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We consider two consistent estimators for the parameters of the linear predictor in the Poisson regression model, where the covariate is measured with errors. The measurement errors are assumed to be normally distributed with known error variance σ u 2 . The SQS estimator, based on a conditional mean-variance model, takes the distribution of the latent covariate into account, and this is here assumed to be a normal distribution. The CS estimator, based on a corrected score function, does not use the distribution of the latent covariate. Nevertheless, for small σ u 2 , both estimators have identical asymptotic covariance matrices up to the order of σ u 2 . We also compare the consistent estimators to the naive estimator, which is based on replacing the latent covariate with its (erroneously) measured counterpart. The naive estimator is biased, but has a smaller covariance matrix than the consistent estimators (at least up to the order of σ u 2 ).  相似文献   

i , i = 1, 2, ..., k be k independent exponential populations with different unknown location parameters θ i , i = 1, 2, ..., k and common known scale parameter σ. Let Y i denote the smallest observation based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. Suppose a subset of the given k population is selected using the subset selection procedure according to which the population π i is selected iff Y i Y (1)d, where Y (1) is the largest of the Y i 's and d is some suitable constant. The estimation of the location parameters associated with the selected populations is considered for the squared error loss. It is observed that the natural estimator dominates the unbiased estimator. It is also shown that the natural estimator itself is inadmissible and a class of improved estimators that dominate the natural estimator is obtained. The improved estimators are consistent and their risks are shown to be O(kn −2). As a special case, we obtain the coresponding results for the estimation of θ(1), the parameter associated with Y (1). Received: January 6, 1998; revised version: July 11, 2000  相似文献   

The Monte Carlo method gives some estimators to evaluate the expectation [ILM0001] based on samples from either the true density f or from some instrumental density. In this paper, we show that the Riemann estimators introduced by Philippe (1997) can be improved by using the importance sampling method. This approach produces a class of Monte Carlo estimators such that the variance is of order O(n ?2). The choice of an optimal estimator among this class is discussed. Some simulations illustrate the improvement brought by this method. Moreover, we give a criterion to assess the convergence of our optimal estimator to the integral of interest.  相似文献   

Given a Wishart matrix S [SWp(n, Σ)] and an independent multinomial vector X [X ∽ Np (μ, Σ)], equivariant estimators of Σ are proposed. These estimators dominate the best multiple of S and the Stein-type truncated estimators.  相似文献   


This article considers the estimation of a distribution function FX(x) based on a random sample X1, X2, …, Xn when the sample is suspected to come from a close-by distribution F0(x). The new estimators, namely the preliminary test (PTE) and Stein-type estimator (SE) are defined and compared with the “empirical distribution function” (edf) under local departure. In this case, we show that Stein-type estimators are superior to edf and PTE is superior to edf when it is close to F0(x). As a by-product similar estimators are proposed for population quantiles.  相似文献   

For the problem of estimating the location parameter of a p-variate spherically symmetric distribution (p>3), Hwang (1985) established the dominance of some positive-part James-Stein (1961) estimators over the usual estimator simultaneously under a very general class of loss function. Vie show that many of his results can be extended to a class of positive-part Baranchik-type estimators (1970).  相似文献   

A new algorithm is stated for the evaluation of the maximum likelihood estimators of the two-parameter gamma density. This, along with other approximations, is used to evaluate by quadrature, moments of the estimators of the shape and scale parameters.  相似文献   

In the past decade, different robust estimators have been proposed by several researchers to improve the ability to detect non-random patterns such as trend, process mean shift, and outliers in multivariate control charts. However, the use of the sample mean vector and the mean square successive difference matrix in the T 2 control chart is sensitive in detecting process mean shift or trend but less sensitive in detecting outliers. On the other hand, the minimum volume ellipsoid (MVE) estimators in the T 2 control chart are sensitive in detecting multiple outliers but less sensitive in detecting trend or process mean shift. Therefore, new robust estimators using both merits of the mean square successive difference matrix and the MVE estimators are developed to modify Hotelling's T 2 control chart. To compare the detection performance among various control charts, a simulation approach for establishing control limits and calculating signal probabilities is provided as well. Our simulation results show that a multivariate control chart using the new robust estimators can achieve a well-balanced sensitivity in detecting the above-mentioned non-random patterns. Finally, three numerical examples further demonstrate the usefulness of our new robust estimators.  相似文献   

