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This paper presents an extension of instrumental variable estimation to nonlinear regression models. For the linear model, the extended estimator is equivalent to the two-stage least squares estimator. The extended estimator is consistent for an important class of nonlinear models, including the logistic model, under relatively weak assumptions on the distribution of the measurement error. An example and simulation study are presented for the logistic regression model. The simulations suggest the estimator is reasonably efficient.  相似文献   

Researchers in the medical, health, and social sciences routinely encounter ordinal variables such as self‐reports of health or happiness. When modelling ordinal outcome variables, it is common to have covariates, for example, attitudes, family income, retrospective variables, measured with error. As is well known, ignoring even random error in covariates can bias coefficients and hence prejudice the estimates of effects. We propose an instrumental variable approach to the estimation of a probit model with an ordinal response and mismeasured predictor variables. We obtain likelihood‐based and method of moments estimators that are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed under general conditions. These estimators are easy to compute, perform well and are robust against the normality assumption for the measurement errors in our simulation studies. The proposed method is applied to both simulated and real data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 653–667; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The linear panel data estimator proposed by Hausman and Taylor relaxes the hypothesis of exogenous regressors that is assumed by generalized least squares methods but, unlike the Fixed Effects estimator, it can handle endogenous time invariant explanatory variables in the regression equation. One of the assumptions underlying the estimator is the homoskedasticity of the error components. This can be restrictive in applications, and therefore in this paper the assumption is relaxed and more efficient adaptive versions of the estimator are presented.  相似文献   


The regression model with ordinal outcome has been widely used in a lot of fields because of its significant effect. Moreover, predictors measured with error and multicollinearity are long-standing problems and often occur in regression analysis. However there are not many studies on dealing with measurement error models with generally ordinal response, even fewer when they suffer from multicollinearity. The purpose of this article is to estimate parameters of ordinal probit models with measurement error and multicollinearity. First, we propose to use regression calibration and refined regression calibration to estimate parameters in ordinal probit models with measurement error. Second, we develop new methods to obtain estimators of parameters in the presence of multicollinearity and measurement error in ordinal probit model. Furthermore we also extend all the methods to quadratic ordinal probit models and talk about the situation in ordinal logistic models. These estimators are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed under general conditions. They are easy to compute, perform well and are robust against the normality assumption for the predictor variables in our simulation studies. The proposed methods are applied to some real datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a bias corrected estimate of the regression coefficient for the generalized probit regression model when the covariates are subject to measurement error and the responses are subject to interval censoring. The main improvement of our method is that it reduces most of the bias that the naive estimates have. The great advantage of our method is that it is baseline and censoring distribution free, in a sense that the investigator does not need to calculate the baseline or the censoring distribution to obtain the estimator of the regression coefficient, an important property of Cox regression model. A sandwich estimator for the variance is also proposed. Our procedure can be generalized to general measurement error distribution as long as the first four moments of the measurement error are known. The results of extensive simulations show that our approach is very effective in eliminating the bias when the measurement error is not too large relative to the error term of the regression model.  相似文献   


Often in data arising out of epidemiologic studies, covariates are subject to measurement error. In addition ordinal responses may be misclassified into a category that does not reflect the true state of the respondents. The goal of the present work is to develop an ordered probit model that corrects for the classification errors in ordinal responses and/or measurement error in covariates. Maximum likelihood method of estimation is used. Simulation study reveals the effect of ignoring measurement error and/or classification errors on the estimates of the regression coefficients. The methodology developed is illustrated through a numerical example.  相似文献   

AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis - In this paper, we consider the single-index measurement error model with mismeasured covariates in the nonparametric part. To solve the problem, we develop a...  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the instrumental variables (IV) estimation of factor models. In the psychometrics literature, although the two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimator is routinely used in IV estimation of factor models, alternative estimators have been proposed in the econometrics literature. Therefore, in this paper, we compare the performance of these alternative IV estimators in the context of factor models. Monte Carlo simulation results reveal that the HLIM/HFUL estimator by Hausman et al. (2012 Hausman, J., W. K. Newey, T. Woutersen, J. C. Chao, and N. R. Swanson. 2012. Instrumental variable estimation with heteroskedasticity and many instruments. Quantitative Economics 3:21155. [Google Scholar]) outperforms the 2SLS estimator and performs best in many cases.  相似文献   

A maximum likelihood solution is presented for analyzing data which arise from a linear model whose error term is assumed to have variance proportional to some unknown power of the response. An efficient iterative method for solving the likelihood equations is obtained which incoporates use of a transfomation to orthogonalize the two variance paramaters. Assessments of the method are made through simulations study and the results are compared with those of the ordinary least squares. Examples from the literature are included to illustrate the method and also to compare the results with a weighted least squares estimates.  相似文献   

