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This paper searches for A-optimal designs for Kronecker product and additive regression models when the errors are heteroscedastic. Sufficient conditions are given so that A-optimal designs for the multifactor models can be built from A-optimal designs for their sub-models with a single factor. The results of an efficiency study carried out to check the adequacy of the products of optimal designs for uni-factor marginal models when these are used to estimate different multi-factor models are also reported.  相似文献   


Evolutionary algorithms are heuristic stochastic search and optimization techniques with principles taken from natural genetics. They are procedures mimicking the evolution process of an initial population through genetic transformations. This paper is concerned with the problem of finding A-optimal incomplete block designs for multiple treatment comparisons represented by a matrix of contrasts. An evolutionary algorithm for searching optimal, or nearly optimal, incomplete block designs is described in detail. Various examples regarding the application of the algorithm to some well-known problems illustrate the good performance of the algorithm  相似文献   

Mixture central polynomial models with qualitative factors are widely applied in many fields of research. In this paper, a method of finding A-optimal design for two degree mixture central polynomial model with qualitative factors will be proposed. The variance function will be given for getting the support points of the design. The A-optimality is confirmed by the equivalence theorem. In addition, this method also works effectively with higher degree models.  相似文献   

This paper provides D-optimal spring balance designs for estimating individual weights when the number of objects to be weighed in each weighing, B, is fixed. D-optimal chemical balance designs for estimating total weight under both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous error variances are found when the number of objects weighed in each weighing is ≥ B, a fixed number.

We indicate the restriction used in Chacko & Dey(1978) and Kageyama(1988), i.e. that chemical designs X be restricted to designs in which exactly “a” objects are replaced on the left pan and exactly “b” on the right pan in each of the weighings for a, b > 0, is unnecessary.  相似文献   

The problem of comparing v test treatments simultaneously with a control treatment when k, v ⩾ 3 is considered. Following the work of Majumdar (1992), we use exact design theory to derive Bayes A-optimal block designs and optimal Г-minimax designs for a more general prior assumption for the one-way elimination of heterogeneity model. Examples of robust optimal designs, highly efficient designs, and the comparisons of the approximate optimal designs that are derived by our methods and by some other existing rounding-off schemes when using Owen's procedure are also provided.  相似文献   

In the analysis of experiments with mixtures, quadratic models have been widely used. The optimum designs for the estimation of optimum mixing proportions in a quadratic mixture model have been studied by Pal and Mandal [Optimum designs for optimum mixtures. Statist Probab Lett. 2006;76:1369–1379] and Mandal et al. [Optimum mixture designs: a pseudo-Bayesian approach. J Ind Soc Agric Stat. 2008;62(2):174–182; Optimum mixture designs under constraints on mixing components. Statist Appl. 2008;6(1&2) (New Series): 189–205], using a pseudo-Bayesian approach. In this paper, a similar approach has been employed to obtain the A-optimal designs for the estimation of optimum proportions in an additive quadratic mixture model, proposed by Darroch and Waller [Additivity and interaction in three-component experiments with mixture. Biometrika. 1985;72:153–163], when the number of components is 3, 4 and 5. It has been shown that the vertices of the simplex are necessarily the support points of the optimum design, and the other support points include barycentres of depth at most 2.  相似文献   

In semidefinite programming (SDP), we minimize a linear objective function subject to a linear matrix being positive semidefinite. A powerful program, SeDuMi, has been developed in MATLAB to solve SDP problems. In this article, we show in detail how to formulate A-optimal and E-optimal design problems as SDP problems and solve them by SeDuMi. This technique can be used to construct approximate A-optimal and E-optimal designs for all linear and nonlinear regression models with discrete design spaces. In addition, the results on discrete design spaces provide useful guidance for finding optimal designs on any continuous design space, and a convergence result is derived. Moreover, restrictions in the designs can be easily incorporated in the SDP problems and solved by SeDuMi. Several representative examples and one MATLAB program are given.  相似文献   

