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We prove identifiability of parameters for a broad class of random graph mixture models. These models are characterized by a partition of the set of graph nodes into latent (unobservable) groups. The connectivities between nodes are independent random variables when conditioned on the groups of the nodes being connected. In the binary random graph case, in which edges are either present or absent, these models are known as stochastic blockmodels and have been widely used in the social sciences and, more recently, in biology. Their generalizations to weighted random graphs, either in parametric or non-parametric form, are also of interest. Despite these many applications, the parameter identifiability issue for such models has only been touched upon in the literature. We give here a thorough investigation of this problem. Our work also has consequences for parameter estimation. In particular, the estimation procedure proposed by Frank and Harary for binary affiliation models is revisited in this article.  相似文献   

In this article, the finite mixture model of Weibull distributions is studied, the identifiability of the model with m components is proven, and the parameter estimators for the case of two components resulted by several algorithms are compared. The parameter estimators are obtained with maximum likelihood performing calculations with different algorithms: expectation-maximization (EM), Fisher scoring, backfitting, optimization of k-nearest neighbor approach, and random walk algorithm using Monte Carlo simulation. The Akaike information criterion and the log-likelihood value are used to compare models. In general, the proposed random walk algorithm shows better performance in mean square error and bias. Finally, the results are applied to electronic component lifetime data.  相似文献   

Models that involve an outcome variable, covariates, and latent variables are frequently the target for estimation and inference. The presence of missing covariate or outcome data presents a challenge, particularly when missingness depends on the latent variables. This missingness mechanism is called latent ignorable or latent missing at random and is a generalisation of missing at random. Several authors have previously proposed approaches for handling latent ignorable missingness, but these methods rely on prior specification of the joint distribution for the complete data. In practice, specifying the joint distribution can be difficult and/or restrictive. We develop a novel sequential imputation procedure for imputing covariate and outcome data for models with latent variables under latent ignorable missingness. The proposed method does not require a joint model; rather, we use results under a joint model to inform imputation with less restrictive modelling assumptions. We discuss identifiability and convergence‐related issues, and simulation results are presented in several modelling settings. The method is motivated and illustrated by a study of head and neck cancer recurrence. Imputing missing data for models with latent variables under latent‐dependent missingness without specifying a full joint model.  相似文献   

We implement a joint model for mixed multivariate longitudinal measurements, applied to the prediction of time until lung transplant or death in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Specifically, we formulate a unified Bayesian joint model for the mixed longitudinal responses and time-to-event outcomes. For the longitudinal model of continuous and binary responses, we investigate multivariate generalized linear mixed models using shared random effects. Longitudinal and time-to-event data are assumed to be independent conditional on available covariates and shared parameters. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, implemented in OpenBUGS, is used for parameter estimation. To illustrate practical considerations in choosing a final model, we fit 37 different candidate models using all possible combinations of random effects and employ a deviance information criterion to select a best-fitting model. We demonstrate the prediction of future event probabilities within a fixed time interval for patients utilizing baseline data, post-baseline longitudinal responses, and the time-to-event outcome. The performance of our joint model is also evaluated in simulation studies.  相似文献   

Independent factor analysis (IFA) has recently been proposed in the signal processing literature as a way to model a set of observed variables through linear combinations of latent independent variables and a noise term. A peculiarity of the method is that it defines a probability density function for the latent variables by mixtures of Gaussians. The aim of this paper is to cast the method into a more rigorous statistical framework and to propose some developments. In the first part, we present the IFA model in its population version, address identifiability issues and draw some parallels between the IFA model and the ordinary factor analysis (FA) one. Then we show that the IFA model may be reinterpreted as an independent component analysis-based rotation of an ordinary FA solution. We also give evidence that the IFA model represents a special case of mixture of factor analysers. In the second part, we address inferential issues, also deriving the standard errors for the model parameter estimates and providing model selection criteria. Finally, we present some empirical results on real data sets.  相似文献   

The current study follows an educational intervention on bottle-weaning to simultaneously evaluate effects of the bottle-weaning intervention on reducing bottle use, daily milk intake from bottles, and daily energy intake in toddlers aged 11–13 months. In this paper, we propose to use shared parameter models and random effects models to model these outcomes jointly. Our joint models consist of two submodels: a two-part submodel for modeling the odds of bottle use and the intensity of daily milk intake from bottles, and a linear mixed submodel for modeling the intensity of daily energy intake. The two submodels are linked by either shared random effects or separate but correlated random effects. We investigate whether the intervention effects, parameter estimates, and model fit differ between shared parameter models and random effects models.  相似文献   

