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In the bivariate normal, n=2 case, when testing H0xy=0,σ2 x2 y=1, ρ=0 vs. H1xy=0,σ2 x2 y=1, 0<ρ<1, it is shown that the median p-values given by the locally most powerful test and the distantly most powerful test are both beaten everywhere by the median of a third test.  相似文献   

Let π1,…,πp be p independent normal populations with means μ1…, μp and variances σ21,…, σ2p respectively. Let X(ni) be a simple random sample of size ni from πi, i = 1,…,p. Given the simple random samples X(n1),…, X(np) from π1,…,πp respectively, a test has been proposed for testing the homogeneity of variances H0: σ21=…σ2p, against the restricted alternative, H1: σ21≥…≥σ2p, with at least one strict inequality. Some properties of the test are discussed and critical values are tabulated.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of robustness in hierarchical Bayes models. Let X = (X1,X2, … ,Xp)τ be a random vector, the X1 being independently distributed as N(θ12) random variables (σ2 known), while the θ1 are thought to be exchangeable, modelled as i.i.d, N(μ,τ2). The hyperparameter µ is given a noninformative prior distribution π(μ) = 1 and τ2 is assumed to be independent of µ having a distribution g(τ2) lying in a certain class of distributions g. For several g's, including e-contaminations classes and density ratio classes we determine the range of the posterior mean of θ1 as g ranges over g.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2,… be independent and identically distributed nonnegative random variables with mean μ, and let Sn = X1 + … + Xn. For each λ > 0 and each n ≥ 1, let An be the interval [λnY, ∞), where γ > 1 is a constant. The number of times that Sn is in An is denoted by N. As λ tends to zero, the asymtotic behavior of N is studied. Specifically under suitable conditions, the expectation of N is shown to be (μλ?1)β + o(λ?β/2 where β = 1/(γ-1) and the variance of N is shown to be (μλ?1)β(βμ1)2σ2 + o(λ) where σ2 is the variance of Xn.  相似文献   

Given an inverse Gaussian distribution I(.μ,a2μ) with known coefficient of variation a, the hypothesis HO: .μ <ce:glyph name="dbnd6"/> μo is tested against H1: μ <ce:glyph name="dbnd6"/> μ1 using the sequential probability ratio test. The maximum of the expected sample number is shown to occur when μ is approximately equal to the geometric mean of μoand μ1 and it is shown that this maximum value depends on .μo and μ1 only through their ratio. It is observed that the test can be used to discriminate between two one-sided hypotheses.  相似文献   

Let X1,…,Xn be a sample from a population with continuous distribution function F(x?θ) such that F(x)+F(-x)=1 and 0<F(x)<1, x?R1. It is shown that the power- function of a monotone test of H: θ=θ0 against K: θ>θ0 cannot tend to 1 as θ?θ0 → ∞ more than n times faster than the tails of F tend to 0. Some standard as well as robust tests are considered with respect to this rate of convergence.  相似文献   

Let X1 X2 … XN be independent normal p-vectors with common mean vector $$ = ($$) and common nonsingular covariance matrix $$ = Diag ($sGi) [(1–p) I + pE] Diag ($sGi), $sGi> 0, i = 1… p, 1>p>=1/p–1. Write rij = sample correlation between the i th and the j th variable i j = 1,… p. It has been proved that for testing the hypothesis H0 : p = 0 against the alternative H1 : p>0 where $$ and $sG1,…, $sGp are unknown, the test which rejects H0 for large value of $$ rij is locally best invariant for every $aL: 0 > $aL > 1 and locally minimax as p $$ 0 in the sense of Giri and Kiefer, 1964, for every $aL: 0 > $aL $$ $aL0 > 1 where$aL0 = Pp=0 $$.  相似文献   

