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很多经典人类学著作都将研究对象分为“初级形式”(elementarystructure)以及“复杂形式”(complexstructure)两种,如涂尔干的《宗教生活的基本形式》与列维·施特劳斯仿涂尔干的书名而著成的《亲属制度的基本结构》。类似的,马塞尔·莫斯的经典著作《礼物》也可以被理解为一本有关“交换制度的初级形式”的书。正如宗教生活和亲属制度一样,交换制度普遍存在于各种社会形态中。但人们往往忽略这一点,而误以为交换制度和市场是与商业、货币、商品捆绑出现的。在《礼物》中,莫斯开宗明义指出,市场是人类社会中普遍存在的现象,“自然经济”(Ec…  相似文献   

人类学一直关注礼物和互惠,然而人类学关注的不是礼物和互惠本身,而是它背后的人群结合关系,这种关系在不同文化背景中呈现不同面相.陕西关中地区人群结合的面相是什么?笔者从涂尔干的宗教、仪式与社会研究的传统出发对此进行探讨和解读.  相似文献   

人类学一直关注礼物和互惠,然而人类学关注的不是礼物和互惠本身,而是它背后的人群结合关系,这种关系在不同文化背景中呈现不同面相.陕西关中地区人群结合的面相是什么? 笔者从涂尔干的宗教、仪式与社会研究的传统出发,对此进行探讨和解读.  相似文献   

礼物作为人类学研究领域中的经典话题,一直以来都是备受关注,学者围绕着莫斯的"豪"(hau)论证、补充、完善礼物交换的范式.随着人类学对复杂社会的研究取向和商品拜物教的发展,礼物与商品的天然链接使得商品成为交换的主流,人们开始关注商品从市场领域进入消费领域后,商品在"去商品化"后的社会发展及其背后的不同消费者的社会地位、关系与权力,开启了物的生命史与文化传记研究,为消费社会人们对于商品的研究开启一条途径.  相似文献   

作者比较基督诸教,提出1.神学人类学不同于宗教人类学。宗教人类学与上帝创世观或神灵信奉并非必然一致,而神学人类学则作上帝或神灵宇宙观的理解。宗教人类学多从宗教外部认识其功能系统;神学人类学由宗教内部认知神界宗旨、神域历史、神圣意义,即研究者与宗教研究内容及其表达融合。宗教人类学内容各异,神学人类学基本据神学形态。2.神职、教徒据上帝意志、教义经典和神教本位,以神启感召或圣灵信仰解说人类学事项,为神学本体的神学人类学;信徒或人类学者据主位神圣信仰、圣事体验和学科理论解章,为人类学本体的神学人类学。3.仪式是神阶与信徒一同抑或分自、乃至个人寻求神学意义之祈祷感验体悟的过程与载体,并非仅如涂尔干所言之集体表征,亦是神圣性、宗教正统性、象征性之表征。4.广义神学包括其教阶体系实践,故宗教修行涵括教会及其神职和信众双主体层面。5.神学人类学关注宗教何以引导认知、过程与结构。审视作为与国家历史并行的宗教历史可以认为,人类世界可分类为宗教和世俗两大界域。6.新教提供了神学人类学的认知基础,其本身即神学人类学化的过程。正教-天主教-新教承载神学人类学之形构。  相似文献   

丁苏安 《民族论坛》2013,(4X):11-20
马塞尔·莫斯是法国著名的人类学家。凭借其渊博的学识和非凡的能力,他为法国人类学做出了重要的贡献。莫斯擅长与其他学者合作,但也拥有其独立著作品。《巫术的一般理论》和《礼物》是其代表著作,在两部作品中,莫斯分别强调了整体社会事实和提出了社会交换理论。莫斯的研究引起了国内外学者的关注,他们在评价其学说的基础上给出了各自的论述。  相似文献   

法国著名的宗教社会学家涂尔干曾把宗教界定为“一种既与众不同、又不可冒犯的神圣事物有关的信仰与仪轨所组成的统一体系,这些信仰与仪轨将所有信奉它们的人结合在一个被称之为‘教会’的道德共同体之内。”在界定宗教概念时,涂尔干将神圣性视为宗教的根本属性,把与神圣事物有关的信仰和仪式视为宗教的第二构成要素,把教会作为第三构成要素。  相似文献   

马塞尔·莫斯是法国著名的人类学家。凭借其渊博的学识和非凡的能力,他为法国人类学做出了重要的贡献。莫斯擅长与其他学者合作,但也拥有其独立著作品。《巫术的一般理论》和《礼物》是其代表著作,在两部作品中,莫斯分别强调了整体社会事实和提出了社会交换理论。莫斯的研究引起了国内外学者的关注,他们在评价其学说的基础上给出了各自的论述。  相似文献   

特纳与仪式理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为象征人类学的领军人物之一,特纳(Victor Turner)在国内鲜为人知,对其作品的翻译与解读可谓凤毛麟角。社会与文化在多大程度上塑造了个体心灵,个体心灵在多大程度上创造了社会与文化,这是伊甸园陷落以来人文视野中的一大命题。涂尔干、马克思、韦伯在这一命题中突围,莫斯、布朗在这一场域中传承,列维———施特劳斯异军突起,萨林斯、福柯在这一脉络中反叛。对于涂尔干继承的不同侧重造就了以经验研究和情绪功能研究为主的英国结构功能主义学派和以理性思考与智性分类的呈现为主的法国结构主义传统。特纳是英国流派中的一个细小支流,但是…  相似文献   

