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We give new classes of Strawderman-type improved estimators for the scale parameter σ2 and the hazard rate parameter 1/σ1 of the exponential distributions E(μ2,σ2) and E(μ1,σ1) under the entropy loss. We then use these estimators to construct improved estimators for the ratio ρ=σ2/σ1. The sampling framework we consider integrates important life-testing schemes separately studied in the literature so far, namely, (i) i.i.d. sampling, (ii) Type-II censoring, (iii) progressive Type-II censoring and adaptive progressive Type-II censoring and (iv) record values data. Furthermore, we establish simple identities connecting the risk functions of the estimators of σ2 and 1/σ1 and those of ρ that have a direct impact on studying the risk behavior of the latter estimators. Finally, we indicate that no matter which of the above life-testing schemes is employed for the estimation of σ2, 1/σ1 or ρ, the corresponding improved estimator, which may be of Stein-type or Brewster and Zidek-type or Strawderman-type, will offer the same improvement over the usual estimator as long as the number of observed complete failure times is the same for each scheme. Our results unify and extend existing results on the estimation of exponential scale parameters in one or two populations.  相似文献   

Three estimators of the proportion in a tail of the normal distribution are compared using the criteria of mean squared error and mean absolute error. The estimators that we compare are the maximum likelihood estimator, the minimum variance unbiased estimator, and an intuitive estimator that is frequently used in practice. The intuitive estimator is similar to the MLE but uses the usual unbiased estimator of σ2 rather than the MLE of σ2. We show that the intuitive estimator has low efficiency, and for this reason it is not recommended. For very smallp and for largep the MVUE has the highest efficiency. The MLE is best for moderate values ofp.  相似文献   

There exist many studies which treat the inequality and/or interval constraints on coefficients in the homoscedastic linear regression model. However, the sampling performance of the inequality constrained estimators in the heteroscedastic linear model has not been examined. This paper considers the inequality constrained estimators in the heteroscedastic linear regression model and derives their risks under a quadratic loss function. Furthermore, using the inequality constrained estimators, we introduce a pre-test estimator which might be employed after the test for homoscedasticity and derive its risk. In addition, the risk performance of these estimators is evaluated numerically.  相似文献   

We consider a bivariate normal linear regression model with an inequality restriction imposed on one of the regression coefficients. The exact analytical expressions for the density and distribution functions of the inequality constrained and pre-test estimators are derived and numerically evaluated. The implications of using the inequality constrained and pre-test estimators in confidence interval construction are also discussed and explored.  相似文献   

Given two random samples of equal size from two normal distributions with common mean but possibly different variances, we examine the sampling performance of the pre-test estimator for the common mean after a preliminary test for equality of variances. It is shown that when the alternative in the pretest is one-sided, the Graybill-Deal estimator is dominated by the pre-test estimator if the critical value is chosen appropriately. It is also shown that all estimators, the grand mean, the Graybill-Deal estimator and the pre-test estimator, are admissible when the alternative in the pre-test is two-sided. The optimal critical values in the two-sided pre-test are sought based on the minimax regret and the minimum average risk criteria, and it is shown that the Graybill-Deal estimator is most preferable under the minimum average risk criterion when the alternative in the pre-test is two-sided.  相似文献   

Let Sp × p have a Wishart distribution with parameter matrix Σ and n degrees of freedom. We consider here the problem of estimating the precision matrix Σ?1 under the loss functions L1(σ) tr (σ) - log |σ| and L2(σ) = tr (σ). James-Stein-type estimators have been derived for an arbitrary p. We also obtain an orthogonal invariant and a diagonal invariant minimax estimator under both loss functions. A Monte-Carlo simulation study indicates that the risk improvement of the orthogonal invariant estimators over the James-Stein type estimators, the Haff (1979) estimator, and the “testimator” given by Sinha and Ghosh (1987) is substantial.  相似文献   

The unbiased estimator of a population variance σ2, S 2 has traditionally been overemphasized, regardless of sample size. In this paper, alternative estimators of population variance are developed. These estimators are biased and have the minimum possible mean-squared error [and we define them as the “minimum mean-squared error biased estimators” (MBBE)]. The comparative merit of these estimators over the unbiased estimator is explored using relative efficiency (RE) (a ratio of mean-squared error values). It is found that, across all population distributions investigated, the RE of the MBBE is much higher for small samples and progressively diminishes to 1 with increasing sample size. The paper gives two applications involving the normal and exponential distributions.  相似文献   

We consider the linear regression model with an interval restriction imposed on the coefficients, and examine the sampling performance of a family of Stein interval restricted and pre-test estimators Tor the coefficient vector. The risk, under squared error loss, of these Stein-like estimators are derived, and the inadmissibility of the maximum likelihood interval restricted and pre-test estimators is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We present the first known method of constructing exact simultaneous confidence intervals for the analysis of orthogonal, saturated factorial designs. Given m independent, normally distributed, unbiased estimators of treatment contrasts, if there is an independent chi-squared estimator of error variance, then simultaneous confidence intervals based on the Studentized maximum modulus distribution are exact under all parameter configurations. In this paper, an analogous method is developed for the case of an orthogonal saturated design, for which the treatment contrasts are independently estimable but there is no independent estimator of error variance. Lacking an independent estimator of the error variance, the smallest sums of squares of effect estimators are pooled. The simultaneous confidence intervals are based on a probability inequality, for which the simultaneous confidence coefficient is achieved in the null case.  相似文献   

