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This paper investigates the application of the most mean powerful invariant test to the problem of testing for joint MA(1)–MA(4) disturbances against joint AR(1)–AR(4) disturbances in the linear regression model. The most mean powerful invariant test was introduced by Begum and King (Most mean powerful invariant test of a composite null against a composite alternative. Comp. Statist. Data Analysis, 2004, forthcoming) and is based on the generalized Neyman–Pearson lemma which provides an optimal test of certain composite hypotheses. The most mean powerful invariant test can be computationally intensive. Previous applications have only involved testing problems whose null hypotheses, after reduction through invariance arguments, are one dimensional. This is the first application involving null and alternative hypotheses which are two dimensional. A Monte Carlo experiment was conducted to assess the small sample performance of the test with encouraging results. The increase in dimension does increase significantly the computational effort required to apply the test.  相似文献   

Recently, Knautz and Trenkler (1993) considered Christensen’s (1987) equicorrelated linear regression model as an example to show that S2 and are independent even though the disturbances are equicorrelated. This paper addresses the issue of testing for the equicorrelation coefficient in the linear regression model based on survey data. It computes exact and approximate critical values using Point optimal and F-test statistics, respectively. An empirical comparison of these critical values at five percent nominal level are presented to demonstrate the performance of the new tests.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the problem of estimation of parameters in a linear regression model when some data on response variable is missing and the responses are equi-correlated. The ordinary least squares and optimal homogeneous predictors are employed to find the imputed values of missing observations. Their efficiency properties are analyzed using the small disturbances asymptotic theory. The estimation of regression coefficients using these imputed values is also considered and a comparison of estimators is presented.  相似文献   

A seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model is defined by a system of linear regression equations in which the disturbances are contemporaneously correlated across equations. However, the disturbances can also be serially correlated in each equation of the system. In these cases, estimating SUR becomes more complicated. Some methods have been considered estimating SUR with low-order autoregressive (AR) disturbances. In this article, SUR with high-order AR disturbances are considered and a tapering approach is examined under this situation. Two modified methods for estimating SUR are obtained by using this approach. A comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study is performed in order to compare small-sample efficiencies of the modified methods with the others given in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper considers a locally optimal procedure for testing for first order moving average disturbances in the linear regression model. For this hypothesis testing problem, the Durbin-Watson test is shown to be approximately locally best invariant while the new test is most powerful invariant in a given neighbourhood of the alternative hypothesis. Two versions of the test procedure are recommended for general use; one for problems involving positively correlated disturbances and one for negatively correlated disturbances. An empirical comparison of powers shows the clear superiority of the recommended tests over the Durbin-Watson test. Selected bounds for the tests' significance points are tabulated.  相似文献   

This article considers the twin problems of testing for autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and generalized ARCH disturbances in the linear regression model. A feature of these testing problems, ignored by the standard Lagrange multiplier test, is that they are onesided in nature. A test that exploits this one-sided aspect is constructed based on the sum of the scores. The small-sample-size and power properties of two versions of this test under both normal and leptokurtic disturbances are investigated via a Monte Carlo experiment. The results indicate that both versions of the new test typically have superior power to two versions of the Lagrange multiplier test and possibly also more accurate asymptotic critical values.  相似文献   

We develop a finite-sample procedure to test the mean-variance efficiency and spanning hypotheses, without imposing any parametric assumptions on the distribution of model disturbances. In so doing, we provide an exact distribution-free method to test uniform linear restrictions in multivariate linear regression models. The framework allows for unknown forms of nonnormalities as well as time-varying conditional variances and covariances among the model disturbances. We derive exact bounds on the null distribution of joint F statistics to deal with the presence of nuisance parameters, and we show how to implement the resulting generalized nonparametric bounds tests with Monte Carlo resampling techniques. In sharp contrast to the usual tests that are not even computable when the number of test assets is too large, the power of the proposed test procedure potentially increases along both the time and cross-sectional dimensions.  相似文献   

We consider statistical inference for partially linear single-index models (PLSIM) when some linear covariates are not observed, but ancillary variables are available. Based on the profile least-squared estimators of the unknowns, we study the testing problems for parametric components in the proposed models. It is to see whether the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) tests proposed by Fan et al. (2001) are applicable to testing for the parametric components. We show that under the null hypothesis the proposed GLR statistics follow asymptotically the χ2-distributions with the scale constants and the degrees of freedom being independent of the nuisance parameters or functions, which is called the Wilks phenomenon. Simulated experiments are conducted to illustrate our proposed methodology.  相似文献   

For linear models with one discrete factor and additive general regression term the problem of characterizing A-optimal design measures for inference on (i) treatment effects, (ii) the regression parameters and (iii) all parameters will be considered. In any of these problems product designs can be found which are optimal among all designs, and equal weigth 1/J may be given to each of the J levels of the discrete factor. For problem (i) and (ii) the allocation of the continuous factors for the regression term should follow a suitable optimal design for the corresponding pure regression model, whereas for problem (iii) this would not give an A-optimal product design. For this problem an equivalence theorem for A-optimal product designs will be given. An example will illustrate these results. Finally, by analyzing a model with two discrete factors it will be shown that for enlarged models the best product designs may not be A-optimal.  相似文献   

