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This paper presents an axiomatization of a value for games with coalition structures which is an alternative to the Owen Value. The motor of this new axiomatization is a consistency axiom based on an associated game, which is not a reduced game. The new value of an n-player unanimity game is the compound average of the new values of all the (n-1)-player unanimity games. The new value of a unanimity game allocates to bigger coalitions a larger share of the total wealth. Note that the Owen value allocates to all the coalitions the same share independently of their size.  相似文献   

A new model of coalition formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, a new model of multidimensional coalition formation in politics is presented. The model provides an opportunity to analyze a number of different kinds of issues at the same time. A policy space consists of a finite number of independent sub-spaces (policy spaces on certain issues), which can be multidimensional. Any policy sub-space on a certain sub-issue can be either a Euclidean space or (in principle) any other type of set. So, it is possible to include issues which cannot be represented by a Euclidean space or a fixed sum. A government is defined as a pair consisting of a majority coalition and a policy supported by this coalition. The majority coalition may be not minimal winning. Each party is allowed to give one qualification to a policy on a certain issue and to a majority coalition: desirable of a certain degree, acceptable, or unacceptable. By representing party preferences the way we do, we can include both rent-seeking and idealistic motivations in one consistent model. We define the value of a policy/coalition/government to a party, and the notions of a feasible and stable policy/coalition/government. The model uses party preferences in order to predict government policy. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a stable government are investigated. Moreover, some alternative definitions of a stable government are introduced, and relations between these definitions and the chosen definition of a stable government are established.For Agnieszka Rusinowska the research for this paper was done during a stay as a Marie Curie fellow at Tilburg University, Department of Philosophy.  相似文献   

We analyze the core of a class of coalition formation game in which every player's payoff depends only on the members of her coalition. We first consider anonymous games and additively separable games. Neither of these strong properties guarantee the existence of a core allocation, even if additional strong properties are imposed. We then introduce two top-coalition properties each of which guarantee the existence. We show that these properties are independent of the Scarf-balancedness condition. Finally we give several economic applications. Received: 31 July 1999/Accepted: 5 January 2000  相似文献   

Assume that players strictly rank each other as coalition partners. We propose a procedure whereby they “fall back” on their preferences, yielding internally compatible, or coherent, majority coalition(s), which we call fallback coalitions. If there is more than one fallback coalition, the players common to them, or kingmakers, determine which fallback coalition will form. The first player(s) acceptable to all other members of a fallback coalition are the leader(s) of that coalition. The effects of different preference assumptions—particularly, different kinds of single-peakedness—on the number of coherent coalitions, their connectedness, and which players become kingmakers and leaders are investigated. The fallback procedure may be used (i) empirically to identify kingmakers and leaders or (ii) normatively to select them. We illustrate the model using data from the U.S. Supreme Court, 2005–2009.  相似文献   

Activating communities to achieve public health change and initiate policy reform usually requires collective action from many entities. This case study analyzes inter-organizational networks among members of a coalition created to expand health insurance coverage to uninsured children in a large metropolitan area. Six networks were measured: collaboration, competition, formal agreements, receive funding from, send funding to, and greater communication. The response rate was 65.8% (50 of the 76 active members). Positive network questions such as “who do you collaborate with” elicited many network choices whereas negative ones such as “who do you compete with” elicited few. The collaboration network had a core–periphery structure and analysis showed that a large network can be reduced to a small set of core organizations one-sixth the size of the whole. Centrality (out- and in-degree) was associated with perceived organizational function and perceived barriers to success. For example, organizations that received many choices as collaboration partners were more likely to perceive the coalition functioned well than those who received few choices. The study suggests that perceptions of organizational performance are associated with position in the network, central members are more likely to perceive the organization performs well than those on the periphery.  相似文献   