Consider the canonical-form MANOVA setup with X: n × p = (+ E, Xi ni × p, i = 1, 2, 3, Mi: ni × p, i = 1, 2, n1 + n2 + n3) p, where E is a normally distributed error matrix with mean zero and dispersion In (> 0 (positive definite). Assume (in contrast with the usual case) that M1i is normal with mean zero and dispersion In1) and M22 is either fixed or random normal with mean zero and different dispersion matrix In2 (being unknown. It is also assumed that M1 E, and M2 (if random) are all independent. For testing H0) = 0 versus H1: (> 0, it is shown that when either n2 = 0 or M2 is fixed if n2 > 0, the trace test of Pillai (1955) is uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) if min(n1, p)= 1 and locally best invariant (LBI) if min(n1 p) > 1 underthe action of the full linear group Gl (p). When p > 1, the LBI test is also derived under a somewhat smaller group GT(p) of p × p lower triangular matrices with positive diagonal elements. However, such results do not hold if n2 > 0 and M2 is random. The null, nonnull, and optimality robustness of Pillai's trace test under Gl(p) for suitable deviations from normality is pointed out.  相似文献   

We define the Wishart distribution on the cone of positive definite matrices and an exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone as exponential dispersion models. We show that these two distributions possess a property of exact decomposition, and we use this property to solve the following problem: given q samples (yil,… yiNj), i = l,…,q, from a N(μii,) distribution, test H1 = Σ2 = … = σq. Using the exact decomposition property, the classical test statistic for H, involving q parameters pi = (Ni, - l)/2, i = 1,…,q, is replaced by a sequence of q - l test statistics for the sequence of tests Hi,:σ12 = … =σi given that Hi-1 is true, i = 2,…,q. Each one of these test statistics involves two parameters only, p.i-1 = p1 + … + pi-1 and pi. We also use the exact decomposition property to test equality of the “direction parameters” for q sample points from the exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone. We give a table of critical values for the distribution on the three-dimensional Lorentz cone. Tables of critical values in higher dimensions can easily be computed following the same method as in dimension three.  相似文献   

Let X= (X1,…, Xk)’ be a k-variate (k ≥ 2) normal random vector with unknown population mean vector μ = (μ1 ,…, μk)’ and covariance matrix Σ of order k and let μ[1] ≤ … ≤ μ[k] be the ordered values of the μ ’ s. No prior knowledge of the pairing of the μ[i] with the Xj. (or μ[i] with the σj 2) is assumed for any i and j (1 ≤ i, j ≤ k). Based on a random sample of N independent vector observations on X, this paper considers both upper and lower (one-sided) and two-sided 100γ% (0 < γ < 1) confidence intervals for μ[k] and μ[1], the largest and the smallest mean, respectively, when Σ is known and when Σ is equal to σ2R with common unknown variance σ2 > 0 and correlation matrix R known, respectively. An optimum two-sided confidence interval via finding the shortest length from this class is also considered. Necessary tables and computer program to actually apply these procedures are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider Bayesian analysis of the generalized growth curve model when the covariance matrix Σ = σ2C where C = (ϱij), σ2 > 0 and −1 < ϱ < 1 are unknown. We consider both parameter estimation and prediction of future values. Results are illustrated with real and simulated data.  相似文献   

For a fixed point θ0 and a positive value c0, this paper studies the problem of testing the hypotheses H0:|θθ0|≤c0 against H1:|θθ0|>c0 for the normal mean parameter θ using the empirical Bayes approach. With the accumulated past data, a monotone empirical Bayes test is constructed by mimicking the behavior of a monotone Bayes test. Such an empirical Bayes test is shown to be asymptotically optimal and its regret converges to zero at a rate (lnn)2.5/n where n is the number of past data available, when the current testing problem is considered. A simulation study is also given, and the results show that the proposed empirical Bayes procedure has good performance for small to moderately large sample sizes. Our proposed method can be applied for testing close to a control problem or testing the therapeutic equivalence of one standard treatment compared to another in clinical trials.  相似文献   

We study the problem of testing: H0 : μ ∈ P against H1 : μ ? P, based on a random sample of N observations from a p-dimensional normal distribution Np(μ, Σ) with Σ > 0 and P a closed convex positively homogeneous set. We develop the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for this problem. We show that the union-intersection principle leads to a test equivalent to the LRT. It also gives a large class of tests which are shown to be admissible by Stein's theorem (1956). Finally, we give the α-level cutoff points for the LRT.  相似文献   