The estimation of a linear combination of several restricted location parameters is addressed from a decision-theoretic point of view. Although the corresponding linear combination of the unbiased estimators is minimax under the restricted problem, it has a drawback of taking values outside the restricted parameter space. Thus, it is reasonable to use the linear combination of the restricted estimators such as maximum likelihood or truncated estimators. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for such restricted estimators to be minimax is derived, and it is shown that the restricted estimators are not minimax when the number of the location parameters is large. The condition for minimaxity is examined for some specific distributions. Finally, similar problems of estimating the product and sum of the restricted scale parameters are studied, and it is shown that analogous non-dominance properties appear when the number of the scale parameters is large.  相似文献   

In stratified sampling, methods for the allocation of effort among strata usually rely on some measure of within-stratum variance. If we do not have enough information about these variances, adaptive allocation can be used. In adaptive allocation designs, surveys are conducted in two phases. Information from the first phase is used to allocate the remaining units among the strata in the second phase. Brown et al. [Adaptive two-stage sequential sampling, Popul. Ecol. 50 (2008), pp. 239–245] introduced an adaptive allocation sampling design – where the final sample size was random – and an unbiased estimator. Here, we derive an unbiased variance estimator for the design, and consider a related design where the final sample size is fixed. Having a fixed final sample size can make survey-planning easier. We introduce a biased Horvitz–Thompson type estimator and a biased sample mean type estimator for the sampling designs. We conduct two simulation studies on honey producers in Kurdistan and synthetic zirconium distribution in a region on the moon. Results show that the introduced estimators are more efficient than the available estimators for both variable and fixed sample size designs, and the conventional unbiased estimator of stratified simple random sampling design. In order to evaluate efficiencies of the introduced designs and their estimator furthermore, we first review some well-known adaptive allocation designs and compare their estimator with the introduced estimators. Simulation results show that the introduced estimators are more efficient than available estimators of these well-known adaptive allocation designs.  相似文献   

For the model X ~ Np: (θ,I)preliminary test estimator (PTE), shrinkage and positive-rule versions of the MLE (X) of θare mutually compared in the light of the Pitman closeness measure. The usual dominance properties of these estimators pertaining to the conventional quadratic loss criterion are shown to remain intact in the current context too. In an asymptotic setup, the conclusions hold for a much wider class of estimators pertaining to general parametric and nonparametric models.  相似文献   

Fieller's confidence set CF for ratios of location parameters, although of great importance in practice, is often cited as an example to criticize frequentist theory. The reason is that the set can consist of the whole parameter space and yet the confidence is γ = 1 – α in any case. In this paper, we study the problem of constructing data-dependent estimators better than γ+, A reasonable estimator appears to be γ+, which is one if CF is the whole parameter space and γ otherwise. By using an estimated confidence approach and a squared-error loss, it is shown that γ+ dominates γ. The risk improvement of γ+ over γ can be sizable. Also, by numerically comparing γ+ with a generalized Bayes estimator γL, which is shown to be admissible when one or two ratios are concerned, it is shown that γ+ is nearly admissible. We also conclude that the common practice of reporting 1 – α only when CF is not the whole parameter space is nearly admissible.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of well-known partially adaptive estimators (PAEs) in terms of efficiency in estimating regression parameters. The aim is to identify the best estimators of regression parameters when error terms follow from normal, Laplace, Student's t, normal mixture, lognormal and gamma distribution via the Monte Carlo simulation. In the results of the simulation, efficient PAEs are determined in the case of symmetric leptokurtic and skewed leptokurtic regression error data. Additionally, these estimators are also compared in terms of regression applications. Regarding these applications, using certain standard error estimators, it is shown that PAEs can reduce the standard error of the slope parameter estimate relative to ordinary least squares.  相似文献   