We consider the one-way ANOVA problem of testing the equality of several normal means when the variances are not assumed to be equal. This is a generalization of the Behrens-Fisher problem, but even in this special case there is no exact test and the actual size of any test depends on the values of the nuisance parameters. Therefore, controlling the actual size of the test is of main concern. In this article, we first consider a test using the concept of generalized p-value. Extensive simulation studies show that the actual size of this test does not exceed the nominal level, for practically all values of the nuisance parameters, but the test is not too conservative either, in the sense that the actual size of the test can be very close to the nominal level for some values of the nuisance parameters. We then use this test to propose a simple F-test, which has similar properties but avoids the computations associated with generalized p-values. Because of its simplicity, both conceptually as well as computationally, this F-test may be more useful in practice, since one-way ANOVA is widely used by practitioners who may not be familiar with the generalized p-value and its computational aspects.  相似文献   

For the linear regression with AR(1) errors model, the robust generalized and feasible generalized estimators of Lai et al. (2003) of regression parameters are shown to have the desired property of a robust Gauss Markov theorem. This is done by showing that these two estimators are the best among classes of linear trimmed means. Monte Carlo and data analysis for this technique have been performed.  相似文献   

This paper derives Lagrange Multiplier tests based on double-length artificial regressions (DLR) for testing linear and log-linear regressions with AR(1) disturbances against Box-Cox alternatives These DLR tests are easier to compute than the corresponding likelihood ratio tests, and are easily generalized to test jointly for functional form and serial correlation. Two illustrative examples are given to show the importance of jointly testing for functional form and serial correlation.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper considers canonical link generalized linear models with stratum-specific nuisance intercepts and missing covariate data. This family includes the conditional logistic regression model. Existing methods for this problem, each of which uses a conditioning argu- ment to eliminate the nuisance intercept, model either the missing covariate data or the missingness process. The paper compares these methods under a common likelihood framework. The semiparametric efficient estimator is identified, and a new estimator, which reduces dependence on the model for the missing covariate, is proposed. A simulation study compares the methods with respect to efficiency and robustness to model misspecification.  相似文献   


The present paper considers the Bayesian analysis of a linear regression model involving structural change, which may occur either due to shift in disturbances precision or due to shift in regression parameters. The posterior density for the regression parameter has been derived and posterior odds ratio for testing the hypothesis that structural change is due to shift in disturbances precision against the alternative that the change is due to shift in regression parameters has been obtained. The findings of a numerical simulation have been presented. The proposed model has been applied to RBI data set on corporate sector.  相似文献   

The asymptotic distributions of many classical test statistics are normal. The resulting approximations are often accurate for commonly used significance levels, 0.05 or 0.01. In genome‐wide association studies, however, the significance level can be as low as 1×10−7, and the accuracy of the p‐values can be challenging. We study the accuracies of these small p‐values are using two‐term Edgeworth expansions for three commonly used test statistics in GWAS. These tests have nuisance parameters not defined under the null hypothesis but estimable. We derive results for this general form of testing statistics using Edgeworth expansions, and find that the commonly used score test, maximin efficiency robust test and the chi‐squared test are second order accurate in the presence of the nuisance parameter, justifying the use of the p‐values obtained from these tests in the genome‐wide association studies.  相似文献   

The classical problem of change point is considered when the data are assumed to be correlated. The nuisance parameters in the model are the initial level μ and the common variance σ2. The four cases, based on none, one, and both of the parameters are known are considered. Likelihood ratio tests are obtained for testing hypotheses regarding the change in level, δ, in each case. Following Henderson (1986), a Bayesian test is obtained for the two sided alternative. Under the Bayesian set up, a locally most powerful unbiased test is derived for the case μ=0 and σ2=1. The exact null distribution function of the Bayesian test statistic is given an integral representation. Methods to obtain exact and approximate critical values are indicated.  相似文献   

This article discusses a consistent and almost unbiased estimation approach in partial linear regression for parameters of interest when the regressors are contaminated with a mixture of Berkson and classical errors. Advantages of the presented procedure are: (1) random errors and observations are not necessarily to be parametric settings; (2) there is no need to use additional sample information, and to consider the estimation of nuisance parameters. We will examine the performance of our presented estimate in a variety of numerical examples through Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed approach is also illustrated in the analysis of an air pollution data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare the sensitivity of the likelihood ratio test, Rao's score test, and the Wald test to the change of the nuisance parameters. The main result is that, with an error of magnitude O(n−1), the null distributions and the local alternative distributions of these tests are equally sensitive to nuisance parameter. We will also give accurate factorizations of these test statistics as quadratic forms, which are themselves useful for asymptotic analyses.  相似文献   

The class of inflated beta regression models generalizes that of beta regressions [S.L.P. Ferrari and F. Cribari-Neto, Beta regression for modelling rates and proportions, J. Appl. Stat. 31 (2004), pp. 799–815] by incorporating a discrete component that allows practitioners to model data on rates and proportions with observations that equal an interval limit. For instance, one can model responses that assume values in (0, 1]. The likelihood ratio test tends to be quite oversized (liberal, anticonservative) in inflated beta regressions estimated with a small number of observations. Indeed, our numerical results show that its null rejection rate can be almost twice the nominal level. It is thus important to develop alternative testing strategies. This paper develops small-sample adjustments to the likelihood ratio and signed likelihood ratio test statistics in inflated beta regression models. The adjustments do not require orthogonality between the parameters of interest and the nuisance parameters and are fairly simple since they only require first- and second-order log-likelihood cumulants. Simulation results show that the modified likelihood ratio tests deliver much accurate inference in small samples. An empirical application is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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