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The influence of environmental parameters on epigeic beetle communities of forest fragments in an urbanization gradient was studied in Berlin. Eight deciduous forests along a rural to urban gradient were sampled with pitfall traps. Species richness did not decline across the rural to urban gradient. As expected, impervious surface cover as an indicator of urbanization correlated not only with habitat fragmentation and heat island effect but also with altered soil properties. The proportion of forest specialist staphylinid species decreased with increasing urbanization. The differences between staphylinid communities of neighboring forest fragments were enhanced in the most urban parts, probably due to increased habitat fragmentation. Furthermore, the loss of flightless species with increasing habitat isolation emphasized the influence of habitat fragmentation. The carabid communities revealed the urbanization effects not as clearly as the staphylinid communities, but both taxa revealed that direct anthropogenic habitat alteration, indicated by removal of decaying wood, favors open-habitat specialists. The extent of the urbanization influence seems to vary seasonally. Environmental parameters associated with urbanization explain the ordination of species communities in the winter better than in the summer. Heat island effect is suggested as an explanation for this difference.  相似文献   

The occurrence of carabid beetles in relation to trampling was examined in urban forest sites located in the city of Helsinki, southern Finland. The degree of wear of the forest floor was assessed and used as a measure of trampling intensity. In particular, we examined the following predictions: (1) carabid diversity should decrease with increasing trampling intensity, (2) mean body size of the dominating carabid species should decrease with increasing trampling intensity, and (3) opportunistic species should gain dominance in severely trampled sites. In total, 1,326 beetles representing 27 species were captured. The first prediction was not supported, as there was no correlation between species richness or Hill's N2 diversity index and trampling intensity. However, there was a positive correlation between number of carabids captured and trampling intensity of the site. The second hypothesis gained some support, as there was a marginally significant negative correlation between body size and trampling intensity. The hypothesis that opportunistic species should gain dominance in severely trampled sites was supported as one species was very dominant (Pterostichus melanarius, 60.0%) in the heavily trampled sites, while there were two equally and less dominant species in the less trampled sites. Individual species did show different responses to the effects of trampling, and the most sensitive forest species may not survive in the heavily trampled sites. We conclude that at the community level (e.g., species richness, diversity), the effects of trampling on carabids in urban forests are subtle, but impacts are pronounced for some sensitive species.  相似文献   

Based on current research the agglomerations are potentially desirable habitats for bumblebees. However, the relationship between the biodiversity of these bees and the green areas where they live is poorly understood. The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of green areas (ranging from 8 to 102 ha) of big cities on bumblebee species richness, composition, and the relative number of these insects. The studies were conducted within the administrative borders of the city of Wroc?aw (Poland) in 2011–2012 in 12 green areas such as parks, cemeteries and other places with trees and shrubs. Species richness and abundance of bumblebees was determined by direct observation during 30 min. The gathered materials were used to calculate how areas of urban green space affected qualitative and quantitative bumblebee community structure. In total, 13 species of bumblebees (Bombus Latr.) were recorded, of which 3 belonged to cuckoo bumblebees (Psithyrus subgenus). The share of the most similar groups was congregated in green areas not smaller than 30 ha. This was proved by analysis of qualitative structure (Sørensen index), quantitative structure (Renkonen index), and qualitative-quantitative structure (Cody’s index). The number of bumblebee species in the surveyed green areas (r = 0.7497) was decisive for the arrangement of the mutual similarity of group structure. Green urban areas should be created in a size of at least 30 ha. Such sites provide conditions for the most diversified bumblebee species communities. Sites smaller than 30 ha can play an important role as refuges, and allow migration to all pollinators.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine the distribution of dominant ants and factors that may influence their dominance in New Zealand cities. A new method of active ant trapping combining aspects of pitfall trapping and attraction to food baits was used to capture a sample of all ant species that attended baits. Fifty eight percent of the ant species present in New Zealand were recovered from 2202 traps, with multiple species catches in 245 traps. There was a strong latitudinal relationship in the distribution of ant species, with the proportion of native to introduced species increasing in favour of the native species as latitude increased (south). The presence of Linepithema humile, the Argentine ant, a numerically dominant species was associated with a significant reduction in the number of other ant species captured. With increased urbanisation, providing refugia at times of cool temperatures for warm temperate-sub tropical introduced ant species, their range may extend into the higher latitudes, further displacing native ants from New Zealand cities.  相似文献   

