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Summary This paper introduces a Bayesian nonparametric estimator for an unknown distribution function based on left censored observations. Hjort (1990)/Lo (1993) introduced Bayesian nonparametric estimators derived from beta/beta-neutral processes which allow for right censoring. These processes are taken as priors from the class ofneutral to the right processes (Doksum, 1974). The Kaplan-Meier nonparametric product limit estimator can be obtained from these Bayesian nonparametric estimators in the limiting case of a vague prior. The present paper introduces what can be seen as the correspondingleft beta/beta-neutral process prior which allow for left censoring. The Bayesian nonparametyric estimator is obtained as in the corresponding product limit estimator based on left censored data.  相似文献   

Bandwidth plays an important role in determining the performance of nonparametric estimators, such as the local constant estimator. In this article, we propose a Bayesian approach to bandwidth estimation for local constant estimators of time-varying coefficients in time series models. We establish a large sample theory for the proposed bandwidth estimator and Bayesian estimators of the unknown parameters involved in the error density. A Monte Carlo simulation study shows that (i) the proposed Bayesian estimators for bandwidth and parameters in the error density have satisfactory finite sample performance; and (ii) our proposed Bayesian approach achieves better performance in estimating the bandwidths than the normal reference rule and cross-validation. Moreover, we apply our proposed Bayesian bandwidth estimation method for the time-varying coefficient models that explain Okun’s law and the relationship between consumption growth and income growth in the U.S. For each model, we also provide calibrated parametric forms of the time-varying coefficients. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

This paper considers nonparametric regression estimation in the context of dependent biased nonnegative data using a generalized asymmetric kernel. It may be applied to a wider variety of practical situations, such as the length and size biased data. We derive theoretical results using a deep asymptotic analysis of the behavior of the estimator that provides consistency and asymptotic normality in addition to the evaluation of the asymptotic bias term. The asymptotic mean squared error is also derived in order to obtain the optimal value of smoothing parameters required in the proposed estimator. The results are stated under a stationary ergodic assumption, without assuming any traditional mixing conditions. A simulation study is carried out to compare the proposed estimator with the local linear regression estimate.  相似文献   

The methods of estimation of nonparametric regression function are quite common in statistical application. In this paper, the new Bayesian wavelet thresholding estimation is considered. The new mixture prior distributions for the estimation of nonparametric regression function by applying wavelet transformation are investigated. The reversible jump algorithm to obtain the appropriate prior distributions and value of thresholding is used. The performance of the proposed estimator is assessed with simulated data from well-known test functions by comparing the convergence rate of the proposed estimator with respect to another by evaluating the average mean square error and standard deviations. Finally by applying the developed method, density function of galaxy data is estimated.  相似文献   

An unknown moment-determinate cumulative distribution function or its density function can be recovered from corresponding moments and estimated from the empirical moments. This method of estimating an unknown density is natural in certain inverse estimation models like multiplicative censoring or biased sampling when the moments of unobserved distribution can be estimated via the transformed moments of the observed distribution. In this paper, we introduce a new nonparametric estimator of a probability density function defined on the positive real line, motivated by the above. Some fundamental properties of proposed estimator are studied. The comparison with traditional kernel density estimator is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider the problem of estimating a compactly supported density taking a Bayesian nonparametric approach. We define a Dirichlet mixture prior that, while selecting piecewise constant densities, has full support on the Hellinger metric space of all commonly dominated probability measures on a known bounded interval. We derive pointwise rates of convergence for the posterior expected density by studying the speed at which the posterior mass accumulates on shrinking Hellinger neighbourhoods of the sampling density. If the data are sampled from a strictly positive, α -Hölderian density, with α  ∈ ( 0,1] , then the optimal convergence rate n− α / (2 α +1) is obtained up to a logarithmic factor. Smoothing histograms by polygons, a continuous piecewise linear estimator is obtained that for twice continuously differentiable, strictly positive densities satisfying boundary conditions attains a rate comparable up to a logarithmic factor to the convergence rate n −4/5 for integrated mean squared error of kernel type density estimators.  相似文献   

