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This article analyses the effect of a Turkish migration background on the risk of delayed school entry. Besides the social background, we control general and host country specific individual skill levels of the child. We assume that children’s individual skills can affect the school entry decision both directly and indirectly. We use data of the longitudinal project “Preschool education and educational careers among migrant children” (German acronym ESKOM VG). About 500 German parents and 500 Turkish-origin parents were interviewed in this study. Standardized developmental tests were conducted with the children in various domains. We find that the Turkish migration background does not have an independent effect on the probability of delayed school entry when the social background and individual skills are controlled. We furthermore disentangle the indirect effect of the Turkish migration background using the khb method. The results indicate that mathematic skills and cultural knowledge have the largest contribution on this indirect effect.  相似文献   

Based on theoretical constructs and empirical work on quality of instruction, this contribution reports on the evaluation of a upper secondary boarding school for highly motivated and high-achieving students. The evaluation of instructional processes is based on high-inference video ratings of aspects of instructional quality. Additionally, aspects of cognitively activating teaching that are supposed to tap the full capabilities of the students are assessed as a higher standard for upper secondary teaching. Interviews with the teaching staff show a high level of acceptance of this approach to instruction as a means to cater to the needs of the high-achieving. As expected, comparing the teaching assessments with a reference sample of TIMSS and TIMSS-R videos shows a good quality of teaching in the areas of classroom management and individual learning support. For the different aspects of cognitive activation there are some lessons at a high level, while for some aspects the variation within the school is rather large.  相似文献   

Turkish migrants differ in their fertility and marriage behavior from native Germans. These differences, especially those concerning the link between the two events birth of the first child and first marriage, will be examined in this article by using event history analysis with data of the Generations and Gender Survey from 2005 (main survey) and 2006 (additional survey of Turkish nationals). We address the question to what extent the link between first marriage and starting a family differs between these two groups and if the differences are accounted for by religious or educational differences. The key findings are: Germans often marry between getting pregnant and getting their first child. Turks, however, predominantly get pregnant within marriage. Turkish women who get pregnant before marriage have subsequently worse prospects on the marriage market. These differences are not accounted for by religious and educational differences. It can be assumed, however, that differences between Islam and Christianity are relevant.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the role of religion in the process of immigrant integration in Germany. Based on novel data (SCIP 2010/11) from a survey among new Polish and Turkish migrants, it particularly focuses on the impact of the migratory event upon religious participation and private religious practice as well as on early trends of changing religiosity in the receiving context. The study confirms, first of all, that both groups of newcomers experience a decrease in religious practices after the migratory event. This decrease is more pronounced among Muslim Turks than among Catholic Poles and more pertinent for worship attendance than for prayer, thus attesting to the relevance of religious opportunity structure. Secondly, it can be shown that among new Polish immigrants, religious decrease is more pronounced among individuals with stronger social ties to the secular German mainstream, while this is not the case for Turks. For them, thirdly, it seems that religious practices are being re-captured after the rather disruptive first couple of months in what may a called a process of religious re-organizations. These group-comparative findings attest to limits of classical assimilation theory and to the relevance of symbolic boundary dynamics. Overall, they underline that publicly visible religious diversity will remain a permanent feature of modern immigrant societies.  相似文献   

In the course of educational expansion social inequalities in access to upper secondary education declined, while the differences in transition to tertiary education increased. In the light of these changes the assumption arises, that the patterns of social selectivity in access to higher education have changed. While in the past status maintenance was mainly due to differences in access to higher education, today it is to a greater extent a question of kind and place of study. Because of the growing importance of international experience for labour market success, students of privileged classes might increasingly opt to study abroad in order to preserve their privileged position. Drawing on a series of panel-datasets of upper secondary graduates in Germany, we estimate the extent and development of social differences in international mobility behaviour between 1990 and 2005, and apply a decomposition method in order to single out the underlying processes and mechanisms. We find remarkable social differences in the intention as well as in the decision to study at a foreign university. Students from privileged classes more often decide to study abroad, while students from underprivileged classes stay close to their hometown. These differences can partly be explained by school performance, language skills, social costs and institutional differences. Furthermore we find that these differences have rather increased than decreased.  相似文献   

Despite considerable inequalities, the long period of prosperity has led to an increase of wealth and assets in broad parts of the population. The article builds on the thesis that this “collective upgrading” is accompanied by a change of preferences concerning the role of the state and the market in matters of social security. On the basis of this assumption, we ask whether there is a relationship between home ownership and the receipt of a larger inheritance/gift on the one hand, and social policy preferences on the other hand. In order to answer this question, we analyze—based on the German Socio-Economic Panel—group-specific preferences of taking responsibility for financial security in old age in Germany in 2002 as well as their change between 1997 and 2002. Our results not only show that homeowners and homebuyers are more sceptical towards state solutions and more affine towards market solutions in 2002 than tenants, but also that in the course of time the former more strongly tend towards market solutions than the latter. The same is valid for the difference between heirs/donees and non-heirs/non-donees. Therefore, it can be concluded that the increase of wealth and the privatisation of retirement provision were an essential precondition for an increasing scepticism towards governmental redistribution ambitions.  相似文献   

