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The 1978 European Community Typology for Agricultural Holdings is described in this paper and contrasted with a data based, polythetic-multivariate classification based on cluster analysis.

The requirement to reduce the size of the variable set employed in an optimisation-partition method of clustering suggested the value of principal components and factor analysis for the identification of major ‘source’ dimensions against which to measure farm differences and similarities.

The Euclidean cluster analysis incorporating the reduced dimensions quickly converged to a stable solution and was little influenced by the initial number or nature of ‘seeding’ partitions of the data.

The assignment of non-sampled observations from the population to cluster classes was completed using classification functions.

The final scheme, based on a sample of over 2,000 observations, was found to be both capable of interpretation and meaningful in terms of agricultural structure and practice and much superior in its explanatory power when compared with a version of the principal activity typology.  相似文献   

Nonlinear structural equation modeling provides many advantages over analyses based on manifest variables only. Several approaches for the analysis of latent interaction effects have been developed within the last 15 years, including the partial least squares product indicator approach (PLS-PI), the constrained product indicator approach using the LISREL software (LISREL-PI), and the distribution-analytic latent moderated structural equations approach (LMS) using the Mplus program. An assumed advantage of PLS-PI is that it is able to deal with very large numbers of indicators, while LISREL-PI and LMS have not been investigated under such conditions. In a Monte Carlo study, the performance of LISREL-PI and LMS was compared to PLS-PI results previously reported in Chin et al. (2003) and Goodhue et al. (2007) for identical conditions. The latent interaction model included six indicator variables for the measurement of each latent predictor variable and the latent criterion, and sample size was N=100. The results showed that PLS-PI’s linear and interaction parameter estimates were downward biased, while parameter estimates were unbiased for LISREL-PI and LMS. True standard errors were smallest for PLS-PI, while the power to detect the latent interaction effect was higher for LISREL-PI and LMS. Compared to the symmetric distributions of interaction parameter estimates for LISREL-PI and LMS, PLS-PI showed a distribution that was symmetric for positive values, but included outlying negative estimates. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In a multivariate mean–variance model, the class of linear score (LS) estimators based on an unbiased linear estimating function is introduced. A special member of this class is the (extended) quasi-score (QS) estimator. It is ‘extended’ in the sense that it comprises the parameters describing the distribution of the regressor variables. It is shown that QS is (asymptotically) most efficient within the class of LS estimators. An application is the multivariate measurement error model, where the parameters describing the regressor distribution are nuisance parameters. A special case is the zero-inflated Poisson model with measurement errors, which can be treated within this framework.  相似文献   

As a measure of association between two nominal categorical variables, the lambda coefficient or Goodman–Kruskal's lambda has become a most popular measure. Its popularity is primarily due to its simple and meaningful definition and interpretation in terms of the proportional reduction in error when predicting a random observation's category for one variable given (versus not knowing) its category for the other variable. It is an asymmetric measure, although a symmetric version is available. The lambda coefficient does, however, have a widely recognized limitation: it can equal zero even when there is no independence between the variables and when all other measures take on positive values. In order to mitigate this problem, an alternative lambda coefficient is introduced in this paper as a slight modification of the Goodman–Kruskal lambda. The properties of the new measure are discussed and a symmetric form is introduced. A statistical inference procedure is developed and a numerical example is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with the analysis of case series. The self-controlled case series method (SCCS) was developed to analyse the temporal association between time-varying exposure and an outcome event. We apply the SCCS method to the vaccination data of the German Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). We illustrate that the standard SCCS method cannot be applied to terminal events such as death. In this situation, an extension of SCCS adjusted for terminal events gives unbiased point estimators. The key question of this paper is whether the general Cox regression model for time-dependent covariates may be an alternative to the adjusted SCCS method for terminal events. In contrast to the SCCS method, Cox regression is included in most software packages (SPSS, SAS, STATA, R, …) and it is easy to use. We can show that Cox regression is applicable to test the null hypothesis. In our KiGGS example without censored data, the Cox regression and the adjusted SCCS method yield point estimates almost identical to the standard SCCS method. We have conducted several simulation studies to complete the comparison of the two methods. The Cox regression shows a tendency to underestimate the true effect with prolonged risk periods and strong effects (Relative Incidence >2). If risk of the event is strongly affected by the age, the adjusted SCCS method slightly overestimates the predefined exposure effect. Cox regression has the same efficiency as the adjusted SCCS method in the simulation.  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a deterministic econometric model for calculating efficiency by using data from an observed set of decision-making units (DMUs). We propose a method for calculating the distribution of efficiency scores. Our framework relies on estimating data from an unobserved set of DMUs. The model provides posterior predictive data for the unobserved DMUs to augment the frontier in the DEA that provides a posterior predictive distribution for the efficiency scores. We explore the method on a multiple-input and multiple-output DEA model. The data for the example are from a comprehensive examination of how nursing homes complete a standardized mandatory assessment of residents.  相似文献   

