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We propose models to analyze animal growth data with the aim of estimating and predicting quantities of biological and economical interest such as the maturing rate and asymptotic weight. It is also studied the effect of environmental factors of relevant influence in the growth process. The models considered in this paper are based on an extension and specialization of the dynamic hierarchical model (Gamerman & Migon, 1993) to a non–linear growth curve setting, where some of the growth curve parameters are considered exchangeable among the units. The inference for these models are approximate conjugate analysis based on Taylor series expansions and linear Bayes procedures  相似文献   

In treating dynamic systems, sequential Monte Carlo methods use discrete samples to represent a complicated probability distribution and use rejection sampling, importance sampling and weighted resampling to complete the on-line 'filtering' task. We propose a special sequential Monte Carlo method, the mixture Kalman filter, which uses a random mixture of the Gaussian distributions to approximate a target distribution. It is designed for on-line estimation and prediction of conditional and partial conditional dynamic linear models, which are themselves a class of widely used non-linear systems and also serve to approximate many others. Compared with a few available filtering methods including Monte Carlo methods, the gain in efficiency that is provided by the mixture Kalman filter can be very substantial. Another contribution of the paper is the formulation of many non-linear systems into conditional or partial conditional linear form, to which the mixture Kalman filter can be applied. Examples in target tracking and digital communications are given to demonstrate the procedures proposed.  相似文献   

Traffic flow data are routinely collected for many networks worldwide. These invariably large data sets can be used as part of a traffic management system, for which good traffic flow forecasting models are crucial. The linear multiregression dynamic model (LMDM) has been shown to be promising for forecasting flows, accommodating multivariate flow time series, while being a computationally simple model to use. While statistical flow forecasting models usually base their forecasts on flow data alone, data for other traffic variables are also routinely collected. This paper shows how cubic splines can be used to incorporate extra variables into the LMDM in order to enhance flow forecasts. Cubic splines are also introduced into the LMDM to parsimoniously accommodate the daily cycle exhibited by traffic flows. The proposed methodology allows the LMDM to provide more accurate forecasts when forecasting flows in a real high‐dimensional traffic data set. The resulting extended LMDM can deal with some important traffic modelling issues not usually considered in flow forecasting models. Additionally, the model can be implemented in a real‐time environment, a crucial requirement for traffic management systems designed to support decisions and actions to alleviate congestion and keep traffic flowing.  相似文献   

In the paper the problem of nonlinear unbiased estimation of expectation in linear models is considered. The considerations are restricted to linear plus quadratic estimators with quadratic parts invariant under a group of translations. The one way classification model is considered in detail, for which an explicit formula for the locally best estimators is presented. A numerical evaluation of variances of the best estimators is given for some unbalanced one way classification models and compared with the variance of the ordinary linear estimators.  相似文献   

An identification procedure for multivariate autoregressive moving average (ARMA) echelon-form models is proposed. It is based on the study of the linear dependence between rows of the Hankel matrix of serial correlations. To that end, we define a statistical test for checking the linear dependence between vectors of serial correlations. It is shown that the test statistic t?n considered is distributed asymptotically as a finite linear combination of independent chi-square random variables with one degree of freedom under the null hypothesis, whereas under the alternative hypothesis, t?N/N converges in probability to a positive constant. These results allow us, in particular, to compute the asymptotic probability of making a specification error with the proposed procedure. Links to other methods based on the application of canonical analysis are discussed. A simulation experiment was done in order to study the performance of the procedure. It is seen that the graphical representation of t?N, as a function of N, can be very useful in identifying the dynamic structure of ARMA models. Furthermore, for the model considered, the proposed identification procedure performs very well for series of 100 observations or more and reasonably well with short series of 50 observations.  相似文献   

This paper examines strategies for simulating exactly from large Gaussian linear models conditional on some Gaussian observations. Local computation strategies based on the conditional independence structure of the model are developed in order to reduce costs associated with storage and computation. Application of these algorithms to simulation from nested hierarchical linear models is considered, and the construction of efficient MCMC schemes for Bayesian inference in high-dimensional linear models is outlined.  相似文献   

