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李汉涛 《阴山学刊》2007,21(1):77-79
栏间节奏训练是目前普通高校400米栏训练中普遍忽视的方面,也是一些运动员主项成绩并不理想的主要原因。本文针对属此类情况的两名普通高校400米栏运动员进行了短期栏间节奏训练模式的实验研究,旨在为从事400米栏训练的教练员、运动员提供一些参考资料与借鉴,进一步提高普通高校400米栏的科学训练水平。  相似文献   

广西在前进——建国以来广西经济和社会发展伟大成就   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项卜! 自然资源情况碗g车’厂’、琐‘一’..’。1。只3年 3733万人 1 429夕 1 718,’236661平方公里 551万公顷 2 3.‘弓终l仪乙6r万立方米,/////.’/︵b 0n9﹄﹃匕 …︻‘[,卫土座盆OUA﹄n八9︸9︺八O性‘1一人比… 年底人11总数 其中:少数民族 年底社会劳动者二、土地面积田 其中:各类土地所占多 1.中山(海拔800米以上) 2.低x妇(海拔400一800米) 3.石山 4.丘陵(海拔200一400米){ 5.台地(海拔200米以};)} 6一平少也! 了.水l颐三、人口密度四、气候 多年平均气温 多年平均日照时间… 多年平均降水量i 多年平均降水总量… 在国土面积中:} …  相似文献   

轻身出行 汽车上应避免携带无用的物品.如果放置10千克无用的物品随车行驶1000千米,就会浪费约400毫升燃料.为了省油,应该定时对汽车行李箱进行清理,除了应急的工具以外,其余杂物最好“请”出去.  相似文献   

法国建筑设计师左皮尼设计的“AZ岛”是一艘巨型邮轮,它长400米、宽300米,有15层楼高,在海上航行时宛如一座会移动的城市。船上设有4000间客房、可同时容纳1万人居住。左皮尼还为船上的居民准备了健身房、海水浴中  相似文献   

在百米途中跑技术中,主要将步幅的提高以及整个动作的放松、协调做为主导来抓,这对主程百米途中跑技术而言是非常重要的.  相似文献   

燃气灶是家庭常用的炉具,安装或使用不当容易发生危险。下面介绍燃气灶安装和使用的注意事项。 安装注意事项 1.灶具要安装在通风良好的厨房内,与钢瓶间的最小距离为1米,但进气软管最长不应超过2米,灶具下面及周围不要堆放易燃物品。 2.灶具背面与墙净距不小于0.15米,侧面与墙净距不小于0.2米;若墙面属易燃材料,须  相似文献   

位于四川广汉南兴镇的青铜时代遗址一三星堆,是我国重点文物保护单位,这里有上千件令人惊叹的稀世珍宝。受损情况:在这次汶川大地震中,三星堆两件陶器标本被震落摔破,月亮湾城墙遗址轻度受损。三星堆遗址共有三面城墙包围。月亮湾城墙就是被外城墙包围的古皇宫城墙的一段,长约400米,宽约50米。  相似文献   

深沪湾海底古森林遗迹国家级自然保护区位于福建省晋江石狮两市沿海、面积3400公顷,1992年晋升为国家级,主要保护对象为海底古森林和牡蛎礁遗迹。深洲湾处于深炉—金井地堑断陷带,濒临台湾海峡,在潮间带和潮下带埋藏着距今7000—8000年的古油杉林,分布区长约400米,宽约50米,  相似文献   

文斗苗寨位于锦屏县西南隅,距县城70华里,坐落在贵州省第二条大河流清水江下游右岸,海拔600-650米的山岭上.全寨400余户,2000余人,苗族人口占98%,森林覆盖率90%.寨前是日夜涌流直奔洞庭的清水江,村后有风光旖旎,清澈见底的乌榜、乌斗二溪环绕,300多幢清一色的木质吊脚楼就掩映在片片茂林修竹之中.……  相似文献   

