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The area between two survival curves is an intuitive test statistic for the classical two‐sample testing problem. We propose a bootstrap version of it for assessing the overall homogeneity of these curves. Our approach allows ties in the data as well as independent right censoring, which may differ between the groups. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic as well as of its bootstrap counterpart are derived under the null hypothesis, and their consistency is proven for general alternatives. We demonstrate the finite sample superiority of the proposed test over some existing methods in a simulation study and illustrate its application by a real‐data example.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Bayesian non-parametric approach to survival analysis based on arbitrarily right censored data. The analysis is based on posterior predictive probabilities using a Polya tree prior distribution on the space of probability measures on [0, ∞). In particular we show that the estimate generalizes the classical Kaplanndash;Meier non-parametric estimator, which is obtained in the limiting case as the weight of prior information tends to zero.  相似文献   

We studied several test statistics for testing the equality of marginal survival functions of paired censored data. The null distribution of the test statistics was approximated by permutation. These tests do not require explicit modeling or estimation of the within-pair correlation, accommodate both paired data and singletons, and the computation is straightforward with most statistical software. Numerical studies showed that these tests have competitive size and power performance. One test statistic has higher power than previously published test statistics when the two survival functions under comparison cross. We illustrate use of these tests in a propensity score matched dataset.  相似文献   

It is proved that the unbiased estimator of survival probability in a multiply censored sample suggested by Pavlov & Ushakov (1980, 1984) is equivalent to the Kaplan-Meier Product-Limit estimator.  相似文献   

This article considers nonparametric comparison of survival functions, one of the most commonly required task in survival studies. For this, several test procedures have been proposed for interval-censored failure time data in which distributions of censoring intervals are identical among different treatment groups. Sometimes the distributions may depend on treatments and thus not be the same. A class of test statistics is proposed for situations where the distributions may be different for subjects in different treatment groups. The asymptotic normality of the test statistics is established and the test procedure is evaluated by simulations, which suggest that it works well for practical situations. An illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve gives a graphical representation of sensitivity and specificity of a prediction model when varying the decision treshold on a diagnostic criterion. A classical test for comparing the overall accuracies for two models -1 and 2- is based on the difference between ROC curves areas - related to its standard error. This test is designed for the situation where ROC curve 1 caps ROC curve 2. Often both curves cross :in this paper, a new test, based on the integrated difference between the curves, is proposed to deal with this situation. In a simulation experiment, the new test was less powerful than the old test for detecting an overall superiority, but much more powerfull against the crossing alternative.  相似文献   

Randomly right censored data often arise in industrial life testing and clinical trials. Several authors have proposed asymptotic confidence bands for the survival function when data are randomly censored on the right. All of these bands are based on the empirical estimator of the survival function. In this paper, families of asymptotic (1-)100% level confidence bands are developed from the smoothed estimate of the survival function under the general random censorship model. The new bands are compared to empirical bands, and it is shown that for small sample sizes, the smooth bands have a higher coverage probability than the empirical counterparts.  相似文献   

Multiple regression methods are considered for progressively right-censored inverse-Gaussian data. Maximum-likelihood estimators are derived using the EM algorithm, and their asymptotic distributional properties are presented. The methodology is demonstrated using two case illustrations, one of which involves the defective feature of the inverse-Gaussian distribution. The relationship of the methodology to regression methods for complete inverse-Gaussian samples and to other regression methods for censored survival data is discussed.  相似文献   

A strictly nonparametric bivariate test for two sample location problem is proposed. The proposed test is easy to apply and does not require the stringent condition of affine-symmetry or elliptical symmetry which is required by some of the major tests available for the same problem. The power function of the proposed test is calculated. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistic is found to be normal. The power of proposed test is compared with some of the well-known tests under various distributions using Monte Carlo simulation technique. The power study shows that the proposed test statistic performs better than most of the test statistics for almost all the distributions considered here. As soon as the underlying population structure deviates from normality, the ability of the proposed test statistic to detect the smallest shift in location increases as compared to its competitors. The application of the test is shown by using a data set.  相似文献   

Missing covariates data with censored outcomes put a challenge in the analysis of clinical data especially in small sample settings. Multiple imputation (MI) techniques are popularly used to impute missing covariates and the data are then analyzed through methods that can handle censoring. However, techniques based on MI are available to impute censored data also but they are not much in practice. In the present study, we applied a method based on multiple imputation by chained equations to impute missing values of covariates and also to impute censored outcomes using restricted survival time in small sample settings. The complete data were then analyzed using linear regression models. Simulation studies and a real example of CHD data show that the present method produced better estimates and lower standard errors when applied on the data having missing covariate values and censored outcomes than the analysis of the data having censored outcome but excluding cases with missing covariates or the analysis when cases with missing covariate values and censored outcomes were excluded from the data (complete case analysis).  相似文献   

