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陈为邦 《城市》2016,(3):10-11
中央城市工作会议深刻指出,必须认识、尊重、顺应城市发展规律,端正城市发展指导思想,切实做好城市工作.历史和实践表明,“集中”是城市发展的基本规律.这种集中,形成了城市的规模效益,并导致城镇化的发生和发展.而城市发展与其周边永久基本农田划定矛盾的解决,应启动政府领导的由城市国土资源和城市规划等有关部门共同划定的机制.  相似文献   

阮智 《职业时空》2009,5(5):22-24
城市发展与城市文化建设息息相关,城市文化发展模式对城市的发展方向有着重大影响。全文立足于廊坊市的经济结构与基础,分析了当前廊坊市城市文化发展的问题所在,并从多个方面阐述如何发展城市文化。  相似文献   

白益进 《城市》2014,(8):76-79
正刘维新是中国社会科学院专门研究城市发展和城市经济问题的为数不多的专家之一,我作为他的学生,我们合作从事城市研究也有30年之久了。在新的发展形势下,《刘维新解析城市经济学》由社会科学文献出版社出版。介绍刘维新教授的专著,把他40多年研究城市的成果进行梳理和总结,确实是一件很有价值、很有意义的事情。捧读此书,研学深思,我深深为刘维新教授的治学精神、  相似文献   

朱志刚 《城市观察》2011,(4):166-171
"城市村落"的概念提出,是对"城中村"概念的一次批判性反思。"城中村"问题的研究,正如其概念一样,形成了单一性、二元对立的研究模式。本文拟就广州城市村落为研究样本,通过对其空间形态现存状况的分析,探讨广州城市村落保护和发展的模式及注意问题,并提出"城市村落"的研究应从人文关怀之意义出发,更侧重于对其保护和发展。  相似文献   

一道漂亮的灰白围墙隔开了两样景色:墙外的街道干净整洁,树木成行,与西安古老的明城墙相互辉映;墙内则是垃圾遍地,房屋破旧不堪。这是17日下午记者在西安市建国门顺城东巷看到的景象。(据12月18日《中国新闻网》消息)为保持街道路面的整洁,于是筑墙、拉幕将狼籍不堪的景象遮挡起来,这其次并不是西安的独  相似文献   

中国低碳城市发展模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盖宏伟  冯昭 《城市》2011,(2):26-29
一、低碳城市的内涵诠释 低碳城市是低碳经济的衍生物,它的科学内涵的界定必须建立在对低碳经济的理解之上。英国早在2003年《我们未来的能源——创建低碳经济》能源白皮书中就提到,低碳经济主要指低能耗、低污染、低排放的经济发展模式,就是通过更少的资源消耗、更少的环境污染和更少的二氧化碳的排放量来实现经济增长。  相似文献   

李文宇 《城市观察》2010,(6):142-149
经过多年的发展,中国城市的规模日益扩大,但是城市会更适宜居住,更能获得规模经济的收益吗?通过运用中国26个主要省会城市的面板数据进行计量分析后,得到结论:中心城市的发展仍是以宜居程度下降为代价的,而城市规模的扩大也出现了拥挤效应。所以,城市应采取更有力的规划和设计,使中国城市走向宜居型,并在适宜的规模下进行发展。  相似文献   

任致远 《城市》2010,(3):3-9
党的十七届四中全会指出:“我国正处在进一步发展的重要战略机遇期,要在新的历史起点上向前迈进。”在这个新的战略机遇期,在城镇化发展战略和政治、经济、社会、文化以及生态文明建设全面推进,我国城市发展已经取得辉煌成就的基础上,新时期城市发展将会加大哪些方面的力度?亮点又是什么呢?我认为,这就是城市文化,即以人为本,进一步展示具有中国特色的城市文化。用文化铸造城市的灵魂,用文化张扬城市的魅力,用文化激发城市的活力,用文化推动城市发展迈上一个新的闪亮的台阶。  相似文献   

产业集聚理论是当前区域发展研究的热点之一,运用产业集聚理论于资源型城市产业发展问题研究具有可行性和创新性。论文首先对我国资源型城市产业的特性进行了分析,然后进行了基于产业集聚的资源型城市产业发展模式选择的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

刘燕君 《职业》2013,(3):142-142
近年来,环境保护被摆上了事关经济社会发展全局的重要战略位置,本文探讨如何进一步坚持以人为本,建设阜阳市生态城市.  相似文献   

This analysis focuses on feminist methodology in the field of sociology by surveying the techniques used in recent research concerning gender-related topics as well as feminist analyses of epistemological assumptions underlying the conduct of inquiry. In addition to the critique and reformulation of standard research practice, feminist methodology involves the development of innovative methodological approaches, including visual techniques, conversational and textual analysis, and analysis of spontaneous events. Linked to the development of innovation is the feminist analysis of the epistemological assumptions which underlie different ways of knowing. These principles of feminist knowledge include (1) the necessity of continuously and reflexively attending to the significance of gender relations as a basic feature of all social life, including the conduct of research; (2) the centrality of consciousness-raising as a specific methodological tool and as a “way of seeing;” (3) the need to challenge the norm of “objectivity” that assumes a dichotomy between the subject and object of research; (4) the concern for the ethical implications of research; and (5) an emphasis on the transformation of patriarchy and the empowerment of women.  相似文献   