Consider the semiparametric regression model Yi = x′iβ +g(ti)+ei for i=1,2, …,n. Here the design points (xi,ti) are known and nonrandom and the ei are iid random errors with Ee1 = 0 and Ee2 1 = α2<∞. Based on g(.) approximated by a B-spline function, we consider using atest statistic for testing H0 : β = 0. Meanwhile, an adaptive parametric test statistic is constructed and a large sample study for this adaptive parametric test statistic is presented.  相似文献   

Let (X,Y) be a pair of random variables with supp(X)⊆[0,1] and EY2<∞. Let m be the corresponding regression function. Estimation of m from i.i.d. data is considered. The L2 error with integration with respect to the design measure μ (i.e., the distribution of X) is used as an error criterion.Estimates are constructed by estimating the coefficients of an orthonormal expansion of the regression function. This orthonormal expansion is done with respect to a family of piecewise polynomials, which are orthonormal in L2(μn), where μn denotes the empirical design measure.It is shown that the estimates are weakly and strongly consistent for every distribution of (X,Y). Furthermore, the estimates behave nearly as well as an ideal (but not applicable) estimate constructed by fitting a piecewise polynomial to the data, where the partition of the piecewise polynomial is chosen optimally for the underlying distribution. This implies e.g., that the estimates achieve up to a logarithmic factor the rate n−2p/(2p+1), if the underlying regression function is piecewise p-smooth, although their definition depends neither on the smoothness nor on the location of the discontinuities of the regression function.  相似文献   

Consider two independent random samples of size f + 1 , one from an N (μ1, σ21) distribution and the other from an N (μ2, σ22) distribution, where σ2122∈ (0, ∞) . The Welch ‘approximate degrees of freedom’ (‘approximate t‐solution’) confidence interval for μ12 is commonly used when it cannot be guaranteed that σ2122= 1 . Kabaila (2005, Comm. Statist. Theory and Methods 34 , 291–302) multiplied the half‐width of this interval by a positive constant so that the resulting interval, denoted by J0, has minimum coverage probability 1 ?α. Now suppose that we have uncertain prior information that σ2122= 1. We consider a broad class of confidence intervals for μ12 with minimum coverage probability 1 ?α. This class includes the interval J0, which we use as the standard against which other members of will be judged. A confidence interval utilizes the prior information substantially better than J0 if (expected length of J)/(expected length of J0) is (a) substantially less than 1 (less than 0.96, say) for σ2122= 1 , and (b) not too much larger than 1 for all other values of σ2122 . For a given f, does there exist a confidence interval that satisfies these conditions? We focus on the question of whether condition (a) can be satisfied. For each given f, we compute a lower bound to the minimum over of (expected length of J)/(expected length of J0) when σ2122= 1 . For 1 ?α= 0.95 , this lower bound is not substantially less than 1. Thus, there does not exist any confidence interval belonging to that utilizes the prior information substantially better than J0.  相似文献   

Consider a linear regression model with regression parameter β=(β1,…,βp) and independent normal errors. Suppose the parameter of interest is θ=aTβ, where a is specified. Define the s-dimensional parameter vector τ=CTβt, where C and t are specified. Suppose that we carry out a preliminary F test of the null hypothesis H0:τ=0 against the alternative hypothesis H1:τ≠0. It is common statistical practice to then construct a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1−α, using the same data, based on the assumption that the selected model had been given to us a priori (as the true model). We call this the naive 1−α confidence interval for θ. This assumption is false and it may lead to this confidence interval having minimum coverage probability far below 1−α, making it completely inadequate. We provide a new elegant method for computing the minimum coverage probability of this naive confidence interval, that works well irrespective of how large s is. A very important practical application of this method is to the analysis of covariance. In this context, τ can be defined so that H0 expresses the hypothesis of “parallelism”. Applied statisticians commonly recommend carrying out a preliminary F test of this hypothesis. We illustrate the application of our method with a real-life analysis of covariance data set and a preliminary F test for “parallelism”. We show that the naive 0.95 confidence interval has minimum coverage probability 0.0846, showing that it is completely inadequate.  相似文献   

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