王鸿宇 《阴山学刊》2001,16(6):93-95
通过对中外优秀短跑运动员100米摆腿技术的分析,得出我国短跑运动员在步频能力上高于国外优秀运动员,而在步幅能力上负于国外优秀运动员.所以我国的短跑运动成绩要想达到世界高水平,必须加强摆动腿快速摆动技术,以便在高步频的基础上增大步幅.因为摆动腿技术可以缩短摆动腿的半径,快速摆动一方面缩短了腿的摆动半径,加快了腿的摆动速度,而且增大了两大腿之间的夹角,有效的增大了步幅.而且摆动腿的快速前摆直接影响了支撑腿和摆动腿时间,以及前蹬阻力,缩短了步时,从而提高了步频.  相似文献   

How is a person's racial self-representation related to the race history of the place in which he or she lives? We use Census Bureau data about race and ancestry to address this research question for two groups of people with mixed racial heritage: those reporting white and American Indian heritages, or reporting black and American Indian heritages. Links between history, place, and self-representation can be seen in geographic clustering for each race/ancestry response combination. We use multinomial logistic regression models to predict individuals' race/ancestry responses (e.g., white with American Indian ancestry versus white and American Indian races) using measures of local race history and the area's contemporary racial composition. Multivariate results highlight the relationship between a person's identity claims and the history of the area, net of contemporary area composition. Future research should attend to the history of the place as a potential contributor to contemporary patterns.  相似文献   

殷商己族及其相关问题考论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
己族是殷商时期重要的族氏之一,己族的主要居住地应在今山东省寿光一带,己族与垃族合署而构成的复合族徽的含义应是族与族之间的联合关系,而非是主支和分支的关系。  相似文献   

锦江苗族盘瓠龙舟节是以苗家祭龙拜祖为核心的一种独特的民俗,充分体现了巫术与原始宗教的特点,与苗族祖先的生活有着不可分割的联系。锦江盘瓠龙舟节有两大特点:第一,持续时间长,活动内容丰富,堪称龙舟竞渡之最。第二,锦江苗族由于长期封闭和落后,古文化保存完整,透过锦江盘瓠龙舟节这个活的文化遗产,可以窥探出龙舟竞渡古老的原始意义——原始渔猎活动与巫术结合的产物。不过经过长期的演变,宗教和巫术的色彩也在逐渐淡化,体育竞技和娱乐的色彩越来越浓。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between chosen field of study and the race gap in college completion among students at elite colleges. Fields of study are characterized by varying institutional arrangements, which impact the academic performance of students in higher education. If the effect of fields on graduation likelihoods is unequal across racial groups, then this may account for part of the overall race gap in college completion. Results from a large sample of students attending elite colleges confirm that fields of study influence the graduation likelihoods of all students, above and beyond factors such as students’ academic and social backgrounds. This effect, however, is asymmetrical: relative to white students, the negative effect of the institutional arrangements of math-oriented fields on graduation likelihood is greater for black students. Therefore, the race gap is larger within math-oriented fields than in other fields, which contributes to the overall race gap in graduation likelihoods at these selective colleges. These results indicate that a nontrivial share of the race gap in college completion is generated after matriculation, by the environments that students encounter in college. Consequently, policy interventions that target field of study environments can substantially mitigate racial disparities in college graduation rates.  相似文献   

We develop and test a new hypothesis about how the race of a college freshman’s roommate affects the racial composition of the student’s ego network. Together, three principles of social structure—proximity, homophily, and transitivity—logically imply that college students assigned a roommate of a given race will have more friends (other than their roommate) of that race than will students assigned a roommate not of that race. A test with data collected from 195 white freshmen at Stanford University in the spring of 2002 supports this prediction. Our analysis advances earlier work by predicting and providing evidence of race-specific effects: While students assigned a different-race roommate of a given race have more friends (other than their roommate) of their roommate’s race, they do not have more different-race friends not of their roommate’s race.  相似文献   

