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关系营销中客户回报计划对客户品牌选择行为的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在考虑客户间异质偏好性的基础上,利用一组客户的纵贯交易数据建立消费者离散选择模型研究了回报计划对客户个体层面品牌选择行为的影响,并利用策略实验及潜分层模型对相关问题进行了系统深入的分析。结果表明,回报计划可以有效提升客户的品牌选择购买概率,是一种有效的关系营销策略;策略实验分析得到,竞争的环境下,对零售超市而言其最优决策策略不仅是实施回报计划,而且要努力争取客户成为自己回报计划的会员;此外,通过潜分层模型评估发现客户回报计划仅会对一类特定客户具有明显的刺激作用。最后讨论了结论对企业营销管理实践的意义。  相似文献   

现代金融学主要目标是给出具有科学依据的投资建议。这一任务对于投资期限较短的投资者已完成,但对面临时变性投资机会的长期投资者,金融学家还不能给出高精度的投资建议。文章考虑投资者自身预测力存在估计误差的感知风险(参数不确定性)对投资者最优资产组合选择问题的影响。运用我国资本市场数据的实证研究表明:忽略参数不确定性对资产组合选择问题的影响将会误导投资者配置过多的风险资产。  相似文献   

When investing abroad firms must choose betweengoing alone or with a partner – the so-calledownership structure decision. Additionally,firms can enter a new country by acquisitionsor by greenfield investments – the foreignestablishment mode decision. These twodecisions have traditionally been analyzedseparately in the literature on entry mode.What is more, this literature has much lessanalyzed hybrid entry modes, like partialacquisitions. The aim of this paper is toanalyze how the different factors analyzed inprior research influence the choice of entrymode when jointly taking into account fouralternative entry modes: greenfield whollyowned subsidiaries, greenfield joint ventures,full acquisitions and partial acquisitions. Theempirical analysis was carried out byestimating a multinomial logit model over asample of FDIs made by Spanish firms. Ourresults also contribute to the knowledge ofspecific patterns in the choice of entry modeby firms from late investor countries, likeSpain.  相似文献   

Andr Drost 《LABOUR》2002,16(2):201-233
In this paper we provide new empirical and theoretical insights into the dynamics of occupational choice. In the empirical part of the paper we analyse West German time series data on the number of first‐year students in more than 50 fields. We show that this number is cyclical in many fields so that occupational choice is cyclical in many professions. In the theoretical part we develop a model that explains cycles in occupational choice. Unlike other models, it is not based on the unrealistic assumption that occupational choice is independent of the risk of unemployment associated with each occupation.  相似文献   

本文通过构建一个模型分析了在存在双重道德风险的情况下,项目的创新水平对企业家选择融资方式的影响,研究认为在较低的创新水平下企业家将会选择银行债务融资;较高的创新水平企业家将会选择风险资本融资。模型进一步分析了创新水平对风险资本融资融资契约中风险资本家股权份额分配的影响,研究认为创新水平的增加将会引起风险资本家股权份额的增加。  相似文献   

企业为了不同的目标建立战略联盟,而有效的联盟控制是实现目标的重要保证.本文从战略联盟的动机出发,提出实现不同联盟目标所应采取的控制方式,并研究了不同的联盟控制方式对联盟绩效的影响.通过企业间联盟的数据对本文相关假说进行了实证检验.  相似文献   

外商直接投资区位选择与风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭怡  李友元  寇纲  施宇  石勇 《管理评论》2012,(2):31-35,44
本文提出一种新的基于组合熵权TOPSIS方法的多目标决策模型,综合考虑市场、成本、聚集和制度等相关因素,对山东省17个地区的经济发展水平及其与外商直接投资区位选择关系进行分析。在模型中,我们首先应用熵权法得到各评价准则和因素的相对权重,然后应用TOPSIS方法对山东省17个地区进行排序。本文还结合实例说明如何将所提出的方法应用到外商直接投资在中国的区位选择问题。此外,我们还进行了敏感性分析,以判断各评价准则受权重的影响程度。研究结果和实例分析表明基于组合熵权TOPSIS方法在外商直接投资区位选择分析中是有效和可行的。  相似文献   