We propose a new type of non-parametric density estimators fitted to random variables with lower or upper-bounded support. To illustrate the method, we focus on nonnegative random variables. The estimators are constructed using kernels which are densities of empirical means of m i.i.d. nonnegative random variables with expectation 1. The exponent m   plays the role of the bandwidth. We study the pointwise mean square error and propose a pointwise adaptive estimator. The risk of the adaptive estimator satisfies an almost oracle inequality. A noteworthy result is that the adaptive rate is in correspondence with the smoothness properties of the unknown density as a function on (0,+∞)(0,+). The adaptive estimators are illustrated on simulated data. We compare our approach with the classical kernel estimators.  相似文献   

The pooled variance of p samples presumed to have been obtained from p populations having common variance σ2, has invariably been adopted as the default estimator for σ2. In this paper, alternative estimators of the common population variance are developed. These estimators are biased and have lower mean-squared error values than . The comparative merit of these estimators over the unbiased estimator is explored using relative efficiency (a ratio of mean-squared error values).  相似文献   

Optimal critical values are derived for a pre-test of an inequality restriction in a model where relevant regressors are unwittingly omitted. The criterion adopted is either that of the minimum average relative risk, or that of the mini-max regret. The latter approach yields an optimal critical value which is sensitive to the degree of model mis-specification, while the former criterion always leads to the choice of the unrestricted estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the risk of an estimator of the error variance after a pre-test for homoscedasticity of the variances in the two-sample heteroscedastic linear regression model. This particular pre-test problem has been well investigated but always under the restrictive assumption of a squared error loss function. We consider an asymmetric loss function — the LINEX loss function — and derive the exact risks of various estimators of the error variance.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider Bayesian analysis of the generalized growth curve model when the covariance matrix Σ = σ2C where C = (ϱij), σ2 > 0 and −1 < ϱ < 1 are unknown. We consider both parameter estimation and prediction of future values. Results are illustrated with real and simulated data.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Bayes estimators for mean and square of mean ol a normal distribution with mean μ and vaiiance σ r2 (known), relative to LINEX loss function are obtained Comparisons in terms of risk functions and Bayes risks of those under LINEX loss and squared error loss functions with their respective alternative estimators viz, UMVUE and Bayes estimators relative to squared error loss function, are made. It is found that Bayes estimators relative to LINEX loss function dominate the alternative estimators m terms of risk function snd Bayes risk. It is also found that if t2 is unknown the Bayes estimators are still preferable over alternative estimators.  相似文献   

Let π1,…,πp be p independent normal populations with means μ1…, μp and variances σ21,…, σ2p respectively. Let X(ni) be a simple random sample of size ni from πi, i = 1,…,p. Given the simple random samples X(n1),…, X(np) from π1,…,πp respectively, a test has been proposed for testing the homogeneity of variances H0: σ21=…σ2p, against the restricted alternative, H1: σ21≥…≥σ2p, with at least one strict inequality. Some properties of the test are discussed and critical values are tabulated.  相似文献   

Let (T1,T2) be gap times corresponding to two consecutive events, which are observed subject to (univariate) random right-censoring. The censoring variable corresponding to the second gap time T2 will in general depend on this gap time. Suppose the vector (T1,T2) satisfies the nonparametric location-scale regression model T2=m(T1)+σ(T1)?, where the functions m and σ are ‘smooth’, and ? is independent of T1. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we propose a nonparametric estimator of the distribution of the error variable under this model. This problem differs from others considered in the recent related literature in that the censoring acts not only on the response but also on the covariate, having no obvious solution. On the basis of the idea of transfer of tail information (Van Keilegom and Akritas, 1999), we then use the proposed estimator of the error distribution to introduce nonparametric estimators for important targets such as: (a) the conditional distribution of T2 given T1; (b) the bivariate distribution of the gap times; and (c) the so-called transition probabilities. The asymptotic properties of these estimators are obtained. We also illustrate through simulations, that the new estimators based on the location-scale model may behave much better than existing ones.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2, ..., X n be a random sample from a normal population with mean μ and variance σ 2. In many real life situations, specially in lifetime or reliability estimation, the parameter μ is known a priori to lie in an interval [a, ∞). This makes the usual maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) ̄ an inadmissible estimator of μ with respect to the squared error loss. This is due to the fact that it may take values outside the parameter space. Katz (1961) and Gupta and Rohatgi (1980) proposed estimators which lie completely in the given interval. In this paper we derive some new estimators for μ and present a comparative study of the risk performance of these estimators. Both the known and unknown variance cases have been explored. The new estimators are shown to have superior risk performance over the existing ones over large portions of the parameter space.  相似文献   

The literature on the sampling properties of the inequality restricted and pre-test estimators typically assumes a properly specified model and focuses on the estimation of the regression coefficient vector. In this paper, we derive and evaluate the risk functions of these estimators for both the prediction vector and the disturbance variance in a model which is mis-specified through the exclusion of relevant regressors. The results suggest that unrestricted estimation is generally preferable to pre-testing or naively imposing restrictions.  相似文献   

The risk properties of estimators of the scale parameter after a pre-test for homogeneity of the error variances in the two sample linear regression model has received quite an amount of attention in the literature. This literature typically assumes normal disturbances and a properly specified model. In this paper we consider that both equations may be mis-specified by the omission of relevant regressors and that the error distributions may belong to a wider class than the normal distribution. We derive and analyse the exact risk (under quadratic loss) of the pre-test estimator of the scale parameter for the first sub-sample.  相似文献   

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