The consistency of model selection criterion BIC has been well and widely studied for many nonlinear regression models. However, few of them had considered models with lag variables as regressors and auto-correlated errors in time series settings, which is common in both linear and nonlinear time series modeling. This paper studies a dynamic semi-varying coefficient model with ARMA errors, using an approach based on spectrum analysis of time series. The consistency property of the proposed model selection criteria is established and an implementation procedure of model selection is proposed for practitioners. Simulation studies have also been conducted to numerically show the consistency property.  相似文献   

We develop reference analysis for matrix-variate dynamic models with unknown observation covariance matrices. Bayesian algorithms for forecasting, estimation, and filtering are derived. This work extends the existing theory of reference analysis for univariate dynamic linear models, and thus it proposes a solution to the specification of the prior distributions for a very wide class of time series models. Subclasses of our models include the widely used multivariate and matrix-variate regression models.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the geometric treatment of graphical models using Bayes linear methods. We introduce Bayes linear separation as a second order generalised conditional independence relation, and Bayes linear graphical models are constructed using this property. A system of interpretive and diagnostic shadings are given, which summarise the analysis over the associated moral graph. Principles of local computation are outlined for the graphical models, and an algorithm for implementing such computation over the junction tree is described. The approach is illustrated with two examples. The first concerns sales forecasting using a multivariate dynamic linear model. The second concerns inference for the error variance matrices of the model for sales, and illustrates the generality of our geometric approach by treating the matrices directly as random objects. The examples are implemented using a freely available set of object-oriented programming tools for Bayes linear local computation and graphical diagnostic display.  相似文献   

In this paper some results on the computation of optimal designs for discriminating between nonlinear models are provided. In particular, some typical deviations of the Michaelis–Menten model are considered. A common deviation of this pharmacokinetic model consists on adding a linear term. If two linear models differ in one parameter the T-optimal design for discriminating between them is c-optimal for estimating the added linear term. This is not the case for nonlinear models.  相似文献   

Generalized linear models are well-established generalizations of the linear models used for regression and analysis of variance. They allow flexible mean structures and general distributions, other than the linear link and normal response assumed in regression. Further enhancements using ideas from multivariate analysis improve power and precision by modelling dependencies between response variables. This paper focuses on the specific case of regression models for bivariate Bernoulli responses and investigates their analysis using a Bayesian approach. The important problem of renal arterial obstruction is considered, as a medical application of these models.  相似文献   

General linear models with a common design matrix and with various structures of the variance–covariance matrix are considered. We say that a model is perfect for a linearly estimable parametric function, or the function is perfect in the model, if there exists the best linear unbiased estimator. All perfect models for a given function and all perfect functions in a given model are characterized.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sampling properties of a number of serial correlation tests in dynamic linear models which include one or two lags of the dependent variable. Among the tests considered are the Durbin-Watson (DW) bounds test, modified versions of the DW proposed recently by King and Wu and Inder, Durbin's m test, Inder's point optimal test and a Hausman type test. Sampling designs include models with one or two lags of the dependent variable. The m, Hausman, and Inder's tests have the best performance, while Inder's modified DW test appears to be better than the other DW based tests. Results also suggest that tests are less powerful and more sensitive to design parameters in models with higher dynamics, with the DW-based tests being the most sensitive.  相似文献   

The problem of modelling multivariate time series of vehicle counts in traffic networks is considered. It is proposed to use a model called the linear multiregression dynamic model (LMDM). The LMDM is a multivariate Bayesian dynamic model which uses any conditional independence and causal structure across the time series to break down the complex multivariate model into simpler univariate dynamic linear models. The conditional independence and causal structure in the time series can be represented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The DAG not only gives a useful pictorial representation of the multivariate structure, but it is also used to build the LMDM. Therefore, eliciting a DAG which gives a realistic representation of the series is a crucial part of the modelling process. A DAG is elicited for the multivariate time series of hourly vehicle counts at the junction of three major roads in the UK. A flow diagram is introduced to give a pictorial representation of the possible vehicle routes through the network. It is shown how this flow diagram, together with a map of the network, can suggest a DAG for the time series suitable for use with an LMDM.  相似文献   

