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Given a number of record values from independent and identically distributed random variables with a continuous distribution function F, our aim is to predict future record values under suitable assumptions on the tail of F. In this paper, we are primarily concerned with finding reasonable tolerance regions for future record values. Two methods are proposed. The first one deals with the case where we observe only record values. The second one makes use of the information brought by the complete sample.  相似文献   

Let Xi, 1 ≤ in, be independent identically distributed random variables with a common distribution function F, and let G be a smooth distribution function. We derive the limit distribution of α(Fn, G) - α(F, G)}, where Fn is the empirical distribution function based on X1,…,Xn and α is a Kolmogorov-Lévy-type metric between distribution functions. For α ≤ 0 and two distribution functions F and G the metric pα is given by pα(F, G) = inf {? ≤ 0: G(x - α?) - ? F(x)G(x + α?) + ? for all x ?}.  相似文献   

We present results that extend an existing test of equality of correlation matrices. A new test statistic is proposed and is shown to be asymptotically distributed as a linear combination of independent x 2 random variables. This new formulation allows us to find the power of the existing test and our extensions by deriving the distribution under the alternative using a linear combination of independent non-central x 2 random variables. We also investigate the null and the alternative distribution of two related statistics. The first one is a quadratic form in deviations from a control group with which the remaining k-1 groups are to be compared. The second test is designed for comparing adjacent groups. Several approximations for the null and the alternative distribution are considered and two illustrative examples are provided.  相似文献   

We consider a recurrent event wherein the inter‐event times are independent and identically distributed with a common absolutely continuous distribution function F. In this article, interest is in the problem of testing the null hypothesis that F belongs to some parametric family where the q‐dimensional parameter is unknown. We propose a general Chi‐squared test in which cell boundaries are data dependent. An estimator of the parameter obtained by minimizing a quadratic form resulting from a properly scaled vector of differences between Observed and Expected frequencies is used to construct the test. This estimator is known as the minimum chi‐square estimator. Large sample properties of the proposed test statistic are established using empirical processes tools. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the test under parameter misspecification, and our procedures are applied to a fleet of Boeing 720 jet planes' air conditioning system failures.  相似文献   

Assume that we have a sequence of n independent and identically distributed random variables with a continuous distribution function F, which is specified up to a few unknown parameters. In this paper, tests based on sum‐functions of sample spacings are proposed, and large sample theory of the tests are presented under simple null hypotheses as well as under close alternatives. Tests, which are optimal within this class, are constructed, and it is noted that these tests have properties that closely parallel those of the likelihood ratio test in regular parametric models. Some examples are given, which show that the proposed tests work also in situations where the likelihood ratio test breaks down. Extensions to more general hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2, … , Xn be independent and identically distributed random variables with a continuous cumulative distribution function F, which belongs to the max‐domain of attraction of the Frechet or Gumbel extreme value distribution. We define the probability of being maximal, Dn , and approximate it. Several previous papers have considered this problem, but only for special cases. The approximations to Dn are very useful for obtaining demand functions from random utility models in the qualitative response models used in social sciences.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2,… Xn be a sample of independent identically distributed (i.i.d)random variables having an unknown absolutely continuous distribution function f with density f the twofold aim of his paper consists in, firstly deriving asymptotic expressions of the mean intergrated squared error (MISE) of a kernel estimator of F when f is either assumed to be continuous everywhere or problem of finding optimal kernels in these two cases is studied in detail.  相似文献   

Let X(1)X(2)≤···≤X(n) be the order statistics from independent and identically distributed random variables {Xi, 1≤in} with a common absolutely continuous distribution function. In this work, first a new characterization of distributions based on order statistics is presented. Next, we review some conditional expectation properties of order statistics, which can be used to establish some equivalent forms for conditional expectations for sum of random variables based on order statistics. Using these equivalent forms, some known results can be extended immediately.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector with joint distribution function FX, Y(x, y) = C(F(x), G(y)), where C is a copula and F and G are marginal distributions of X and Y, respectively. Suppose that (Xi, Yi), i = 1, 2, …, n is a random sample from (X, Y) but we are able to observe only the data consisting of those pairs (Xi, Yi) for which Xi ? Yi. We denote such pairs as (X*i, Yi*), i = 1, 2, …, ν, where ν is a random variable. The main problem of interest is to express the distribution function FX, Y(x, y) and marginal distributions F and G with the distribution function of observed random variables X* and Y*. It is shown that if X and Y are exchangeable with marginal distribution function F, then F can be uniquely determined by the distributions of X* and Y*. It is also shown that if X and Y are independent and absolutely continuous, then F and G can be expressed through the distribution functions of X* and Y* and the stress–strength reliability P{X ? Y}. This allows also to estimate P{X ? Y} with the truncated observations (X*i, Yi*). The copula of bivariate random vector (X*, Y*) is also derived.  相似文献   

