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构建生活化地理课堂是由地理学科的性质特点决定的,也是地理新课程改革的必然趋势。我认为构建生活化地理课堂的具体策工作有:充分利用其他学科知识,创造性地使用教材;从生活中常见现象出发,激发学生学习兴趣;联系生活实际设计地理探究活动;回归生活实践,学会解决问题。  相似文献   

决胜在即,时不我待,奥帆赛就要在青岛举行了。作为奥运会,残奥会定点医院——市立医院(集团)承担着奥帆赛定点医院,奥运村综合诊所和场馆内医疗站三重角色奥运医疗保障的任务,目前他们正举集团之力,集各方之智,以必胜的气概和决心,以辛勤的汗水和无私的奉献,倾情铸就奥运医疗保障的丰碑。  相似文献   

社会、学校、家庭是办好教育的三大支柱,幼儿园教育作为基础教育的重要组成部分,是学校教育和终生教育的奠基阶段,其重要性越来越被社会和家长所认识.作为幼儿园,单靠自己的力量来提高办学水平,往往很难奏效,必须要充分整合利用家庭、社区教育资源,充分发挥家长的教育作用,才能实现幼儿园教育与家庭教育的和谐发展.同时《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:家庭是幼儿园的重要合作伙伴.应本着尊重、平等合作的原则,争取家长的理解和主动参与,并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力.  相似文献   

罗小斌 《社会工作》2008,(19):38-38
近期,江西崇仁县先后出台了《崇仁县农村五保供养工作实施办法》、《崇仁县农村敬老院管理人员聘用办法》,将农村五保供养服务机构纳入经济社会发展规则,不断探索敬老院管理服务新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

党的十六届六中全会明确提出要建立一支规模宏大的社会工作者队伍,2007年民政部积极推进社工建设,在全国精心选取相关机构作为社工试点单位.北京市第一社会福利院成为首批试点单位之一.为了更好的保证社工建设工作的专业化水平,北京市社会福利管理处(市属社会福利院的上级主管单位)得到北京市财政局大力支持,与香港圣公会福利协会签订协议,在北京市第一社会福利院开展为期一年的"社工人才队伍建设"合作项目.  相似文献   

近年来,四川广安市儿童福利院在上级领导的大力支持下,坚持“内强素质,外树形象,对上争取支持,对下搞好服务”的工作思路,通过每年“六一”和春节等重要节日举办丰富多彩的活动,利用报刊、杂志、电视等媒体多渠道、全方位进行报道,加大宣传力度,扩大社会影响力,整合社会资源,搭建爱的平台,与社会各界爱心人士一起,为孤残儿童撑起一片蓝天!  相似文献   

青岛鞍山二路小学位于四方区南部,经过几代教师四十余载的辛勤耕耘,学校积淀了丰厚的文化底蕴和丰富的办学经验,先后被命名为"山东省规范化学校"、"山东省教学示范学校"、"山东省艺术教育示范学校"、"山东省语言文字示范学校"等,赢得了家长和社会各界的广泛赞誉.  相似文献   

2020年10月25日,博爱之都?情系两岸2020两岸婚姻周年庆典活动在南京市和新北市两地同时举行.活动由南京市台属联谊会与新北市两岸青年交流协会联合主办,庆典主会场设在南京,在新北设立分会场,主、分会场采用视频连线方式全程直播.江苏省台办主任练月琴出席活动并致辞,在宁台商、台干、台青、台属约230余人莅临南京主会场.  相似文献   

阜新矿区,是一个具有百年开采历史的老矿区.矿区人口占城市人口的64%.阜新矿区有离退休、退养、遗属人员7.1万,是在职职工的1.1倍,占阜新市全市离退休人员的58.2%.  相似文献   

In attempting to establish a social security system that would function to smooth the transition from a planned to market economy, the government of China has, for most of the time in the past decades, focused its efforts on setting up social insurance programs in the urban areas. Along with the emergence of urban poverty since the mid 1990s, the emphasis of the government has shifted to means-tested social assistance programs as the major means to combat poverty and maintain social stability. However, with the absence of more equitable social and economic policies that can protect people against the many risks associated with a market economy, the role of social assistance is very limited.  相似文献   

Social protection schemes in Latin America face serious short falls in the financial resources available to meet their needs. New types of insurance envisaged in reforms should help to contain costs and increase coverage. However, in strengthening schemes' coverage it is highly probable that considerable demand for additional financial resources will arise to address the need to introduce the principle of solidarity into the system. This article examines reforms in the financing of social security for healthcare and pensions, highlighting the implications of various public-private combinations for financial management and coverage.  相似文献   

