


In this article, we establish some new results on stochastic comparisons of the maxima of two heterogenous gamma variables with different shape and scale parameters. Let X1 and X2 [X*1 and X*2] be two independent gamma variables with Xi?[X*i] having shape parameter ri?[r*i] and scale parameter λi?[λ*i], i = 1, 2. It is shown that the likelihood ratio order holds between the maxima, X2: 2 and X*2: 2 when λ1 = λ*1 ? λ2 = λ*2 and r1 ? r*1 ? r2 = r*2. We also prove that, if ri, r*i ∈ (0, 1], (r1, r2) majorizes (r*1, r2*), and (λ1, λ2) is p-larger than (λ*1, λ2*), then X2: 2 is larger than X*2: 2 in the sense of the hazard rate order [dispersive order]. Some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the main results. The new results established here strengthen and generalize some of the results known in the literature.  相似文献   

The inverse Weibull distribution has the ability to model failure rates which are quite common in reliability and biological studies. A three-parameter generalized inverse Weibull distribution with decreasing and unimodal failure rate is introduced and studied. We provide a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical properties of the new distribution including expressions for the moment generating function and the rth generalized moment. The mixture model of two generalized inverse Weibull distributions is investigated. The identifiability property of the mixture model is demonstrated. For the first time, we propose a location-scale regression model based on the log-generalized inverse Weibull distribution for modeling lifetime data. In addition, we develop some diagnostic tools for sensitivity analysis. Two applications of real data are given to illustrate the potentiality of the proposed regression model.  相似文献   

Daniil Ryabko 《Statistics》2013,47(1):121-128
Given a discrete-valued sample X1, …, Xn, we wish to decide whether it was generated by a distribution belonging to a family H0, or it was generated by a distribution belonging to a family H1. In this work, we assume that all distributions are stationary ergodic, and do not make any further assumptions (e.g. no independence or mixing rate assumptions). We would like to have a test whose probability of error (both Types I and II) is uniformly bounded. More precisely, we require that for each ? there exists a sample size n such that probability of error is upper-bounded by ? for samples longer than n. We find some necessary and some sufficient conditions on H0 and H1 under which a consistent test (with this notion of consistency) exists. These conditions are topological, with respect to the topology of distributional distance.  相似文献   


We have provided a fractional generalization of the Poisson renewal processes by replacing the first time derivative in the relaxation equation of the survival probability by a fractional derivative of order α(0 < α ? 1). A generalized Laplacian model associated with the Mittag-Leffler distribution is examined. We also discuss some properties of this new model and its relevance to time series. Distribution of gliding sums, regression behaviors, and sample path properties are studied. Finally we introduce the q-Mittag-Leffler process associated with the q-Mittag-Leffler distribution.  相似文献   

This article considers an empirical Bayes testing problem for the guarantee lifetime in the two-parameter exponential distributions with non identical components. We study a method of constructing empirical Bayes tests under a class of unknown prior distributions for the sequence of the component testing problems. The asymptotic optimality of the sequence of empirical Bayes tests is studied. Under certain regularity conditions on the prior distributions, it is shown that the sequence of the constructed empirical Bayes tests is asymptotically optimal, and the associated sequence of regrets converges to zero at a rate O(n? 1 + 1/[2(r + α) + 1]) for some integer r ? 0 and 0 ? α ? 1 depending on the unknown prior distributions, where n is the number of past data available when the (n + 1)st component testing problem is considered.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a general cure rate aging model. Our approach enables different underlying activation mechanisms which lead to the event of interest. The number of competing causes of the event of interest is assumed to follow a logarithmic distribution. The model is parameterized in terms of the cured fraction which is then linked to covariates. We explore the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to develop a Bayesian analysis for the proposed model. Moreover, some discussions on the model selection to compare the fitted models are given, as well as case deletion influence diagnostics are developed for the joint posterior distribution based on the ψ-divergence, which has several divergence measures as particular cases, such as the Kullback–Leibler (K-L), J-distance, L1 norm, and χ2-square divergence measures. Simulation studies are performed and experimental results are illustrated based on a real malignant melanoma data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model that monitors the basic network formation mechanisms via the attributes through time. It considers the issue of joint modeling of longitudinal inflated (0, 1)-support continuous and inflated count response variables. For joint model of mentioned response variables, a correlated generalized linear mixed model is studied. The fraction response is inflated in two points k and l (k < l) and a k and l inflated beta distribution is introduced to use as its distribution. Also, the count response is inflated in zero and we use some members of zero-inflated power series distributions, hurdle-at-zero, members of zero-inflated double power series distributions and zero-inflated generalized Poisson distribution as our count response distribution. A full likelihood-based approach is used to yield maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters and the model is applied to a real social network obtained from an observational study where the rate of the ith node’s responsiveness to the jth node and the number of arrows or edges with some specific characteristics from the ith node to the jth node are the correlated inflated (0, 1)-support continuous and inflated count response variables, respectively. The effect of the sender and receiver positions in an office environment on the responses are investigated simultaneously.  相似文献   

We prove that if pr and pr ? 1 are both prime powers then there is a generalized Hadamard matrix of order pr(pr ? 1) with elements from the elementary abelian group Zp x?x Zp. This result was motivated by results of Rajkundia on BIBD's. This result is then used to produce pr ? 1 mutually orthogonal F-squares F(pr(pr ? 1); pr ? 1).  相似文献   