We examine race differences in delinquency using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. We use a new method that permits an examination of offense specialization. We argue that an examination of offense patterns provides an opportunity for testing theoretical explanations of race effects. If race differences in violent crime reflect race differences in serious crime, then theories of crime can explain race effects. Otherwise, theories of violence are needed to explain the phenomenon. Our results suggest that black adolescents have higher rates of violence, particularly armed violence, but they do not have higher rates of serious (or minor) property or drug crime. Race differences in violence are generally stronger for adolescents who would otherwise be at lower risk: girls and adolescents from educated and intact families. Puerto Rican adolescents also have higher rates of violence than Anglos, but other Hispanic groups do not. We conclude with a discussion of the implication of the empirical literature (including our results) for various theoretical explanations of race differences in violence.  相似文献   

Generalized trust in other Americans has never been so low. Explanations of this decline draw attention to the role of generational replacement and to period effects stemming from macro-level economic and political changes. In this paper, I consider generational and period trends in trust for black and for white Americans. Although race is considered one of the most important predictors of levels of trust, few studies have analyzed how race relates to larger generational and period trends of decline. General Social Survey data is used to test whether the decline thesis applies equally to black and to white Americans’ trust levels. I consider both the widely used index of generalized trust and the individual items comprising this index. The results show that although the war baby generation (1935-1944) of white Americans was more trusting than other generations, there has been no corresponding variability across generations for black Americans. At the period level, while there has been a decline in generalized trust and each of its sub-components for white Americans, the period-based trends for black Americans are more variable across measures. The use of a general index to study trends for black Americans masks important period-based trends. The decline in trust is related to race and what is missing from most accounts of the race gap in trust is a discussion of structural forces that advantage white Americans and hence inflate their trust levels.  相似文献   

十四行诗是诞生在意大利民间的一种抒情诗体裁,在13世纪形成了严谨的格律和固定的格式.在意失利文艺复兴的影响下,十四行诗传入法、英、德、西诸国,并适应各国语言的特点,产生了不同的变体,使得十四行诗成为一种跨域传播的世界性诗体.十四行诗于20世纪20年代被译介到中国.经过新诗运动先驱们在新诗创格运动中的创作实践,十四行诗演变出多种中国式变体.中国十四行诗延展了新诗的诗行结构,拓宽了新诗的用字规范,丰富了新诗的音韵模式,为建构中国新诗体系起到了重要的历史作用.  相似文献   

为了组合4×100米接力最优化结构,重庆邮电学院田径队进行了有计划的观察、实验和研究,通过对几名田径队员100米成绩及人际关系的测定,揭示了4×100米接力最优化组合是技术、战术和良好人际关系的高度凝结和有机统一。  相似文献   

Scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners have long argued that students of color are over-represented in special education and under-represented in gifted education, arguing that educators make racially/ethnically biased decisions to refer and qualify students with disabilities and giftedness. Recent research has called this into question, focusing on the role of confounders of race/ethnicity. However, the role of educator decisions in the disproportionality is still unclear. In this study, I examine the role of student race/ethnicity in teachers' categorization of student needs as “exceptional” and in need of special or gifted education services. I use an original survey experiment in which teachers read case studies of fictional male students in which the race/ethnicity, English Language Learner status, and exceptionality characteristics were experimentally manipulated. The teachers are then asked whether they would refer the student for exceptionality testing. My findings suggest a complex intersection of race/ethnicity and exceptionality, in which white boys are more likely to be suspected of having exceptionalities when they exhibit academic challenges, while boys of color are more likely to be suspected when they exhibit behavioral challenges. This suggests that the racialized construction of exceptionalities reflects differential academic expectations and interpretations of behavior by race/ethnicity, with implications for the subjectivity of exceptionality identification and for the exacerbation of racial/ethnic inequalities in education.  相似文献   

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