In this paper, a linear mixed effects model is used to fit skewed longitudinal data in the presence of dropout. Two distributional assumptions are considered to produce background for heavy tailed models. One is the linear mixed model with skew-normal random effects and normal errors and the other one is the linear mixed model with skew-normal errors and normal random effects. An ECM algorithm is developed to obtain the parameter estimates. Also an empirical Bayes approach is used for estimating random effects. A simulation study is implemented to investigate the performance of the presented algorithm. Results of an application are also reported where standard errors of estimates are calculated using the Bootstrap approach.  相似文献   

We review some issues related to the implications of different missing data mechanisms on statistical inference for contingency tables and consider simulation studies to compare the results obtained under such models to those where the units with missing data are disregarded. We confirm that although, in general, analyses under the correct missing at random and missing completely at random models are more efficient even for small sample sizes, there are exceptions where they may not improve the results obtained by ignoring the partially classified data. We show that under the missing not at random (MNAR) model, estimates on the boundary of the parameter space as well as lack of identifiability of the parameters of saturated models may be associated with undesirable asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators and likelihood ratio tests; even in standard cases the bias of the estimators may be low only for very large samples. We also show that the probability of a boundary solution obtained under the correct MNAR model may be large even for large samples and that, consequently, we may not always conclude that a MNAR model is misspecified because the estimate is on the boundary of the parameter space.  相似文献   

A class of log‐linear models, referred to as labelled graphical models (LGMs), is introduced for multinomial distributions. These models generalize graphical models (GMs) by employing partial conditional independence restrictions which are valid only in subsets of an outcome space. Theoretical results concerning model identifiability, decomposability and estimation are derived. A decision theoretical framework and a search algorithm for the identification of plausible models are described. Real data sets are used to illustrate that LGMs may provide a simpler interpretation of a dependence structure than GMs.  相似文献   

To build a linear mixed effects model, one needs to specify the random effects and often the associated parametrized covariance matrix structure. Inappropriate specification of the structures can result in the covariance parameters of the model not identifiable. Non-identifiability can result in extraordinary wide confidence intervals, and unreliable parameter inference. Sometimes software produces implication of model non-identifiability, but not always. In the simulation of fitting non-identifiable models we tried, about half of the times the software output did not look abnormal. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions of covariance parameters identifiability which does not require any prior model fitting. The results are easy to implement and are applicable to commonly used covariance matrix structures.  相似文献   

In a Bayesian analysis of finite mixture models, parameter estimation and clustering are sometimes less straightforward than might be expected. In particular, the common practice of estimating parameters by their posterior mean, and summarizing joint posterior distributions by marginal distributions, often leads to nonsensical answers. This is due to the so-called 'label switching' problem, which is caused by symmetry in the likelihood of the model parameters. A frequent response to this problem is to remove the symmetry by using artificial identifiability constraints. We demonstrate that this fails in general to solve the problem, and we describe an alternative class of approaches, relabelling algorithms , which arise from attempting to minimize the posterior expected loss under a class of loss functions. We describe in detail one particularly simple and general relabelling algorithm and illustrate its success in dealing with the label switching problem on two examples.  相似文献   

This article studies a general joint model for longitudinal measurements and competing risks survival data. The model consists of a linear mixed effects sub-model for the longitudinal outcome, a proportional cause-specific hazards frailty sub-model for the competing risks survival data, and a regression sub-model for the variance–covariance matrix of the multivariate latent random effects based on a modified Cholesky decomposition. The model provides a useful approach to adjust for non-ignorable missing data due to dropout for the longitudinal outcome, enables analysis of the survival outcome with informative censoring and intermittently measured time-dependent covariates, as well as joint analysis of the longitudinal and survival outcomes. Unlike previously studied joint models, our model allows for heterogeneous random covariance matrices. It also offers a framework to assess the homogeneous covariance assumption of existing joint models. A Bayesian MCMC procedure is developed for parameter estimation and inference. Its performances and frequentist properties are investigated using simulations. A real data example is used to illustrate the usefulness of the approach.  相似文献   

It is well known that the joint distribution of a pair of random variables ( X,Y ) is not identifiable on the basis of the joint distribution of the function (min ( X,Y ), 1[ X < Y ]). This paper introduces the concept of approximate identifiability and studies its relevance to the function (min ( X,Y ), Y ). It shows that the distribution of ( X,Y ) is approximately identifiable on the basis of the distribution of (min ( X,Y ), Y ). The identification is explicitly executed by a method of moments. The method is applied to the analysis of censored distributions arising in the theory of clinical trials and is compared to the standard method of Kaplan and Meier.  相似文献   

