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The Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filtering is frequently used in macroeconometrics to decompose time series, such as real gross domestic product, into their trend and cyclical components. Because the HP filtering is a basic econometric tool, it is necessary to have a precise understanding of the nature of it. This article contributes to the literature by listing several (penalized) least-squares problems that are related to the HP filtering, three of which are newly introduced in the article, and showing their properties. We also remark on their generalization.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a version of the functional Hodrick–Prescott filter for functional time series. We show that the associated optimal smoothing operator preserves the “noise-to-signal ratio” structure. Moreover, as the main result, we propose a consistent estimator of this optimal smoothing operator.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modified Whittaker–Henderson (WH) Method of Graduation. After giving a closed-form solution, we show that it is of practical use because it provides not only a smoothed series identical to that of the WH graduation, but also an extrapolation beyond the sample limit of current data. In addition, we introduce two other penalized least squares problems and show that they provide the same results as those of the modified WH graduation.  相似文献   

The Yule–Simon distribution has been out of the radar of the Bayesian community, so far. In this note, we propose an explicit Gibbs sampling scheme when a Gamma prior is chosen for the shape parameter. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated with simulation studies, including count data regression, and a real data application to text analysis. We compare our proposal to the frequentist counterparts showing better performance of our algorithm when a small sample size is considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the validity of the Jarque–Bera normality test whose construction is based on the residuals, for the innovations of GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic) models. It is shown that the asymptotic behavior of the original form of the JB test adopted in this paper is identical to that of the test statistic based on true errors. The simulation study also confirms the validity of the original form since it outperforms other available normality tests.  相似文献   

When the finite population ‘totals’ are estimated for individual areas, they do not necessarily add up to the known ‘total’ for all areas. Benchmarking (BM) is a technique used to ensure that the totals for all areas match the grand total, which can be obtained from an independent source. BM is desirable to practitioners of survey sampling. BM shifts the small-area estimators to accommodate the constraint. In doing so, it can provide increased precision to the small-area estimators of the finite population means or totals. The Scott–Smith model is used to benchmark the finite population means of small areas. This is a one-way random effects model for a superpopulation, and it is computationally convenient to use a Bayesian approach. We illustrate our method by estimating body mass index using data in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Several properties of the benchmarked small-area estimators are obtained using a simulation study.  相似文献   

Screening experiments are conducted to identify a few active factors among a large number of factors. For the objective of identifying active factors, Box and Meyer provided an innovative approach, the Box–Meyer method (BMM). With the use of means models, we propose a modification of the BMM in this paper. Compared with the original BMM, the modified BMM (MBMM) can circumvent the problem that the original BMM runs into, namely that it may fail to identify some active factors due to the ignorance of higher order interactions. Furthermore, the number of explanatory variables in the MBMM is smaller. Therefore, the computational complexity is reduced. Finally, three examples with different types of designs are used to demonstrate the wide applicability of the MBMM.  相似文献   

We revisit the well-known Behrens–Fisher problem and apply a newly developed ‘Computational Approach Test’ (CAT) to test the equality of two population means where the populations are assumed to be normal with unknown and possibly unequal variances. An advantage of the CAT is that it does not require the explicit knowledge of the sampling distribution of the test statistic. The CAT is then compared with three widely accepted tests—Welch–Satterthwaite test (WST), Cochran–Cox test (CCT), ‘Generalized p-value’ test (GPT)—and a recently suggested test based on the jackknife procedure, called Singh–Saxena–Srivastava test (SSST). Further, model robustness of these five tests are studied when the data actually came from t-distributions, but wrongly perceived as normal ones. Our detailed study based on a comprehensive simulation indicate some interesting results including the facts that the GPT is quite conservative, and the SSST is not as good as it has been claimed in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, the trends observed in our study have not been reported earlier in the existing literature.  相似文献   

In this note we consider the equality of the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) and the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of the estimable parametric function in the general Gauss–Markov model. Especially we consider the structures of the covariance matrix V for which the OLSE equals the BLUE. Our results are based on the properties of a particular reparametrized version of the original Gauss–Markov model.   相似文献   