For binomial data analysis, many methods based on empirical Bayes interpretations have been developed, in which a variance‐stabilizing transformation and a normality assumption are usually required. To achieve the greatest model flexibility, we conduct nonparametric Bayesian inference for binomial data and employ a special nonparametric Bayesian prior—the Bernstein–Dirichlet process (BDP)—in the hierarchical Bayes model for the data. The BDP is a special Dirichlet process (DP) mixture based on beta distributions, and the posterior distribution resulting from it has a smooth density defined on [0, 1]. We examine two Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures for simulating from the resulting posterior distribution, and compare their convergence rates and computational efficiency. In contrast to existing results for posterior consistency based on direct observations, the posterior consistency of the BDP, given indirect binomial data, is established. We study shrinkage effects and the robustness of the BDP‐based posterior estimators in comparison with several other empirical and hierarchical Bayes estimators, and we illustrate through examples that the BDP‐based nonparametric Bayesian estimate is more robust to the sample variation and tends to have a smaller estimation error than those based on the DP prior. In certain settings, the new estimator can also beat Stein's estimator, Efron and Morris's limited‐translation estimator, and many other existing empirical Bayes estimators. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 328–344; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

This article presents a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a proportional hazard model when some of the data are censored on the left and some are censored on the right. The method works under the assumption that there is a Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the observable variable. Strong consistency of the estimator is proved and an example is given. To finish some simulation is presented to analyze the estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a nonparametric estimator for percentiles of the time-to-failure distribution obtained from a linear degradation model using the kernel density method. The properties of the proposed kernel estimator are investigated and compared with well-known maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimators via a simulation technique. The mean squared error and the length of the bootstrap confidence interval are used as the basis criteria of the comparisons. The simulation study shows that the performance of the kernel estimator is acceptable as a general estimator. When the distribution of the data is assumed to be known, the maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimators perform better than the kernel estimator, while the kernel estimator is superior when the assumption of our knowledge of the data distribution is violated. A comparison among different estimators is achieved using a real data set.  相似文献   

Our article presents a general treatment of the linear regression model, in which the error distribution is modelled nonparametrically and the error variances may be heteroscedastic, thus eliminating the need to transform the dependent variable in many data sets. The mean and variance components of the model may be either parametric or nonparametric, with parsimony achieved through variable selection and model averaging. A Bayesian approach is used for inference with priors that are data-based so that estimation can be carried out automatically with minimal input by the user. A Dirichlet process mixture prior is used to model the error distribution nonparametrically; when there are no regressors in the model, the method reduces to Bayesian density estimation, and we show that in this case the estimator compares favourably with a well-regarded plug-in density estimator. We also consider a method for checking the fit of the full model. The methodology is applied to a number of simulated and real examples and is shown to work well.  相似文献   

Consistency of Bernstein polynomial posteriors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Bernstein prior is a probability measure on the space of all the distribution functions on [0, 1]. Under very general assumptions, it selects absolutely continuous distribution functions, whose densities are mixtures of known beta densities. The Bernstein prior is of interest in Bayesian nonparametric inference with continuous data. We study the consistency of the posterior from a Bernstein prior. We first show that, under mild assumptions, the posterior is weakly consistent for any distribution function P 0 on [0, 1] with continuous and bounded Lebesgue density. With slightly stronger assumptions on the prior, the posterior is also Hellinger consistent. This implies that the predictive density from a Bernstein prior, which is a Bayesian density estimate, converges in the Hellinger sense to the true density (assuming that it is continuous and bounded). We also study a sieve maximum likelihood version of the density estimator and show that it is also Hellinger consistent under weak assumptions. When the order of the Bernstein polynomial, i.e. the number of components in the beta distribution mixture, is truncated, we show that under mild restrictions the posterior concentrates on the set of pseudotrue densities. Finally, we study the behaviour of the predictive density numerically and we also study a hybrid Bayes–maximum likelihood density estimator.  相似文献   