Generalised linear models are frequently used in modeling the relationship of the response variable from the general exponential family with a set of predictor variables, where a linear combination of predictors is linked to the mean of the response variable. We propose a penalised spline (P-spline) estimation for generalised partially linear single-index models, which extend the generalised linear models to include nonlinear effect for some predictors. The proposed models can allow flexible dependence on some predictors while overcome the “curse of dimensionality”. We investigate the P-spline profile likelihood estimation using the readily available R package mgcv, leading to straightforward computation. Simulation studies are considered under various link functions. In addition, we examine different choices of smoothing parameters. Simulation results and real data applications show effectiveness of the proposed approach. Finally, some large sample properties are established.  相似文献   

In this paper, three sampling-estimating strategies involving linear, balanced and modified systematic sampling are considered for the estimation of a finite population total in the presence of parabolic trend. Using appropriate super-population models, their performances are evaluated. For super-population models with constant variance, Yates corrected estimator under linear systematic sampling is shown to perform well. Choices of variance functions under which modified and balanced systematic sampling perform well are also identified based on extensive numerical studies.  相似文献   

Recent advances in computing make it practical to use complex hierarchical models. However, the complexity makes it difficult to see how features of the data determine the fitted model. This paper describes an approach to diagnostics for hierarchical models, specifically linear hierarchical models with additive normal or t -errors. The key is to express hierarchical models in the form of ordinary linear models by adding artificial `cases' to the data set corresponding to the higher levels of the hierarchy. The error term of this linear model is not homoscedastic, but its covariance structure is much simpler than that usually used in variance component or random effects models. The re-expression has several advantages. First, it is extremely general, covering dynamic linear models, random effect and mixed effect models, and pairwise difference models, among others. Second, it makes more explicit the geometry of hierarchical models, by analogy with the geometry of linear models. Third, the analogy with linear models provides a rich source of ideas for diagnostics for all the parts of hierarchical models. This paper gives diagnostics to examine candidate added variables, transformations, collinearity, case influence and residuals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sampling properties of a number of serial correlation tests in dynamic linear models which include one or two lags of the dependent variable. Among the tests considered are the Durbin-Watson (DW) bounds test, modified versions of the DW proposed recently by King and Wu and Inder, Durbin's m test, Inder's point optimal test and a Hausman type test. Sampling designs include models with one or two lags of the dependent variable. The m, Hausman, and Inder's tests have the best performance, while Inder's modified DW test appears to be better than the other DW based tests. Results also suggest that tests are less powerful and more sensitive to design parameters in models with higher dynamics, with the DW-based tests being the most sensitive.  相似文献   

In this paper an axiomatic approach is used to construct accelerated life testing (ALT) models for Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes (NHPPs). First, the models of random lifetime variables and Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes used for modeling non-repairable and repairable systems are compared. Then, an axiomatic approach for the construction of ALT models for NHPPs is given. Particular models are considered that can be constructed by this method.  相似文献   

An exact maximum likelihood method is developed for the estimation of parameters in a non-Gaussian nonlinear density function that depends on a latent Gaussian dynamic process with long-memory properties. Our method relies on the method of importance sampling and on a linear Gaussian approximating model from which the latent process can be simulated. Given the presence of a latent long-memory process, we require a modification of the importance sampling technique. In particular, the long-memory process needs to be approximated by a finite dynamic linear process. Two possible approximations are discussed and are compared with each other. We show that an autoregression obtained from minimizing mean squared prediction errors leads to an effective and feasible method. In our empirical study, we analyze ten daily log-return series from the S&P 500 stock index by univariate and multivariate long-memory stochastic volatility models. We compare the in-sample and out-of-sample performance of a number of models within the class of long-memory stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

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