The problem of consistent estimation of regression coefficients in a multivariate linear ultrastructural measurement error model is considered in this article when some additional information on regression coefficients is available a priori. Such additional information is expressible in the form of stochastic linear restrictions. Utilizing stochastic restrictions given a priori, some methodologies are presented to obtain the consistent estimators of regression coefficients under two types of additional information separately, viz., covariance matrix of measurement errors and reliability matrix associated with explanatory variables. The measurement errors are assumed to be not necessarily normally distributed. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are derived and analyzed analytically as well as numerically through a Monte Carlo simulation experiment.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a varying-coefficient single-index measurement error model, which consists of measurement error in the index covariates. We combine the simulation-extrapolation technique, the local linear regression and the weighted least-squares method to estimate the unknowns of the current model, and develop the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators under some conditions. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the proposed methodology, and a real example is also studied to illustrate our given methodology.  相似文献   

Consider a panel-data and state-dependent binary model. The coefficient associated with the past status is assumed to he a normally distributed random variable. The estimation of unknown parameters is investigated for both fixed and random initials. Simulation results for the random initial conditions and empirical results for the U.S. steel industrypanel data are presented.  相似文献   

We study the quantile estimation methods for the distortion measurement error data when variables are unobserved and distorted with additive errors by some unknown functions of an observable confounding variable. After calibrating the error-prone variables, we propose the quantile regression estimation procedure and composite quantile estimation procedure. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established, and we also investigate the asymptotic relative efficiency compared with the least-squares estimator. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, and a real dataset is analyzed as an illustration.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the estimation of the parameters of measurement error (ME) models when the multicollinearity exists. To remedy the problem of multicollinearity in ME models, we consider the Liu estimation approach. We define Liu and restricted Liu estimators and also examine the asymptotic properties of proposed estimators in ME models. Moreover, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study and a numerical example to investigate the performances of the proposed estimators by the scalar mean squared error criterion.  相似文献   

Arnold and Stahlecker considered estimation of the regression coefficients in the linear model with a relative squared error and deterministic disturbances. They found an explicit form for a minimax linear affine solution d1 of that problem. In the paper we generalize the result of Arnold and Stahlecker proving that the decision rule d1 is also minimax when the class D of possible estimators of the regression coefficients is unrestricted. Then we show that d1 remains minimax in D when the disturbances are random with the mean vector zero and the identity covariance matrix.  相似文献   

Here we consider a multinomial probit regression model where the number of variables substantially exceeds the sample size and only a subset of the available variables is associated with the response. Thus selecting a small number of relevant variables for classification has received a great deal of attention. Generally when the number of variables is substantial, sparsity-enforcing priors for the regression coefficients are called for on grounds of predictive generalization and computational ease. In this paper, we propose a sparse Bayesian variable selection method in multinomial probit regression model for multi-class classification. The performance of our proposed method is demonstrated with one simulated data and three well-known gene expression profiling data: breast cancer data, leukemia data, and small round blue-cell tumors. The results show that compared with other methods, our method is able to select the relevant variables and can obtain competitive classification accuracy with a small subset of relevant genes.  相似文献   

Small area estimation is studied under a nested error linear regression model with area level covariate subject to measurement error. Ghosh and Sinha (2007) obtained a pseudo-Bayes (PB) predictor of a small area mean and a corresponding pseudo-empirical Bayes (PEB) predictor, using the sample means of the observed covariate values to estimate the true covariate values. In this paper, we first derive an efficient PB predictor by using all the available data to estimate true covariate values. We then obtain a corresponding PEB predictor and show that it is asymptotically “optimal”. In addition, we employ a jackknife method to estimate the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the PEB predictor. Finally, we report the results of a simulation study on the performance of our PEB predictor and associated jackknife MSPE estimator. Our results show that the proposed PEB predictor can lead to significant gain in efficiency over the previously proposed PEB predictor. Area level models are also studied.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with robust inference in heteroscedastic measurement error models. Rather than the normal distribution, we postulate a Student t distribution for the observed variables. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed numerically. Consistent estimation of the asymptotic covariance matrices of the maximum likelihood and generalized least squares estimators is also discussed. Three test statistics are proposed for testing hypotheses of interest with the asymptotic chi-square distribution which guarantees correct asymptotic significance levels. Results of simulations and an application to a real data set are also reported.  相似文献   

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