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江苏人口职业结构变迁与影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王红蕾  陈吉磊 《西北人口》2010,31(5):67-70,76
人口职业结构变迁既是社会发展和经济发展的结果,也是社会及其经济发展程度的一个重要标志,社会结构的发展和经济结构的变迁可以通过人口职业结构的变迁表现出来。本文力图通过1978-2009年江苏地区相关统计数据分析,对江苏省人口职业结构变迁及其影响因素进行了深入分析。结果认为:经济结构与产业结构的优化调整,教育事业的快速发展积极推动了江苏省人口职业结构的变化,同时,人口结构的变化又为经济结构与产业结构的优化调整,教育事业的快速发展提供了基础资源。  相似文献   

21世纪,我国社会将面临两大挑战。一是信息化、网络化。以计算机技术和以数字网络技术为标志的现代信息传输技术,正日益影响和改变着人们的工作和生活。随着“互联网络”在全球范围内的构建,人类社会正在进入一个全新的信息传播时代——网络时代。同时,我们还面临着另一种严峻的挑战——人口老龄化。老年人口占总人口的比例不断上升,是目前和今后半个多世纪世界各国人口发展的共同趋势。随着工业化的发展、社会分层结构和职业结构的转变以及社会观念的变迁,家庭规模和结构迅速发生变化,家庭养老功能逐渐弱化。老年群体自身也衍生出…  相似文献   

广东省人口职业结构变化及区域特征的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口职业结构是指经济活动人口在各种职业中分布的状况和比例关系。它既不是单纯的人口现象 ,也不是单纯的经济现象 ,而是一种复杂的人口经济现象。在现代社会中 ,职业是联结个人与社会的一个重要媒介物 ,人口职业结构又在经济发展和社会结构变迁中建立了一种联系 ,人口职业结构的变化能直接反映经济发展对社会变迁的影响。通过产业化过程中人口职业结构的变化分析 ,可以揭示社会由传统向现代转型时期产业化对社会经济发展的影响 ,总结出利用资源环境条件推进社会经济发展事业时在决策上的得失和经验教训。广东省是我国实行改革开放最早的省…  相似文献   

我国人口分布、迁移的生态环境因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口分布、迁移受环境、历史、经济等多因素影响,但从经济因素分析人口问题,所占比例较大。本文着重分析区域生态环境与人口分布、迁移的相互影响的关系,并认为:为协调我国人口分布、迁移与区域生态环境之间的关系,关键有两点新思路,一是允许人口分布数量的不均衡存在,二是重视人口迁移的高质量转变。  相似文献   

本文选取1990年("四普")、2000年("五普")、2010年("六普")的人口普查资料,首先对中国省际人口迁移的职业组成及空间分布特征进行了分析;其次,本文也分析了不同时期省际人口的迁移原因变化以及多个因子对省际迁移人口的影响.结果表明:半数以上的省际迁移人口所从事的职业为生产运输类,且从事此类职业的省际迁移人口更愿意迁入高收入的东部沿海地区.此外,迁入地的社会经济因素(城镇化水平、收入和消费)、就业结构(第二、三产业从业人员比重)和人文发展指数的"拉力"作用是影响省际人口迁移的最主要因素.  相似文献   

中国与印度未来人口实力比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就中印两国未来50年人口变动趋势,在劳动力人口数量、人口结构即劳动力人口与非劳动力人口的比例变 化以及人口素质等方面,进行中印两国的人口实力比较。  相似文献   

张国英 《南方人口》2009,24(1):49-57
本文通过对人口普查数据资料的整理,分析了广东省改革开放以来职业结构时空变迁的趋势,研究发现,广东省职业结构变迁的特点与产业结构的变化及区域发展差异有显著相关。在此基础上,探讨了广东省职业结构优化的对策。  相似文献   

李晶 《人口学刊》2001,(5):58-62
近年来 ,广东省人口性别比例呈不断上升趋势 ,其原因主要是出生婴儿性别比不断升高和人口年龄结构不断老化 ,因此要适时调整人口结构就要从这两个方面入手 ,以达到人口性别结构的平衡。  相似文献   