Multiple linear regression models are frequently used in predicting unknown values of the response variable y. In this case, a regression model's ability to produce an adequate prediction equation is of prime importance. This paper discusses the predictive performance of the r-k and r-d class estimators compared to ordinary least squares (OLS), principal components, ridge regression and Liu estimators and between each other. The theoretical results are illustrated using Portland cement data and a region is established where the r-k and the r-d class estimators are uniformly superior to the other mentioned estimators.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to study the pooled estimator of the shape parameter of the three parameter gamma distribution when k independent samples are available. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the pooled estimator are given and the small as well as the large sample properties are studied. The harmonic mean of the k estimators of the independent samples is proposed in the place of the pooled estimator, in the case in which the latter does not exist.  相似文献   

This note considers the variance estimation for population size estimators based on capture–recapture experiments. Whereas a diversity of estimators of the population size has been suggested, the question of estimating the associated variances is less frequently addressed. This note points out that the technique of conditioning can be applied here successfully which also allows us to identify sources of variation: the variance due to estimation of the model parameters and the binomial variance due to sampling n units from a population of size N. It is applied to estimators typically used in capture–recapture experiments in continuous time including the estimators of Zelterman and Chao and improves upon previously used variance estimators. In addition, knowledge of the variances associated with the estimators by Zelterman and Chao allows the suggestion of a new estimator as the weighted sum of the two. The decomposition of the variance into the two sources allows also a new understanding of how resampling techniques like the Bootstrap could be used appropriately. Finally, the sample size question for capture–recapture experiments is addressed. Since the variance of population size estimators increases with the sample size, it is suggested to use relative measures such as the observed-to-hidden ratio or the completeness of identification proportion for approaching the question of sample size choice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically derive the exact formula for the mean squared error (MSE) of two weighted average (WA) estimators for each individual regression coefficient. Further, we execute numerical evaluations to investigate small sample properties of the WA estimators, and compare the MSE performance of the WA estimators with the other shrinkage estimators and the usual OLS estimator. Our numerical results show that (1) the WA estimators have smaller MSE than the other shrinkage estimators and the OLS estimator over a wide region of parameter space; (2) the range where the relative MSE of the WA estimator is smaller than that of the OLS estimator gets narrower as the number of explanatory variables k increases.  相似文献   

The intra-cluster correlation is insisted on nested error regression model that, in practice, is rarely known. This article demonstrates the size in generalized least squares (GLS) F-test using Fuller–Battese transformation and modification F-test. For the balanced case, the former using strictly positive, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) estimators of intra-cluster correlation can control the size for moderate intra-cluster correlations. For small intra-cluster correlation, they perform well when the numbers of cluster are large. The latter using the ANOVA estimator performs well except for small numbers of cluster. When intra-cluster correlation is large, it cannot control the size. For the unbalanced case, the GLS F-test using the Fuller–Battese transformation and the modification F-test using the strictly positive, the ANCOVA and the ANOVA estimators maintain the significance level for small total sample size and small intra-cluster correlations when there is a large variation in cluster sizes, but they perform well in controlling the size for large total sample size and small different variation in cluster sizes. Besides, Henderson’s method 3 estimator maintains the significance level for a few situations.  相似文献   

This study considers the small sample performance of approximate but simple two-stage estimators for probit models with two endogenous binary covariates. Monte Carlo simulations show that all the considered estimators, including the simulated maximum-likelihood (SML) estimation, of the trivariate probit model are biased in very small samples (N=100). With moderately small samples (N=500), some of the approximations perform as well as the SML estimator when the degree of endogeneity is not very large. Some of the approximations seem robust with higher correlations and are also promising for testing the exogeneity of binary covariates. The methods are used to estimate the impact of employment-based health insurance and health care (HC) on HC use, where the approximations seem to work at least as well as the SML and in some cases better.  相似文献   

Two classes of estimators of a location parameter ø0 are proposed, based on a nonnegative functional H1* of the pair (D1øN, GøN), where and where FN is the sample distribution function. The estimators of the first class are defined as a value of ø minimizing H1*; the estimators of the second class are linearized versions of those of the first. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators is derived, and it is shown that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, the signed linear rank statistics, and the Cramérvon Mises statistics are special cases of such functionals H1*;. These estimators are closely related to the estimators of a shift in the two-sample case, proposed and studied by Boulanger in B2 (pp. 271–284).  相似文献   

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