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城市货运共享枢纽的问题从20世纪70年代开始受到关注,当时的情况是,随着城市间货物运输活动的效率不断提高,城市地区内通过货车进行货物运输的成本却大幅增加。早期研究建议建立城市货运共享枢纽,使货车运输企业能够将零散的货物集中起来。过去几年,一方面为了满足承运商装卸货物的需求,另一方面为了给货车司机在市中心周边提供一个交通高峰期轮候的场所,“城市港”的概念开始受到越来越多的关注。本文采用最新获取的调查数据,运用需求的有序概率模型来考察货运公司对此类设施是否感兴趣。  相似文献   

城市物流共同配送模式与系统架构设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产娟  韩永生  刘彦平 《城市观察》2013,26(4):109-116
近年来,随着物流配送行业业态的不断进化和发展,配送方式和效率与城市规划之间的矛盾已成为城市物流发展的主要问题。随着电子商务技术和物联网技术的快速发展,企业间配送方式的转变也成为一种必然。共同配送模式作为一种高效率的配送模式因此应运而生。本文对区域城市物流的共同配送模式进行了详细的研究,并提出了一种新型的共同配送模式,同时在共同配送系统的设计上又提出了一种新的设计步骤。  相似文献   

超大城市是我国城镇体系的重要组成部分,是引领经济高质量发展、落实新发展理念、推动社会治理的策源地和前沿阵地,对大中小城市发展具有示范引领效应.我国超大城市发展还存在着治理模式碎片化、管理方式较为粗放、信息传递不畅等问题.在此次新冠肺炎疫情防控中,城市治理在资源动员、应急处置、协调配合、服务供给等方面也存在一些缺陷,亟须深入推进城市治理体系和治理能力的现代化.  相似文献   

研究剖析出租汽车行业的营运规律和自身特征,对出租汽车行业今后发展是很有必要的。从沈阳市出租汽车行业这一个例子出发,对我国大城市出租汽车行业在城市客运交通中的地位和作用进行了系统的阐述,对出租汽车行业的特征进行了全面的分析,并对出租汽车行业的发展提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

市郊铁路与大城市的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文阐述了大城市发展的趋势及在此趋势下市郊铁路在城市新格局的形成过程中所起的引导作用。同时提出了在市郊铁路发展中应注意的几个重要问题。  相似文献   

马香  温旭丽  刘云 《职业》2015,(6):38-39
应用型本科院校多采用宽口径的专业设置。在此背景下,课程本身的系统性和完整性就显得尤为重要。本文针对课程特点,结合专业实际情况对“物流系统规划与设计”课程的教学内容进行了系统化梳理,将教学过程划分为理论教学、实验教学、课程设计三个模块,并对每个模块的教学方法进行了探讨。通过改革,旨在提高教师的教学效率和学生的学习效率,使学生取得最佳学习效果。  相似文献   

超大城市精细化管理有两大精神最重要:一是科学精神.城市精细化管理的本质特征是细致、精准、高效、可控,这与粗线条、想当然、低效能、赶到哪算哪是截然相反的,要达到这样的状态和水平,一定要以科学精神作为支撑.二是人民精神.人民精神主要包括为了人民和依靠人民两层含义.超大城市精细化管理的目的不是为了管理而管理,最终目的是服务城市人民需求.  相似文献   

张骐严 《科学发展》2021,(11):62-71
超大城市结构的复杂性对城市治理体系和治理能力提出更高要求.在推进新型城镇化、新型智慧城市建设的基础上,超大城市治理要深化运用互联网思维,发挥大数据支撑作用,以精细化、智能化为牵引,以深化街镇改革为重点,科学设置职能机构、整合职能职责、优化治理流程,推进以大部门制、合署办公、联合执法为载体的政府再造;以政府数据、社会数据、企业数据的互联互通和安全共享为抓手,推动决策、执行、监管、反馈、考核、评价、参与等体制机制建设的再深化.  相似文献   

跨境电子商务是对外贸易与互联网深度融合的产物。电商与物流相伴而生,跨境电商与跨境物流相辅相成。本文阐述了跨境电子商务的发展现状,进而分析了跨境电商发展中的物流困境,并提出相应的对策建议,以期可以更好地促进我国跨境电子商务企业的健康良好发展。  相似文献   

经过30多年来的建设实践,参照全球经济一体化的背景,结合沿海一些大城市空间扩展研究,对我国大城市用地空间扩展的一些规律,如城市扩展沿交通走廊轴线发展的脉动规律、城市边缘地区定向开发规律以及城市经济集聚与扩散规律制约下的城市空间扩展过程进行深入分析研究。探索这些规律可以指导我国的城市规划与建设,防止城市用地盲目扩大、用地失控,并促进城市土地开发按资源节约型方向发展,走城市可持续发展、健康城市化的道路。  相似文献   

蔡君时 《交通与港航》2005,19(2):6-8,44
介绍燃料电池公共汽车和氢燃料基础设施在欧洲的试验情况,表明可达到最佳能源利用率,更洁净的或零排放,经过电池生产和氢燃料供应的扩大规模,有望进入国际市场。  相似文献   