<正> 妇女生育水平是决定人口再生产过程的主要因素,是人口学和计划生育工作研究的重要内容。影响妇女生育状况的因素比较复杂,归纳起来大致可以分为两类:一类是人口构成因素,如总人口规模、育龄妇女占总人口的比例、育龄妇女的年龄构成,等等;另一类是社会因素,如生育政策、文化水平、经济条件、居住地点、职业分布、民族和宗教信仰,等等。人口构成因素是决定妇女生育状况的基础,社会因素则是影响生育状况的  相似文献   

本文利用联合国世界人口展望的相关数据资料,对我国人口老龄化过程中女性化趋势的特点和变化趋势以及相关的影响因素进行了探讨。研究发现,与绝大多数国家一样,我国也存在老年人口的女性化现象,但在相当一段时间内我国老年人口中的女性比例低于世界多数国家的水平,且老年妇女中高龄老人所占比重相对较低,这是我国社会中长期存在的性别歧视所导致的女性死亡水平相对偏高所致。随着未来我国社会经济的发展,特别是女性各年龄段死亡风险的进一步降低,未来我国老年人口的女性化程度将逐步加深。  相似文献   

In terms of quantitative comparative data Middle Eastern countries report systematically the lowest female participation rates in economic activities outside of agriculture. This behavior represents a deviation from the current experience of other developing nations and from the historical experience of the now-industrialized West. Using comparative data on female employment patterns in Latin American countries which are at roughly a similar stage of economic development, it is shown that the low level and particular character of women's involvement in the work force in the Middle East can be explained by institutional arrangements contingent upon aspects of social structure. Five countries are selected for intensive analysis: Chile, Mexico, Egypt, Morocco and Pakistan. One major aspect of social organization and its cultural adjuncts is emphasized: The interplay between the volitional avoidance by women of certain occupational sectors because of the social stigmatizing aspect and the prohibition of occupational opportunities imposed by males. The combined effects of this tradition of female seclusion and exclusion are confirmed by the detailed analysis of the structure of the non-agricultural labor force: Middle Eastern women are absent systematically from occupational and industrial sectors of employment which involve public activity and presuppose contact with males.  相似文献   

This purpose of this paper is to describe the occupational status of Australia's indigenous population and measure the extent to which this differs from that of all other Australians. For this purpose, inter- and intra-occupational segregation indexes are calculated using 1986 Census data. This reveals for the first time the precise occupational mix which characterises the indigenous workforce. At the broad level of major occupations, there is some indication that the degree of employment segregation between indigenous and other Australians has decreased over time, although the lack of time series data based on consistent occupational classification renders this analysis inconclusive. At the more disaggregated occupational unit level, clear patterns of relative employment concentration and exclusion in particular occupations are in evidence with gender as a major differentiating factor. Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO)-linked occupational prestige scores are applied to the employment distributions as a basis for comparing socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

就业人口变动与产业发展之间存在着必然联系,随着工业化和城市化的不断深入,产业与就业的关系也在不断发生变化。本文通过大量文献检索,重点梳理了关于就业人口与产业发展在数量、结构和空间等方面的相关关系;结果表明:产业与就业是互为因果,彼此作用的,但以产业和经济对就业人口的作用为主,就业人口对经济和产业的效应作为一种反馈,作用力较弱。  相似文献   

“十五”时期上海市劳动就业容量与结构预测   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
应用国际通行的相关回归分析方法 ,对“十五”时期上海市劳动就业容量与结构进行预测。上海市的经济总量虽保持高速增长 ,但由于产业结构的调整 ,劳动力就业容量的增长却急剧下降。由“九五”末期的 6 2 %开始下降到“十五”末期的 0 8~ 1 1% ,就业矛盾加剧。劳动力产业结构则可向更优化的方向发展。第三产业从业人口将占总就业人口的 4 9 6~52 0 0 % ,比“九五”末期提高近 8~ 10个百分点  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between retired women's employment history and their social integration and social support networks in retirement. Employment history is defined by former occupation (professional, paraprofessional, nonprofessional) and job continuity (discontinuous and continuous). The sample consists of 330 retired women ranging in age from 50 to 83 years, with diverse occupational histories, who were retired an average of 3.5 years. Results indicate occupational status may influence women's social integration, part-time employment, caregiving tasks, and satisfaction with social support. Continuity of employment appears to only marginally influence social integration with no impact on social support or satisfaction with social support.  相似文献   