A doubly stochastic process {x(b,t);b?B,t?Z} is considered, with (B,β,Pβ) being a probability space so that for each b, {X(b,t);t ? Z} is a stationary process with an absolutely continuous spectral distribution. The population spectrum is defined as f(ω) = EB[Q(b,ω)] with Q(b,ω) being the spectral density function of X(b,t). The aim of this paper is to estimate f(ω) by means of a random sample b1,…,br from (B,β,Pβ). For each b1? B, the processes X(b1,t) are observed at the same times t=1,…,N. Thus, r time series (x(b1,t)} are available in order to estimate f(ω). A model for each individual periodogram, which involves f(ω), is formulated. It has been proven that a certain family of linear stationary processes follows the above model In this context, a kernel estimator is proposed in order to estimate f(ω). The bias, variance and asymptotic distribution of this estimator are investigated under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The classical coupon collector's problem is considered, where each new coupon collected is type i with probability pi , ∑ n i = 1 pi = 1. Suppose coupons are collected in a sequence of independent trials. An expression is developed for the probability that all coupon types iij, have been collected prior to collecting r ? 1 coupons of type j in the sequence of trials. Given two different coupon subsets A, B of {1, 2, …, n}, the foregoing is then generalized to an expression for the probability that s ? 1 copies of A appear in the sequence of trials before r ? 1 copies of B. Some computational considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

We introduce a family of Rényi statistics of orders r?∈?R for testing composite hypotheses in general exponential models, as alternatives to the previously considered generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) statistic and generalized Wald statistic. If appropriately normalized exponential models converge in a specific sense when the sample size (observation window) tends to infinity, and if the hypothesis is regular, then these statistics are shown to be χ2-distributed under the hypothesis. The corresponding Rényi tests are shown to be consistent. The exact sizes and powers of asymptotically α-size Rényi, GLR and generalized Wald tests are evaluated for a concrete hypothesis about a bivariate Lévy process and moderate observation windows. In this concrete situation the exact sizes of the Rényi test of the order r?=?2 practically coincide with those of the GLR and generalized Wald tests but the exact powers of the Rényi test are on average somewhat better.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,... be iid random variables (rv's) with the support on nonnegative integers and let (W n , n≥0) denote the corresponding sequence of weak record values. We obtain new characterization of geometric and some other discrete distributions based on different forms of partial independence of rv's W n and W n+r —W n for some fixed n≥0 and r≥1. We also prove that rv's W 0 and W n+1 —W n have identical distribution if and only if (iff) the underlying distribution is geometric.  相似文献   

The two parametric distribution functions appearing in the extreme-value theory – the generalized extreme-value distribution and the generalized Pareto distribution – have log-concave densities if the extreme-value index γ∈[?1, 0]. Replacing the order statistics in tail-index estimators by their corresponding quantiles from the distribution function that is based on the estimated log-concave density ? f n leads to novel smooth quantile and tail-index estimators. These new estimators aim at estimating the tail index especially in small samples. Acting as a smoother of the empirical distribution function, the log-concave distribution function estimator reduces estimation variability to a much greater extent than it introduces bias. As a consequence, Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the smoothed version of the estimators are well superior to their non-smoothed counterparts, in terms of mean-squared error.  相似文献   

The autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model presents improved performance in forecasting short-term trends because it considers the dependence of time series and the interference of stochastic volatility. Thus, in this study, we establish ARIMA(0, 2, 1) based on the historical data of large-scale online marketing promotions to realize precise marketing of China Mobile's Ling Xi Voice app in the communication market. We eliminate the auto-regression effect of residual series by establishing the ARIMA model combined with the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model denoted as ARIMA(0, 2, 1) ? ARCH(1), the ARIMA model combined with the generalized ARCH (GARCH) model denoted as ARIMA(0, 2, 1) ? GARCH(1, 1), and the ARIMA model combined with the threshold GARCH model denoted as ARIMA(0, 2, 1) ? TGARCH(2, 1). The performance of the aforementioned models is then compared for validation. Considering the characteristics of the communication markets and the attractive statistical properties of ARIMA, we apply ARIMA(0, 2, 1) to forecast the cumulative number of Ling Xi Voice app users for precise marketing that offers reliable agreement for China Mobile to further advertise and study the market demand. Our analysis contributes toward the development of the current knowledge on forecasting the number of app users in the communication market and provides a new idea to increase the market share for communication operators.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the derivation of the probability distribution of the rank order statistic N1μ,n(r), the number of crossings of heightr(≥0) in a generalized random walk with steps 1 and ?μ by using the modified Dwass technique.  相似文献   

We examine the behaviour of the sample autocorrelations of a seasonal time series for which the first difference of order s (s ≥ 1) is stationary. The asymptotic distribution of the autocorrelations r'(k) based on uncentered data and of the autocorrelations r(k) based on centered data are derived. In each case, the asymptotic distribution is characterized as a function of the lag k and the parameters of the process. A simulation study was conducted in order to investigate the rate of convergence of the finite sample distributions of r(k) and r'(k) to their asymptotic counterparts and to evaluate the effect of centering or not centering the data on the distribution of autocorrelations.  相似文献   

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