The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) was administered to veterans in both an outpatient methadone and problem drinking clinic. The instrument was given to 93 veterans who represented the poor and homeless. It was anticipated that the SOGS would provide important diagnostic information to the clinicians counseling the substance abusing population since many compulsive gamblers have a history of substance abuse. A number of clinical obstacles were encountered in administrating the SOGS in this environment. Both Client and staff noncompliance during the screening were major concerns in this respect. The clinical obstacles encountered in this study were examined and suggestions to prevent these problems are discussed.I would like to thank Howard Shaffer, Ph.D. and the referees for the advice on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

The concept of coalition proof Nash equilibrium was introduced by Bernheim et al. [5]. In the present paper, we consider the representation problem for coalition proof Nash equilibrium: For a given effectivity function, describing the power structure or the system of rights of coalitions in society, it is investigated whether there is a game form which gives rise to this effectivity function and which is such that for any preference assignment, there is a coalition proof Nash equilibrium.  It is shown that the effectivity functions which can be represented in coalition proof Nash equilibrium are exactly those which satisfy the well-known properties of maximality and superadditivity. As a corollary of the result, we obtain necessary conditions for implementation of a social choice correspondence in coalition proof Nash equilibrium which can be formulated in terms of the associated effectivity function. Received: 24 June 1999/Accepted: 20 September 2000  相似文献   

How the size of a coalition affects its chances to influence an election   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Since voting rules are prototypes for many aggregation procedures, they also illuminate problems faced by economics and decision sciences. In this paper we are trying to answer the question: How large should a coalition be to have a chance to influence an election? We answer this question for all scoring rules and multistage elimination rules, under the Impartial Anonymous Culture assumption. We show that, when the number of participating agents n tends to infinity, the ratio of voting situations that can be influenced by a coalition of k voters to all voting situations is no greater than $D_{m} \frac{k}{n}Since voting rules are prototypes for many aggregation procedures, they also illuminate problems faced by economics and decision sciences. In this paper we are trying to answer the question: How large should a coalition be to have a chance to influence an election? We answer this question for all scoring rules and multistage elimination rules, under the Impartial Anonymous Culture assumption. We show that, when the number of participating agents n tends to infinity, the ratio of voting situations that can be influenced by a coalition of k voters to all voting situations is no greater than , where D m is a constant which depends only on the number m of alternatives but not on k and n. Recent results on individual manipulability in three alternative elections show that this estimate is exact for k=1 and m=3.
Arkadii SlinkoEmail:

The employment prospects of older workers in Germany are widely endangered because of age discrimination. The main indicator concerning recruitment is that from the age of 45 on the difficulties in finding a new job rise extraordinarily and, accordingly, the duration of unemployment rises. Concerning further training, there is a lack of participation by older workers in vocational training and, additionally, they face numerous risks in the deterioration of their skills. Given the long-term implications of the aging labor force, employers must adapt their approaches to recruiting and training older workers to prevent a further loss of skills and know-how. A comprehensive strategy for integrating older workers and overcoming age barriers in employment is required. To promote recruitment, job-placement programs should be linked more closely to companies and public programs should be targeted to older unemployed workers. To promote further training of older workers, the workplace needs to create a learning environment, introduce a greater variety of tasks, and develop training schemes.  相似文献   

生产性服务业在创新模式和创新产品的市场检验方面与制造业都有显著不同,为了实现生产性服务业的创新功能,这类服务业逐渐演化出一套高效率的组织模式,表现为弹性化、网络化和扁平化的明显特征。因此,生产性服务业对政府行政管理体制具有特殊要求。针对我国政府对行业管理的特征及其对生产性服务业创新抑制的体制性障碍,提出政策建议。  相似文献   

陈琪 《职业时空》2002,(6):9-11
中国的民营企业发展已经历了20余载,得到了快速的成长和发展,为推动中国社会经济的发展作出了巨大的贡献。但近年来一些民营企业频频发生诚信缺失行为,这在很大程度上影响了民营企业的整体诚信形象,从而成为制约民营企业发展的突出问题。特别是加入世界贸易组织后,  相似文献   