A method for nonparametric estimation of density based on a randomly censored sample is presented. The density is expressed as a linear combination of cubic M -splines, and the coefficients are determined by pseudo-maximum-likelihood estimation (likelihood is maximized conditionally on data-dependent knots). By using regression splines (small number of knots) it is possible to reduce the estimation problem to a space of low dimension while preserving flexibility, thus striking a compromise between parametric approaches and ordinary nonparametric approaches based on spline smoothing. The number of knots is determined by the minimum AIC. Examples of simulated and real data are presented. Asymptotic theory and the bootstrap indicate that the precision and the accuracy of the estimates are satisfactory.  相似文献   

The most widely used model for multidimensional survival analysis is the Cox model. This model is semi-parametric, since its hazard function is the product of an unspecified baseline hazard, and a parametric functional form relating the hazard and the covariates. We consider a more flexible and fully nonparametric proportional hazards model, where the functional form of the covariates effect is left unspecified. In this model, estimation is based on the maximum likelihood method. Results obtained from a Monte-Carlo experiment and from real data are presented. Finally, the advantages and the limitations of the approacha are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a nonparametric model of the relationship between survival S and a dichotomous random variable X under the order constraint that P(X=1|S=s) is increasing (or decreasing) with s. The estimation procedure, called isotonic regression, has been studied in some depth for the case of uncensored data, but we give a methodology which is appropriate in the more general context of right, left, and interval censored data. An E-M Algorithm (Dempster et. al., 1977) is used for maximum likelihood estimation.  相似文献   

This paper presents practical approaches to the problem of sample size re-estimation in the case of clinical trials with survival data when proportional hazards can be assumed. When data are readily available at the time of the review, on a full range of survival experiences across the recruited patients, it is shown that, as expected, performing a blinded re-estimation procedure is straightforward and can help to maintain the trial's pre-specified error rates. Two alternative methods for dealing with the situation where limited survival experiences are available at the time of the sample size review are then presented and compared. In this instance, extrapolation is required in order to undertake the sample size re-estimation. Worked examples, together with results from a simulation study are described. It is concluded that, as in the standard case, use of either extrapolation approach successfully protects the trial error rates.  相似文献   

Clustered survival data arise often in clinical trial design, where the correlated subunits from the same cluster are randomized to different treatment groups. Under such design, we consider the problem of constructing confidence interval for the difference of two median survival time given the covariates. We use Cox gamma frailty model to account for the within-cluster correlation. Based on the conditional confidence intervals, we can identify the possible range of covariates over which the two groups would provide different median survival times. The associated coverage probability and the expected length of the proposed interval are investigated via a simulation study. The implementation of the confidence intervals is illustrated using a real data set.  相似文献   

A power transformation regression model is considered for exponentially distributed time to failure data with right censoring. Procedures for estimation of parameters by maximum likelihood and assessment of goodness of model fit are described and illustrated.  相似文献   


Recently, the Bayesian nonparametric approaches in survival studies attract much more attentions. Because of multimodality in survival data, the mixture models are very common. We introduce a Bayesian nonparametric mixture model with Burr distribution (Burr type XII) as the kernel. Since the Burr distribution shares good properties of common distributions on survival analysis, it has more flexibility than other distributions. By applying this model to simulated and real failure time datasets, we show the preference of this model and compare it with Dirichlet process mixture models with different kernels. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods to calculate the posterior distribution are used.  相似文献   

The performance of computationally inexpensive model selection criteria in the context of tree-structured subgroup analysis is investigated. It is shown through simulation that no single model selection criterion exhibits a uniformly superior performance over a wide range of scenarios. Therefore, a two-stage approach for model selection is proposed and shown to perform satisfactorily. Applied example of subgroup analysis is presented. Problems associated with tree-structured subgroup analysis are discussed and practical solutions are suggested.  相似文献   

A multi-treatment two stage adaptive allocation design is developed for survival responses. Assuming noninformative random censoring, asymptotic p values of relevant tests of equality of treatment effects are used to derive the assignment probability of incoming second stage subjects. Several ethical and inferential criteria of the design are studied, and are compared with those of an existing competitor. Applicability and performance of the proposed design are also illustrated using a data arising from a real clinical trial.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a semiparametric shock model for two dependent failure times where the risk indicator of one failure time plays the part of a time-varying covariate for the other one. According to Hougaard [2000. Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data. Springer, New York], the dependence between the two failure times is therefore of event-related type.  相似文献   

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