This article studies the asymptotic properties of the random weighted empirical distribution function of independent random variables. Suppose X1, X2, ???, Xn is a sequence of independent random variables, and this sequence is not required to be identically distributed. Denote the empirical distribution function of the sequence by Fn(x). Based on the random weighting method and Fn(x), the random weighted empirical distribution function Hn(x) is constructed and the asymptotic properties of Hn are discussed. Under weak conditions, the Glivenko–Cantelli theorem and the central limit theorem for the random weighted empirical distribution function are obtained. The obtained results have also been applied to study the distribution functions of random errors of multiple sensors.  相似文献   

If X and Y are independent standard Cauchy random variables then (i) Y and (X+Y)/(1-Xu) are independent, (ii) X and (X + Y)/(1 -XU) are identically distributed, and (iii) X and 2X/(1-X2) are identically distributed. Each of these three properties is shown to characterize the Cauchy distribution among absolutely continuous distributions. Some related uniform characterizations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents sharp bounds for expectations of non‐adjacent increments of kth record statistics, measured in various scale units, for a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables with continuous cumulative distribution function. The results for kth record spacings are considered as special cases. The paper also characterizes probability distributions for which the bounds are attained.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the precise large deviations for a sum of independent but not identical distributed random variables. {X n , n ≥ 1} are independent non-negative random variables with distribution functions {F n , n ≥ 1}. We assume that the average of right tails of distribution functions F n is equivalent to some distribution function F with consistently varying tails. In applications, we apply our main results to a realistic example (Pareto-type distribution) and obtain a specific result.  相似文献   

We study the general linear model (GLM) with doubly exchangeable distributed error for m observed random variables. The doubly exchangeable general linear model (DEGLM) arises when the m-dimensional error vectors are “doubly exchangeable,” jointly normally distributed, which is a much weaker assumption than the independent and identically distributed error vectors as in the case of GLM or classical GLM (CGLM). We estimate the parameters in the model and also find their distributions. We show that the tests of intercept and slope are possible in DEGLM as a particular case using parametric bootstrap as well as multivariate Satterthwaite approximation.  相似文献   

Let {Sn, n ≥ 1} be a sequence of partial sums of independent and identically distributed non-negative random variables with a common distribution function F. Let F belong to the domain of attraction of a stable law with exponent α, 0 < α < 1. Suppose H(t) = ? N(t), t ? 0, where N(t) = max(n : Sn ≥ t). Under some additional assumptions on F, the difference between H(t) and its asymptotic value as t → ∞ is estimated.  相似文献   

This article presents some structural properties of the inverse Gaussian distribution, together with several new characterizations based on constancy of regression of suitable functions on the sum of n independent identically distributed random variables. A decomposition of the statistic λσ (X?1i?X?1) into n - 1 independent chi-squared random variables, each with one degree of freedom, is given when n is of the form 2r.  相似文献   

For given continuous distribution functions F(x) and G(y) and a Pearson correlation coefficient ρ, an algorithm is provided to construct a sequence of continuous bivariate distributions with marginals equal to F(x) and G(y) and the corresponding correlation coefficient converges to ρ. The algorithm can be easily implemented using S-Plus or R. Applications are given to generate bivariate random variables with marginals including Gamma, Beta, Weibull, and uniform distributions.  相似文献   

Convolutions of independent random variables are usually compared. In this paper, after a synthetic comparison with respect to hazard rate ordering between sums of independent exponential random variables, we focus on the special case where one sum is identically distributed. So, for a given sum of n independent exponential random variables, we deduce the "best" Erlang-n bounds, with respect to each of the usual orderings: mean ordering, stochastic ordering, hazard rate ordering and likelihood ratio ordering.  相似文献   

Suppose that the function f is of recursive type and the random variable X is normally distributed with mean μ and variance α2. We set C = f(x). Neyman & Scott (1960) and Hoyle (1968) gave the UMVU estimators for the mean E(C) and for the variance Var(C) from independent and identically distributed random variables X1,…, Xn(n ≧ 2) having a normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2, respectively. Shimizu & Iwase (1981) gave the variance of the UMVU estimator for E(C). In this paper, the variance of the UMVU estimator for Var(C) is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that a hypergeometric random variable can be represented as a sum of independent Bernoulli random variables that are, except in degenerate cases, not identically distributed. In the proof, we use the factorial moment generating function. An asymptotic result on the probabilities of the Bernoulli random variables in the sum is also presented. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

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