We consider pure exchange economies with finitely many private goods involving the choice of a public project. We discuss core-equivalence results in the general framework of non-Euclidean representation of the collective goods. We define a contribution scheme to capture the fraction of the total cost of providing the project that each blocking coalition is expected to cover. We show that for each given contribution scheme defined over the wider class of Aubin coalitions, the resulting core is equivalent to the corresponding linear cost share equilibria. We also characterize linear cost share equilibria in terms of the veto power of the grand coalition. It turns out that linear cost share equilibria are exactly those allocations that cannot be blocked by the grand coalition with reference to auxiliary economies with the same space of agents and modified initial endowments and cost functions. Unlike the Aubin-type equivalence and results presented in Diamantaras and Gilles (Soc Choice Welf 15:121–139, 1998), this characterization does not depend on a particular contribution scheme.  相似文献   

This article has conceptualized and discussed clinical preceptorship of graduate students in psychiatric nursing, an area poorly represented in the literature. While grounded firmly in the nursing process, it is flexible to accommodate other frameworks as the student participates in various learning activities to meet her course objectives. Many issues have been addressed to guide the preceptor in helping the student approach her new role with realistic expectations, increased confidence, and visions of a future filled with promise.  相似文献   

Health disparities by gender constitute an important yet often overlooked aspect of health around the globe. Within the United States, there is both a paucity of research as well as planned programs that take into account how socio-cultural roles and expectations for men and women may differentially affect symptoms, access to care, and treatment. Viewing women's health exclusively as a function of sex (i.e., biological) differences represents a narrow understanding that does not fully explain gaps in health disparities between men and women. In September 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) launched a national initiative entitled the Coalition for a Healthier Community (CHC) to employ a gender-based framework in several urban, suburban and rural communities across the nation. The Office on Women's Health (OWH) within the DHHS funded 10 coalitions to ultimately improve the health of women and girls utilizing a gender-based approach. This article provides an overview of the initiative and the focus of the special issue.  相似文献   

For the past few years, the term 'lifestyle migration' has been used to refer to an increasing number of people who take the decision to migrate based on their belief that there is a more fulfilling way of life available to them elsewhere. Lifestyle migration is thus a growing, disparate phenomenon, with important but little understood implications for both societies and individuals. This article outlines and explores in detail a series of mobilities that have in common relative affluence and this search for a better lifestyle. We attempt to define the limits of the term lifestyle migration, the characteristics of the lifestyle sought, and the place of this form of migration in the contemporary world. In this manner, we map the various migrations that can be considered under this broad rubric, recognising the similarities and differences in their migration trajectories. Further to this, drawing on the sociological literature on lifestyle, we provide an initial theoretical conceptualisation of this phenomenon, attempting to explain its recent escalation in various guises, and investigating the historical, sociological, and individualised conditions that inspire this migration. This article is thus the first step in defining a broader programme for the study of lifestyle migration. We contend that the study of this migration is especially important in the current era given the impact such moves have on places and people at both ends of the migratory chain.  相似文献   

This paper compares the stability of coalition structures under six institutional settings of treaty formation in positive externality games. We argue that many economic problems belong to the class of positive externality games (i.e. outsiders benefit from the formation of coalitions) and hence our results can be applied to many situations. It is shown that it is easier to sustain agreements under exclusive than under open membership and the higher the “degree of consensus” necessary to form a coalition.  相似文献   

1. Chronically mentally ill clients have unique needs for discharge planning due to their lack of resources and poor social skills. 2. A weekly group focused on discharge needs can assist patients in planning and solving problems. 3. A psychoeducational approach is used, including video tapes, role playing, group discussion, and guest speakers. 4. Topics for discussion include medication compliance, employment, housing, loneliness, aftercare, and fear of failure.  相似文献   

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