社会工作在中国的蓬勃发展,既是政府重视的结果,又是时代之需。但其发展带来一个无法回避的问题:社会工作的本土化困境。"矿区社会工作"的提出,是本土化的尝试,也是摆脱发展困境的努力。"矿区社会工作"的顺利实施,必须解决一些特殊问题:案主与社会工作者的关系,价值、理论与方法的本土化问题及其评估问题。在西方社会工作理念和矿区地方性特质相互结合的分析框架下,设计了这些问题解决方案,以求为中国社会工作本土化和本土性社会工作的构建作出应有贡献。  相似文献   

作为注重操作性且具有完善理念和技术的专业工作方法,社会工作对老年人社会适应的介入是增进老年问题解决的有效措施。经过实践经验和理论的总结,社会工作形成了个案工作、小组工作和社区工作三大主要方法。本文从专业实务的角度解析三大主要专业方法在老年社会适应问题领域的操作性技巧。以提高社会工作专业方法在实务运用中的有效性,增进老年社会福利服务专业化发展。  相似文献   

章觅 《社会工作》2008,(12):62-64
我国农村社会养老保险目前正在探求新的制度,研究当前中国农村社会养老保险建设中存在的问题,寻求有针对性的对策,对于进一步完善我国农村养老保险制度具有重要意义。基于此,论文针对我国农村社会养老保险目前存在的问题,提出完善农村社会养老保险的若干对策与思考。  相似文献   

Both Japan and (West) Germany were subjected to foreign “Allied”Occupation from 1945. In this fiftieth anniversary year of the ending of World War Two and the commencement of these periods of Occupation, this paper assesses and compares the impact of the latter experience on social policy development in Germany and Japan. In particular, it focusses on social assistance and unemployment insurance, on the grounds that provision for “the able-bodied poor”constitutes a clear guide as to how far each society has progressed or is progressing along the road to “social citizenship”as defined by T. H. Marshall. The import of Allied Occupation was in practice quite different in the two cases, not least because of their very different paths of social policy development beforehand. Developments in the wake of Occupation and upto the present are nonetheless indicative of there being some elements of policy “convergence”, which welfare state regime theory has hitherto failed to allow for in its concentration upon “whole systems”at the expense of more detailed policy “subsystem”review.  相似文献   

日本农村社会保障制度在保持日本经济增长中发挥了重要作用.日本农村社会保障制度的成功经验,在于符合本国国情,以完善的法制建设作为强大后盾.在我国农村建立养老保险制度是一项重要而又艰巨的任务.它的建立对于调动农民的劳动积极性,缩小城乡差别,巩固和发展农村经济等方面都有着深远意义和现实作用.而日本的农村养老保险制度,在这方面为我国建立适合中国经济发展水平的农村社会保障制度提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

At the outset of the twenty-first century, the situation of British National Insurance is one of paradox. Due to socioeconomic changes and successive government policies over the past three decades, the contributory principle, which was a cornerstone of social security reconstruction after World War II, has been in remarkable decline. At the same time contributions to the National Insurance Fund increased significantly and continues to represent a substantial form of total social security revenue. The contributory principle has a broad public appeal, but National Insurance does not figure prominently in public debates and the system is poorly understood. Recent policies have added to the ambiguity as to how far the contributory principle confers social rights, and have further eroded its rationale. The article states that this situation is not matched by developments in other European countries. Despite substantial reforms and heated debates marked by controversy, the prospect for social insurance and the contributory principle appears considerably better than in the UK. One major explanation is, the article argues, the distinctive notion of social insurance in Britain and particularly the lack of "wage-replacement" transfers. Elsewhere in Europe, earnings-related transfers sustain a very different incentive structure, institutional involvement and wider public participation in matters of social insurance.  相似文献   

The objectives guiding healthcare reforms in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands were to increase efficiency and consumer satisfaction in the provision of healthcare services. This paper reviews the incentives for and instruments of competition for consumers, sickness funds and healthcare providers in these three countries which are necessary to fulfil these objectives. Incentives for risk selection of sickness funds are high in Germany and Switzerland while they are low in the Netherlands. Incentives for consumer choice are also highest in Germany and Switzerland. In all three countries sickness funds have only a few instruments of competition. The effects of competition have been disappointing so far. The objectives of competitive healthcare reforms can be achieved only if incentives for and instruments of competition consistently support competitive behaviour on the part of market actors.  相似文献   

互联网作为一场全新的技术革命,对社会领域产生了巨大的影响作用。互联网迅速地改变和重塑着中国传统的社会结构,使其经历着一场解构与重构的革命,形成和凸显着一种全新的社会关系和社会运行模式。由此,中国社会在交往互动、舆论表达、利益诉求、价值观念、生活方式等方面都呈现出不同于传统的新特性。互联网的影响既带来显著的社会进步,也给管理者带来了前所未有的压力。十八大报告提出全面建成小康社会需要创新社会管理、加强社会建设。本文认为"互联网社会建设"也是创新社会管理的重要内容,因而提出互联网社会建设的相关政策建议,旨在提高互联网的管理水平,规范社会秩序,实现互联网社会的良性互动,最终推进和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

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