The increasing acknowledgement of the importance of urban habitats in the maintenance of biodiversity has brought with it a need to quantify this importance at a scale appropriate to the characteristic patch sizes encountered in urban areas. Taking a study area in the Black Country (UK) we used a spatially complete, rapid assessment method to evaluate habitat patches in terms of their internal structural heterogeneity. This method recognises the importance of both natural and anthropogenic processes in providing a diverse range of habitats and niches for both flora and fauna. It also recognises the key role of context in determining the ecological significance of each patch within the urban landscape.All habitats studied had a complex mix of both natural and artificial structural elements, where an element is a within-patch contributor to structural diversity, with each habitat type having a large range of element totals. Characteristic totals, reflecting the level of habitat structural diversity, were observed in some habitat types with residential areas having high values and industrial and commercial areas having low values. Certain structural elements were also associated with each habitat type allowing characteristic element assemblages to be derived. If structural diversity is linked with biodiversity, as seems to be the case in many (though not all) habitat types, then this unique method of viewing the urban landscape becomes a powerful tool for informing wildlife ecologists, nature conservationists, urban planners, environmental managers and landscape architects.  相似文献   

Gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) use trees for various resource needs in urban and nonurban settings; particularly, mast producing trees which are the preferred and supplemental foods for the species. During periods of abundant mast availability, less time will be invested in foraging because of the higher success rate stemming from the increased ability to locate food items. Conversely, in periods of reduced mast availability, more time will be invested in foraging. However, correlations between food availability and foraging effort are only supported under the assumption that gray squirrels rely significantly on mast as a preferred or supplemental food source (Nixon et al, J Wildl Manag 39:1–25, 1975). Therefore, given the seasonal variation in the availability of mast, there should also be correlating seasonal variations in foraging effort. In this paper, we will examine daily and seasonal time-activity budgets of gray squirrels in urban areas. We studied the time-activity budgets of gray squirrels in six urban parks in Baltimore, MD. Seasonal frequencies of activities were expressed as percent occurrence and seasonal differences in activities were analyzed using a Tukey Studentized multiple range test for significance. We found that the activity with highest percent occurrence was forage (2003, summer: 23.8 %, fall: 25.9 %; 2004, summer: 23.1 %, fall: 25.2 %), followed by feed and store, all activities associated with food. Results of the Tukey Studentized multiple range test for seasonal differences of activities yielded significant results (P?P?=?0.003); fall 2003 and fall 2004 (P?=?0.048).  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Currently, there are naturalized populations of feral pigeon (Columba livia var. domestica) worldwide with an estimated global population between 165 and 330 million individuals....  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Termites comprise a large group of organisms in urban areas, and this leads us to believe that there is a comprehensive literature on the subject, sufficient for conducting a...  相似文献   


Huge advances have been made in deepening and expanding our knowledge of gendered migration over the last decades in both theoretical and methodological terms. Empirically it is, however, still the case that North–South migration is at the basis of most theorisations, leaving the characteristics of South–South migration at the margins. In this paper we, therefore, shift the focus to intra- and trans-regional migration in a South–South context in exploring what this means for women migrants. While feminist scholars have highlighted care and the ways in which migration challenges social reproduction as an important issue, mainstream approaches continue to focus predominantly on the ‘productive’ lives of migrant workers. With migration theories still largely drawing on the experience of South–North migration, there continues to be relatively little understanding of South–South migration’s gender dynamics, despite the fact that many of the highly feminised, yet hyper-precarious, migration flows occur intra-regionally.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for the study of human ecosystems in urban areas   总被引:25,自引:11,他引:14  
The need for integrated concepts, capable of satisfying natural and social scientists and supporting integrated research, motivates a conceptual framework for understanding the role of humans in ecosystems. The question is how to add humans to the ecological models used to understand urban ecosystems. The ecosystem concept can serve as the basis, but specific social attributes of humans and their institutions must be added. Learning and feedback between the human and natural components of urban ecosystems are key attributes of the integrated model. Parallels with familiar ecological approaches can help in understanding the ecology of urban ecosystems. These include the role of spatial heterogeneity and organizational hierarchies in both the social and natural components of urban ecosystems. Although urban watersheds are commonly highly altered, the watershed approach can serve as a spatial basis for organizing comparative studies of ecosystems exhibiting differing degrees of urbanization. The watershed concept can also spatially organize the hierarchically scaled linkages by which the integrated human ecosystem model can be applied. The study of urban ecosystems is a relatively new field, and the questions suggested by the integrated framework can be used to frame ecosystem research in and associated with urban and metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Understanding the structure and function of urban landscapes requires integrating social and ecological research. Here, we integrate parallel social and ecological assessments of...  相似文献   