This paper investigates nonparametric estimation of density on [0, 1]. The kernel estimator of density on [0, 1] has been found to be sensitive to both bandwidth and kernel. This paper proposes a unified Bayesian framework for choosing both the bandwidth and kernel function. In a simulation study, the Bayesian bandwidth estimator performed better than others, and kernel estimators were sensitive to the choice of the kernel and the shapes of the population densities on [0, 1]. The simulation and empirical results demonstrate that the methods proposed in this paper can improve the way the probability densities on [0, 1] are presently estimated.  相似文献   

The problem of nonparametric estimation of the intensity of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process is considered. A kernel estimator of the intensity is introduced with data driven bandwidth. The bandwidth is obtained from an L2 cross validation procedure. Results on almost sure convergence of the estimator are obtained, provided the number of observed realizations n tends to infinity. The limiting distribution of the estimator is presented for n→∞.  相似文献   

The estimation of a multivariate function from a stationary m-dependent process is investigated, with a special focus on the case where m is large or unbounded. We develop an adaptive estimator based on wavelet methods. Under flexible assumptions on the nonparametric model, we prove the good performances of our estimator by determining sharp rates of convergence under two kinds of errors: the pointwise mean squared error and the mean integrated squared error. We illustrate our theoretical result by considering the multivariate density estimation problem, the derivatives density estimation problem, the density estimation problem in a GARCH-type model and the multivariate regression function estimation problem. The performance of proposed estimator has been shown by a numerical study for a simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating the kernel error density function in nonparametric regression models. Sufficient conditions are given under which the kernel error density estimator based on nonparametric residuals is uniformly weakly and strongly consistent.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new nonparametric unimodal estimator of a unimodal probability density function, in the case where the mode is known. The classical solution to this problem is the maximum-likelihood estimator under monotonicity constraint, considered by Grenander (1956). Our approach is based on a unimodal rearrangement of the kernel estimator of the density. Asymptotic properties of this estimator are studied, and its small-sample behaviour is examined through simulations.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating the error density and distribution functions in nonparametric regression models. The asymptotic distribution of a suitably standardized density estimator at a fixed point is shown to be normal while that of the maximum of a suitably normalized deviation of the density estimator from the true density function is the same as in the case of the one sample set up. Finally, the standardized residual empirical process is shown to be uniformly close to the similarly standardized empirical process of the errors. This paper thus generalizes some of the well known results about the residual density estimators and the empirical process in parametric regression models to nonparametric regression models, thereby enhancing the domain of their applications.  相似文献   

We propose a modification to the regular kernel density estimation method that use asymmetric kernels to circumvent the spill over problem for densities with positive support. First a pivoting method is introduced for placement of the data relative to the kernel function. This yields a strongly consistent density estimator that integrates to one for each fixed bandwidth in contrast to most density estimators based on asymmetric kernels proposed in the literature. Then a data-driven Bayesian local bandwidth selection method is presented and lognormal, gamma, Weibull and inverse Gaussian kernels are discussed as useful special cases. Simulation results and a real-data example illustrate the advantages of the new methodology.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the kernel density estimators proposed by Bhattacharyya et al. (1988) and Jones (1991) for length biased data, showing the asymptotic normality of the estimators. A method to construct a new estimator is proposed. Moreover, we extend these results to weighted data and we study an estimator for the weight function.  相似文献   

There is no easy extension of the Kaplan–Meier and Nelson–Aalen estimators to the bivariate case, and estimating bivariate survival distributions nonparametrically is associated with various nontrivial problems. The Dabrowska estimator will, for example, associate negative mass to some subsets. Bayesian methods hold some promise as they will avoid the negative mass problem, but are also prone to difficulties. We simplify and extend an example by Pruitt to show that the posterior distribution from a Dirichlet process prior is inconsistent. We construct a different nonparametric prior via Beta processes and provide an updating scheme that utilizes only the most relevant parts of the likelihood, and show that this leads to a consistent estimator.  相似文献   

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