Complex stochastic models, such as individual-based models, are becoming increasingly popular. However this complexity can often mean that the likelihood is intractable. Performing parameter estimation on the model can then be difficult. One way of doing this when the complex model is relatively quick to simulate from is approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). Rejection-ABC algorithm is not always efficient so numerous other algorithms have been proposed. One such method is ABC with Markov chain Monte Carlo (ABC–MCMC). Unfortunately for some models this method does not perform well and some alternatives have been proposed including the fsMCMC algorithm (Neal and Huang, in: Scand J Stat 42:378–396, 2015) that explores the random inputs space as well unknown model parameters. In this paper we extend the fsMCMC algorithm and take advantage of the joint parameter and random input space in order to get better mixing of the Markov Chain. We also introduce a Gibbs step that conditions on the current accepted model and allows the parameters to move as well as the random inputs conditional on this accepted model. We show empirically that this improves the efficiency of the ABC–MCMC algorithm on a queuing model and an individual-based model of the group-living bird, the woodhoopoe.  相似文献   

We consider portmanteau tests for testing the adequacy of structural vector autoregressive moving-average (VARMA) models under the assumption that the errors are uncorrelated but not necessarily independent. The structural forms are mainly used in econometrics to introduce instantaneous relationships between economic variables. We first study the joint distribution of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) and the noise empirical autocovariances. We then derive the asymptotic distribution of residual empirical autocovariances and autocorrelations under weak assumptions on the noise. We deduce the asymptotic distribution of the Ljung-Box (or Box-Pierce) portmanteau statistics in this framework. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution of the portmanteau tests is that of a weighted sum of independent chi-squared random variables, which can be quite different from the usual chi-squared approximation used under independent and identically distributed (iid) assumptions on the noise. Hence we propose a method to adjust the critical values of the portmanteau tests. Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the finite sample performance of the modified portmanteau test.  相似文献   

In many applications, a single Box–Cox transformation cannot necessarily produce the normality, constancy of variance and linearity of systematic effects. In this paper, by establishing a heterogeneous linear regression model for the Box–Cox transformed response, we propose a hybrid strategy, in which variable selection is employed to reduce the dimension of the explanatory variables in joint mean and variance models, and Box–Cox transformation is made to remedy the response. We propose a unified procedure which can simultaneously select significant variables in the joint mean and variance models of Box–Cox transformation which provide a useful extension of the ordinary normal linear regression models. With appropriate choice of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency of this procedure and the oracle property of the obtained estimators. Moreover, we also consider the maximum profile likelihood estimator of the Box–Cox transformation parameter. Simulation studies and a real example are used to illustrate the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Missing covariates data is a common issue in generalized linear models (GLMs). A model-based procedure arising from properly specifying joint models for both the partially observed covariates and the corresponding missing indicator variables represents a sound and flexible methodology, which lends itself to maximum likelihood estimation as the likelihood function is available in computable form. In this paper, a novel model-based methodology is proposed for the regression analysis of GLMs when the partially observed covariates are categorical. Pair-copula constructions are used as graphical tools in order to facilitate the specification of the high-dimensional probability distributions of the underlying missingness components. The model parameters are estimated by maximizing the weighted log-likelihood function by using an EM algorithm. In order to compare the performance of the proposed methodology with other well-established approaches, which include complete-cases and multiple imputation, several simulation experiments of Binomial, Poisson and Normal regressions are carried out under both missing at random and non-missing at random mechanisms scenarios. The methods are illustrated by modeling data from a stage III melanoma clinical trial. The results show that the methodology is rather robust and flexible, representing a competitive alternative to traditional techniques.  相似文献   

A general framework is proposed for modelling clustered mixed outcomes. A mixture of generalized linear models is used to describe the joint distribution of a set of underlying variables, and an arbitrary function relates the underlying variables to be observed outcomes. The model accommodates multilevel data structures, general covariate effects and distinct link functions and error distributions for each underlying variable. Within the framework proposed, novel models are developed for clustered multiple binary, unordered categorical and joint discrete and continuous outcomes. A Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm is described for estimating the posterior distributions of the parameters and latent variables. Because of the flexibility of the modelling framework and estimation procedure, extensions to ordered categorical outcomes and more complex data structures are straightforward. The methods are illustrated by using data from a reproductive toxicity study.  相似文献   

Although the t-type estimator is a kind of M-estimator with scale optimization, it has some advantages over the M-estimator. In this article, we first propose a t-type joint generalized linear model as a robust extension to the classical joint generalized linear models for modeling data containing extreme or outlying observations. Next, we develop a t-type pseudo-likelihood (TPL) approach, which can be viewed as a robust version to the existing pseudo-likelihood (PL) approach. To determine which variables significantly affect the variance of the response variable, we then propose a unified penalized maximum TPL method to simultaneously select significant variables for the mean and dispersion models in t-type joint generalized linear models. Thus, the proposed variable selection method can simultaneously perform parameter estimation and variable selection in the mean and dispersion models. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency and the oracle property of the regularized estimators. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

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