From my observation the term authenticity is usually linked to high expectations on the interaction partner’s cognitive and expressive abilities. Analysis shows: clear messages about one’s cognitive process do not allow the conclusion that such processes proceed in straight forward, linear ways. In fact, inner cognitive processes have proved to be a dynamic liaison of the orderly and disorderly, the complete and the fragmented, continuity and discontinuity. Therefore it is recommandable to redefine the term authenticity and to draw educational consequences accordingly.  相似文献   

With reference to recent research, the article outlines central elements of a sociological analysis of the non-religious. Starting with a definition of the non-religious via its relation towards the religious, we distinguish different forms of this relation and three levels of its analysis. Then we analyze two different societal constellations: a strong religious norm in the US, and a strong non-religious norm in the GDR. We show how an arena of conflicts emerges in the debates over religion, in which religious and non-religious positions struggle for dominance. We analyze different variations of non-religious positions in this context. In both constellations the non-religious position acquires a positive identity by reference to science. In one case this is motivated by the attempt to maintain the borders of the scientific field; in the second case it is motivated by a claim of superiority, which questions the legitimacy of the religious in general.  相似文献   

Politicians and the business leaders regularly stress the importance of (further) education for individual life chances. Still, it is far from clear whether non-formal further training, i.?e. short training courses, which are the most common forms of further education in Germany, lead to career advancement. In this study, we analyze the impact of non-formal further training on labor market mobility using data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) over the period from 2009 to 2016. Event history models for discrete time intervals show that employer-provided courses reduce mobility and promote career stability, which contradicts hypotheses derived from human capital theory, which is commonly used in the literature. More concretely, employer-provided courses prevent downward mobility (safety net function), but also reduce upward mobility and firm changes. Based on these findings, we suggest that future research should consider transaction costs and the firm context as well as the distinction between employer-provided and non-employer-provided training.  相似文献   

We contribute to the long-standing debate about an alleged “destabilization” and “destandardization” of employment biographies by analyzing how the job-shift patterns of West German workers have changed between 1984 and 2008. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we study changes in the rates of (upward) within- and between-firm mobility as well as the risk of employment exit, analyzing trends separately by gender, education, labour force experience, firm size, and sector. We document a considerable and pervasive reduction in the rate of (upward) within-firm moves. The decline is stronger for men and particularly steep for the employees of large companies and for those with limited labour force experience. We interpret these findings as evidence for a decline of internal labour markets and for increasing difficulties among labour market entrants. A second major result of our analysis is that rates of between-firm mobility and employment exit have risen primarily for low-educated men and women.  相似文献   

Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) - Dieser Beitrag im Journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. stellt dar, wie willentliches...  相似文献   

As previous research shows, many German fathers would like to spend more time with their children, but long working hours often restrict their opportunities to do so. Parental leave and part-time work could help fathers to reconcile work and family. Yet, labor market theories predict that using such family-friendly policies may lead to wage penalties. Hence, many fathers decide against using such policies because they fear that parental leave or part-time work will lead to financial penalties and career disadvantages. This article evaluates this concern by empirically examining the effect of parental leave and part-time work on fathers’ hourly wages. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) 1991–2013 and Families in Germany (FiD) 2010–2013, results from fixed-effects regression analyses show that part-time work is associated with wage penalties, but parental leave is not – irrespective of whether fathers only took the two months fathers’ quota or longer parental leaves. The results hence indicate that the German parental leave legislation enables fathers to spend more time with their children while protecting them from wage penalties at work.  相似文献   

In this article we study the content dimension of German national identity at three points in time. We run multigroup confirmatory factor analyses with data from the ISSP modules on national identity to demonstrate that in 1995, 2004, and 2014 three distinct latent dimensions can be identified in the meaning Germans attach to their nation, namely civic pride, ethnoculturalism, and chauvinism. These dimensions correlate substantially higher in 1995 than in 2004 and 2014. Exploratory latent class analyses show both continuity and change in the combination of positions citizens manifest on these dimensions. We discuss the implications of these findings for the conceptualization and measurement of national identities as well as for the development of German citizens’ relationship to their nation in the period studied.  相似文献   

Mixed methods sampling has played a minor role in methodological discussions so far. In particular, there is a lack of information about practical implementations and critical reflections of sampling decisions and sampling steps showing the benefits and challenges of different approaches. Therefore, this paper demonstrates by drawing on an empirical example, how quantitative secondary data analysis (German Socio-Economic Panel, Linked Employer-Employee Data, Employment History) can support the empirically informed formation of contrast groups for qualitative sampling plans as well as field access to these contrast groups. Furthermore, the article will show how an additional theoretical sampling can extend the empirically grounded composition of contrast groups and can build upon the quantitative secondary data. The discussion is based on a project with an explanatory sequential research design which combines quantitative secondary analysis with subsequent expert interviews with human resources managers in companies and narrative interviews with employees. The project focusses on the causes, practices, and consequences of employment relationships with an interrupted membership in the same employing organization (“recalls”).  相似文献   

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