An increasing number of immigrants have become entrepreneurial and many governments expect or hope that the ongoing rise of ethnic entrepreneurship will contribute significantly to the integration of immigrants, to their upward mobility, and to the economic development of the city of residence. In this article we explore the rules, regulations and policy interventions that shape self‐employment trajectories in general and those of immigrant ethnic minorities in particular. The article is based on a general inventory of measures to promote ethnic entrepreneurship in 32 European countries, and a somewhat deeper inventory of policies and interventions in 28 European cities. We came across all kinds of measures and interventions and identified certain patterns, but the most striking finding was that such explicit measures and interventions were actually thin on the ground. We conclude this article with a discussion of the structural determinants of this outcome.  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s, Chinese metropolises have been emerging as hubs for the national and global economy. They attract increasing numbers of foreigners with diverse socio‐economic and educational backgrounds who tend to immigrate independently of the Chinese initiatives focused on “foreign talents”. Our analysis contributes to the understanding of these migrants’ integration into the labour market. Through a Bourdieusian capital lens, this article unpacks the access to the labour market and occupational positions of Swiss and Swedish migrant professionals in mainland China. Differentiated by how they can capitalize upon their educational, occupational, social and cultural resources in this specific context, the article distinguishes between three categories: corporarate expatriates, local hires and entrepreneurs and concludes with policy recommendations to stabilize their residence conditions.  相似文献   

2007年7月,上海市城市交通管理局局长李文辉率上海城市交通代表团,对日本东京、大阪、名古屋,韩国首尔以及新加坡的城市公共交通进行了考察。访问期间,代表团拜访了日本国土交通省、名古屋市政府,会晤了大阪市交通局、首尔交通局和新加坡陆路交通管理局等政府部门,参观了部分重点企业。为上海公共交通迎接2010年世博会和跻身亚洲先进行列,提供了诸多有益启示。考察期间,李文辉局长代表上海市城市交通管理局与韩国首尔交通局张正愚局长签署了《有关城市交通发展与交流的谅解备忘录》;与新加坡陆路交通管理局杨雅镁局长签署了《合作备忘录》。签约双方将在城市交通方面进行更密切、更广泛的合作与交流。以下撷取上海城市交通代表团此行中重点了解的国际大都市的公共交通发展模式、发展战略以及典型经验等内容,分上、下两部分刊登,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Studies of political participation typically analyze voting, contentious collective action, or membership in voluntary associations. Few scholars investigate a more mundane—but highly consequential—form of neighborhood politics: requests for basic city services. We conceptualize city service requests as a direct, instrumental contact with local government that alters the geographical distribution of public goods. We hypothesize that rates of service requests vary with the ethnic and immigrant composition of neighborhoods, due to differences in these communities’ expectations of local government. We test this hypothesis using administrative data from the City of Boston. We find neighborhoods with high concentrations of first‐generation immigrants less likely to request services, relative to need. The concentration of African Americans, however, is associated with large increases in neighborhood service requests. We conclude with implications for the study of race, inequality, and political incorporation.  相似文献   

An introduction to a vast but uncompleted survey of world history, this article argues that the study of the changing relationships among cities, states and trust networks can help us understand key elements of the emergence of our modern world. Beginning in ancient Uruk in modern-day Iraq, roughly five thousand years ago, the essay defines each of its central categories: city, state and trust network. It poses four questions to be pursued throughout the rest of the study. What determines the degree of segregation or integration of cities and states? What determines the relative dominance of cities and states? What determines the extent of separation or integration between cities or states, on one side, and trust networks on the other? What difference do these variable configurations make to the quality of ordinary people’s lives?  相似文献   

通过分析伦敦的交通规划、建设、运营与管理措施,发现我国中心城市的严重交通拥堵主要源于落后的城市交通规划理念,大量引入多层高架公路进入市中心而忽视轨道交通建设,对公交优先存在认识上的误区和执行不力;城市公共交通工具营运各自为政,缺乏有效的协调与接驳;运营的低效率和管理不当,由此造成了典型的“大城市病”。根据后现代主义城市建设思想,结合当前中心城市公共交通体系建设的现状,提出了广州市综合交通体系建设的12项具体措施。  相似文献   


Among 130 large U.S. cities, strong support is found for Turk's (1973) view of relatione between various collective needs and subsequent supplies. That such relations reflect the availability of linkage within the city—as Turk holds they do—is strongly suggested here when per capita known violent crime and per capita police spending are seen, respectively, as measures of need and supply. The positive correlation between these two rates is always stronger among high linkage than among low linkage cities, whichever of five indices is used to measure linkage. Evidence is cited to justify viewing known violent crime as causally prior to police spending, rather than vice versa. Controlling the effects of five potentially confounding variables fails to disturb the findings.  相似文献   

智慧农业不仅是应对我国农业劳动力老龄化与短缺的重要举措,也是现代农业发展的重要标志和方向。推进我国智慧农业的发展,可以大城市郊区为突破口,进一步探索"机械化换人、自动化减人、智慧化少人"的智慧农业道路,发挥大城市智慧农业先行先试的作用,以大城市智慧农业的发展带动全国智慧农业的发展。  相似文献   


Responses to homelessness in Australia are provided by a range of government and nongovernment services. The present study examined the experiences of social workers within these diverse services. The article discusses how social workers make meaning of their professional identity and responses to homelessness in contemporary practice and policy settings. The findings of a qualitative study of 39 social workers employed in Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney are analysed from a social constructionist perspective. The practice dilemmas for social workers interviewed related to the dominating influence of the contemporary political and economic climate, the managerial requirement of organisations, and the personal and professional tensions these political and organisational contexts created.  相似文献   

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