We introduce an absolutely continuous bivariate generalization of the Topp–Leone distribution, which is a special member of the proportional reversed hazard family using a one-parameter bivariate exchangeable distribution. We show that a copula approach could also be used in defining the bivariate Topp–Leone distribution. The marginal distributions of the new bivariate distribution have also Topp–Leone distributions. We study its distributional and dependence properties. We estimate the parameters by maximum-likelihood procedure, perform a simulation study on the estimators, and apply them to a real data set. Furthermore, we give a way of generating bivariate distributions using the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new compounding distribution, named the Weibull–Poisson distribution is introduced. The shape of failure rate function of the new compounding distribution is flexible, it can be decreasing, increasing, upside-down bathtub-shaped or unimodal. A comprehensive mathematical treatment of the proposed distribution and expressions of its density, cumulative distribution function, survival function, failure rate function, the kth raw moment and quantiles are provided. Maximum likelihood method using EM algorithm is developed for parameter estimation. Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimates are discussed, and intensive simulation studies are conducted for evaluating the performance of parameter estimation. The use of the proposed distribution is illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

A higher order approximation formula for a percentage point of the noncentral t–distribution with v degrees of freedom is given up to the order o(v-3), using the Cornish-Fisher expansion for the statistic based on a lin-ear combination of a normal random variable and a chi-random variable. The upper confidence limit and the confidence interval for the non–centrality parameter are given. Numerical results are also obtained.  相似文献   

The empirical best linear unbiased predictor (EBLUP) is a linear shrinkage of the direct estimate toward the regression estimate and useful for the small area estimation in the sense of increasing precision of estimation of small area means. However, one potential difficulty of EBLUP is that the overall estimate for a larger geographical area based on a sum of EBLUP is not necessarily identical to the corresponding direct estimate like the overall sample mean. To fix this problem, the paper suggests a new method for benchmarking EBLUP in the Fay–Herriot model without assuming normality of random effects and sampling errors. The resulting benchmarked empirical linear shrinkage (BELS) predictor has novelty in the sense that coefficients for benchmarking are adjusted based on the data from each area. To measure the uncertainty of BELS, the second-order unbiased estimator of the mean squared error is derived.  相似文献   

A generalized Pareto or simple Pareto tail-index estimate above 2 has frequently been cited as evidence against infinite-variance stable distributions. It is demonstrated that this inference is invalid; tail index estimates greater than 2 are to be expected for stable distributions with α as low as 1.65. The nonregular distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic for a null of normality and an alternative of symmetric stability is tabulated by Monte Carlo methods and appropriately adjusted for sampling error in repeated tests. Real stock returns yield a stable α of 1.845 and reject iid normality at the .996 level.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a new model for autoregressive time series of counts in terms of a convolution of Poisson and negative binomial random variables, known as Poisson–negative binomial (PNB) distribution. The corresponding first-order integer valued time series models are developed and their properties are discussed. The geometric PNB and the geometric semi PNB distributions are also introduced and studied.  相似文献   

As a measure of association between two nominal categorical variables, the lambda coefficient or Goodman–Kruskal's lambda has become a most popular measure. Its popularity is primarily due to its simple and meaningful definition and interpretation in terms of the proportional reduction in error when predicting a random observation's category for one variable given (versus not knowing) its category for the other variable. It is an asymmetric measure, although a symmetric version is available. The lambda coefficient does, however, have a widely recognized limitation: it can equal zero even when there is no independence between the variables and when all other measures take on positive values. In order to mitigate this problem, an alternative lambda coefficient is introduced in this paper as a slight modification of the Goodman–Kruskal lambda. The properties of the new measure are discussed and a symmetric form is introduced. A statistical inference procedure is developed and a numerical example is provided.  相似文献   


This article provides three approximate solutions to the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem: the F statistic, the Bartlett, as well as the modified Bartlett corrected statistics. Empirical results indicate that the F statistic outperforms the other two and five existing procedures. The modified Bartlett corrected statistic is also very competitive.  相似文献   

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