While commonly associated with regional ‘mega-cities’, rapid urbanization in the less-developed world has also begun to define growth in small- and moderate-sized settlements on the periphery of major metropolitan areas. The dispersal of population growth to these smaller areas holds significant implications for environmental, economic, and social health, and threatens local food security, increases congestions, and induces difficulty in service provision. This study examines the effects of spatial disintegration and rapid urbanization in the stock of arable land in Egypt. To assess this issue, the study will meet three objectives. First, we evaluate the relationship between population growth and urban land cover expansion in small- and moderate-sized settlements in Egypt. Second, we consider the role of selected geographic determinants in influencing the growth of these areas through the use of a regression model. The selection of an appropriate model type is a sub-objective and will be discussed further. Third, these drivers of growth will be assessed through their effects on the country’s stock of arable land. These objectives will be met through the development and application of the regression models, in order to examine the relationship between urban land expansion and several independent variables. An increase in population is found to have a positive and statistically significant effect on corresponding urban land cover area. Surprisingly, the variables commonly associated with urbanization in Egypt - proximity to major roads, the capital of Cairo, and the Nile River - though exhibiting a positive relationship with urban growth, are not statistically significant in the selected case studies. This research underlines the necessity for a combined approach to policy formation - with input from policy fields as varied as agriculture, urban planning, and land reclamation - to slow outward growth and maintain arable land stocks.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of urban areas as hosts for innovative ways to conserve and promote biodiversity. Parks, as one specific type of urban green space, constitute particularly important biodiversity hotspots in the cityscape. We reviewed empirical findings on the species richness in urban parks across all species groups that have been studied. The aim was to assess and discuss the overall species richness of urban parks, its community attributes and drivers. Search and subsequent selection process resulted in 62 papers from 25 different countries. For all examined species groups, the findings consistently show that parks are among the most species rich types of urban green spaces, but also that exotics constitute large shares, especially of plant species. Key ecological theories like the gradient approach and the island habitat ecological theory, and fundamental ecological relationships such as the species-area relationship are valid despite the manipulated ‘nature’ of parks and the surrounding urban matrix. Most studies surveyed large number of parks and applied ‘multi-scale’ approaches in tests of confounding variables, providing methodological strength. While matrix effects are consistently found to affect species richness negatively, the diversity of habitats and microhabitat heterogeneity contained in urban parks appears as the most decisive factor for the overall species richness. However, a constraint of research to date is the limitation of individual studies to one or a few species groups, rarely bridging between flora and fauna. Adopting ‘multi-species group’ approaches in future research is needed to further advance the understanding of the overall biodiversity of urban parks, and its drivers.  相似文献   

王海天  王成欣 《城市》2010,(10):45-49
自从有人类活动以来,居住与道路就是相伴发展的。有怎样的居住水平,就需要有怎样的道路与之相适应。人类早期没有固定的住所,因此也没有固定的道路。《尔雅》中说:“道者蹈也,路者露也”,就是说当时的道路是由于人的行走而自然产生的。后来人类逐步形成聚居部落及至出现城市,产生固定的居住区,出现了居住区道路。  相似文献   

"This article provides a broad overview of literature on some of the consequences of international migration for urban and, in particular, metropolitan areas in Australia and New Zealand. The focus therefore is diverse; highlighting similarities in the experiences of each country...;and emphasizing long-term and permanent movements favoured by successive governments on both sides of the Tasman Sea.... The four sets of impacts discussed in this article relate to the population, labour force, residential and settlement patterns and social and cultural factors." (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Green roofs have recently gained recognition for their potential contribution to urban ecosystems by providing, among other services, habitat for plants and animals, and stepping...  相似文献   

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