This paper examines masculinity, migration and the changing occupational status of nursing through the lens of therapeutic mobilities; health related mobilities of people (nurses) and products (credentials). Indian men have become increasingly interested in nursing as a career, and this interest is strongly associated with the profession’s international motility—its mobility potential. The research reported in this paper traces the migration trajectory across time (2008–2016) and over space (India to Canada) and reveals an overrepresentation of male nurses in international migration contexts (Canada), compared to the Indian context. Male nurses also disproportionally benefit from these mobilities in terms of their occupational success post-migration. Mobilities can be therapeutic for the status of nursing in India, which rises in line with the degree of international motility the profession offers, but gendered distinctions in the outcomes of the migration process illustrate the importance of highlighting uneven mobilities. International mobilities are also deeply implicated in ongoing transformations occurring in the ‘moorings’ of nursing educational, employment and regulatory structures in India.  相似文献   

利用多元回归分析方法。分阶段验证了1980-2007年大学和中学毕业生人数与我国城镇就业之间的相关关系。结果表明,在1980--1994年和1995--2007年阶段,大学毕业生人数与城镇就业之间均呈现出显著正相关关系;中学毕业生人数与就业在第一阶段不相关,在第二阶段呈现出正相关关系,而且中学毕业生增长率提高带来的就业增长率提高幅度远远大于大学毕业生增长率提高带来的结果。因此。建议通过普及12年义务教育的方式扩大中学教育规模,逐渐改变教育结构,为产业结构升级准备人才。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the social class structure of Turkey during the latest wave of economic globalization in four dimensions: by sector of employment, with the Erikson–Goldthorpe–Portocarero (EGP) class schema, by occupational group, and in terms of informal employment. Since 1980, when Turkey opened to the global economy, the Turkish social class structure changed significantly. During this period, Turkey became a significant exporter of mostly low-technology, but also increasingly medium- and high-technology, manufactured goods. I contend that this economic globalization and industrialization contributed to a dual process of proletarianization and polarization. Proletarianization occurred through a transition from Turkey's agrarian tradition, a relative decline of the public sector, and an expansion of classes who sell their labor without workplace authority. Polarization entailed the growth of private-sector entrepreneurial, professional and managerial classes, and a simultaneous expansion of the informal sector. There were also differences between sexes. The share of manufacturing employment and the low-skilled labor classes expanded at rates much higher among women than among men, contributing to more rapid proletarianization.  相似文献   

Using major field of study and labor force data from the 1996 Canadian census, this paper assesses variations in the correspondence between training in engineering fields and employment patterns. Following a review of the issues associated with under-valuation of credentials, comparisons are made between Canadian born men age 30–54 and permanent residents who immigrated at children and those who immigrated at age 28 or later with respect to labor force participation, employment, and occupational location. Permanent residents who immigrated as adults are assumed to be foreign trained. Compared to the Canadian born and to those immigrating as children, this group is the least likely to be in the labor force or employed. When employed, they are less likely to have either manager, engineering or technical occupations, and most likely to be employed in other occupations. This slippage between training and occupational location is the greatest for those permanent residents with only Bachelors degrees. In part, these aggregate findings reflect recency of arrival of those immigrating as adults. For this group, mis-match is strongest within the first few years of arriving in Canada. Men with engineering training who have been in Canada 15 years or more and/or who have Masters and Ph.D. degrees have employment patterns and occupational profiles that more closely correspond to those of their Canadian-born counterparts or those arriving as children.  相似文献   

人口年龄结构是人口最基本、最重要的结构之一。本文在对第六次人口普查数据汇总分析的基础上.将西藏2010年人口年龄结构状况与2000年第五次人口普查年龄结构进行对比研究.深入分析西藏人口年龄结构的现状和变动特征,并提出对策思考,试图为科学规划和制定西藏中长期人口政策、就业发展战略以及社会公共管理政策等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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