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The authors propose a quasi‐likelihood approach analogous to two‐way analysis of variance for the estimation of the parameters of generalized linear mixed models with two components of dispersion. They discuss both the asymptotic and small‐sample behaviour of their estimators, and illustrate their use with salamander mating data.  相似文献   


We investigated the empirical likelihood inference approach under a general class of semiparametric hazards regression models with survival data subject to right-censoring. An empirical likelihood ratio for the full 2p regression parameters involved in the model is obtained. We showed that it converged weakly to a random variable which could be written as a weighted sum of 2p independent chi-squared variables with one degree of freedom. Using this, we could construct a confidence region for parameters. We also suggested an adjusted version for the preceding statistic, whose limit followed a standard chi-squared distribution with 2p degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

There exists a recent study where dynamic mixed‐effects regression models for count data have been extended to a semi‐parametric context. However, when one deals with other discrete data such as binary responses, the results based on count data models are not directly applicable. In this paper, we therefore begin with existing binary dynamic mixed models and generalise them to the semi‐parametric context. For inference, we use a new semi‐parametric conditional quasi‐likelihood (SCQL) approach for the estimation of the non‐parametric function involved in the semi‐parametric model, and a semi‐parametric generalised quasi‐likelihood (SGQL) approach for the estimation of the main regression, dynamic dependence and random effects variance parameters. A semi‐parametric maximum likelihood (SML) approach is also used as a comparison to the SGQL approach. The properties of the estimators are examined both asymptotically and empirically. More specifically, the consistency of the estimators is established and finite sample performances of the estimators are examined through an intensive simulation study.  相似文献   

When a generalized linear mixed model with multiple (two or more) sources of random effects is considered, the inferences may vary depending on the nature of the random effects. In this paper, we consider a familial Poisson mixed model where each of the count responses of a family are influenced by two independent unobservable familial random effects with two distinct components of dispersion. A generalized quasilikelihood (GQL) approach is discussed for the estimation of the dispersion components as well as the regression effects of the model. A simulation study is conducted to examine the relative performance of the GQL approach as opposed to a simpler method of moments. Furthermore, the GQL estimation methodology is illustrated by using health care utilization data that follow a Poisson mixed model with one component of dispersion and by using simulated asthma data that follow a Poisson mixed model with two sources of random effects with two distinct components of dispersion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider inferences in a binary dynamic mixed model. The existing estimation approaches mainly estimate the regression effects and the dynamic dependence parameters either through the estimation of the random effects or by avoiding the random effects technically. Under the assumption that the random effects follow a Gaussian distribution, we propose a generalized quasilikelihood (GQL) approach for the estimation of the parameters of the dynamic mixed models. The proposed approach is computationally less cumbersome than the exact maximum likelihood (ML) approach. We also carry out the GQL estimation under two competitive, namely, probit and logit mixed models, and discuss both the asymptotic and small-sample behaviour of their estimators.  相似文献   

A marginal–pairwise-likelihood estimation approach is examined in the mixed Rasch model with the binary response and logit link. This method belonging to the broad class of composite likelihood provides estimators with desirable asymptotic properties such as consistency and asymptotic normality. We study the performance of the proposed methodology when the random effect distribution is misspecified. A simulation study was conducted to compare this approach with the maximum marginal likelihood. The different results are also illustrated with an analysis of the real data set from a quality-of-life study.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, conditional on random family effects, we consider an auto‐regression model for repeated count data and their corresponding time‐dependent covariates, collected from the members of a large number of independent families. The count responses, in such a set up, unconditionally exhibit a non‐stationary familial–longitudinal correlation structure. We then take this two‐way correlation structure into account, and develop a generalized quasilikelihood (GQL) approach for the estimation of the regression effects and the familial correlation index parameter, whereas the longitudinal correlation parameter is estimated by using the well‐known method of moments. The performance of the proposed estimation approach is examined through a simulation study. Some model mis‐specification effects are also studied. The estimation methodology is illustrated by analysing real life healthcare utilization count data collected from 36 families of size four over a period of 4 years.  相似文献   