青舟 《城市观察》2009,3(3):1-1
当今世界,有全球影响的城市大都是文化产业集中和发达的城市,大城市以文化论输赢就是这个道理。因为城市的土地资源有限,人力和商务成本都很高,所以城市真正的比较优势就在于更好地发挥人的创造力,并通过工业制造、金融体系、市场和传播等配套体系,把人的文化创意转化为巨大的社会财富。文化不仅承载了城市的软实力,而且也可以理解为城市发展的硬支撑和硬资源,文化和经济的深度融合,源于人们创造力的文化创意活动,正是城市综合竞争力的精髓所在,正是通过文化产业集聚起人的无限创造力,城市才能成为一个巨大的点金石和聚宝盆。  相似文献   

This paper is in part a critique of the new epistemology. However, its focus is not the content of the new epistemology, but rather the process of the generation and legitimisation of knowledge which is represented by the new epistemology. It is argued that the new epistemology has been embedded in foundationalism, or a framework that poses epistemology as the (legitimate) base of thinking, knowledge and practice. This is a very conservative process of knowledge, as it allows the censorship of other ideas and knowledges in family therapy. My critique is part of a wider project of exploring the relationship of knowledge and power. To this extent, the new epistemology can be used as a case to illustrate the powerful effects of knowledge, and to remind us of the importance of allowing the space for differences in knowledge to enrich the field of family therapy.  相似文献   

新加坡在经济快速发展、人口密度极高、土地资源限制下,仍能保持交通便利与行车顺畅,其成功在于塑造了“公交都市”,通过一系列组合政策运用,避免了交通拥挤带来的问题。新加坡的成功经验表明,交通拥堵问题是系统问题,必须从系统的角度寻找解决交通拥堵的良策,这对目前正努力建设公交都市的广州未来交通政策的制定尤其值得借鉴。  相似文献   

转变发展方式的问题是我们从金融危机爆发以来,从中央到地方都在热议的一个问题,也是媒体高度关注的问题.我个人认为发展方式是由发展阶段决定的,在改革开放30年之际,我们用比较优势的模式来实现经济的持续发展是符合中国、广东和广州的实际的.  相似文献   

志愿者专业化发展的内生模式是通过调动和开发自身的自发性、积极性、主动性,达到促进志愿者自身的成长和实现自我价值的发展过程。志愿者专业化发展中内生模式的动力取向可以从社会期待、方针政策的导向作用,以及志愿者发展需要、志愿者身心和谐发展的目的四个方面来激发。志愿者专业化发展的过程离不开外部力量有目的、有计划地干预。志愿者专业化发展中外控模式的协同实践,包括自主学习平台的构建、管理制度的构建、智能化管理平台的构建等。为了达到志愿者专业化发展中内生模式与外控模式的协同效应,在志愿者队伍建设中需要坚持人职匹配的原则、梯队发展构建的原则、分级分层分类构建的原则。  相似文献   

This article, based on two years of participant observation, in‐depth interviews, and informal exchanges, offers an ethnographic account of a nonprofit organization that promotes the idea of corporate social responsibility. It follows the ways and means by which midlevel corporate executives are initiated into the universe of “corporate citizenship,” learning to deploy terms such as “stakeholders,” “brand loyalty,” “social investment,” and “community empowerment.” Through an analysis of workshops, lectures, and ceremonial events, I show how the idea of social responsibility is transformed into a managerial tool, designed to enhance employee loyalty and to improve brand loyalty. From a constructivist sociological perspective, I also show that the idea of corporate social responsibility, when framed and advocated by a corporate‐friendly organization, fits the neoliberal emphasis on corporate self‐regulation.  相似文献   

The given paper assumes the existence of a correlation between the occupational structure and the mode of social and economic development of a country. It is shown that the modern stage of development in advanced economies could be described by the post-industrial phase with (a) the specific proportions in the occupational structure (predominance of professional managers and technical experts); (b) particular nature of work and the corresponding extent of labor division according to specialization and qualification (highly skilled labor with broad specialization and a new criterion of creativity included within qualifications). Within the certain historical framework these indicators, combined onto the entire scheme, produce the criteria to distinct different types of socio-economic development and arrange them in consistent order. The analysis of occupational structure of Russian population shows that the reforms of 1990s have facilitated the process of deindustrialization alongside with the growth of semi- and low-skilled jobs. According to the scheme, Russia seems to have reached the stage of the development that is similar to one of the 1950–1960s in the USA and the Europe.  相似文献   

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