从组织间模仿视角出发,考察组织环境中的其他企业以往行为对企业区位选择的影响。基于中国企业对美国直接投资数据的实证研究发现,模仿是中国企业对美国直接投资区位选择的重要影响因素,企业的区位选择会受到同行业中国企业和其他行业中国企业以往选择的影响。并且,同行业企业的影响要大于其他行业企业,即企业更倾向于模仿与自身相似企业的行为。另外,环境不确定性程度也会对企业的模仿行为起到调节作用,环境不确定性的提升会增大其他企业以往行为对当前企业区位选择的影响。  相似文献   

在中西方学者对渠道模式划分的基础上,参考学者马君等提出的企业关系治理谱系,提出了基于关系租金的渠道模式选择最优区间。研究表明,渠道模式选择受到资产专用/互补性程度、关系复杂/信息和知识共有化程度和贴现率的影响,而关系租金是进行渠道模式选择的重要标准之一,准市场化渠道关系租金大于市场化渠道和一体化渠道,因此,建立长期关系导向的准市场化渠道是渠道发展的最终归宿和最高境界,渠道模式决策最终形成了基于资产专用/互补性程度、关系复杂/信息和知识共有化程度和关系租金的选择谱系。案例研究也表明,建立在长期关系导向基础上的准市场化渠道模式所进行的专用性投资、信息和知识共有化以及有效规制建设可以给合作成员带来单一组织无法产生的关系租金和竞争优势。  相似文献   

本文结合中国制度背景,从代理成本视角理论推演终极控制股东与债务期限结构之间的关系.采用包含2004-2008年间可连续获得相关信息的1076家在深、沪上市的非金融公司组成的平衡面板数据(总共5380个观察值),在控制相关变量下应用广义最小二乘法(GLS)、参数和非参数检验等方法实证检查终极控制股东对债务期限结构选择的影响.研究发现,终极控制股东确实影响债务期限结构选择.具体而言:(1)终极控制股东控制权高的公司具有显著短的债务期限;(2)终极控制股东控制权和所有权的分离度与债务期限显著负相关;(3)与终极控制股东是家族等非国有公司相比,终极控制股东是国有的公司具有相对多的长期债务.总的来说,本研究提供的经验证据支持这样的论点:“与长期债务相比,短期债务在处理公司治理方面具有比较优势;债务期限的缩短可以减缓终极控制股东与债权人之间的代理冲突,抑制终极控制股东的掠夺行为”.  相似文献   

This paper uses political reservations for women in India to study the impact of women's leadership on policy decisions. Since the mid‐1990's, one third of Village Council head positions in India have been randomly reserved for a woman: In these councils only women could be elected to the position of head. Village Councils are responsible for the provision of many local public goods in rural areas. Using a dataset we collected on 265 Village Councils in West Bengal and Rajasthan, we compare the type of public goods provided in reserved and unreserved Village Councils. We show that the reservation of a council seat affects the types of public goods provided. Specifically, leaders invest more in infrastructure that is directly relevant to the needs of their own genders.  相似文献   

终极控制权与资本结构的选择——来自沪市的经验证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
很多公司中存在着终极控制权现象,终极控制人通过金字塔式的股权结构控制公司并以此获取控制私利,资本结构作为公司的重要财务决策必然会受到影响.以资本结构为对象研究终极控制权对公司财务的影响,构建一个全新的现金流量权与控制权分离程度的替代变量,结果表明在中国终极控制权比控股股东更能反应控制的实质和掏空的本质,终极控制人控制上市公司进行债务融资是为了通过举债获得可控制的资源;相对于国有的终极控制人,民营的终极控制人的上述动机更加明显;尽管中国上市公司独立董事比例较低,但是独立董事的存在确实能抑制终极控制人的掏空行为.  相似文献   

Historical literature on the causes of the Pacific War generally focuses on either international relationships between the great powers in the interwar period or on the role of domestic interest groups in Japan, especially the Imperial Army and Navy. An alternative to these predominantly narrative approaches is to consider Japanese imperialism as explained by the public choice concept of rent seeking. Seeing both imperial expansions through armed conquest and domestic interest group rivalry as forms of rent-seeking behavior can provide a unifying perspective for understanding the Pacific War.
Brian DolleryEmail:

Zane A. Spindler,   born in 1941, has a Ph.D. in economics (Michigan State University, 1968) and has been a professor in the Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, since 1967. His current research interests include constitutional foundations of economic freedom, central bank governance, and the evolution of land contests. His works have been published in the Canadian Journal of Economics, Constitutional Political Economy, Oxford Economic Papers, Public Choice, Public Organizational Review, and South African Journal of Economics. Brian E. Dollary,   born in 1952, has a Ph.D. in economics (Rhodes University, 1983) and has been a professor in the Department of Economics, University of New England since 1988. His current research interests include public service delivery, fiscal federalism, and public enterprise reform. His works have been published in Applied Economics, Australian Economic Papers, Public Administration Quarterly, Public Finance/Finance Publique, South African Journal of Economics, and World Development.  相似文献   

价格促销对消费者品牌选择的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过实验方法探索性地研究了价格促销对消费者品牌选择的非对称影响。研究表明:消费者对不同产品的价格敏感性有所不同;较贵重的笔记本电脑、手机等耐用消费品行业中的低端品牌在与高端品牌的短期价格竞争中会获得更多市场份额,而对较廉价的洗发水等非耐用消费品来说,高端品牌将会在降价促销时获益更多。本文研究结论与国外同类研究结论有所不同,对企业的定价决策有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

增值税税率影响企业的逻辑与其他税种存在较大差异,然而已有研究对增值税税率的影响关注不够。依据我国2017年4月颁布的将13%的增值税税率降至11%的改革,本文基于事件研究方法发现,相比其他企业,增值税税率降低的企业在[0,1]事件窗口期的股东财富平均增长了约0.3%,这相当于370亿股东总财富的增加。接下来的实证分析验证了增值税税率影响企业价值的两条路径:"价格效应"与"税负效应"。我们还进一步识别了"税负效应"的具体来源。此外,比较发现,"税负效应"的影响程度要超过"价格效应"。最后,区分产权性质的结果显示,增值税税率的价值效应主要存在于非国有企业;出口退税政策的存在则使得非出口企业受增值税税率的影响更大。本文提供了增值税税率价值效应的经验证据,并系统揭示了增值税税率价值效应的具体来源以及各来源的相对重要性,这使得本文结论具有重要的理论价值与政策启示意义。  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the effect of outward internationalisation, inward internationalisation activities and outward-inward internationalisation (i.e., exporting and importing) on different types of innovation undertaken by UK SMEs. Specifically, we differentiate between product innovation and process innovation and examine the potential effect that they can generate individually and in combination. The results show that both inward and outward internationalisation support product and process innovation in SMEs. However, such an effect is found to be stronger for the combined outward-inward internationalisation operations than for the single mode undertaken by SMEs. The results are found to be robust across the different types of innovation. However, sub-sample analysis shows that, although innovation responds to different internationalisation operations in micro and small firms, for medium-sized firms, only the combination of outward and inward internationalisation operations increases the probability of undertaking both innovations. Using the organisational learning theory, we argue that engaging in both internationalisation activities simultaneously enables firms to acquire a more diverse and richer set of knowledge and key information — through double loop learning, which is translated into increased levels of innovation. Hence, our results have important theoretical, managerial, and policy implications and stimulate the existing debate in the area.  相似文献   

Formal contracts represent an important governance instrument with which firms exercise control of and compensate partners in R&D projects. The specific type of contract used, however, can vary significantly across projects. In some, firms' govern partnering relationships through fixed‐price contracts, whereas in others, firms' use more flexible time and materials or performance‐based contracts. How do these choices affect the costs and benefits that arise from greater levels of partner integration? Furthermore, how are these relationships affected when the choice of contract is misaligned with the scope and objectives of the partnering relationship? Our study addresses these questions using data from 172 R&D projects that involve partners. We find that, (i) greater partner integration is associated with higher project costs for all contract types; (ii) greater partner integration is associated with higher product quality only in projects that adopt more flexible time and materials or performance‐based contracts; and (iii) in projects where the choice of contract is misaligned with the scope and objectives of the partnering relationship, greater partner integration is associated with higher project costs, but not with higher product quality. Our results shed light on the subtle interplay between formal and relational contracting. They have important implications for practice, with respect to designing optimal governance structures in partnered R&D projects.  相似文献   

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