Design implications of an autoregressive model for change-over experiments are investigated. In this model, the residual effect due to the previous treatment is assumed to be proportional to the response in the previous period. In addition, the errors from the same experimental subject are assumed to be correlated according to a first-order autoregressive model. Models with fixed and random subject effects are discussed separately. An attempt has been made to identify and construct optimal or nearly optimal designs in various situations. Empirical conclusions of Taka and Armitage [Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. (1983)12, 865-876] regarding the efficiency of some designs have also been confirmed.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of the total weight or objects using a spring balance weighing design has been deait with in this paper Based on a theorem by Dey and Gupta (1977) giving a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight, a necessary and sufficient condition for this lower bound to be attained is obtained. A few special cases where the lower bound is attained are enumerated.  相似文献   

This deals with chemical balance weighing designs which attain a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight, The results extend those of Chacko Dey (1978).  相似文献   

Two practical degrees of complexity may arise when designing an experiment for a model of a real life case. First, some explanatory variables may not be under the control of the practitioner. Secondly, the responses may be correlated. In this paper three real life cases in this situation are considered. Different covariance structures are studied and some designs are computed adapting the theory of marginally restricted designs for correlated observations. An exchange algorithm given by Brimkulov's algorithm is also adapted to marginally restricted D–optimality and it is applied to a complex situation.  相似文献   

It is shown that variance-balanced designs can be obtained from Type I orthogonal arrays for many general models with two kinds of treatment effects, including ones for interference, with general dependence structures. These designs can be used to obtain optimal and efficient designs. Some examples and design comparisons are given.  相似文献   

The construction of universally optimal designs, if such exist, is difficult to obtain, especially when there are some nuisance effects or correlated errors. The hub correlation is a special correlation structure with applications to experiments in genetics, networks and other areas in industry and agriculture. There may be restrictions on the correlation values of the hub structure depending on the experiment. Optimality of block designs under hub correlation has been studied for the case of a constant correlation value. In this article, we consider the hub structure when one of the correlation values is different from the others, and the universally optimal block designs, binary or non-binary, are theoretically obtained. Also, we introduce an algorithm to construct the optimal designs. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 596–604; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The flow of internally deposited radioisotope particles inside the body of people exposed to inhalation, ingestion, injection or other ways is usually evaluated using compartmental models (see Sánchez & López-Fidalgo, (2003, and López-Fidalgo & Sánchez, 2005). The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP, 1994) describes the model of the human respiratory tract, represented by two main regions. One of these, the thoracic region (lungs) is divided into different compartments. The retention in the lungs is given by a large combination of ratios of exponential sums depending on time. The aim of this work is to provide optimal times for making bioassays when there has been an accidental radioactivity intake and there is interest in estimating it. In this paper, a large two–parameter model is studied and a simplified model is proposed in order to obtain optimal designs in a more suitable way. Local c-optimal designs for the main parameters are obtained using the results of López-Fidalgo & Rodríguez-Díaz, 2004). Efficiencies for all the computed designs are provided and compared.  相似文献   

EE-optimal designs for comparing three treatments in blocks of size three are identified, where intrablock observations are correlated according to a first order autoregressive error process with parameter ρ∈(0,1)ρ(0,1). For number of blocks b   of the form b=3n+1b=3n+1, there are two distinct optimal designs depending on the value of ρρ, with the best design being unequally replicated for large ρρ. For other values of bb, binary, equireplicate designs with specified within-block assignment patterns are best. In many cases, the stronger majorization optimality is established.  相似文献   

A number of D-optimal weighing designs are constructed with the help of block matrices. The D-optimal designs (n,k,s)=(19,13,10), (19,14,7), (19,14,8), (19,15,7), (19,15,8), (19,17,6), (19,18,6), (23,16,8), (23,17,8), (23,18,8), (4n?1,2n+3,(3n+4)/2), (4n?1,2n+4,n+3), (4n?1,2n+4,n+2) where n≡0 mod 4 and a skew Hn exists, (31,24,8), (31,25,8) and many others are constructed. A computer routine leading to locally D-optimal designs is presented.  相似文献   

Slope rotatability over all directions (SROAD) is a useful concept when the slope of a second-order response is to be studied. SROAD designs ensure that knowledge jof the slope is acquired symmetrically, whatever direction later becomes of more interest as the data are analyzed. In a prior paper, we explored designs for k=2 and 3 dimensions, which do not have the full symmetries of second-order designs but which still possess the SROAD property.Here, we discuss designs in higher dimensions.The introductory sections 1 and 2 are essentially identical to those of the prior paper.  相似文献   

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