Exact sampling distributions of sums of squares in the unbalanced one-way random model are obtained under heterogeneous error variances. These distributions are used to investigate the effect of heteroscedasticity and unbalancedness on the probability of negative estimate of the group variance component. The computed results reveal that heteroscedasticity affects the probability of negative estimate in all situations of group sizes. Further, the probability decreases with heterogeneity of error variances for balanced situations and increases with variability among group size for equal error variances case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new iterative sparse algorithm (ISA) to compute the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) or penalized MLE of the mixed effects model. The sparse approximation based on the arrow-head (A-H) matrix is one solution which is popularly used in practice. The A-H method provides an easy computation of the inverse of the Hessian matrix and is computationally efficient. However, it often has non-negligible error in approximating the inverse of the Hessian matrix and in the estimation. Unlike the A-H method, in the ISA, the sparse approximation is applied “iteratively” to reduce the approximation error at each Newton Raphson step. The advantages of the ISA over the exact and A-H method are illustrated using several synthetic and real examples.  相似文献   

The general mixed linear model, containing both the fixed and random effects, is considered. Using gamma priors for the variance components, the conditional posterior distributions of the fixed effects and the variance components, conditional on the random effects, are obtained. Using the normal approximation for the multiple t distribution, approximations are obtained for the posterior distributions of the variance components in infinite series form. The same approximation Is used to obtain closed expressions for the moments of the variance components. An example is considered to illustrate the procedure and a numerical study examines the closeness of the approximations.  相似文献   

Variable and model selection problems are fundamental to high-dimensional statistical modeling in diverse fields of sciences. Especially in health studies, many potential factors are usually introduced to determine an outcome variable. This paper deals with the problem of high-dimensional statistical modeling through the analysis of the trauma annual data in Greece for 2005. The data set is divided into the experiment and control sets and consists of 6334 observations and 112 factors that include demographic, transport and intrahospital data used to detect possible risk factors of death. In our study, different model selection techniques are applied to the experiment set and the notion of deviance is used on the control set to assess the fit of the overall selected model. The statistical methods employed in this work were the non-concave penalized likelihood methods, smoothly clipped absolute deviation, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, and Hard, the generalized linear logistic regression, and the best subset variable selection.The way of identifying the significant variables in large medical data sets along with the performance and the pros and cons of the various statistical techniques used are discussed. The performed analysis reveals the distinct advantages of the non-concave penalized likelihood methods over the traditional model selection techniques.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to comprehensively assess households’ burden due to health payments. Starting from the fairness approach developed by the World Health Organization, we analyse the burden of healthcare payments on Italian households by modeling catastrophic payments and impoverishment due to healthcare expenditures. For this purpose, we propose to extend the analysis of fairness in financing contribution through a generalized linear mixed models by introducing a bivariate correlated random effects model, where association between the outcomes is modeled through individual- and outcome-specific latent effects which are assumed to be correlated. We discuss model parameter estimation in a finite mixture context. By using such model specification, the fairness of the Italian national health service is investigated.  相似文献   

When a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with multiple (two or more) sources of random effects is considered, the inferences may vary depending on the nature of the random effects. For example, the inference in GLMMs with two independent random effects with two distinct components of dispersion will be different from the inference in GLMMs with two random effects in a two factor factorial design set-up. In this paper, we consider a familial-longitudinal model for repeated binary data where the binary response of an individual member of a family at a given time point is assumed to be influenced by the past responses of the member as well as two but independent sources of random family effects. For the estimation of the parameters of the proposed model, we discuss the well-known maximum-likelihood (ML) method as well as a generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) approach. The main objective of the paper is to examine the relative asymptotic efficiency performance of the ML and GQL estimators for the regression effects, dynamic (longitudinal) dependence and variance parameters of the random family effects from two sources.  相似文献   

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