In a former study (Chatillon, Gelinas, Martin and Laurencelle, 1987), the authors arrived at the conclusion that for small to moderate sample sizes (n≦90), and for population distributions that are not too skewed nor heavy tailed, the percentiles computed from a set of 9 classes are at least as precise as the corresponding percentiles computed with raw data. Their proof was based essentially on Monte Carlo simulations. The present paper gives a different and complementary proof, based on an exact evaluation of the mean squared error. The method of proof uses the trinomial distribution in an interesting way.  相似文献   

We contribute to the discussion of an article where Andrea Cerioli, Marco Riani, Anthony Atkinson and Aldo Corbellini review the advantages of analyzing multivariate data by monitoring how the estimated model parameters change as the estimation parameters vary. The focus is on robust methods and their sensitivity to the nominal efficiency and breakdown point. In congratulating with the authors for the clear and stimulating exposition, we contribute to its discussion with an overview of what we experienced in applying the monitoring in our application domain.  相似文献   

These are comments on the invited paper “The power of monitoring: How to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample” by Andrea Cerioli, Marco Riani, Anthony Atkinson and Aldo Corbellini.  相似文献   


Factor analysis (FA) is the most commonly used pattern recognition methodology in social and health research. A technique that may help to better retrieve true information from FA is the rotation of the information axes. The main goal is to test the reliability of the results derived through FA and to reveal the best rotation method under various scenarios. Based on the results of the simulations, it was observed that when applying non-orthogonal rotation, the results were more repeatable as compared to the orthogonal rotation, and, when no rotation was applied.  相似文献   

A functional central limit theorem for a class of time-homogeneous continuous-time Markov processes (X,Y) is proved. The process X is a positive recurrent Markov process on a countable-state space and the process Y has conditionally independent increments given X. The pair (X,Y) is called a Markov additive process. This paper unifies and generalizes several functional central limit theorems for Markov additive processes. An explicit expression for the variance parameter of the limit process is calculated using the local characteristics of the X process. The functional central limit theorem is then used to prove a heavy traffic limit theorem for the closed Lu–Kumar network.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multiple deferred state repetitive group sampling plan which is a new sampling plan developed by incorporating the features of both multiple deferred state sampling plan and repetitive group sampling plan, for assuring Weibull or gamma distributed mean life of the products. The quality of the product is represented by the ratio of true mean life and specified mean life of the products. Two points on the operating characteristic curve approach is used to determine the optimal parameters of the proposed plan. The plan parameters are determined by formulating an optimization problem for various combinations of producer's risk and consumer's risk for both distributions. The sensitivity analysis of the proposed plan is discussed. The implementation of the proposed plan is explained using real-life data and simulated data. The proposed plan under Weibull distribution is compared with the existing sampling plans. The average sample number (ASN) of the proposed plan and failure probability of the product are obtained under Weibull, gamma and Birnbaum–Saunders distributions for a specified value of shape parameter and compared with each other. In addition, a comparative study is made between the ASN of the proposed plan under Weibull and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

The procedure suggested by DerSimonian and Laird is the simplest and most commonly used method for fitting the random effects model for meta-analysis. Here it is shown that, unless all studies are of similar size, this is inefficient when estimating the between-study variance, but is remarkably efficient when estimating the treatment effect. If formal inference is restricted to statements about the treatment effect, and the sample size is large, there is little point in implementing more sophisticated methodology. However, it is further demonstrated, for a simple special case, that use of the profile likelihood results in actual coverage probabilities for 95% confidence intervals that are closer to nominal levels for smaller sample sizes. Alternative methods for making inferences for the treatment effect may therefore be preferable if the sample size is small, but the DerSimonian and Laird procedure retains its usefulness for larger samples.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the contribution of Cerioli et al. (Stat Methods Appl, 2018), where robust monitoring based on high breakdown point estimators is proposed for multivariate data. The results follow years of development in robust diagnostic techniques. We discuss the issues of extending data monitoring to other models with complex structure, e.g. factor analysis, mixed linear models for which S and MM-estimators exist or deviating data cells. We emphasise the importance of robust testing that is often overlooked despite robust tests being readily available once S and MM-estimators have been defined. We mention open questions like out-of-sample inference or big data issues that would benefit from monitoring.  相似文献   

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