涂尔干和莫斯的《原始分类》是文化人类学的经典著作。两位作者通过对澳洲、祖尼人和苏人以及中国的分类体系的既有资料分析,认为,原始分类源于社会本身,其动力是集体情感。这本著作的英文版译者罗德尼·尼达姆在译文导言中对该著作进行了致命的批评。本文通过解读原著,发现尼达姆的诸多批评缺乏根据,从而为原著正名。  相似文献   

Previous studies of migration, family, and gender have shown that migration is not only an event that changes family life, the change itself is a gendered process. How migrant women develop strategies to cope with challenges posed by either their own migration or their husbands’ migration has been widely studied. However, how migrant men adjust and change their care practices and domestic roles to accommodate challenges brought about by migration to their family lives has not been as extensively explored. Using interview data gathered from male rural-to-urban migrant workers in South China, this paper fills this gap by studying male migrants’ agency and masculinity through the concept of masculine compromise. Masculine compromise delineates how migrant men strive to respond to changing family circumstances triggered by migration while maintaining the gender boundaries that underpin their dominance within the family. As a concept, masculine compromise underscores the material impact of migration on gender practices and family life; and the limited effect it has on gender attitudes and identity. Masculine compromise provides a feminist lens to analyse the complex effect of migration on changing masculinity and gender relationships within the family.  相似文献   

If media outlets and political rhetoric are to be believed, then the way to counter “radical” Islam is through “moderate” Islam. Seemingly, “moderate” Islam is that which “radical” Islam is not. In appointing “moderate” Islam as an antidote to “radical” Islam, the implication is that, conceptually at least, the two terms are contradistinctive. Yet, while much is, perceivably, known about “radical” Islam, with its associated ills of an unequivocal Islamic worldview, very little attention has been afforded to this signifier, “moderate”. Inasmuch as this term is bandied around, even scholars of Islam will acknowledge that, within Islamic education, understandings of and debates on conceptions of moderation, and moderate Muslim communities, have been somewhat overlooked. What, therefore, is a “moderate” Islam? What is a “moderate” Muslim community and how would it act? What are the implications for a “moderate” community in relation to pluralist societies? And, can such a “moderate” community offer a practical response not only to “radical” Islam, but, perhaps, more importantly, to increasingly antagonistic, liberal contexts?  相似文献   

Knowledge from human genetic research continuously challenges the notion that race and biology are inextricably linked, with implications across biomedical and public health disciplines. However, biomedical research continues to explore health and disease under a racial framework ignoring and at times confounding the identification of true biological and/or environmental risk factors. Within this article, we present a brief overview of the use of race in biomedical research and studies of human genome variation and how genetic ancestry may help us understand health disparities. We believe that the casual use of “race” to define groups in biomedical research has contributed to our limited understanding of complex disease etiology and risk factors driving health disparities.  相似文献   

2018 marks the 50th anniversary of Enoch Powell’s infamous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, an intervention that is still viewed as one of the most incendiary statements of the perceived decay and violence likely to follow legislation intended to assure minoritised British citizens of equal rights regardless of their ethnic origin. In this essay, Sally Tomlinson (one of Britain’s foremost multicultural theorists) reflects on Powell’s legacy and the contemporary scene where in the US, UK and across Europe, White resentment and fear is increasingly shaping ‘mainstream’ debates about nationhood, migration and education.  相似文献   

Race and Social Problems - How do Black, Latinx, and White people who believe they are mistaken as a member of another racial group perceive the amount of racial discrimination they experience, and...  相似文献   

宗教问题是一个热门话题,但对宗教的产生及其与巫术等等的关系研究尚处于起步阶段.笔者通过对马林诺夫斯基的<巫术科学宗教与神话>的学习,结合著名学者的观点,拟对以往宗教学说中关于自然与超自然的论述及其仪式、功能,在社会发展中的作用及其与巫术间的区别,作一肤浅的探索.  相似文献   

Using recent American Community Survey data, this study investigates socioeconomic attainments of six ethnic groups of Southeast Asian Americans. Findings show that the educational attainment of Filipinos, Vietnamese, and Thai is higher than that of whites, while the educational attainment of Cambodians, Hmong, and Laotians is lower than that of whites. Regarding earnings, Southeast Asian American women are generally not disadvantaged relative to white women, but Southeast Asian American men tend to have lower earnings than white men after controlling for education and other demographic factors such as age, metropolitan residence, and region. We conclude that Cambodians, Hmong, and Laotians are the most disadvantaged groups among Southeast Asian Americans and that most Southeast Asian American male groups tend to be at least slightly disadvantaged in the labor market at least after controlling for metropolitan residence and region.  相似文献   

在戈尔斯坦、查隆和比尔最近发表的论文--<高海拔地区缺氧、文化和人类生育力或生殖能力的比较研究>(<美国人类学家>85:28-49,1983)中,作者试图说明,在喜马拉雅山脉以及阿尔卑斯山脉这样的高海拔地区,缺氧不会抑制人类的生殖能力.  相似文献   

比较两个属于不同自然与文化生态的族群--临海而居的冲绳八重山区域之竹富岛民,以及居住于山区的台湾赛夏族,藉由分析其最重要的年中祭仪之过程--前者的种取祭以及后者之矮人祭,探讨仪式中展演活动的内涵如何显明这两个群体之内部与对外之异/己关系.  相似文献   

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